Triple 12" OB H-frames

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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #140 on: 18 Oct 2015, 01:39 pm »
So.. did you get any pictures? How did they sound in their 'new' home?


Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #141 on: 18 Oct 2015, 03:48 pm »
So.. did you get any pictures? How did they sound in their 'new' home?

Hey Steve
Sorry, I have not  snapped any picutres yet... actually, Don has been traveling a lot lately (work)  and I haven't had a chance to do much listening up at his place. I do need to get up there and  spend some time listening to some cables, I think he is due back in town  next weekend.   I'll be sure to take  my camera.
From the bit of listen  thus far,  they do sound  great and I think we  can dial them in   a bit further yet.  They are in a much larger room now  and have no issues with output levels



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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #142 on: 18 Oct 2015, 06:00 pm »
For your own use, Double or Triple? Was the improvement enough to motivate you to build a triple for yourself?

Or are you happy with the Double.


Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #143 on: 18 Oct 2015, 06:45 pm »
For your own use, Double or Triple? Was the improvement enough to motivate you to build a triple for yourself?

Or are you happy with the Double.

I'd say if you have the space, go with the triples. the foot print is the same but that  extra  driver makes them look much bigger.  Basically it is only the difference of  2 drivers, 2 shets of no res and some extra MDf.
The duals sound just as good as the triples but,  the triples just carry more weight and you feel everything more. even at low listening levels.  At higher SPL's  you'll get cleaner ,more accurate and detailed bass as those 3 drives will not be working as hard as 2  to reach the  volume.

I had a fellow come by yesterday who brought his PMC TB2i Signatures to try with  the duals and the prototype Dodd-Richie 10wpc amp.  I think he knew the subs would make a difference, but  he was astonished at just how much  of a difference.  I didn't even really spend a whole lot of time dialing the subs in with his speakers as it was a pretty quick demo but the transformation was amazing.   When you turn the subs off while listening, a portion of the  presentation just disappears, and it is not a samll portion, it is significant. The subs really do create a foundation  and create a real presence.  Once you have it, it's  hard to go without

Will I  move to triples ?  Well, that's yet to be determined If someone local  wanted my duals, I'd definitely consider it but I'm not sure I'd be happy with how dominant the triples appear in my  room.  If the room were a few feet wider, I'd do it without  question

Hope that helps a bit


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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #144 on: 18 Oct 2015, 07:24 pm »

Do you have the 8 Ohm or 16 Ohm drivers in your duals?



Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #145 on: 18 Oct 2015, 09:42 pm »
I went with the 16 ohm version.  It was just prior to the 8's being released  and  I didn't see the point in waiting... the 16's leave a path to upgrade to triples if one wanted to   add a couple more drivers instead of  stating over.... that is  still an option for me 



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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #146 on: 18 Oct 2015, 10:08 pm »
That's what I thought. You're almost there for trikes if you want the.

I went with the 8 Ohm drivers for the Wedges I'm building. I'll get the most out of the Wedges but no upgrade path without spending a bunch of money.



Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #147 on: 19 Oct 2015, 12:21 am »
That's what I thought. You're almost there for trikes if you want the.

I went with the 8 Ohm drivers for the Wedges I'm building. I'll get the most out of the Wedges but no upgrade path without spending a bunch of money.


Well,  it makes sense but , I'm not sure  that  had you gone with the 16 ohm versions you'd have been  pushing the A370's to the limit. You'll get more out of the  A370's by creating a slightly less than 4 ohm load, not sure you'd actually need the extra  though.   OTOH, if you know there is never going to be an upgrade, then why not right   ?



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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #148 on: 19 Oct 2015, 12:50 am »
You're right, two 16's wouldn't give a 4 Ohm load but two 8's will.

And correct, since these are stands for the Wedgies I can't add a third 12" driver anyhow.

Since the OB7 and NX-Otica are floorstanders in their own right, if adding a servo H-Frame to the mix, three drivers don't take any more floor space than two.

You know you don't really have to get rid of your doubles, just build a single and bolt it on top like Ruben did for Rich  :D



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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #149 on: 6 Nov 2015, 03:06 pm »
I'd say if you have the space, go with the triples. the foot print is the same but that  extra  driver makes them look much bigger.  Basically it is only the difference of  2 drivers, 2 shets of no res and some extra MDf.
The duals sound just as good as the triples but,  the triples just carry more weight and you feel everything more. even at low listening levels.  At higher SPL's  you'll get cleaner ,more accurate and detailed bass as those 3 drives will not be working as hard as 2  to reach the  volume.

Hope that helps a bit

Thanks that helped. I decided to go with the Triples. I'm building the cabinets now and have the electronics on order.
Can't wait.


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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #150 on: 6 Nov 2015, 08:29 pm »
You're right, two 16's wouldn't give a 4 Ohm load but two 8's will.

And correct, since these are stands for the Wedgies I can't add a third 12" driver anyhow.

Since the OB7 and NX-Otica are floorstanders in their own right, if adding a servo H-Frame to the mix, three drivers don't take any more floor space than two.

You know you don't really have to get rid of your doubles, just build a single and bolt it on top like Ruben did for Rich  :D


Right Mike, the double H-frame anyway. If one wanted to add a third woofer a side, however, the two 8ohm's would need to be replaced with 16ohm's. Two 8ohm and one 16ohm on the same A370 amp won't work (the combined impedances of those three drivers would be too far below 4ohms). It needs to be either two 8ohm woofers, or three 16ohm (or merely two, but then as you said that would be giving up a little of the A370's power, as it is optimized for a 4ohm load).


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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #151 on: 6 Nov 2015, 10:48 pm »
Right Mike, the double H-frame anyway. If one wanted to add a third woofer a side, however, the two 8ohm's would need to be replaced with 16ohm's. Two 8ohm and one 16ohm on the same A370 amp won't work (the combined impedances of those three drivers would be too far below 4ohms). It needs to be either two 8ohm woofers, or three 16ohm (or merely two, but then as you said that would be giving up a little of the A370's power, as it is optimized for a 4ohm load).

In Jay's case, as I understand it, he is using 16 Ohm drivers in his dual H-Frames so he would only need to add two more 16 Ohm drivers (one per side) to go to a triple H-Frame.

I'm the one who cannot just add two more drivers since I am using four 8 Ohm drivers. I would need to buy six of the 16 Ohm drivers if I wanted to go to triples.

But then I am not using an H-Frame. I have built Wedge bases for the dual 8 Ohm 12" drivers and triples would make them much too tall as bases for the Wedgies.  Just got 'em wired up and playing last night. Once I get the plinths finished I'll start a thread for this build. What I will say here is ... Sweet!!




Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #152 on: 7 Nov 2015, 03:44 am »
Thanks that helped. I decided to go with the Triples. I'm building the cabinets now and have the electronics on order.
Can't wait.

You'll be more than happy  man   :thumb:
Keep us all posted  as you progress.... maybe a build thread  ? (we all love them  !)



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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #153 on: 7 Nov 2015, 07:05 am »
In Jay's case, as I understand it, he is using 16 Ohm drivers in his dual H-Frames so he would only need to add two more 16 Ohm drivers (one per side) to go to a triple H-Frame.

I'm the one who cannot just add two more drivers since I am using four 8 Ohm drivers. I would need to buy six of the 16 Ohm drivers if I wanted to go to triples.

But then I am not using an H-Frame. I have built Wedge bases for the dual 8 Ohm 12" drivers and triples would make them much too tall as bases for the Wedgies.  Just got 'em wired up and playing last night. Once I get the plinths finished I'll start a thread for this build. What I will say here is ... Sweet!!



Ah yes Mike, NOW I have it right! I went with the 8ohm myself, as a pair in shorter frames allows me to lay them on their sides and use them as a base for my Quad ESL speakers. A 3-woofer frame would be too long for that. I have a pair of the W-frames that were made as a flat pack by Elemental Design, who are now out of business. I have been planning on getting a pair of the great H-frame flat packs Ruben makes, but it looks like he's having trouble right now. Hope all is well Ruben!


Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #154 on: 20 Dec 2015, 05:22 pm »
FINALLY  remembered   :lol:

Spent some time up  there yesterday and got these really dialied in.... wow  :o



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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #155 on: 21 Dec 2015, 04:48 pm »
FINALLY  remembered   :lol:

Spent some time up  there yesterday and got these really dialied in.... wow  :o


Any tips on dialing them in?  I feel like mine could be better.


Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #156 on: 21 Dec 2015, 08:01 pm »
Any tips on dialing them in?  I feel like mine could be better.

Well, with these ones we were having an issue with the bass being just a litle "soft".  Don's Piega's play down very low, I was  thining we were getting a lot of overlap  "smearing" the bass. The Piega's actually have a bass managment/c/o setting so we set it to high. After lots of fiddling and trials, I finally  went with the  EXT/12 db/oct  slope setting on the A370's (still want to try one more time with the 50/24db and set the dail to about 30 but that will have to wait until after the holidays). We've got them crossed pretty low, I  think about 35 - 40hz.  Once we had it close,  i just played with the phase until we got the best definition we could.  We've got the dampening set ot  Med, rumble filter off, PEQ off (no mic) and extension to 14.

After spending  a couploe hours  with them, there is no transition, it is a seamless integration and  they pound !!

Got an email from Don a  litle while ago   saying " Man those  subs  were rockin' !"

Rember, like Danny has posted numerous times, there are no  "right" setting,  youi've just got to spend osme time  tinkering to seewhat works best in your room with your gear

One more thing we did for setting the intial phase  was to  only have one sub on at a time and no main amp. Played a 30hz test tone continuously and rotated the phase adjument until we felt we had the most spl. Repeated that for the other channel.  After that, I  just  made mino adjustments gauging with our ears until it was as clean and tight as possible.  Forgot to add this ealier... we did this at my place as well..... started hearing this fast bang  bang  bang ....  thought the wall was  resonating and making the noise  but it turned out to be the  windows  I'm sure if I had kept it up, the glass would have  broken.  !!! One  note is fine, but a continuous tone, be careful.

Oh, and don't forget to use the spikes ... right Don?  (after all that,  I think we forgotto add them )   :lol:
HTH's a little
« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2015, 01:50 am by Captainhemo »


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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #157 on: 22 Dec 2015, 08:24 pm »

Oh, and don't forget to use the spikes ... right Don?  (after all that,  I think we forgotto add them )   :lol:
HTH's a little


I still prefer these to spikes.  (I've since swapped the NHT's for X-LS Encores)


Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #158 on: 22 Dec 2015, 09:22 pm »

I still prefer these to spikes.  (I've since swapped the NHT's for X-LS Encores)

Isaostands right ? I contacted them (being I'm in Canada) and  was hoping to try a pair but they sent me to a Cdn retailer who  wanted insane amounts of $$. Until I try them, i don't see how  they can help, to me they will   result in less definitin and clarity in the bass but  like I said, I haven't tried them.




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Re: Triple 12" OB H-frames
« Reply #159 on: 23 Dec 2015, 03:08 pm »
With my X-Statiks, X-Omnis, X-SLS, and X-LS speakers I've found them to be a must-have.  They dramatically improve the midrange clarity and tighten bass response.  Did you know Dynaudio included them with some of their smaller speakers?

The custom cut modular ones I got for the OB subs were less dramatic at first.  It's hard to A/B them simply due to the weight and bulk of the sub cabinets.  Eventually I found they do an excellent job of decoupling the subs from the floor.  Without the isoacoustic stands the subs directly transmitted vibrations to the floor.  Adding the stands eliminated the floor vibration unless I really push them hard but by then the whole room is being pressurized. (Living in an apartment building I almost never push them that hard and thankfully I rarely need to.)

The modular stands weren't as cheap as their smaller ones for sure but I feel like they were a worthy investment.  The regular stands they sell are a bargain for the improvements they bring!