Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)

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Being cooped up in the house has given me the perfect excuse to move on a new amp. I’ve always heard wonderful things about dht 45 set amps. Based on Kevin’s glowing review and some correspondence with him and builder, I decided to pull the trigger. Now to exercise patience for the next couple weeks. Super excited to hear that 45 magic!


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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #1 on: 21 Mar 2020, 12:34 am »
Being cooped up in the house has given me the perfect excuse to move on a new amp. I’ve always heard wonderful things about dht 45 set amps. Based on Kevin’s glowing review and some correspondence with him and builder, I decided to pull the trigger. Now to exercise patience for the next couple weeks. Super excited to hear that 45 magic!

Looking forward to your thoughts. What preamp is that in the middle?

Also is that the Audio Mirror DAC? Which version? I’m getting the III SE tomorrow. Can’t wait. I’m actually very happy with my fully upgraded MHDT Orchid, but was told I have to try the AM. ILL be done with dacs after this. The winners keep and sell the other.


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #2 on: 21 Mar 2020, 12:57 am »
Lta mz2s is the pre and also my favorite integrated with my omegas. I have the se version of the audio mirror. The duelund caps take a month to burn-in, seriously. A truly outstanding dac! I’ve heard the same for the modded orchid. Cheers


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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #3 on: 21 Mar 2020, 05:23 am »
Those duelunds are huge. Luckily the AM I’m getting has 250hrs in it so won’t have to wait too long to compare.


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #4 on: 21 Mar 2020, 08:55 pm »
an update - i really appreciate this stuff!

Hello thought I would send some pictures

The power transformer is made in Japan back in the mid 1960’s by Tamura. Notice the very heavy copper band all around the transformer, and the quality construction. If you could buy a transformer of this quality today it would cost well over 200.00. This transformer can run all day long and never get hot. It is a studio grade meant for professional use. Sorry if I go on about these power transformers but I just love high quality vintage electronics. More pictures to come. Alan


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #5 on: 21 Mar 2020, 09:32 pm »
Those look great! Do you pull them out further off the wall when listening?


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #6 on: 21 Mar 2020, 11:10 pm »
I don’t, they are a bit further than the pic suggests. They sound great no matter where I put them honestly. I sit about 7 feet away.


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #7 on: 22 Mar 2020, 02:29 am »
Being cooped up in the house has given me the perfect excuse to move on a new amp. I’ve always heard wonderful things about dht 45 set amps. Based on Kevin’s glowing review and some correspondence with him and builder, I decided to pull the trigger. Now to exercise patience for the next couple weeks. Super excited to hear that 45 magic!

Beautiful setup! I bet it sounds as good as it looks. Enjoy!


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #8 on: 22 Mar 2020, 12:47 pm »
Thank you Jim, certainly does!


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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #9 on: 22 Mar 2020, 11:10 pm »
What’s your guesstimate of hours it took the duelunds to full break in?


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #10 on: 23 Mar 2020, 12:04 am »
It took a solid month with music playing 7-8 hrs a day before it really started to shine. It has continued to improve since November. Little backstory - I had original AM iiii and returned it to Vlad for the SE package. I was disappointed w the SE early on, sounded compressed, and the original just sounded better, but it was well broken-in (6 months). At the end of a long month - the dynamics, soundstage, layering, and bass returned and the duelunds showed just how stellar they are. You’re certainly going to need to give them some time. At 250 hours they are good but still a ways off. That’s my .02


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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #11 on: 23 Mar 2020, 12:42 am »
It took a solid month with music playing 7-8 hrs a day before it really started to shine. It has continued to improve since November. Little backstory - I had original AM iiii and returned it to Vlad for the SE package. I was disappointed w the SE early on, sounded compressed, and the original just sounded better, but it was well broken-in (6 months). At the end of a long month - the dynamics, soundstage, layering, and bass returned and the duelunds showed just how stellar they are. You’re certainly going to need to give them some time. At 250 hours they are good but still a ways off. That’s my .02

Perfect. That sounds like what I’ve been reading. The original owner confirmed about 250hr total on DAC and prob need a good week of 8hr days to go on the duelunds especially because the DAC was sitting for a while and shipped in the freezing cold. Free cryo  :lol:

But I’m still happy on my first real day of listening. Next trying to decide what to feed it best. I have AES, USB, and coax. You have a preference?


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #12 on: 23 Mar 2020, 12:56 am »
That’s great, I love free cryo! ! I’ve only used usb so not of much help. I think this upcoming weekend will give you a real window into the dac... keep us posted.


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #13 on: 23 Mar 2020, 09:12 pm »
More progress

I hope to paint the chassis today then I can start wiring tomorrow  :D


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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #14 on: 24 Mar 2020, 02:20 am »
Love the updates! Very intrigued my Alan Eatons amps. Heard good things about his 300b monoblocks too.


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #15 on: 24 Mar 2020, 02:23 am »
Chassis painted brown hammer tone


Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #16 on: 24 Mar 2020, 02:31 am »
Kray - he’s been great to work with. Kevin at glowinthedarkaudio says it’s his favorite 45 set. Although he recommends globe 45 tubes and they aren’t cheap... Louis thinks it will be magic. I am certainly limited by the 1.5 watts but I prefer to listen at lower volumes. Low watts is my wheelhouse  8)


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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #17 on: 24 Mar 2020, 02:33 pm »

Hello. I've been quietly lurking on this thread since it began.  :)

I would like to ask you questions about your Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE DAC if you don't mind.

Before trying out this DAC with its AD 1865N-K chip, which other NOS DACs had you tried? Specifically, had you tried DACs using either the TDA1543 or TDA1541 chip in NOS tube DACs? [I ask because I own two DACs from different manufacturers - one with the TDA1543 and one with the TDA1541, and quite like them. However, to the best of my knowledge, I've never heard a DAC with the AD1865 chip.] You could say I like the NOS DAC sound.  :thumb:

BTW, I really like the various amps showcased on Glow in the Dark Audio's website. I'm not quite ready to commission one of them for my use (mostly because my wife might pour concrete into my ears while I slept  :o), but I sure like looking at the pictures!

Thanks for any input.



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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #18 on: 24 Mar 2020, 04:57 pm »
Hi Michael

I can chime here too if you don’t mind. I’m using a AM III SE. previously I was using a Audio Note Kits 4.1LE DAC with the AD1865 chip, and I have two dacs in my house right now. The AM and a heavily modded MHDT Orchid with TDA1541A.

I’m holding off on a full comparison until I get about two more weeks on the AM and pop in a SR blue fuse (since I have a upgraded fuse in the Orchid)

The AM and Orchid are both better than the ANK IMHO. The ANK is super smooth to a trade off of some micro detail and air. My ANK has Audio Note copper caps which some say are too laid back. For some this might be perfect, so very system dependent. I’m using a Line Magnetic 518ia SET amp with Omega Super 6 XRS speakers.


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Re: Too much time on my hands - new set amp (incoming)
« Reply #19 on: 24 Mar 2020, 06:36 pm »
Hi Michael

I can chime here too if you don’t mind. I’m using a AM III SE. previously I was using a Audio Note Kits 4.1LE DAC with the AD1865 chip, and I have two dacs in my house right now. The AM and a heavily modded MHDT Orchid with TDA1541A.

I’m holding off on a full comparison until I get about two more weeks on the AM and pop in a SR blue fuse (since I have a upgraded fuse in the Orchid)

The AM and Orchid are both better than the ANK IMHO. The ANK is super smooth to a trade off of some micro detail and air. My ANK has Audio Note copper caps which some say are too laid back. For some this might be perfect, so very system dependent. I’m using a Line Magnetic 518ia SET amp with Omega Super 6 XRS speakers.

I absolutely do not mind, and enthusiastically encourage it!  :thumb:

Did that heavily modded Orchid come to you by way of Grannyring by any chance?

I suspect your ANK DAC is more or less similar to my SW1X DAC III STD unit. Mine has whatever Slawa chose as 'standard' caps. I'm too lazy to go downstairs to see which they are. My other DAC - a dB Audio Labs Tranquility SE - uses the TDA1543; has Jupiter Cu caps, and is not tubed. The Tranquility really opened my ears to what NOS DACs can do for a system's sound. One year later I treated myself to the SW1X DAC - wow, wow, wow. I like NOS DACs!

$2600 for the AM SE III places it midway between my two DACs. Hmm....HMM...says the guy in Oregon where EVERYONE is in lockdown. What is an addict to do?  :wink: Last week, I decided that should I live through this nasty *&^%$#@! viral epidemic that I would treat myself to some really sweet audio gear. [Not that my current gear isn't sweet, but you likely understand my thinking.] You only live once.

Do I buy another DAC, integrated amplifier or speakers? I'm sure I won't keep it a secret once I finally decide. You're welcome to try to influence my decision.

Be well....Peace!
