New Directions at Modwright!!!

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New Directions at Modwright!!!
« on: 24 Sep 2015, 12:55 pm »
We are preparing for RMAF as you know…

We are going to be unveiling some exciting new products:

845 DS - 32W SET amplifier, Cost No Object Mono Blocks!

Ambrose 10W SE EL34 stereo amp.

SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition prototype preamp - to be released later this year (< $3K).

Damon Coffman Design (Coffman Labs) designed tube headphone amp - purely prototype - for customer feedback. (EXCITING NEW PRODUCT!!!) 2W all-tube headphone amp, also capable of driving efficient speakers.  Ultimate headphone/desktop speaker amp!

We will be in the following rooms:

Iris Room: ModWright/WyWires/Daedalus.
Ambrose EL34 tube, KWA 150SE's, LS 36.5 'DM', Elyse DAC, PH 150 phono and Modified Oppo 105D.

8002: ModWright/Skogrand/Triangle Art Turntables/Massif Design wood racks.
845 DS Tube Mono Blocks fronted by LS 36.5 'DM', Elyse DAC, PH 150 Phono, and Modified Oppo BDP 105D.
422: ModWright/Purity Audio/Deadalus/Dynamic Design
Elyse DAC and PH 150 in use.
« Last Edit: 9 Sep 2018, 05:27 pm by modwright »


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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #1 on: 24 Sep 2015, 01:11 pm »
You had to introduce the 845 amps the year I can't attend.  :evil:

I just hope the amps have enough headroom with the 91 dB E-5s.  I know the cabling is good -- I got them. 

Man, I wish I could spin my SRV 45's in this room.


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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #2 on: 24 Sep 2015, 02:06 pm »
You had to introduce the 845 amps the year I can't attend.  :evil:

I just hope the amps have enough headroom with the 91 dB E-5s.  I know the cabling is good -- I got them. 

Man, I wish I could spin my SRV 45's in this room.
Just a plane ride away!   ;)


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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #3 on: 24 Sep 2015, 02:22 pm »
Just a plane ride away!   ;)

Sure,  then it would be the last RMAF ever.   :roll:

Next year, they are going back to Columbus Day weekend and I should be fine.  Don't mess with your wedding anniversary.  :rules:


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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #4 on: 24 Sep 2015, 02:42 pm »
Sure,  then it would be the last RMAF ever.   :roll:

Next year, they are going back to Columbus Day weekend and I should be fine.  Don't mess with your wedding anniversary.  :rules:
Rocky Mountains on an anniversary would be wonderful!   ;)


Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #5 on: 24 Sep 2015, 06:08 pm »
I am not worried about the Endeavors. 91dB is plenty and they will sound fantastic!  I am excited and we are going to have a great show!

Happy Anniversary!




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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #6 on: 24 Sep 2015, 06:09 pm »

Congrats on your (many) new products! Sadly, I was unable to attend CAF this year to see/hear the Ambrose but it seems to have created quite a stir. Truth be told, while I am still very much in love with my KWA150SE, I could be tempted away by a pair of your mono blocks--though I do hope that down the road you are able to add a pair to the lineup that are priced for us mortals! BTW, which Dynamic Design cables will you be showing in Room 422? Have a great show. Hope to see you at CAF in 2016.


Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #7 on: 26 Sep 2015, 06:33 am »
Hi and thanks.  I plan to look at a line of products that are closer to the $3K range also.

The big tube amps are NOT cheap to make and certainly not to the standard that we have striven for.

The headphone amp will be in our more affordable line as is the SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition.

Monoblocks I will have to see about.  It is COSTLY to build the KWA 150SE and it is a FINE amp.  It is hard to meet cost points without compromises, but it can be done.

Thank you for your support!



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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #8 on: 26 Sep 2015, 06:30 pm »

Please email me with headphone info. Very interested. Just had my amp upgraded, but also very interested in some non $40K tube monos. 8) Good luck at RMAF, I am sure another excellent showing.


Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #9 on: 27 Sep 2015, 02:46 am »
OK, here are the deet's.

It is a prototype and many things are still in flux.  The following will be issued in a press release.

Tube Headphone Amp prototype (yet to be named) - Target price range = $2995

Tube complement: (2) NOS 6922 or 6DJ8 dual triodes, (4) NOS 12B4 single triodes.
BW: 20Hz-30Khz or better.
Dimensions: TBD (Still early prototype)
Power:  Final is TBD, but capable of driving high efficiency speakers.  2-3 Watts or more.
Weight: TBD

Design details:
Circuit design by Damon Coffman of Coffman Labs design.
Shortest possible, all tube signal path design.
Vintage NOS OIP (Oil-In-Paper) coupling and bypass capacitors.
Single stage  NOS 6DJ8 -based voltage amplifier into NOS 12B4 based P-P output stage, transformer coupled with custom Electraprint Phase Splitting Reactors (PSRs) and P-P output transformers.
SS voltage rectification for best overall sound and lowest noise (determined after extensive listening and measurement).
Choke current and voltage regulation.

(1) Mini jack output, (1) XLR balanced output, (1) 1/4” output.
One pair RCA inputs.  (Possibly toggle for two inputs or selector for more - still TBD).
Volume control goes to ’11’.
Speaker Output jacks? TBD. At 2-3W, it could still drive high-efficiency speakers or desk speakers. (Input here welcome!)
Finish and Aesthetics:
Still TBD, but expectation is for well isolated, single enclosure design with small desk-friendly footprint.

A lot of details to be finalized.  Target price is to be $3K. It will be a NICE looking piece of gear!  Options will be determined by feedback from customers.

We may offer add cost options, depending on what options are desired, but we can cross that bridge.

I am thinking of a one-box design, dead quiet, with exposed tubes (removable tube cage) and retro/modern aesthetics with exposed tubes and modern finish.  Still a ways to go in this department, but the CIRCUIT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF!

I will be offering after-hour demos in the Iris Room at RMAF with Audeze LED-X, HiFi Man HE1000's, lower price Hifi Man model and Ether 'can's.  Wherever possible, Wywires custom headphone wire will be used for demos.

Anybody interested, PLEASE drop by at RMAF, or at least, please chime in with input here!

This is an exciting collaboration between Damon Coffman of Coffman Labs and ModWright Instruments (MWI).




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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #10 on: 11 Dec 2015, 06:38 pm »
Hey Dan:

Can you provide any update on the two new tube amps you recently debuted? Is it possible the Ambrose will be offered as switchable for use in monoblock pairs like the KWA150? Love to hear how things are coming along if you have anything to share.


Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #11 on: 11 Dec 2015, 09:16 pm »
Hi Guys, the Ambrose and 845 DS designs are both finalized and I am working on reviews for both.

I just returned from Las Vegas where we further optimized the 845 DS monoblocks with a small adjustment to the design which further reduced THD by up to 75% and IMD by up to 50%.  We had a great showing with the local Las Vegas audio society and the amps were very well received.

The Ambrose as shown is a 10W stereo amp.  We can also make a 20W stereo amp or 20W monoblocks.  For that design, 20W is the maximum power that we can achieve from an EL34 SE design.  The cost really depends on the finish of the enclosure.  The 10W Ambrose as shown in DC and at RMAF is $9995 retail, with flamed maple and EXPENSIVE solid billet AL enclosure details.  I know that we could offer the same design in a less exotic enclosure at a lower price.

Both pieces were built as concept designs and I took the Ambrose to Capital Audiofest first and then the 845 DS mono blocks to RMAF and have been honestly waiting to see what market acceptance is for such designs.

I really need to know what interest there is in 10W, 20W and 34W SE/SET designs.

Thanks and I look forward to any/all of your replies.

Dan Wright


Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #12 on: 11 Dec 2015, 09:21 pm »
I really like the looks of the 845 DS amp.  Looking forward to hearing more.


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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #13 on: 14 Dec 2015, 03:41 pm »
Hey Dan:

The new tube amp designs are beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing and hearing them, hopefully at CAF this summer. I wonder whether you might try the same approach with these as you have with your solid state offerings--a "basic" model in a less expensive aluminum enclosure styled to match your other gear and a "Special Edition" which would include an upgraded enclosure and (potentially) premium parts. I'm sure there are quite a few folks who would be willing to pay extra for the wood finish and higher grade metal work. You have a lot of people out there using your electronics with Daedalus speakers and the ability to select a wood finish for the amps to match their speakers would be VERY cool. A pair of mono blocks matched to the speaker finish would make quite a visual statement!

Maybe you could share a little more information about system matching with some of Lou's speakers? I've got the KWA150SE which is much loved driving my DA-1.1s with the AP and V2 upgrades. Based on what I've read about the 2015 CAF show, it seems that Lou's larger designs might like the additional power offered by the 845 monos but I wonder whether a pair of 20w Ambrose monoblocks would drive his full range systems (like mine) with authority as well. I really love the drive and ability to project that the KWA provides and do not want to loose any (much?) of that by going to a low powered tube design. But I have to say that your new creations have created a bit of tube lust in me. Have you had the ability to do much comparing of the new tube designs with your KWA 150SE's on the Ulysses in your shop? I think some of us who are happily using your solid state flagship would be interested in what can be gained by adopting tubes and would be interested in which model matches up best with the various Daedalus models.


Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #14 on: 15 Dec 2015, 12:41 am »
Hi and thanks for the input.  I agree that a Premium model and a lesser cost standard model makes sense.  The circuit design would be the same, but the premium would be in the parts cost and enclosure.

I have only compared the 10W EL34 amp to the 150SE and it IS enough power, unless you are in a BIG room.  The 150SE has a bit better control, but lacks the beauty of tubes that the 10W amp provides.  I DID hear the 20W version at Jack Elliano's last week, compared directly to a 10W version and the presence and control was SIGNIFICANT!  I am thinking that 20W monos simply make more sense all the way around. The 20W EL34 design would close the gap in terms of control, compared to the 150SE and still offer the beauty of tubes.

The 845's are the best sounding of the lot, in terms of presence, 3D soundstaging and the things that SET's JUST DO WELL!  This also comes at a price however, because the tubes and 'iron' to create them are simply not cheap.

I will look into pricing a 'Standard' finish for the 20W monos as well as the 845 monos and see what I can come up with.




Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #15 on: 1 Jan 2016, 03:15 pm »
What brand/model 845 tubes do you use?


Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #16 on: 2 Jan 2016, 07:12 pm »
PSVane 845s.




Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #17 on: 2 Jan 2016, 09:34 pm »
Hey Dan, check out the Gold Lion re-issue KT66s. They're my favorite power tube as they combine excellent resolution, frequency balance, and frequency extension on both ends, with SET like refinement and immediacy.



Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #18 on: 3 Jan 2016, 10:51 pm »
Thanks, I will check it out!



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Re: New Directions at Modwright!!!
« Reply #19 on: 25 Feb 2016, 07:55 pm »
Hey, Dan. Any update on the tube amps? What are the chances you will be bringing 20w Ambrose monos to CAF this year?