With a heavy heart I bare the news that we have lost an industry leader

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Sorry to hear. I talked with him last Thursday or Friday and he sounded like he had found a little peace with all that he had been through. Gary and Trung really introduced me to the advantages of DIY and Boutique gear and I'll be forever grateful for that.



Gary had a very tough last few years. I trust that he is in a better place now. Gary's gear transcended from normal stereo components into a form of art

 and he will be fondly remembered by many audiophiles.  http://www.10audio.com/images/Dodd_front.jpg


RIP Gary,,, you will be missed.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 546
  • Adelaide, South Australia
I read this right after Danny posted it and my heart sank, a very sad day. I wanted to post something but couldn't find the words, still can't, but here's a pic of the wonderful amp he built me, now sold sadly, and missed:

Lastly, Danny, you're the best friend a man could have, respect.



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 368
I once visited Gary at home in Dallas. It was easy to observe this was a guy who surrounded himself with tools and devices of a passion. Many drudge thru life never realizing their potential. Gary certainly can smile above knowing he did all, serving life's purpose well. Peace.


R.I.P., Gary.

Danny, you and yours did a wonderful thing, making sure that your friend was taken care of and was as comfortable as could be. Much respect.

Captain Humble

RIP Gary.
Sorry for your loss Danny.
Still loving my Dodd Battery Powered Pre!


A very talented designer!! A real loss.
My condolences to everyone.


They say, only the good die young, good thing they have such a great place to hangout while they wait for us.  :wink: My condolences to everyone close to him.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 59
I did not know him or used their products.
But Iam glad he had so many valuable friends.

Same here.  I had read some of the threads regarding his current state.

Never knew him, but am saddened at the loss of a seemingly great person.

RIP Gary.

Danny Richie

There will be a memorial service for Gary in Garland on August the 22nd. If you were a friend of Gary's and would like to attend then please send me a personal message for the details.


Very sad, but he was very lucky to have Danny as a friend. Danny, you are a real mensch.