Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers

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Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers (and Kits)
« Reply #20 on: 1 May 2020, 08:03 am »
Hello guys,
Theses 2 mid-bassspeakers sound very good in enclosures and get the good specs for OB, what do you think of them  :

Davis 20MC8A (FS 37; QTS 0.54; Sensitivity 91)
Dynaudio MN 172 Esotec ( FS 45; QTS 0.51; Sensitivity 90)

Plus for mid-bass I also wonder what to choose between GR Research M-165-16 and Wild Burro Betsy. My system will be 4 ways with a mid upon and a sub below My mid-bass operating from 100 to 500 hz. Any advice ?


Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers (and Kits)
« Reply #21 on: 1 May 2020, 01:04 pm »
Hi, your question is confusing. Your midbass drivers are for 100-500 Hz? And these 8" drivers are for below 100 Hz? They are too small for that.

OK if I split your question to a separate thread?


Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers (and Kits)
« Reply #22 on: 13 May 2020, 06:38 pm »
 Here are some more options - the Bass drivers by Goldwood first a 15 inch driver GW-1558 and also their 18 inch Bass driver GW1858 , both are fairly inexpensive work great , and are used in many Open baffles speakers. The Mid-bass driver Eminence LiL' BUDDY at 98.8db with a Med-High Q, and is - 79.95 has been used by several people and is very recommended. The Eminence B102 woofer is also used in several Open baffles.
 - Several people are also running an Open Baffle Speaker with a Ciare CCH250 full range driver, and here is one quote - "The Ciare's are running without any filter network and sound surprising good". To repeat and augment an earlier recommendation Troels Gravesen who is a very respected and highly prolific speaker designer has used the Ciare NDH 15-4S bass drivers, as well as the Faital 15PR-400 bass drivers in several of his Open baffle designs, his designs are available with all the documentation and can be used by diy people - The speaker KITS are also available thru his website /and Jantzen Audio if you want to not have to do the leg work of finding the parts yourself. The JA8008-HMQ is one of the mid Range drivers he actually designed and is using in several OB's and is available online. And surprisingly the  SEAS T35C002 Dome tweeter is also used in Open baffle with a T35C002 Waveguide . Jordan Audio, and Mark Audio Alpair speakers are good candidates, and some Fostex drivers are too , all are full range Open Baffle candidates.... also the Tang Band 1808 is a good driver. Lastly for a new Mid-Range option the PRV 5MR450-NDY is a very nice driver that can be used with a baffle or even no baffle at all! Here is a quote from someone using 4 of them in a vertical array with no Baffle ... " I am using a quad array of PRV 5MR450-NDY 'full range' drivers (which roll off at about a 150Hz) " --- after going baffle-less he says - "Not to everyone's taste, admittedly, but after going baffle-less as an experiment. I was so shocked by the result, there is no going back!" 
 There are also some great used drivers floating around that work extremely well too for OB's - the Audio company Bastanis made Great 12 inch drivers for open baffles , and if you can find them Hammer Dynamics had a very nice 12 inch driver designed specifically for Open Baffle speakers!
  There are Many Vintage options too! Vintage drivers can be found on ebay and other places, many Coral drivers are good candidates, as are vintage drivers that come out of old stereo consoles - Zenith drivers are very in demand , especially the Zenith 49CZ852 which is a highly sought after 12 inch driver - see and various forum threads. Another vintage driver option are Saba Green Cone speakers as well. If you are really committed , a high end idea are french EMS/Fertin Field Coil drivers which work very well in Open Baffles, and are said to be very musical. 

Best Regards,


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Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers (and Kits)
« Reply #23 on: 15 May 2020, 03:39 am »
There are three Visaton open-baffle kits not included in the list. I don't know if this is on purpose.


The next two are really part open baffle (woofer only)




Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers (and Kits)
« Reply #24 on: 22 Nov 2020, 01:49 pm »
Added SB Audience woofers and GRS planar mids/tweets.


Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers (and Kits)
« Reply #25 on: 22 Nov 2020, 01:54 pm »
There are three Visaton open-baffle kits not included in the list. I don't know if this is on purpose.

Hi, the first is not OB (?), the others are plans not kits. There is another thread for plans but if these are OB only in bass I don't think they meet the definition for inclusion. You can post in the other thread if you like.


Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers (and Kits)
« Reply #26 on: 22 Nov 2020, 02:54 pm »
Added Ciare and Goldwood.


Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers
« Reply #27 on: 29 Dec 2020, 04:11 am »
Updated, also added non-recommended driver list. Moved kits to

Ross A

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Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers
« Reply #28 on: 1 Oct 2023, 01:19 am »
One lad in my small circle loves Visaton tweets, no direct experience but reports show empirically good results albeit extensively modeled


Re: Open Baffle Resources: DIY Drivers
« Reply #29 on: 20 Jan 2024, 02:06 am »
I've been through this list and updated links etc etc. Added the Radian drivers.

If you know of more or if there are any corrections, please post, thanks :)

Link to first post