Odyssey or sanders ?

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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #80 on: 1 Sep 2015, 11:45 am »
Eugene2, I think you left out "NOT" from the sentence above. Should be "you do not need the headroom of the Sanders", correct?
Yep left out not


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #81 on: 6 Sep 2015, 02:12 am »
I am still on the fence about my decision.

I just don't want to. Make the wrong decision, I don't mind seeing my 4 year saving plan go to someone else, I just "need to be sure I am making the correct decision"

I know both the kismets and sanders magtech's are absolutely the very best in their respective class, regardless of price, as spending much more really won't matter much in sound quality anyway.

I have literally been saving every dime and nickel I get my hands on for quite some time, and am just scared to spend all of it.  I know klaus said he will help, but I would rather have the cash in hand for the full monte, than go less and not get what I want. I am a all or nothing guy, if there's a better amp, than the one I get, and I didn't get "that" one, I would not be happy, as it would be on my head forever.

I am still saving for my amps'.  If I decide on the magtech, I WOULD start to save for the monoblocks upgrade and eventually would get there (3-4) more years of saving though. Ugghhhh

But, the Odyssey's are also available, and as I have the setup for monos, 2 nice hand stained cutting boards which I rest t he amps on(currently emotive xpa-1 monos) but they have been unplugged and unused since getting back my sunfire signature 600W stereo amp.

I still need a little more time to save just a little bit more before I am able to call klaus and say " I am ready, let's talk capacitance "  it's me having the money, and knowing I didn't get the very best I can for my very very hard earned money. Money does not come easy for me, and if I do make the wrong decision, I'll really be up shit creek,and I'll be on a inflatable raft I'm sure.

I did read the review about the guy who bought the kismets for his dynaudio c-4 speakers, which by the way are stunning in every sense of the word, I heard a pair at a shop a little while back, huh, words don't do justice to those.  If the kismets are good for those( déjà vu) c-4's, they should and will be good enough for my rc-70's

I'm just a very nervous guy when it comes to seeing that much money leave my hands.  I have googled odyssey, and sanders and read EVERY link on each amp, all 3 klaus makes, plus the sanders magtech. The past months, I have read so much on each amp.  Not 1 bad review, and if there was one, it was fixed(remedied)

I may assume the sanders would sound somewhat similar to my sunfire signature, as both of them, are toroidal + chips.  While kismets are much smaller toroidal + caps. Either way, I really can't lose, I am just very very scared about reliability, money spent.  Both companies have a killer warranty, odyssey with 20 years, and lifetime on sanders stuff.  I have repeated this I'm sure in other posts, it's, just my fear of something going wrong, I know everything breaks, electronics especially are sketchy, and are prone to breaks. Maybe I'm being silly, or maybe I'm having a legitimate rant.  As you can all tell I'm nervous. Especially with spending so much money. I'm not the guy who can write a check for 20k for dynaudio' and  pass labs flagship amps.  I am the flank steak guy over filet, and the chix nugget guy over double quarter pounder.

Money does not come easy for me, my job is shit and our bank acct is always under 2k, no matter what. We have tried every possible route to save, but bills and life say " sorry dude "

So the past 4 years saving has not been easy, as the wife don't even know I have my rathole fund for audio gear, so when I get what I get, there will be an interrogation on me with 40 ?'s.

Honestly, I'm scared to buy, and the main reason is reliability, I "need" it, more than anything truly.
Oh boy, I don't want super serious replies, I'm just ranting a bit. I have been eyeing the odyssey since I dropped my last audio fund money on the emotive crap, for which I somewhat regret honestly, it's. Ok, but why would a 1998 sunfire amp sound better than 2008 1000w emotive monoblocks?  Rhetorical question guys.

 I now kick myself for not getting the Odyssey's back in 2008 when I bought the "other" brand.

The emotiva purchase, was thoughtless, I didn't think, or look around, I just noticed, 1000@ 4 ohm, and monoblocks, and thought wow, great specs, power rating,   The little guy in me said no, wait, but the lifetime warranty swayed me, even though the sound is not the best in the midrange or highs. Oh boy................


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #82 on: 6 Sep 2015, 02:26 am »
I have owned Odyssey amps since 1999. The ones that are not here anymore are still in use by other owners with no problems at all. What more could you ask for in addition to a transferable 20 year warranty.  Plus Odyssey employees and owners are a family who have grown together since 1999, whereas these other guys have reinvented there selves several times with different companies and name brands.  Bottom line just make a decision and be done with it.  If you buy from Klaus and don't like them they are easily sold.  Trust me I have sold three Odyssey amps to other AC members in a matter of days. Try reselling some of this other stuff you are talking about and see how that goes.


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #83 on: 6 Sep 2015, 02:51 am »
I have owned Odyssey amps since 1999. The ones that are not here anymore are still in use by other owners with no problems at all. What more could you ask for in addition to a transferable 20 year warranty.  Plus Odyssey employees and owners are a family who have grown together since 1999, whereas these other guys have reinvented there selves several times with different companies and name brands.  Bottom line just make a decision and be done with it.  If you buy from Klaus and don't like them they are easily sold.  Trust me I have sold three Odyssey amps to other AC members in a matter of days. Try reselling some of this other stuff you are talking about and see how that goes.

I have owned Odyssey amps since 1999. The ones that are not here anymore are still in use by other owners with no problems at all. What more could you ask for in addition to a transferable 20 year warranty.  Plus Odyssey employees and owners are a family who have grown together since 1999, whereas these other guys have reinvented there selves several times with different companies and name brands.  Bottom line just make a decision and be done with it.  If you buy from Klaus and don't like them they are easily sold.  Trust me I have sold three Odyssey amps to other AC members in a matter of days. Try reselling some of this other stuff you are talking about and see how that goes.

I would have no issue selling magtech, that would get me %90 of what I paid for it. 
Now those emotiva (by the way, is the worst name I have ever heard for audio) I'll most likely lose on those, they hardly were used, seriously, if they were on, or used more than 200-250 honest use hours since 2008, and I am being very Generous in hours used, as me being me, didn't use them often, because I was nervous about them breaking, so I used My old receiver for most listening. I know I'm extremely anal, but that's just me.  And as even if I put 300 hours used in the sale, no one in their right mind will believe a pair of 7-8 year old amps could have such low hours. I should. Have bought the hour meters when I heard about them.

The sanders is really a straight wire sound, very accurate to recordings, as are my speakers, they put out exactly what recordings I play on them.  I'm at a loss now, .....goddamnet.

Im in knots honestly, between these two amps. Both are absolutely superb, either way I won't be disappointed, but I'm still nervous. With my attitude towards reliability, and getting what I want "need" in amps. 


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #84 on: 6 Sep 2015, 03:19 am »
Really good luck with the 90% resale on anything audio, much less a "fringe" brand.  You come on an Odyssey forum and ask for advice and then pay no attention to what anybody tells you so I don't know if any of us can help you.  Just make a decision any decision and move on this has been going on for over a year.  Good luck!


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #85 on: 6 Sep 2015, 03:33 am »
My last concern is, headroom, I know there is not much need with my 94 spa speakers, but I like it.

Anyway, the emotiva (every time I use that name I dislike it more, worst. Name for any company) amps are 500w@8 1000w@4, would I notice less sound on crescendos, with much less available power?
 On occasion, I love loud, especially with my modded cerwin vega D-9's, their spl has been lowered to about 98 from the 101 stock. Spl at 1w. But I love shaking my windows with them, and my neighbors across the street occasionally call me and say "good tune, turn it up" so I am in need on as much power as I can give them, they drink it up, and with nominal of 3.8 at their lowest point, will a 200 w amp be enough muscle for them?  I would use the sunfire with them, but I would also LOVE to hear them with odyssey amps.

I don't want to clip them, if their at 200w at 8 ohm, and speakers are rated for 350, would I drain the reserves of the caps? Not implying they will get drained, I am just asking a honest question. I don't want something that is not up to par with my big D-9's. They can play loud as hell with clarity for long periods, with minimal fatigue, since their crossover upgrade I had done, and new woofer. I "need" a capable amp, that can party with the big dogs.

The emotivas get ungodly hot after 40 minutes of neighbor listening levels, and have shut down the emotivas on more than 1 occasion with the D-9's hooked up. No issues what so ever with the sunfire, unlimited pure power awesomeness, hardly warm at insane volume after even 40 minutes of very loud Helstar!


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #86 on: 6 Sep 2015, 03:54 am »
Really good luck with the 90% resale on anything audio, much less a "fringe" brand.  You come on an Odyssey forum and ask for advice and then pay no attention to what anybody tells you so I don't know if any of us can help you.  Just make a decision any decision and move on this has been going on for over a year.  Good luck!

Really good luck with the 90% resale on anything audio, much less a "fringe" brand.  You come on an Odyssey forum and ask for advice and then pay no attention to what anybody tells you so I don't know if any of us can help you.  Just make a decision any decision and move on this has been going on for over a year.  Good luck!

 I pay attention, and greatly appreciate what everyone tells me.
I have searched, sites, resellers, for gear, thoughts, etc etc. and still my gut tells me odyssey.
Then, I re read the magtech reviews, and I'm right back where I started.

I won't sell my sunfire, as no amp I have every  owned before or after comes even close to its clarity/infinite power capabilities.  I remember the sunfire at the stereo shop I pretty much lived at years and years ago, even before I owned mine, they ran it in comparisons with some huge Names,  krell, macintosh, classe, pass labs to name a few. Killer high end audio shop, and one of the employees bought the sunfire, ebrought it in to see if it was "really" as good as the specs said. Well it was, and it did outclass some huge watt amps by numerous very high quality brands, so I had it on my to buy list. It is amazing.

I would love to sell my emotiva ones.

If I get the odysseys, they can only be used on the rc-70's then, as they sound way superior to the vega's anyway, and the energy's don't get played mega loud anyway, their much to nice to beat on.   Oh boy................


Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #87 on: 6 Sep 2015, 04:20 am »
I've said it before, but I don't think headroom will  be a problem with either of these amps. Hell it may not be a problem with many 30 watt amps.  Honestly, you seem too caught up on amps and power. An Aleph 30 could be a great match for those speakers. Lots of folks love that pure Class A. Unless your listening room is a ballroom...


Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #88 on: 6 Sep 2015, 04:43 am »
An Aleph 30 could be a great match for those speakers. Lots of folks love that pure Class A. Unless your listening room is a ballroom...

Great suggestion Roscoe! There's one for sale on US Audio Mart right now for $1200


Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #89 on: 6 Sep 2015, 07:01 am »
Oh my god please... Energy speakers? The last time I heard they meant for home theater. Odyssey speakers have better bass, better midrange (liquidity, emotion,  imaging) and way better on the high with the beryllium tweeters. I have own bunch of carver built amps, and including 2 tubes amps from carver with his autograph specially built for me. But still not even close to what odyssey kis mets can perform. You like it you buy it . Stop wasting time and If you are in the LA area, welcome to come audition my Complete odyssey setup along with the new Liquid speakers.


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #90 on: 6 Sep 2015, 12:17 pm »
Oh my god please... Energy speakers? The last time I heard they meant for home theater. Odyssey speakers have better bass, better midrange (liquidity, emotion,  imaging) and way better on the high with the beryllium tweeters.

 Ouch, dude.  It took me 8 years to get energy rc-70's, and I absolutely love them. You can dangle a pair of Wilson watt's in my face, and I may trade, but will sell the wilsons and buy 2 pairs of energy rc-70's, and a new CD player with the money.  I really dislike bright speakers, which is why my jaw hurt, and I was very queasy, anxious, nervous for so long, my speakers, except the d-9's.
The BIC dv series, dv84's, were so bright, I honestly didn't realize it until I hooked up my rc-70's, and so much treble was gone, I thought they were broken, but both the speakers and I needed to be broken in.  The new warmer sound of this speaker is absolutely phenomenal. They aren't really broken in yet, as my time spend listening is narrow due to my work schedule.  But wanted you to know how much I THOUREGHLY ENJOY THESE SPEAKERS :)

For starters, I have only fell asleep with my D-9's when playing music, as they are not bright, or fatiguing, the BIC DV-84's I have n ever slept on the couch with them playing, sure at low volumes they are as accurate as all be, but when turned up, t hats when the torture started, and I didn't even realize it. The night of getting the rc-70's, I put the iPod on shuffle, and the wife said within 40 minutes, of playing music, she came out to the front room, and there I was, sawing logs on the couch, she was amazed, and so was I as she let the music play and me sleep, I ended waking up on the couch at 6 am, refreshed as get all, while that sweet sound still playing in the background.

I am sure klaus's speakers are superb, and do best mine in many ways, but,I already have my liquids, or rivers speakers.  Cheers.



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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #91 on: 1 Oct 2015, 03:12 am »

So? Any decisions Arcticdeth? I plan on ordering a pair for myself. I trust JackD's ears and know he tells the truth. I also know others who have owned Magtech and sold them. Usually people only sell Odyssey to buy a newer/better model.


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #92 on: 1 Oct 2015, 03:29 am »

This saga has been going on forever and probably will not end anytime soon. PM me and we can discuss how to get you where you want to go.

Kenneth Patchen

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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #93 on: 1 Oct 2015, 11:31 am »

This saga has been going on forever and probably will not end anytime soon. PM me and we can discuss how to get you where you want to go.

Can I get a shout out from the Amen Corner? Thanks JackD!

And still good advice from Eugene2:
" Based on your earlier comments I would go for one of Klaus' high current stereo amps upgrade to 180000 uf (still overkill) and use the extra money to buy an Oppo DVD and Klaus extremely good Candela preamp or put the money into a DSP Antimode room correction for 1200.00 which is a Dac, preamp room correction all in one.  Now you can go and blow your load on the amps you have been discussing for four pages or listen to some of my or other very good suggestions people have given you, which will give you much better sound."



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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #94 on: 1 Oct 2015, 06:24 pm »

This saga has been going on forever and probably will not end anytime soon. PM me and we can discuss how to get you where you want to go.

Thank you Jack. Mike is going to see what Klaus has, if anything, at RMAF. We'll talk before the end of the month about what I want.


Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #95 on: 1 Oct 2015, 10:32 pm »
I have a pair of Kismet in Khartago case mono blocks being built in Indy right now. I ordered both them and a Mundorf capped 14db gain mkIII version of the Candela all with chrome faceplates. I have a mint matched pair of rare 1958 Amperex Holland script logo 12AU7 longplate D getters with the foil strip that I am going to run in the Candela.


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #96 on: 2 Oct 2015, 12:01 am »
Congratulations Bunky, great news. Can't wait for your update.


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Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #97 on: 2 Oct 2015, 12:04 am »
I have a pair of Kismet in Khartago case mono blocks being built in Indy right now. I ordered both them and a Mundorf capped 14db gain mkIII version of the Candela all with chrome faceplates. I have a mint matched pair of rare 1958 Amperex Holland script logo 12AU7 longplate D getters with the foil strip that I am going to run in the Candela.

Bunky, Did you upgrade RCA jacks, or any other option in your Kismets?


Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #98 on: 2 Oct 2015, 12:25 am »
I have a pair of Kismet in Khartago case mono blocks being built in Indy right now. I ordered both them and a Mundorf capped 14db gain mkIII version of the Candela all with chrome faceplates. I have a mint matched pair of rare 1958 Amperex Holland script logo 12AU7 longplate D getters with the foil strip that I am going to run in the Candela.

Nice Bunky!

Does Klaus recommend the Mundorfs with the Candela or does he let you choose any cap that fits?


Re: Odyssey or sanders ?
« Reply #99 on: 2 Oct 2015, 10:10 pm »
Bunky, Did you upgrade RCA jacks, or any other option in your Kismets?
I talked to Klaus and he recommended the WBT Nextgens so that is what I am getting.