My new speaker search

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My new speaker search
« on: 27 Jun 2014, 10:09 pm »
So the upgrade bug has bitten me. Idk why, I guess I haven't bought any new toys lately.

Current System
Salk HT2-tl RAAL with Melody caps crossed over at 80 w Marchand crossover
JL f113
Ava 400r
W4s DAC2
Mac Mini with an SSD and an ext HD running Pure Music

My budget for speaker upgrade depends on how much I like it :). Preferably under 15k. I have no brand loyalty. This stuff is too expensive to be closed minded.
Speaker is for music only. Music tastes: everything but country, main focus is classic rock.

Listened to three speakers today.
Sonus Faber Olympica 3- $13k
This speaker was Okay at best. Wasn't really able to rock out or play electronic well. Very laid back speaker. No sparkle. Good on the jazz and female vocal. Played some John Mayer, the acoustic guitar didn't have any impact, when a string was plucked there wasn't any feeling. This obviously won't work for rock. Source was a peach tree nova 125, prob would do better with a better front end. The pics online of the speaker looked great but when I saw them in person they looked cheesy.  The dealer is getting some Mcintosh equipment in, I will prob re-demo since they are down the street.

Next up was the Paradigm S6- $6500?
When first cranked up you could tell it was a much more efficient speaker. Lots of sparkle. It rocked, was impressed at first, I was thinking that this was a lot of speaker for the money. Wasn't as smooth on the softer content but no biggie. Went through five songs with speaker and I started to get irritated, ahh then it hit me, that BE tweeter is awfully fatiguing. Messed around with speaker placement, no success. So what drew me in at first ended up pushing me away.  The speaker also looked cheap, too much plastic.

Salk HT2TL
Went home and listened to my setup and fell back in love, made me appreciate my gear.  Lots of sparkle, no fatigue. Can rock out. Bass isn't an issue since I have the JL. When a guitar string is plucked you can feel it, little bit of chills.  Everything sound right, nothing stands out, the midrange and upper range blend very well. There is also a nice ambience to it. When listening to pink Floyd track coming back to life on the Pulse record the background electronic music is strong but well placed then the guitar solo starts and it is very up front and magical, the feels were strong. Great sound stage. The vocals on Hey You were perfect, idk what else to say.
For now my Salks are safe

B&W 804, 805:
These speakers were auditioned at Modia in Houston.  Driven by a mid-level Denon receiver using a DVD player as a disc reader directly into the receiver.  The room that the speakers were in was awful.  The room was 15' x 10' the speakers along the long wall and directly behind that listening position was glass wall.  I have no idea who is designing these listening rooms at my local audio stores but it is frustrating.

B&W 805: Great stand mount speaker. The mid-range is smooth and detailed, one of the best I have heard.  The highs had quite a bit of sparkle, due to the diamond tweeter.  The highs were very detailed but rose above the mid-range a bit too much.  The highs were a bit fatiguing.  There are two reasons I can blame for the fatigue.  One, the speakers were firing directly at my shoulders.  If I played with positioning I could have removed some of that harshness.  Two, the glass wall behind the speakers.  No doubt, this caused a lot of issues with reflections.  Bass was great for a stand mount.  The speaker didn't try to extend itself beyond its capabilities.  The mid-bass was near perfect and the bass rose and decayed with perfect timing.  There wasn't the slam of a tower or sub but with a sub these are hard speakers to beat.  Imaging and sound stage was great.  The sound flowed directly from in between the speakers.  These are gorgeous speakers.  Call me a sucker for "Audio Jewelry" but the piano black was beautiful and that nautilus tweeter is just cool to look at.  I didn't like the binding posts.  They were a nice chrome finish but the screw itself was smooth and difficult to grip.  If using spades or bare wire you would need some sort of rubber grip to get a good connection.  All-in-all a great BM speaker for $5000.  I would to have loved to hear these in a better room with better electronics.  I have a soft spot for B&W since they were my first hi-fi speaker and I like their house sound.  The diamond tweeter was a bit fatiguing but I'm going to have to try to hear it again in a different room.  When I was driving home my ears were ringing a little. 
Although I said this was a great BM speaker for $5K I believe that an ID brand could do better for the same money, this is a comparison I will be making soon.

B&W 804:  Not much of a review but these speakers were nowhere as good as the 805.  The bump in mid-bass was dramatic and the speaker overall was not coherent.  After two songs I had enough.  My GF even recognized the difference very quickly.  The speaker had the mid-range and highs of the 805 but the poor bass handling ruined the speaker.

Salk SS10: Auditioned at Bob's Condo (fsimms).  I have been debating on how I was going to write this review for the past couple of days.  First off I would like to thank Bob for his hospitality.  Inviting a stranger into your home to listen to your $20k system takes a lot of trust.  But honesty above all else.

We fired up the system and my first thought was... What is going on?  The sound is dull, smeared, distorted/noisy, and unbalanced.
Something isn't right, to me.  So I turned down the music and started talking to Bob about his setup.  I thought...ok... I know what I like, let me change some things. 
1-First change was installing the back panel over the mid-range.  This cleared up the smearing. Bob's speakers are less than 2' from his front wall.  My thinking is that I am hearing the rear sound too close in time with the direct sound.
2-Second change was setting the tweeter attenuator from -3db to 0db.  This gave life to music, the highs starting to become more prominent. 
3-Third change was figuring out where that high frequency noise was coming from.  I traced it to an amp in the other room hooked up to another set of speakers.  Once that was cleared up I could pin point more high frequency noise coming from the speakers.  We ended up determining it was from his PS3 that we were using to play CDs.  We changed the input to a high resolution internet format. 
4-Fourth, we had to get some tubes out of the mix.  Bob has a tube stage at some point in his chain.  We bypassed the tubes. 
5-Lastly, The balance was off, the left speaker was louder and sounded a bit different.  I noticed that the left speaker was firing directly at my left shoulder and the right speaker was firing 2’ to my right in the seated position.  Since I wasn’t going to move this man’s speakers around we changed the balance level to favor the right speaker by I believe a .5-1db.  This fixed the level but the speakers still sounded a tad different, since the left was firing directly at me.  No big deal.
After all these changes I was told that I was the "Anti-Bob", haha.  I turned to him and said "So you bought one of the most accurate speakers only to add things that distort the sound?"  Bob chuckled and said "Yes".
My preferences were completely opposite.  Bob grew up listening to records and tubes.  I grew up in the Digital era.  Records and tubes are not nostalgic and comforting to me.  I recognize these sounds as noise and pollutants to the signal.  To each their own.  The reasoning I am bringing all of this up is not to be unappreciative of Bob’s hospitality but rather to stress the importance of auditioning speakers on your own.  Do not listen to what people on the internet have to say... at all.  One set of speakers can sound completely different to two sets of ears and even on two different setups in the same system!  So now that the system was setup to my liking we can review:
First we listened to some Pink Floyd.  I use Pink Floyd to gauge how well the speaker places and separates sounds.  There are also a lot of complex electronic sounds mixed in with voices and actual instruments.  The speaker did well.  The layers were placed where they needed to be.  The different guitars were distinguishable.  Acoustic guitars were full bodied with very clean mid bass.  Electric guitars were exciting and the highs had a touch of sparkle.  Vocals were accurate but not clinical.  Next we moved onto Coheed and Cambria.  They are a progressive rock band who are fast, and complex.  I was impressed by how well the speaker was able to create a nice soundstage and separate the instruments.  Each instrument individually was exciting to listen to and the overall presentation was enjoyable. 
After we were finished I was left wanting more.  I could have spent hours trying different music.  Learning new information about the tracks that I have been listening to for the past 20 years.  This is what it is about…the music. 
Nothing about the sound stands out.  I guess this is how it should be.  Any of the speakers that I auditioned that had something that stuck out ended up being an issue.  Most of the time they try so hard to bring you in with striking highs that it ends up creating fatigue.  With the RAAL you can sense that there is details beyond what you can interpret.  I believe this creates that “air” that people mention.  Call me a RAAL fan-boy.
We weren’t really able to test the bass.  Bob lives in a condo and we auditioned the speakers mid-day on a Saturday.  I would expect that it would be great for a full range speaker, but I can’t comment.
The finish on the speakers are nice, I believe it was Ziricote.  I am impressed by the top head of the speaker, how complex it is.  It is shocking that an ID manufacturer can create a speaker with this much cabinet detail.  This is a big speaker, much bigger than measured dimensions would suggest.  It definitely creates a presence in the room.  And this leads me to the room.  This speaker really needs room to breathe.  I would imagine at least 4’ off of a wall.  One of the main benefits is the open mid-range and if you are close to a wall I don’t think you get the intended “ambience” affect.
Overall, the speaker sounds a lot like my HT2-TLs.  The highs are clean, airy, detailed and non-fatiguing.  The mid-range is accurate, fast, and detailed.  Although the SS10 gets the nod for accuracy.  With the right electronics I’m predicting this speaker could be create the last degree of accuracy.  I could tell that the speaker’s capabilities were not in-sight.  It is this head-room that separates the HT2 from the SS10.
I’m sure it would do better in the bass category, but as I mentioned, I couldn’t test the limits.
If I didn’t have the upgrade bug I wouldn’t be rushing out to trade my pair of HT2s in for the SS10.  Is the SS10 better? Definitely, but I believe you need the room and the electronics to make the difference worthwhile.  This shows how good the HT2-TLs really are for the average audiophile with average gear and an average room. 
But who are we kidding?  Who wants to be average? I want that Accuton in my system!

« Last Edit: 8 Jul 2014, 04:49 pm by advanced101 »


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jun 2014, 11:57 pm »
Great post Advance101,

I have several chance to listen to Sonus Faber speakers. They were good speakers but nothing jump out on me. Paradigm S6/8, big bass and dynamic but need to push hard to sound best, not an ideal speaker for late night listening. I listened to B&W diamond speakers, good speaker with solid bass and imagine. Overall, I felt a bit dry and not my type of speakers that I can grow into. Totem Wind is the one of my favorite. Warm and very involving midrange, good bass and nice big soundstage. Although not as deep as my SS8. To me, Jim and Denis got the SS8 all figuring out. In its price range, the SS8s is untouchable.


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jun 2014, 12:04 am »
From what I remember those Winds use Dynaudio drivers, at least for the mids.  Those are going to be difficult for me to demo as there aren't many dealers in the Houston area.

I'm sure the SS8s are great, but I have my speakers laterally against a couple beams and the passive radiators won't work for me. I really want to hear the accuton with the Raal from the SS series. If anyone in the Houston area would let me check out theirs it would be much appreciated, if not I'll take a trip up Jim's, no biggie, I enjoy a little travel.


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Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jun 2014, 12:08 am »
Sell your sub and get the Exotica.  You'll be in heaven.  IT ROCKS!  You already like the Salk sound and this is the best speaker Jim has ever built.  I heard it at Axpona.  The clarity, the bass and the coherence are all there in spades.  The drivers he uses still have the clarity that Salk is known for, but now vocals seem much more natural and emotionally engaging.  In your price range, there would be no question what speaker to get.


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jun 2014, 12:11 am »
We will see, I have to do my due diligence. Those dual 8" rhymiks sound like a real winner in the bass category.  It would def be easier just to go with the exoticas than do something custom.

But I wonder how a speaker with the RAAL, accuton 7" and the 8" rhymiks would sound.  :icon_twisted:
I will def have to compare a SS with an exotica to get a handle on their sound differences.

Keeps the posts coming, I like new ideas!


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Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #5 on: 28 Jun 2014, 12:58 am »
My friends were wondering the same thing. Exotica's vs SS8's. At Axpona, after listening to the Exotica's all day, my friends wanted to hear the SS8's. After the show was over, Jim was happy to oblige.  He put on a demonstration of the SS's that was fantastic.  He played some drum heavy bass music to show how hard they rocked.  And they did!  It's all a matter of personal taste.  I pray Jim leave the Exotica's as they were at Axpona.  Music sounded more "natural" without the Raal tweeter and still kicked butt.  Those subs are fast and TIGHT.  You, of course, have to compare for yourself.


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #6 on: 28 Jun 2014, 01:27 am »
Just a prediction but I have a feeling that my favorite pre-designed speakers will be the Dynaudio Confidence C2s and the exotica 3s. It's crazy to think how good these coated soft dome tweeters can be.


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #7 on: 28 Jun 2014, 11:43 am »
If anyone in the Houston area would let me check out theirs it would be much appreciated, if not I'll take a trip up Jim's, no biggie, I enjoy a little travel.

I live in Clear Lake by the Hilton.  I have SS10s and would love to show them off.


Big Red Machine

Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jun 2014, 12:46 pm »
Classic rock = SS8's over Exotica.


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Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jun 2014, 12:51 pm »
What about acoustic music? 


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jun 2014, 01:00 pm »
Classic rock = SS8's over Exotica.

Is it the mids and highs that make it better for classic rock?

Big Red Machine

Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #11 on: 28 Jun 2014, 02:41 pm »
You can play anything on an 8.  My feeling is that the high sensitivity of the Exotica will not lend themselves to hard rock pounding.  Surely someone will prove me wrong, but I am unlikely to try it myself.  I don't like "loud" playing and go for vocal and articulate recordings so the Exotica is what I desire at moderate volumes.  I heard lips opening and closing with the Exoticas.  All I needed to hear to be sold.


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #12 on: 28 Jun 2014, 03:11 pm »
... I heard lips opening and closing with the Exoticas.  All I needed to hear to be sold.
And they were saying "buy me, buy me!"  :lol:


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Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #13 on: 28 Jun 2014, 03:27 pm »
Get the SS8.

I'm a rock/blues/hard rock guy 85% of the time.

Short Version - it can rock, and play loud if you like. (interestingly enough I don't listen as loud on my SS8's as I did my klipsch and other brands).

It's the midrange IMO that makes this such a great rock speaker, along with a tweeter that is articulate but doesn't scream at higher volumes.

Long version.  My favorite "budget" speaker of all time (going back to my teens and early 20's in the 80's and early 90s) is the Klipsch Forte II.  A 3 way speaker that could play loud, had decent bass, didn't cost a lot, and could be driven with a flea sized amp.  Faults - all sorts, but for the price, the time, and the music... they did the job really well.

A couple years ago (so now in my early 40's) I finally had the time, budget, and room to build a system again (had been using some NHT's and an onkyo reciever for years after having 4 kids).  I tried the Golden Ear Speakers (didn't care too much for them) and then went back to Klipsch- Palladiums to be exact.  Got a screaming deal, and had demo'd the soundscapes at Jim's place (couldn't afford them at that time).

Demo'd all sorts of speakers but for my budget and what I wanted - I thought the Palladiums would do it (they don't have any honkiness like most horns, very clean, but lacking in the bass dept, tight but did not play low) Efficient also.

But with all that going for them, their achilies heel again was at louder volumes - they just got too bright, cymbals in particular came too far forward.  With so many rock recordings being crap recordings... this became a real issue.  They were great with guitars and drums, they imaged side to side well (depth not so much) and sounded "big" and dynamic.

So, decided eventually I would sell them if I could find anything I liked better.  Demo'd all sorts of things paradigms, (studios, tributes, and signatures) and found what I have found forever, I just don't like paradigm speakers.  B+W (frankly felt that the D series was also crazy bright and like the palladiums better), dyn audios (came close to buying focus series), vienna, focal, etc..  Found I did like Wilson Watt Puppys pretty well, but they were overpriced (in comparison to the SS8's).

So I remembered what I heard with the SS8's and was going to go see Jim and demo them again... and found that Big Red Machine was selling his locally.. he brought them over and they never left my house.

My typical playlist consists of Rush, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Black Keys, The Police, Van Halen (damn their crap recordings), Joe Bonasamma, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zep, peter gabriel, dire straits etc...
Get the SS8's.  Trust me, you won't regret it.  The midrange, vocals drums and guitars are OUTSTANDING.  They are also very dynamic and I like them with the rear baffle "open".  They sound a bit bigger open with very little loss in imaging in the soundstage.

The one thing you will need to get used to (if you don't use a sub) these play deeper than your typical speakers, and are much tighter but don't "boom" quite as much in the midbass.  Plenty of bass, and articulate bass at that.

They are sensitive enough to drive with a reasonable amp.  One thing I have found with super sensitive speakers (not just klipsch) is many do begin to sound a bit harsh when driven hard by SS amplification.

Interestingly enough, I find myself not listening as loud with the SS8's as other speakers (even though they sound better loud than others I have owned).   No clue as to why.

My only issue now is I'm trying to get even better performance from my system... so I'm playing with electronics again...

I believe there is a nice set of SS8's out there for sale used right now also.

Big Red Machine

Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #14 on: 28 Jun 2014, 03:46 pm »
And they were saying "buy me, buy me!"  :lol:

Yesiree!  If Jim and crew can pull off what I want, this will be a very special pair.  Top secret. shhh


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #15 on: 28 Jun 2014, 07:51 pm »

My only issue now is I'm trying to get even better performance from my system... so I'm playing with electronics again...

They do respond favorably to improved gear! My SS8's sounded OK with A/B and digital amps, but an old Class A Krell KSA-250 really set the hook in me.


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #16 on: 28 Jun 2014, 08:43 pm »
The ss8s seem like a logical upgrade.

But due to where the speaker is placed I am unable to use one with passive radiators. Eventually the question could be would I rather have a speaker with the SS10 head and exotica 3 bottom, or just the exotica three. I will listen to each line along with other brands and decide.


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #17 on: 28 Jun 2014, 08:46 pm »
Below you will see what I'm talking about. iPad picture


Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #18 on: 28 Jun 2014, 11:46 pm »
If I were you, I would try the speakers that you have now and move them a bit closer to the listeners.  Move them to where the front of the speaker is about 1 foot into the room.   Looking at the picture, I don't think that it would negatively impact the looks or loss of space in the room.  I think it might even look better.  It also may make your current speakers sound a little bit better.

If this works then I think this would open up the SS8 for consideration.  Jim or Dennis might confirm?



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Re: My new speaker search
« Reply #19 on: 29 Jun 2014, 01:12 am »
I agree with Bob
pull those speakers into the room a little
there isn't that much movement from the passives but a little clearance would do good
(Jim does demo the SS8s in rooms stacked next to other speakers  :nono:

I would most certainly take Mr Simms up on his offer to hear the SS10s, you owe yourself that

I also have a pair of SS10s in my 2 ch setup and the SS7 in a HT (SS8 hybrid without the passives)
I moved up from HT3s
The SS8s are the most value but the SS10/12 is refined to the max

if you are looking at 15K for 12k these have the whole system integrated, isolated cabinets, perfect dispersion, they disappear in the room
you don't need a sub and they are beautiful

I'm in New Orleans if you want to visit
The Fathom F113 is an incredible sub, it handles my HT just fine, two in a room would be lethal
Don't think you would need or want it with SS10s
unless you are a huge action movie HT fan