VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions

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VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« on: 14 Mar 2015, 04:58 pm »
Starting a new thread to post my first impressions of my new VR55 speakers.

First some requested photos of the crate and my unpacking procedure and also some photos with the grills in place.

The speakers were really well packaged coming in horizontal crates with the driver side of the speakers facing down:

The top came off easily being held down by four screws in the corners (no need to pull nails!). Here's what it looks with the top off:

In order to remove the speaker, I tipped the crate up so that the speaker is standing upright and eased it out onto a carpet dolly. My wife assisted by holding the crate to keep it from sliding as I reached in and pulled the speaker out:

Here's what the inside of the crate looks like - sections of very dense foam securely hold the speaker in place:

Back side view of the speaker unwrapped:

Here's a shot of the grills in place - they are nicely made with tapered edges so though they stick out to clear the metal grills on the ceramic drivers, they don't look boxy at all:

Closeup of the grill:

And one without the grill to show the drivers:

That's it for now - if you have any specific photo requests, let me know and I will add to this thread. I'll spend the day optimizing speaker location, amp settings (feedback), and bass & ambiance settings on the speakers. I'll also sound the room as I have a sounding setup - will post the response once I have everything dialed in.

I'll post some listening notes to this thread once I've had sufficient listening time with the final setup.

Cheers, Joe


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #1 on: 14 Mar 2015, 05:13 pm »
Wow Joe, looks great.  You must be very excited right now.  Many hours of break in time coming up.



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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #2 on: 14 Mar 2015, 05:23 pm »
Wow Joe, looks great.  You must be very excited right now.  Many hours of break in time coming up.

Thanks! Good news is that I had Albert hold them an extra week for additional break-in - with that and the additional 1-2 week delay (during which they continued to break in), I estimate they already have 400-500 hours on them so they are sounding pretty sweet right now!   :thumb:


Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #3 on: 14 Mar 2015, 07:12 pm »
Congrats and they look beautiful with the grills on!  :thumb:



Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #4 on: 14 Mar 2015, 07:26 pm »
Look forward to hearing your impressions. I liked them a lot at RMAF, though thought they would be much better in a bigger room.

Do you have balance controls for your system? With an open space like that instead of a side wall, I think getting the image centered without balance controls will be darn tough, if not impossible. I've long struggled with a similar situation with my VR-4s.


Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #5 on: 14 Mar 2015, 07:33 pm »
Joe, Great looking speaker! You did well! Did those feet come with the speaker? Nice looking setup! I'm sure it's hard to leave your listening chair!



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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #6 on: 14 Mar 2015, 08:21 pm »
Those look like Stillpoint SS's with Ultra Bases. 


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #7 on: 14 Mar 2015, 08:24 pm »
Those look like Stillpoint SS's with Ultra Bases.



Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #8 on: 15 Mar 2015, 10:07 am »
Hi Joe,

Do can your VTLs switch between Triode and Ultralinear? I know some models do or at least used to. I'd be interested in learning about your impressions. Great speakers, beautiful home! Congratulations!


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #9 on: 15 Mar 2015, 02:38 pm »

can you provide the crate dimensions pls.. I've got a garage overhead rack and I doubt I can store as is.  Will likely have to disassemble the crates.. thx!  Jack


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #10 on: 15 Mar 2015, 04:28 pm »

can you provide the crate dimensions pls.. I've got a garage overhead rack and I doubt I can store as is.  Will likely have to disassemble the crates.. thx!  Jack

Hi Jack - the crates are 4' long by 21" wide by 3' tall (including the 4x4's on the bottom). I have the same issue - no place to store them as-is - will look at disassembling them later today or next weekend.

Cheers, Joe


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #11 on: 15 Mar 2015, 04:30 pm »
Thx Joe!!!  Enjoy!


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #12 on: 15 Mar 2015, 04:34 pm »
Hi Joe,

Do can your VTLs switch between Triode and Ultralinear? I know some models do or at least used to. I'd be interested in learning about your impressions. Great speakers, beautiful home! Congratulations!

These VTL amps can switch between tetrode and triode modes - I have preferred tetrode mode in the past with my VR44s but will try again with the VR55s. The amps also have a feedback adjustment and one thing I've been able to do is move from the med-high setting (which is the second highest) to the lowest setting and this has improved the overall performance of the amps. This is due to the lighter load presented to the amps given the active bass section on the VR55s - so perhaps this helps the triode mode operation as well.

Will try this out later today - cheers, Joe

steve f

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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #13 on: 15 Mar 2015, 06:45 pm »
Mountainjoe, Congrats on the new speakers. And thanks for sharing your unpacking and set up with the rest of us.



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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #14 on: 15 Mar 2015, 09:07 pm »
Copying my system details here from another thread:

Clearaudio Innovation Wood TT with Triplanar MK VII tonearm and Koetsu Urushi Black cart.
Luxman DA-06 DAC connected to an Auralic Aries (w/linear PSU option) over USB (using Furutech GT2-Pro USB cable)
Zesto Andros PS1 phono stage (currently using Mullard long plate 12AX7 tubes, but have several varieties of 12AX7's I've been trying out)
VTL TL6.5 pre-amp (using Amperex 7316 12AU7 NOS tubes)
VTL MB450III monoblocks

The pre-amp and phono stage sit on Stillpoint Ultra minis (3 each) and the TT sits on a set of Magico QPods (3)

I have a set of Stillpoint Ultra SS feet for the VR55s - these are using the large Ultra Base - will post photos of these.

ICs are Darwin Ascension Plus for the phono (RCA) and amp (XLR) interconnects. I'm also using a set of Harmonic Technology RCA ICs for the DAC but plan to upgrade to XLRs soon.

Speaker cables are Audio Art SC-5 SE but as mentioned will be moving to the M-B Ultras in 4-5 weeks.

On the power conditioning front, I'm using two PS Audio PS10 units with a combination of Audio Art Statement 1 power cords and Kubala Sosna Emotion. Each PS10 will be feeding one MB450III and one of the built-in bass amps on the VR55s. Also have a pair of Kubala Sosna Emotion cords for the built-in amps on the VR55s.  Lastly, I recently installed Furutech GTX-D AC outlets and they are really nice, mechanically speaking.

Much of the power stuff are recent additions that I haven't had a chance to listen to as it was all acquired after I sold off my last set of speakers.

For room treatment, using Shakti Hallographs - these make a noticeable improvement in clarity, image focus, and soundstage.


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #15 on: 15 Mar 2015, 10:57 pm »
Some initial notes on setup and sound:

VTL amps - first thing I wanted to try was backing on off on the feedback - the MB450s have an adjustable local feedback setting (the amps have no global feedback) allowing 4 settings ranging from low to high. With my VR44 passives, I had to set this to medium-high - the second highest setting - as the amps were driving the woofers as well as the MT unit.

With the VR55 aktives, I found that I could dial back the feedback all the way to the lowest setting - this provides the best sonic performance and this is evidenced by the huge, open, and airy soundstage these amps put out at this setting. This is a big win sonically speaking, and I found the pairing of the MB450s with the VR55s to be exceptional - of course I'm a bit biased  :icon_lol:

For those of you not familiar with VTL amps and Luke Manley's work, I encourage you to read the reviews on the MB450 MKIII amps - they are not your father's tube amp :nono:

The amps can also be switched on the fly between tetrode and triode mode - my preference with the VR44s was the tetrode setting and that remains true with the VR55s though the sonic impact of triode mode is less so with the VR55s. In short, triode mode does sweeten the sound and makes for a more relaxed presentation but at the cost of a more confined soundstage, more muted dynamics (relatively speaking), and less air around the instruments.

Now on to the speakers and the sound!

The speakers have about 400 hours of break-in at the factory so they are over what I call the "ugly duckling" phase  :)

Overall the speakers are still running a bit hot and forward in their presentation (think first row seating) - Albert says they will mellow with more time (another 100-200 hours) so I'll see how this changes as I put more hours on them. This was also the case when I went to demo a pair at Albert's facility - though mine are further along compared to what I remember hearing there.

If I had to use one word to describe these speakers, it would be "organic" - as in natural, effortless, and achieving a level of coherency that makes the music flow with an ease and balance that few speakers I've heard have achieved. I recently auditioned a pair of Q5s paired with VTL Siegfried amps and the VR55s sound better in every way other than perhaps achieving the ultimate degree of resolution. This I attribute mostly to my amps as the Siegfrieds will outperform the MB450s in that regard. The Q5s by comparison sounded analytical, and lacked the ability to convey the emotional overtones of the music and frankly left me cold and unimpressed.

This is of course my own personal opinion - I know many folks who thought the Q5s sounded amazing but that is not the sound I am going after - just a personal preference.

On to some details - all of these notes are based on vinyl as the source as that is my listening preference, and without any changes to the setup during the listening session other than where noted.

I started with a bit of a torture test - Emerson Lake & Palmer's title album - the organ is huge on this album and can bring many systems to their knees. I especially like the track "Take a Pebble" and here the VR55s were exceptional in their articulation of the piano solo in the middle of the track, each note distinct, clear, and precisely located in the soundstage. The timbre and harmonic structure of the piano was spot on and even in the most demanding of passages, the VR55s never even hinted at compromising their composure. Dynamics - you bet - there in spades when needed but never over-emphasized or unnaturally aggressive - just a natural reproduction of the music as recorded - nothing more, nothing less.

Next up, Dark Side of the Moon - I have a german pressing of this album that is amazing - trounces every re-issue I've ever heard (and I have them all), vinyl or digital. I played the first side all the way through as once I dropped the needle on the first track, I was sucked in for the duration :green:

The VR55s did not disappoint here either - the clocks at the opening of Time were reproduced with such clarity and spatial resolution that it felt like I was standing in the middle of the shoppe where they were recorded. At the end of the chimes, there is one grandfather clock still sounding and you could hear the woody cabinet resonance, as well as the transient decay and rich harmonic structure of the chimes with a clarity I've never experienced before (yes, you will hear me repeat this many times  :lol:). The soundstage throughout was huge, open, and three dimensional - the VR44s also exhibit a great, wide soundstage but not as deep as the VR55s - nor are they as open and airy.

I have to say, the VR55s convey an amazing sense of space and openness with this recording. You feel enveloped by the sound, to the point of being part of the soundstage rather than being presented with a soundstage in front of your listening position - if you get my meaning.

Next up is Fleetwood Mac - Need Your Love So Bad from The Pious Bird of Good Omen - a great recording with very sweet and natural sound and great vocals by Peter Green and Christie McVie.

On this song, Peter Green's vocals are front and center and the VR55s deliver such an emotionally compelling presentation that it was difficult not to get totally immersed and forget about note taking and paying attention to the "sound". A bit clichéd you might say, but isn't that the goal of all our efforts in sound reproduction - to forget about all the equipment and just be taken along by the music? :duh: Well the VR55s do this better than any speaker in my (albeit limited) experience.

The sound here is rich, smooth, and sweet - but not in an artificial way - you simply hear what is on the vinyl.

There's more but I should wrap up here for now as my wife is giving me hints I've been on the computer too long  :nono: - if you don't get that I'm extremely please with these speakers, you must have dozed off while reading this  :lol:

The VR55s disappear like no other speaker I've heard - they simply get out of the way of the music and present such a natural and uncolored sound that you quickly forget you are listening to a reproduction. They let you fall into the music and convey the emotional landscape of the recording in an immediately tangible and believable way - and isn't that the point of listening to music?

I'll keep adding to my notes as my experience with these speakers grows and as they continue to break in.

Well done Albert - you've outdone yourself with these speakers!


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #16 on: 16 Mar 2015, 03:45 am »
Wow, great report Joe... And this, with 400hrs on them... Can only get better.  Thanks for detailing!   Albert hit it outta the park with this model!   Big things DO come in small packages!  Jack


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Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #17 on: 16 Mar 2015, 03:55 am »
Awesome Joe, you sure aren't making it easy for me to wait 3 or 4 months to order mine.


Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #18 on: 16 Mar 2015, 06:06 am »
Just saw this thread. Thank you for all the wonderful and detailed posting and pictures. It will help me in unpacking mine and the grill pics very helpful to see what they will look like. Relieved to see that you love what you are hearing as I am missing my VR5Annis right now and hoping the 55s handily beat them when they come in a few weeks. Enjoy the music you deserve it! The black finish looks good as well.


Re: VR-55 Aktive - First Impressions
« Reply #19 on: 16 Mar 2015, 06:26 am »
Joe - How did you get them in the house. Did you use a furniture dolly with the 4X4 on bottom? How many people helped?