LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp

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Re: LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp
« Reply #80 on: 14 Nov 2019, 04:52 pm »
Extensive high end experience, which caps, ext. are installed?

The VCAP copper teflons. While pricey I have to admit these really impressed me personally.

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Re: LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp
« Reply #81 on: 14 Nov 2019, 11:21 pm »
In my case, I have the VCAP ODAM oil damped advanced metalized with stock Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold.


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Re: LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp
« Reply #82 on: 15 Nov 2019, 12:24 am »
In my case, I have the VCAP ODAM oil damped advanced metalized with stock Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold.

The most interesting alternative tube to the 6H30 that I've tried to date is the Telefunken Black Diamond 6922 - around $104 a pair. Probably my favorite so far.


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Re: LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp
« Reply #83 on: 17 Nov 2019, 01:02 am »
Just got mine today at last. It took a while to finally get to the UK, then Customs kept it for two and half weeks, during which time they wrote me two letters about it. Actual letters. Who does that these days for this sort of thing? It's Dickensian. (And they stung me for $500 tax; not excise, UK sales tax. Win some you lose some.)

Worth it in this case though, for sure. I had been wondering whether I'd spent too much money on a preamp. More than I've spent on one before. Indeed I buy 10x more vintage audio gear than I do new anyway. And how much difference does a pre-amp really make, I started to think.

It's also the first new valve amp I've bought. I've got early Quad II monoblocks (who doesn't at some point or other over here?), but my contemporary amps are all SS. The LDR3000T is currently between English solid state either side: Sugden masterclass phono stage and Nord hypex nc500 dual mono power amp.

The difference it makes to the sound is astonishing. I echo what others have said: clarity, purity, soundstage. But I particularly agree with "clean". It's really unbelievably clean. And natural. Very very natural sound.

And the one thing that I don't think others have mentioned but which is really striking in my system is the bass. Huge extra bass depth and slam, to the extent that I'm almost not sure if it's too much. This is going into Neat SX1 speakers, quite a small floorstander which is not particularly bassy (I love them, but they're quite restrained), at relatively low volumes in a small room.

Anyway, I'm incredibly impressed. I would recommend this amp to anyone. And in the middle of an avowedly neutral SS system (and to "neutralist/naturalist" English ears), I think the little bit of valvery works incredibly well. There's an English word I don't think Americans use: gobsmacked. I am truly gobsmacked by this amp.

Bravo, Morten and pals, and thank you.


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Re: LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp
« Reply #84 on: 18 Nov 2019, 02:48 pm »
Just got mine today at last. It took a while to finally get to the UK, then Customs kept it for two and half weeks, during which time they wrote me two letters about it. Actual letters. Who does that these days for this sort of thing? It's Dickensian. (And they stung me for $500 tax; not excise, UK sales tax. Win some you lose some.)

Worth it in this case though, for sure. I had been wondering whether I'd spent too much money on a preamp. More than I've spent on one before. Indeed I buy 10x more vintage audio gear than I do new anyway. And how much difference does a pre-amp really make, I started to think.

It's also the first new valve amp I've bought. I've got early Quad II monoblocks (who doesn't at some point or other over here?), but my contemporary amps are all SS. The LDR3000T is currently between English solid state either side: Sugden masterclass phono stage and Nord hypex nc500 dual mono power amp.

The difference it makes to the sound is astonishing. I echo what others have said: clarity, purity, soundstage. But I particularly agree with "clean". It's really unbelievably clean. And natural. Very very natural sound.

And the one thing that I don't think others have mentioned but which is really striking in my system is the bass. Huge extra bass depth and slam, to the extent that I'm almost not sure if it's too much. This is going into Neat SX1 speakers, quite a small floorstander which is not particularly bassy (I love them, but they're quite restrained), at relatively low volumes in a small room.

Anyway, I'm incredibly impressed. I would recommend this amp to anyone. And in the middle of an avowedly neutral SS system (and to "neutralist/naturalist" English ears), I think the little bit of valvery works incredibly well. There's an English word I don't think Americans use: gobsmacked. I am truly gobsmacked by this amp.

Bravo, Morten and pals, and thank you.

Thanks for your feedback and positive comments. It's reassuring that the impressions of others to this preamp are consistent with our own reactions to it. So we weren't just imagining it!!!  :thumb:


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Re: LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp
« Reply #85 on: 18 Nov 2019, 04:58 pm »
No you weren't imagining it. The only crazy here is crazy good.


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Re: LDR3000T.V25 Tube Preamp
« Reply #86 on: 2 Jan 2020, 03:24 pm »
Here's a note recently received from a customer via email with permission to publish.
An Amateur's Review of the Tortuga LDR3000T Audio Preamp
I consider myself a “budget” audiophile.  As much as I would like, I will never be able to afford four figure amps and/or speakers.  Therefore I try to find the best value equipment and slowly build from there.  Currently my system consists of a PS Audio DirectStream Junior with Burson differential monoblock amps into Vandersteen 2Ce Speakers.  A very accurate (I think) system.  Perhaps a bit harsh and revealing but still very musical.
There was a certain synergy which occurred when I paired the Tortuga’s LDRxB with my PS Audio DS Junior.  It was not a startling revelation or musical revolution.  But it felt “right”.  The DSJr is a quite capable machine when directly coupled to my mono blocks, producing detailed and amazing sound.  Adding the Tortuga passive preamp simply made it more musical and more comfortable without adding a signature of its own.
However, with the addition of the LDR3000T my system has gained a new level of musicality.   The same synergy exists as before but the music has a more solid foundation with a tighter punch.  This is somehow allowing the mids to reveal more clarity and detail.  The upper harmonics of the stand up bass in Miles Davis “Stand Up Blues” are clearer and more vivid than before.  The detail in Diana Krall’s voice in “Live In Paris” is a new treat.  I can now hear the acoustics of the room she is in (is that good or bad, I am not sure).  Track after track in my library are revealing new delight and even a few surprises.
The interface is easy and intelligent allowing one to quickly navigate the options or get into the nitty-gritty details as one desires.  The appearance is that of a small black tank. Solid and compact with a certain elegance.
Morten and the Tortuga crew has outdone themselves this time (again) and produced a high value preamp for budget minded audiophiles.  If you don’t believe me then try it out for yourself.  They offer a 30 day in home demo.  If you are not overwhelmed by this kit then send it back for a full refund.  But I think you won’t...
Jeff Fehlman
Jeju, South Korea