Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!

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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #60 on: 3 Jul 2014, 03:57 am »
I say play for those in the room - whether that's you as exhibitor or as guest in the room. And be generous and considerate - which ever side your on. I had one guy exhibiting SET flea watt gear with high efficiency speakers actually leave the room because it was steely dan and not some jazz vocalist. At least he played it, but managed to make me feel awkward in the process.

Wouldn't want to play what online folks have voted for if they are not present in person to enjoy it....but from a marketing perspective to draw interest to the room its a good idea, and could help to narrow the exhibitors choice of what to bring / play.


Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #61 on: 3 Jul 2014, 04:16 am »
I think it's important to look at the other side though.

Suppose a vendor plays some music where the recording is not ideal. Then, a person who may have never heard the equipment (plus, there's so many that they just have much time to evaluate the sound) comes in the room and thinks, well that doesn't sound so good.

That's just the nature of the beast.  :(


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #62 on: 3 Jul 2014, 04:38 am »
I think it's important to look at the other side though.

Suppose a vendor plays some music where the recording is not ideal. Then, a person who may have never heard the equipment (plus, there's so many that they just have much time to evaluate the sound) comes in the room and thinks, well that doesn't sound so good.

That's just the nature of the beast.  :(

That's where the vendor would need to do a bit of weeding. The point of polling is not to play everyone's individual choices, but to gain some insight regarding what people would like to hear, then make "appropriate" selections with the goal being to, at the very least, have a good variety of music (of appropriate quality) on display.......and use the old standard stuff (which people may still wish to hear or expect to hear) as filler, rather than the meat of the presentation. This would certainly make shows a little more interesting. Imagine if all vendors played a wide mix of music. Wouldn't that be great?!


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #63 on: 3 Jul 2014, 01:19 pm »
I wanna dance to "heavy metal and other Satanic music styles". Still OK by you?  :P


Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #64 on: 3 Jul 2014, 01:32 pm »
That's where the vendor would need to do a bit of weeding. The point of polling is not to play everyone's individual choices, but to gain some insight regarding what people would like to hear, then make "appropriate" selections with the goal being to, at the very least, have a good variety of music (of appropriate quality) on display.......and use the old standard stuff (which people may still wish to hear or expect to hear) as filler, rather than the meat of the presentation. This would certainly make shows a little more interesting. Imagine if all vendors played a wide mix of music. Wouldn't that be great?!

If they combined that with a way for visitors to select that would be pretty awesome. An iPad/tablet bolted to the wall, say. (Just handing one over seems like a good way to lose it.)


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #65 on: 3 Jul 2014, 01:48 pm »

Good.  That leaves more room for us deviant types who are all going to hell.

After all, we're just doing what our wives demand when they yell "DAMN YOU!"   :icon_twisted:


Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #66 on: 3 Jul 2014, 01:54 pm »
How about this. Anything that is steaming from Beats (Apple) will NOT be audiophile music. Food for thought.


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #67 on: 3 Jul 2014, 01:59 pm »
If they combined that with a way for visitors to select that would be pretty awesome. An iPad/tablet bolted to the wall, say. (Just handing one over seems like a good way to lose it.)

Yeah, basically the vendors would be quasi-DJ's. They'd have a playlist already going (featuring the music people said they wanted to hear, via the polling and weeding process), but allow certain hours in the day when they'd take requests, play music that visitors bring, and/or play the music that visitors have added to the list on the iPad earlier in the day. This way they're always playing a good variety of music, but aren't getting hammered with requests all day, which would be a pain. I realize all this takes time, planning, and perhaps more effort than usual, but I think the end result would be worthwhile.......especially since this whole idea wouldn't really cost the vendor anything (other than time and effort).


Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #68 on: 3 Jul 2014, 04:38 pm »
In order to evaluate a piece of gear, I need to hear music with which I am familiar. I always have a CD mix or two in the event the room doesn't have what I want/need to hear. I also bring a few LPs. As some of you know, I am all rock with a little blues, folk and bluegrass tossed in. I will leave the room as fast as my legs will take me if I hear Krall, Barber or any jazz for that matter. YMMV.

Diamond Dog

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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #69 on: 4 Jul 2014, 12:03 am »


"By Gad, sir, you are a character. There's never any telling what you'll say or do next, except that it's bound to be something astonishing."

                                                                                                                                    Kasper Gutman in The Maltese Falcon                                               


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #70 on: 4 Jul 2014, 02:29 am »
In regard to the actual title of this thread - why?

Even if someone exists whose sole music diet is audiopphile releases, so what?  I may take pity on that person, but I'm not going to deny, or eliminate his/her preferences.

I'm telling those who like "regular" music to not hide it, especially since many of ya'll are saying that music on the opposite end of the spectrum sucks. Just look at the new thread of the guy listening to modern music with his daughter and liking it.

How about we rebel against all the overprocessed pop/pap that's made?

I'll be the first to say that modern Top40 sucks when compared to the classics, but even I find SOMETHING to like.

Or maybe all of the really awful country music - I mean c'mon, how may horses / dogs have to die, girlfriends done wrong, or tributes to pick up trucks do we need?


G Georgopoulos

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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #71 on: 4 Jul 2014, 02:57 am »
I dunno, the fact is that different people like different music, there seems to be an assumption here that because "you" like something then other people will too...

I mean, how is a vendor supposed to know what any particular person walking into their room likes? They may as well play it safe. If people want to play their own music, then fine, but I don't see how vendors can be lambasted for not doing it in advance.

Hi John,i agree with you 100%
Music is very personal,people should play their own music at shows!!!


Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #72 on: 4 Jul 2014, 02:59 am »


Diamond Dog

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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #73 on: 4 Jul 2014, 03:50 am »

As our tweeter-trashin' friend would say:  "No."



Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #74 on: 4 Jul 2014, 01:31 pm »
but unfortunately, i cant tell you how many "audiophile" listening sessions and gatherings have been ruined because of an odd insistence on repeatedly playing something by Diana Krall.  i guess if you really, really like heavy breathing, but she looks like a dude to me, but what do i know?

That made me chuckle.... :thumb:
I have had the same experience...


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #75 on: 4 Jul 2014, 01:34 pm »
Racism is part of freedom of individual expression, but maybe it is prohibited in the country of freedom and I unaware of it.

Top 40, Heavy Metal, HipHip, Rap, drugs, alcohol etc are brainwashed to keep the herd scums under control, this is allowed for the rabble think that are living in a free country.
Needless study psychology to know that.

GT Audio Works

Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #76 on: 4 Jul 2014, 01:53 pm »
I usually think that if a system can create a realistic piano (all 88 keys) and female vocals, it can do most anything.
To paraphrase AJ, what is an electric guitar supposed to sound like?????  How can you evaluate a system based on that? 
Maybe so...but electric guitar has a huge range of sounds a speaker has to produce, as any player will tell you.
You have an wide variety of guitars, Fender, Gibson, Taylor, PRS, Gretsch , Rickenbacker, Godin etc. not even getting into the individual setups of these instruments. Played through different amps...Tubed Vox ac30 and Marshall DSL 40 , just two I happen to like of many choices. Will produce a pallet of tones from velvety smooth to ear bleed shredding.
I find this variety very useful in voicing a good speaker. Oh don't forget male voice,  especially the  lower registers.

Guy 13

Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #77 on: 4 Jul 2014, 02:04 pm »
Hi all.
For me if/when I go the an audio show
(Here on planet Vietnam there is one every year called:
Saigon Hi-End audio show)
for me it's not, does it sound like the real thing (Instruments/voices) ,
but, do I like how it sounds.
Smooth, relaxing with details.
I am not looking anymore for a system that is the same as if you where attending a live show.
Therefore, I would like to get my CDs played at a show, if they don't want,
I go to another room.
Anyway, I now go to audio shows just for fun,
(...and get a free CD at the entrance...)
because I have (Almost) everything to make me happy.

Guy 13 


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #78 on: 4 Jul 2014, 02:11 pm »
Maybe so...but electric guitar has a huge range of sounds a speaker has to produce, as any player will tell you.
You have an wide variety of guitars, Fender, Gibson, Taylor, PRS, Gretsch , Rickenbacker, Godin etc. not even getting into the individual setups of these instruments. Played through different amps...Tubed Vox ac30 and Marshall DSL 40 , just two I happen to like of many choices. Will produce a pallet of tones from velvety smooth to ear bleed shredding.
I find this variety very useful in voicing a good speaker. Oh don't forget male voice,  especially the  lower registers.
FWIW, a acoustic piano go to 27,5 to 4186Hzm a last years-1970s tonal wheel Hammond go beyond 5200Hz.
Higher than it only some church organ in UK that have some horns to sacred music, whose permission to be played was only reserved for the holy week.


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Re: Let's rebel against Audiophile music!!!!
« Reply #79 on: 4 Jul 2014, 02:13 pm »

Top 40, Heavy Metal, HipHip, Rap, drugs, alcohol etc are brainwashed to keep the herd scums under control, this is allowed for the rabble think that are living in a free country.

I'm guessing you don't get out much, FRM.  Top 40 and the rest of those craven pursuits have their fans on AC, and I'd bet 80-90% of AC members have dabbled or grown through those stages in life and come out just fine.

The rest are Bose owners.    :icon_twisted: