Tried to buy a new camera, then I needed a new computer and then.....

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The real disturbing thing about the new computer was the apparent commercialism that was built into the machine, MS assuming that I wanted to use their stupid browser, shop at Amazon and eBay and of course, buy anti-virus software (which I have never used in my entire life). The computer people have also lost their target audience. Its not the kid thru 35 year olds that are buying laptops, its us old farts. I don't need all the crap apps that will run on a cell phone (that is why I bought a laptop), or any of the other crap that came with it.

The end.


As noted before, this is definitely not new. What are now Amazon and Ebay, used to be AOL and Yahoo back in the day.

MS really doesn't give a hoot about what you use. They sell bulk license to the manufacturer, and they walk away whether eMachines or Sony or Lenovo sells the hardware to you or not. The manufacturers then as DoubleJ notes, take money from all the other parties to keep costs down to you. There is very little money in building computers, even when I was figuring out the difference in 2002, I could build a Dell for about $200 less than they could. For folks not technically inclined, that $200 was the cost of avoiding a headache while I was happy to build a little higher spec machine or just pocket the difference. I'm the ratio is not near as big now, since most any $400 machine has enough guts to run a browser and basic software.

Old people are not the target audience. Old people for lack of a better term, are a dying audience. Old people at this current time aren't particularly tech saavy and manufacturers know it. Old people buy on price above all else, because a computer is a black and/or magic box to them (and if its not, they tend to listen to ill informed salesman when making the decision anyway which is just as good for the manufacturer and very few old people have real performance needs out of the hardware), so while I'm not going indulge in their adware boxes at a retailer, the manufacturers know I have four grandparents who will.

Old people do have money, and old people probably buy more pre-built computers than young people. But in many instances, old people might buy a computer for themself, alot of times they are buying computers for kids or grandkids who might be going to school or whatever.

If you wanted to build a target "old people" PC, you would probably take some trivial amount of hardware and put a stripped down Linux on it, lock it down, and treat it more or less like a toaster that can browse the internet and upload photos. Hence the popularity of tablets, and especially iPads.


Hold the presses, new camera, way different results. The new camera is the Canon PowerShot SX610 HS, capable of 1080 HD video and 18X zoom. Downloaded instantly into my Windows XP computer with the scanner and camera utility. Oh joy! I've taken several zoom photos with no tripod and the results are stunning.

Moral of story: Canon good, Sony bad.


I.Greyhound Fan

I bought a budget laptop because my $2K custom laptop died after several years of use.  I bought an Acer with an I5 and great specs with windows 8.1.  I had to return it.  It was so damn slow and it took 60 seconds to boot.  I checked the floor models and they were the same.  It also had ton's of bloat ware.

I ended up with an HP which boots up in 15 seconds, unfortunately it uses 8.1.  I miss my Vista.

By the way, if you are looking for a bare bones computer with no bloat ware, check the Micro Soft Store.  They are their Signature Editions.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 335
  • Dave Parker - KC, MO
    • DontKnowNuthinBoutNoComputers
Hold the presses, new camera, way different results. The new camera is the Canon PowerShot SX610 HS, capable of 1080 HD video and 18X zoom. Downloaded instantly into my Windows XP computer with the scanner and camera utility. Oh joy! I've taken several zoom photos with no tripod and the results are stunning.

Moral of story: Canon good, Sony bad.


And amazon has 'em for $229USD with free shipping, with used and refurbs going from 179 to 190. I tend to like
refubs because you know they've been tested at least once..


Did a HD video in 1080p and the old XP computer imported the file from the camera, but would not play it. So I put it on a jump drive and it plays on the wife's computer (Windows 7). That is the school's computer, but at least I know how to download and recover the video. It also played on my fairly new Sony TV off of the jump drive with no problem.

I'd say that the Canon solved all of the problems pretty much.

Oh joy!



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 335
  • Dave Parker - KC, MO
    • DontKnowNuthinBoutNoComputers
Did a HD video in 1080p and the old XP computer imported the file from the camera, but would not play it. So I put it on a jump drive and it plays on the wife's computer (Windows 7). That is the school's computer, but at least I know how to download and recover the video. It also played on my fairly new Sony TV off of the jump drive with no problem.

I'd say that the Canon solved all of the problems pretty much.

Oh joy!


And Sony is one of those companies that's so paranoid about people not paying for their products that they assume everyone's a pirate.
I'm all for protecting intellectual property rights, especially when it comes to the content creators (as in performers and composers), but
to assume your customer base is made up of a bunch of crooks is a pretty cynical way to look at the world. As you've shown, it's not
necessary to jump through all their hoops to get the functionality of what you've legitimately and honestly acquired.


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  • Posts: 636
You did not mention if your XP based PC is connected to the Internet. If it is , Microsoft has or will shortly discontinue security updates.  And upgrading your OS should be on your short list

I agree the Win 8 product is awful. Thankfully the latest rev has a Win7 mode that is much more palatable to me. But you can still get the win 7 in several versions as stand alone product.

If you want a desktop machine you should consider building one. It is enjoyable and rewarding experience. MicroCenters have stores in the twin cities and they can steer you to the system boards memory and storage. Btw, solid state drives have come down in price and  reduce boot times greatly. Get a couple 1 terabyte western digital drives and an optical writer and you are good to go.


Moral of story: Canon good, Sony bad.



Canon user myself.


You did not mention if your XP based PC is connected to the Internet. If it is , Microsoft has or will shortly discontinue security updates.  And upgrading your OS should be on your short list

I agree the Win 8 product is awful. Thankfully the latest rev has a Win7 mode that is much more palatable to me. But you can still get the win 7 in several versions as stand alone product.

If you want a desktop machine you should consider building one. It is enjoyable and rewarding experience. MicroCenters have stores in the twin cities and they can steer you to the system boards memory and storage. Btw, solid state drives have come down in price and  reduce boot times greatly. Get a couple 1 terabyte western digital drives and an optical writer and you are good to go.

I don't use Windows Explorer. I use Firefox, and have used that for years. They update security on it almost every week. I also do not leave my computer on 24/7/365. Its on only when I need it. I also do not get my email thru MS either. My cable/phone/internet provider has a email log in account for me that I can view "filtered" email. If I wish, I can then download the mail to my PC, or trash can it on their server. It is a very secure system. I do not get any junk mail as it is filtered. I also do not visit any trashy sites, mostly only audio sites and guys like Music Direct.

Like I said before, I need this computer with XP to do design work for Frank and to manage my own product data base.



Oh, and I thought the Sony camera itself was pretty nice. It took great pictures, was a nice small compact design and pretty ergonomic. The downfall was the downloading software. If Sony had taken the route that Canon did, this thread would not have been started.

Corporate decisions (probably from the top down) certainly can have an effect on any products overall performance. I can't be the only customer that has run into this situation. In the end, they lose sales, consumer confidence and respect from the technical community. I certainly had much respect for Sony's ES products during the hey-day of their reign, which is now all but over. They are also pretty much out of the TV business, conquered by Samsung, who now rules the TV market.



And amazon has 'em for $229USD with free shipping, with used and refurbs going from 179 to 190. I tend to like
refubs because you know they've been tested at least once

Well, it also means that it broke once.



refurbs may or may not have ever had a problem -unless you count a previous buyer not reaching the peaks of emotional ecstasy they were looking for from that particular item. Used to be that you had:
A goods -direct from the factory -sealed boxes -full warranty.To be sold at retail.
B goods -weren't minty brand new for some reason -store demo's returned to manufacturer or importer. show demo's -whatever. But not absolutely brand new.Usually full warranty.
C goods -repaired/refurbished -fully working -maybe not in original packaging-often times less than new warranty.
D- didn't work -missing parts possibly-might be cosmetically damaged to a noticeable warranty.
   Gotta wonder with the beginning ,middle and end of a BB sales pitch being -if you don't like it -we'll refund- there has to be multiple mountains of stuff to be refurbed -wonder where it ends up ?


I started using a Mac OS desktop ten years ago, and recently a laptop
No more problems…….. period.

If there is a problem, make an appointment at the local Mac Store and
talk to a real person while they help you and answer all your questions.

Because Apple uses an Intel Processor, you can also use a Windows base
operating system on the Mac Computer if need be using a program called
Boot Camp but you can only use one operating system at a time..


Did you not read the thread? The problem was the camera, not the computer.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 2711
Did you not read the thread? The problem was the camera, not the computer.

Sounds like the problem is not just the camera but Sony too!


I find myself and my customers in Wayner's spot at least once a month. In my case it will most likely be either card access,alarm systems or DVR's that are just old enough that they require some older version of Windows to be fully functional/accessible. So customer is faced with a choice - keep a "legacy" computer going just for this purpose or replace otherwise fully functional equipment - not because it doesn't serve their needs - but to make it " new" computer compatible.  Fortunately my industry has pretty solidly moved to Linux -which at least for now is a solution.And I've been running some flavor of Linux on my computers for the last decade or so.
     I've heard really good hiRez downloads -the reason I have yet to go this direction is my workday experience with computer obsolescence.
And ya -I've bought used digital cameras only to realize their software is obsolete((sometimes a really good deal isn't) - if I'd bought a new camera and this happened - I'd be in the return line pretty quick.


Did you not read the thread? The problem was the camera, not the computer.

Well.. sorry, I must have miss something in the thread, but the title was… Tried to buy a
new camera, then I needed a new computer and then.. please forgive my ignorance.


The thread reveals a changing story. Reading the opening line is only the beginning of the story. The goal was to improve the camera. The computer can't change as almost all of the software I run is designed for Windows XP. I have a fairly new HP laptop (ProBook 4510S) that is a pretty fast machine. It is the designing machine for all of AVA metal products (covers, chassis, etc.) and the base for my CAD software.

While I did try a new computer, it was in no way, shape or form going to replace my HP. It probably would have been delegated to camera stuff and the internet, while the HP's duties would then become strictly for designing.



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 335
  • Dave Parker - KC, MO
    • DontKnowNuthinBoutNoComputers
The thread reveals a changing story. Reading the opening line is only the beginning of the story. The goal was to improve the camera. The computer can't change as almost all of the software I run is designed for Windows XP. I have a fairly new HP laptop (ProBook 4510S) that is a pretty fast machine. It is the designing machine for all of AVA metal products (covers, chassis, etc.) and the base for my CAD software.

While I did try a new computer, it was in no way, shape or form going to replace my HP. It probably would have been delegated to camera stuff and the internet, while the HP's duties would then become strictly for designing.


The right tool for the task! A task with many intermediate steps will almost certainly require more than one tool .

And don't forget, there's no tool like an old tool (poster looks in mirror and heaves a big sigh..)!

Jon L

I downloaded Sony's software for the camera onto the computer.

Which Sony camera was it?  I use a Sony camera (A7r), but it never needed Sony software of any kind installed on my computer, as I just take out the SD card and insert it into my computer or use the cable to move files to my computer.