Firmware Updates - V25

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  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #20 on: 20 Aug 2018, 06:44 pm »
Version 211:  Corrected an annoying problem that only a few owners experienced. When muting was initiated via the remote, the preamp would ramp down to zero volume but would then immediately ramp back up again. Only a few users experienced this mute yo-yo behavior because it only happened after switching inputs using the slow mode. Using fast input switching would not trigger this behavior. A simple enough fix but took us good while to figure out why this was happening since most units did not exhibit this behavior.

Firmware Download:


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #21 on: 2 Nov 2018, 03:19 pm »
Version 215:  This update also includes intermediate updates 212 through 214. Most of the changes since rev 211 were "under the hood" changes and minor fixes. However, this latest update includes the following key fix plus a new feature related to Phase Inversion:

Fix - Several customers ran into an intermittent problem with waking up the preamp after the display timed-out (turned off). This has now been fixed.

New - We've modified the menu structure slightly to include a new option labeled "VolDisplay". VolDisplay now allows the user to select between 3 options as to how the secondary (left/right) controls work when viewing the default volume control display.

The default is "Balance" which is the original approach where left/right button on the remote adjusts the channel balance.

The second option is "Input". When this option is selected the left/right controls in the volume control display will now switch the inputs instead of adjust balance and a whole new main menu item labeled "Balance" becomes available which is where you'll need to go to change channel balance.

The third and final option is "Phase/Input". When this option is selected the right button will change the input to the next input. The left button will toggle the Phase Inversion (more on that below). Most of you will not have Phase Inversion enabled so you can ignore this option.

Phase Inversion - Owners/buyers of V25 based balanced passive preamps now have the option to add the phase inversion feature to their balanced preamps. This does NOT apply to single-ended units. With phase inversion, external inputs #1 and #2 are also wired to inputs #5 and #6 internally except the balanced phases are wired oppositely on #5 and #6. By toggling Phase Inversion on the remote, the selected signal swaps the + and - phase signals. For those keen on optimizing phase alignment during playback, this can be a handy little feature.

Firmware Download:


  • Jr. Member
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #22 on: 17 Dec 2018, 06:45 pm »
Hi Morten - thanks for ALL the help offline in getting my controller integrated into my project!

Is there any way for the software to detect if there's a signal playing? A feature I'd love to see is an option to auto-shut off after X minutes/hours of no signal to preserve the life of the LDR modules.



  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #23 on: 17 Dec 2018, 08:01 pm »
Is there any way for the software to detect if there's a signal playing? A feature I'd love to see is an option to auto-shut off after X minutes/hours of no signal to preserve the life of the LDR modules.

The current design is not able to do this. It would require some type of active or passive signal detection that would reset a timeout timer anytime the signal exceeded a certain RMS level. This can get quite involved not because it's all that hard to do in conceptually but because the design can get quite involved in order to prevent false positives (shutting down when you're listening to your system) and to avoid not shutting down ever because the detection threshold is too low.

What COULD be easily implemented is an auto-shutoff when the user hasn't provided a control input after say 6 hours. This shutoff time period could also be made user adjustable anywhere from 0 (feature off) to say 24 hours.

I welcome everyone's thoughts on this.



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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #24 on: 17 Dec 2018, 08:54 pm »
That makes total sense. And you are right in that based on the thresholds, it could potentially create a frustrating user experience.

I tend to change volume quite often. The longest I can imagine not changing volume is

a) if a single album is playing (normalized volume)
b) if a movie is being watched that doesn't have much variability (explosions --> soft speech)
c) if a radio channel is playing and I'm entertaining

An adjustable auto-off since last key press would be *awesome*. I'd probably set it to 3h. Perhaps a countdown of 15 seconds that says "Powering off in..." so user could choose to press a button and override?


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #25 on: 28 Feb 2019, 05:48 pm »
Version 220: 

Change: This update includes a major change to the menu structure as it relates to both Impedance & Calibration as detailed below. This changes provides a more logical and consistent set of controls around the closely related topics of impedance and calibration. This change now makes it unlikely to accidentally start calibration.

1) The separate Cal and Imped menu items have been combined into a single Imp-Cal menu item.

2) When the Imp-Cal menu item is selected, the user will see the Impedance Control Action display where the impedance setting/level can be changed by the user as before.

3) While in the Impedance Control Action display the use of the Enter and Menu buttons now work the same as all other displays and Calibration can only be started via the Mute button

   a) Enter returns the unit to the default Volume Control Action display (previously this would start calibration).
   b) Menu escapes back out to the Imp-Cal menu list item.
   c) Calibration can now only be started by pressing the Mute (lower right) button causing the display to switch to the Calibration Control Action display.

4) When viewing the Calibration Control Action display calibration will be running
   a) Enter button will quit calibration and return the unit to the default Volume Control Action display
   b) Menu button will quit calibration and escape back out to the Impedance Control Action display. 

Fix - If user was playing music while switching to an impedance setting that
   had not been set up yet (setting was "off") the volume would briefly surge before muting.

Firmware Download:

« Last Edit: 28 Feb 2019, 08:02 pm by tortugaranger »


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #26 on: 28 Jun 2019, 02:27 pm »
Versions 221-225:

Overview: This set of update spans 4 revisions and includes several minor fixes, tweaks and new items which  in my view are not critical and do not warrant a user to bother updating their firmware. 

However, two items are of note:

1) Users who routinely use the display timeout feature should take note of a fix that resolves a difficulty in waking the display back up after an extended time being timed out/off.

2) Those who own V25 based preamps with our original 7-segment displays will need to be aware that starting with version 2.2.5 firmware we've eliminated the Auto-Calibration Run/Stop mode from the control/mode sequence. Calibration has been changed to conform with the new approach used with the OLED display wherein the user starts a calibration cycle while in the Impedance Adjust control mode by pressing the Mute (lower right hand) button. Subseqently pressing the Enter/Center button can stop the calibration cycle.

Firmware Info & Download Link:
(you may have to click on the menu item "3.1 V25 Firmware Version" to get this link to display)


  • Jr. Member
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #27 on: 30 Jun 2019, 02:27 pm »
I think the 225 firmware file is misplaced.  When I click on the link I get a "file-not-found.txt" text file...
PS I'm one of the users who has the (admittedly trivial) display won't wake up reliably problem, so I'm looking forward to this one.  Otherwise the system works perfectly and sounds great!


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #28 on: 30 Jun 2019, 08:02 pm »
I think the 225 firmware file is misplaced.  When I click on the link I get a "file-not-found.txt" text file...
PS I'm one of the users who has the (admittedly trivial) display won't wake up reliably problem, so I'm looking forward to this one.  Otherwise the system works perfectly and sounds great!

We changed over to a new server this weekend and apparently we didn't get this particular file moved along with everything else. It's now been added to the folder so it should be available for download if you give it another try. If you run into any further problems please let me know.



  • Jr. Member
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #29 on: 30 Jun 2019, 08:50 pm »
Got the file fine, just installed.  It seems to upload fine, although lightening quick - almost instantly.  I do get the confirming message from the bootloader indicating the correct ver. 225 filename, but when I check the firmware version in the menu, it still shows 220.  I repeated the uploading process a couple times, exactly the same. 
Any thoughts?


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #30 on: 30 Jun 2019, 09:46 pm »
Got the file fine, just installed.  It seems to upload fine, although lightening quick - almost instantly.  I do get the confirming message from the bootloader indicating the correct ver. 225 filename, but when I check the firmware version in the menu, it still shows 220.  I repeated the uploading process a couple times, exactly the same. 
Any thoughts?

It loads quickly (a few seconds) but not as quick as you describe. It's around 300 kB. If version is still showing 220 then it didn't really load. I've nevr observed the behavior you describe so I don't have an insights. I'll recompile the file and load it again on the server. Perhaps the file  got corrupted. Will update here when I've done updating it.


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #31 on: 30 Jun 2019, 10:27 pm »
It loads quickly (a few seconds) but not as quick as you describe. It's around 300 kB. If version is still showing 220 then it didn't really load. I've nevr observed the behavior you describe so I don't have an insights. I'll recompile the file and load it again on the server. Perhaps the file  got corrupted. Will update here when I've done updating it.

Ok, I've redone it and made sure the version 2.2.5 file is correct and downloads correctly. Give it another go and see what happens.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 19
Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #32 on: 1 Jul 2019, 10:42 pm »
That worked fine - was much more like a normal firmware update, taking a few seconds with a visible progress bar.  The OLED display now shows ver 225, so all is well.
Thanks very much!


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #33 on: 2 Jul 2019, 03:08 am »
That worked fine - was much more like a normal firmware update, taking a few seconds with a visible progress bar.  The OLED display now shows ver 225, so all is well.
Thanks very much!



  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #34 on: 14 Jul 2019, 09:33 pm »
I've had at least a couple of customers report that they've successfully updated V25 firmware with their MAC computers by using Boot Camp plus Windows 10 and then running our windows based bootloader app. I personally have very limited experience with MACs and although suggesting someone use Windows on a MAC might seem cruel it appears to be a viable workaround. Just a reminder that we are not anti-MAC, we are simply constrained by our firmware development toolchain supplier who inexplicably refuses to provide either a LINUX or MAC equivalent bootloader app. I've given up on changing their minds but will be moving to a different set of development tools later this year that will allow firmware updating by any computer type. 


  • Facilitator
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Re: Firmware Updates - V25
« Reply #35 on: 22 Jun 2020, 02:47 pm »
We just updated the V25 firmware changelog to reflect numerous (mostly minor) updates to the firmware over the past 12 months. Clearly we had fallen way behind in documenting these changes even though these changes made their way into newer units along the  way.

Here's a link to the V25 changelog:

Here's a link to the firmware updating instructions: