Salk-Amplifier Pairings

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Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« on: 20 Jan 2014, 09:42 pm »
Question from a newbie and near-future Salk owner. I have made up my mind to purchase either a pair of HT2-TL's or SS8's (leaning towards the SS8's for obvious reasons), and am trying to decide on an integrated amp that will do justice to either of them. I know, I integrated? you say :o. Long story short, it is essential for the WAF at the current time. In our current house the speakers will be in a large living room without treatments - no dedicated listening space. So an integrated will be fine for now and I can begin working on separates after the speakers are here. After some research, I am considering the following integrated's:

Hegel H300
LSA Signature
Pass INT-30A
Bryston B135i
Krell S550i
W4S STI-500
AVA Synergy
McIntosh MA7600

I am not so concerned with power- I believe any of these choices could adequately drive the speakers - but am interested in which amp would compliment/elicit the best musicality from the Salk's. Any insights or recommendations, particularly from those with first-hand knowledge, would be greatly appreciated. I would also be interested in any amps not on this list that are worthy of consideration. Thanks in advance for the help.



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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jan 2014, 01:09 am »
Terry, I have experience with one of these amps, close enough I think, to help you on that one. I was, until recently, using a Pass XA-30.5 with my SS M7 monitors. The M7s are somewhat less efficient than the two Salk models you're thinking of. Also, 8 ohm rather than 4 ohm impedance. The 30A integrated basically packages most of the 30.5 in a single chassis. My Salks love the purity of Class-A, but in my case I had to move up to the X-250.5 because the 30.5 wasn't doing the job to my satisfaction in the bass drive department. However, the 30A is a legitimate 'double-down' design so you can expect more power delivery from it into SS8s or or the HT2-TLs. For what it's worth, based on my experience it's iffy.

Since you're focused on integrateds only, have you considered the Luxman L505-uX? Considering pricing for some of the other amps in your list, the 505-uX looks like it's in your price range. I can personally attest to the Luxman-Salk pair-up. It's outstanding, and I'd still be using it with my M7s had I not gone the extreme separates route. Power-wise it's somewhere between the Pass integrated and the Krell integrated, but in my system it had all the bass drive and control I needed. Incidentally, I've also run my M7s with a Krell S-275, the S550i basically packages the (now discontinued) S-275 in a single chassis. Overall, even with it's limitations I much preferred the 30.5 (the Pass sound in general) and I'd go with the Luxman over the S-275 too. Both are smoother - have pretty much a grainless sound - over the precious midrange compared to the Krell.


Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jan 2014, 01:15 am »
Consider a Pass Labs INT-150.  You may find the extra power is just what the doctor ordered.  I found the INT-150 worked better than the 30 when connected  to speakers that require a bit more power.


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jan 2014, 02:55 am »
Salk Sound and AVA have paired together perfectly for a very long time. More audio shows than I can think of.

Just something to consider while making your choice.  :thumb:

Have fun,



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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #4 on: 22 Jan 2014, 03:00 am »
Salk Sound and AVA have paired together perfectly for a very long time. More audio shows than I can think of.

Just something to consider while making your choice.  :thumb:

Have fun,




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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #5 on: 22 Jan 2014, 03:10 am »
I paired Salk ST's with krell kav 400xi integrated, also anthem 225 int.

Sounded ok but when I got integrated tube amp - rogue tempest- the speakers sang a whole new tune, and it was a huge change. Added a tube pre amp and even better dynamics.

I would vote for tube amp. I have heard AVA and Salk pair great. I never heard them.  I know that rogue/ Salk combo is great, and they have 2 new hybrid integrated amps which are very fine- I believe they are sphinx and pharoah.  I heard them both at a demo and the even cheaper one was amazing for the price, close to 1 k. I like the fact that the preamp stage is tubed. Nice thing is you only have to deal with 2 tubes in total with those amps.


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #6 on: 22 Jan 2014, 03:13 am »
I paired Salk ST's with krell kav 400xi integrated, also anthem 225 int.

Sounded ok but when I got integrated tube amp - rogue tempest- the speakers sang a whole new tune, and it was a huge change. Added a tube pre amp and even better dynamics.

I would vote for tube amp. I have heard AVA and Salk pair great. I never heard them.  I know that rogue/ Salk combo is great, and they have 2 new hybrid integrated amps which are very fine- I believe they are sphinx and pharoah.  I heard them both at a demo and the even cheaper one was amazing for the price, close to 1 k. I like the fact that the preamp stage is tubed. Nice thing is you only have to deal with 2 tubes in total with those amps.

what type of wattage on the Rogue?  I always liked their sound


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #7 on: 22 Jan 2014, 05:53 am »
I know you posted no separates - but as an ht2-TL owner who recently when from HK990  integrated to AVA fet valve separates - the difference is amazing. Jaw dropping.  No longer listening to stereo - only music. Highly recommended. Good luck!


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #8 on: 22 Jan 2014, 04:15 pm »
An AVA Synergy Control Amp (100W ch) would be a great choice for the HT2s.

However, the Soundscape Eights will be happier on a much more powerful amplifier, such as the Fet Valve 600R (300W/Ch) that Jim uses at all our joint trade show exhibitions.

An integrated power amplifier just will not get the best of of the Soundscapes.  They will be starved for power.


Frank Van Alstine


Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #9 on: 22 Jan 2014, 04:31 pm »
Question from a newbie and near-future Salk owner. I have made up my mind to purchase either a pair of HT2-TL's or SS8's (leaning towards the SS8's for obvious reasons), and am trying to decide on an integrated amp that will do justice to either of them. I know, I integrated? you say :o. Long story short, it is essential for the WAF at the current time. In our current house the speakers will be in a large living room without treatments - no dedicated listening space. So an integrated will be fine for now and I can begin working on separates after the speakers are here. After some research, I am considering the following integrated's:

Hegel H300
LSA Signature
Pass INT-30A
Bryston B135i
Krell S550i
W4S STI-500
AVA Synergy
McIntosh MA7600

I am not so concerned with power- I believe any of these choices could adequately drive the speakers - but am interested in which amp would compliment/elicit the best musicality from the Salk's. Any insights or recommendations, particularly from those with first-hand knowledge, would be greatly appreciated. I would also be interested in any amps not on this list that are worthy of consideration. Thanks in advance for the help.



It would be helpful to know the general size of your room, what sort of music you listen to the most, how loud you like to listen (in dB if you happen to have a meter is helpful), and your general preferences. Are you going for a neutral (some would say analytical sound), or an amp with a signature of its own, imparting a warmer sweeter quality?

Also what your sources are (do you need a phono input for example).

All of the amps you listed are made by well-respected manufacturers and would make a lot of people happy. The trick is to find the one that has synergy with your other components and produces the end result you are targeting.

I have only heard the SS8s at a show with the AVA Fet Valve 600R and it seemed a fantastic pairing. Very musical.

Best of luck!



Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #10 on: 22 Jan 2014, 05:41 pm »

I used a number of both power amps and integrated amps with the SS8’s I had.   I had a Luxman 505-u when I originally got them, and though at lower volumes it was great, the sound seemed to ‘harden’ at higher levels.  I tried both Pass integrated amps, and found that though the INT-150 had greater control over the bass, the midrange magic that the 30A had was just missing.   As long as I played at lower volumes (75-80 db) the 30A was the ticket.  Like owlsalum1, I also ended up with a 250.5 as the 30A just didn’t control the bass like I wanted and I knew the SS8’s could offer more with a higher watt amp.  That amp seemed effortless with the SS8’s.  However, the midrange magic the 30A offered was gone…hints at times but not the same overall smoothness of the 30A. 
Good luck in your quest.


mick wolfe

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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #11 on: 22 Jan 2014, 05:59 pm »

Indeed, the SongTowers really sing with tubes. As little as 40 watts will get the job done. ( if you're not a headbanger in a large room). Once you depart from the 2-way Salks and venture into the 3-ways and such, probably best to look at solid state or hybrids.


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #12 on: 22 Jan 2014, 10:29 pm »
Thank you all for the input- lots of food for thought (although not necessarily making my decision any easier :?).  The comments so far are reinforcing the fact that it will be difficult to find an integrated that will bring out the best of the SS8s. 

In response to Gzerro, my room is 15x30; music levels (no meter) = 20% low/75% moderate/5% headbanging;  preference towards warmer sweeter sound; and broad range of music from the Stones to Robin Trower to Dire Straits to Pat Metheny to Miles Davis to Thievery Corporation to Patty Griffin….and minimal classical.
owlsalum1, I have not looked at the Luxman but am concerned with 100 wpc for the SS8s. AS mentioned by you and others, it sounds like the 30A has inadequate power but you lose some musicality when moving up to the 150

Frank, thanks for the insight. several posters confirmed the AVA-Salk synergy based upon real world listening experience.

Finally, the Rogue hybrid integrated amps mentioned by Bigfishhk are intriguing.  It sounds like one key to the improved sound of some of the new integrateds is having a tubed preamp to work with the SS power amp. The sphinx may be a little light for the SS8s at 100 wpc, but I wonder whether the 175 wpc pharaoh would work? 

Any other thoughts based on the room size and listening characteristics would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #13 on: 22 Jan 2014, 11:35 pm »
A friend had a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 300 pushing 4 Ohm speakers very nicely before upgrading to the kw500, but then you would have an external power supply to deal with.


Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #14 on: 23 Jan 2014, 12:55 am »
I like my Rogue m180 power my SS8. A bit richer tone and better vocal compare to my old BAT VK6200 amp IMO, if you own SS8 and in the marker for a new amp then these mono block should be on your short list.


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #15 on: 23 Jan 2014, 05:57 am »
An AVA Synergy Control Amp (100W ch) would be a great choice for the HT2s.

However, the Soundscape Eights will be happier on a much more powerful amplifier, such as the Fet Valve 600R (300W/Ch) that Jim uses at all our joint trade show exhibitions.

An integrated power amplifier just will not get the best of of the Soundscapes.  They will be starved for power.


Frank Van Alstine


If the double die option were added to the Synergy integrated amp, would that still be not enough to properly power SS8s?

Alternatively, is the amp (Synergy 240/3 double die) that I have ordered not quite adequate for the SS8s as well?




Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #16 on: 23 Jan 2014, 02:52 pm »
Thought I'd chime in here as well and hopefully offer some useful insight.

First of all, I absolutely love my SS8's finished in Curly Maple with a deep Red Rose dye. They offer the most balanced presentation of any speakers I've had or heard. Excellent treble extension and decay, fast dynamic midrange and excellent deep bass....well you all know this anyway.

After some careful research and some thoughtful and thorough suggestions from some people whose opinion's I value, I purchased a Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 integrated amplifier with an added phono card that accepts either a MM or MC cartridge. With my SS8's I have had a Pass Labs X150.5 which had very nice control over the SS8's resulting in great bass and excellent dynamics but the midrange seemed dry and the treble a touch hard. At that same time I had a Pass Labs XA30.5 that I tried as well and actually ended up utilizing for some time with the SS8's. Beautiful midrange, slightly softer bass and sweet treble with nice delicacy and decay. I really dug this presentation for some time but I couldn't quite get the Salk's to fully open up. Now the XA30.5 is a 60 wpc class A amplifier (into 4 ohms) and I don't listen to music at very loud levels (80-85 db peaks maybe?) and I set about 12' from my SS8's which are spaced 8' apart c-c. My room is part of a finished basement (drywall and berber wall to wall carpet) that's somewhere around 12' wide X 25' long with 8' ceilings. Like I said, after awhile I kept thinking the Salk's needed an amp with more power and headroom to really take control of the speakers and combined with the impression that the XA30.5 had kind of a bulbous or bloomy sound slightly rolled off at the top and bottom, put me on the search for something else. Just for kicks I hooked up my JWN KT88 based amplifier (45-55 wpc) and while it did provide the qualities that all good tube amps with the SS8's (nice extended treble, velvety midrange, soft but decent bass) it did not grasp and hold the speakers either.

My research and the advice I received, pointed me to the VAC Sigma 160i and/or the Rowland Continuum S2.  I was looking for an integrated amp with excellent dynamics and good to great bass like the X150.5, nice midrange without being too fleshy or too dry, and quick extended treble. I really wanted the most dynamic yet neutral  integrated amplifier I could afford and I think I've found it in the Continuum S2. So far it's everything I've been looking for. With SS8's it's everything I was looking for. I use my tube based phonostage (Herron Audio VTPH-2) to do any flavoring of the sound via tube rolling, along with cartridge selections.

Anyway did not mean to blabber on, I just wanted to provide some context to my recommendation of the Jeff Rowland Continuum S2. Hope this helps and good luck in your search!


Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #17 on: 23 Jan 2014, 03:09 pm »
My Salk SCST's run just fine of my Marantz 7002. They ran equally well off my Yamaha P4500S.


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #18 on: 23 Jan 2014, 05:20 pm »
Per your question above, the Synergy 240/3 with the double die option will sound great with the Soundscape 8 speakers, but of course there is still a different between 120W channel and 300W channel with those speakers. We have many users combining the 240/3 with a Fet Valve 400R or 600R on Salk multi-channel systems.  They use the 240/3 for the center channel and surrounds and the bigger 400R, 600R or a Synergy 450 for the front main speakers.

The S240/3 does have a substantially larger power transformer, higher voltage power supplies, and much greater thermal capacity then the Synergy Control Amplifier and thus does have better authority with difficult loads.

Frank Van Alstine


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Re: Salk-Amplifier Pairings
« Reply #19 on: 23 Jan 2014, 05:39 pm »
Per your question above, the Synergy 240/3 with the double die option will sound great with the Soundscape 8 speakers, but of course there is still a different between 120W channel and 300W channel with those speakers. We have many users combining the 240/3 with a Fet Valve 400R or 600R on Salk multi-channel systems.  They use the 240/3 for the center channel and surrounds and the bigger 400R, 600R or a Synergy 450 for the front main speakers.

The S240/3 does have a substantially larger power transformer, higher voltage power supplies, and much greater thermal capacity then the Synergy Control Amplifier and thus does have better authority with difficult loads.

Frank Van Alstine


I ordered the S240/3 precisely with future upgrades in mind.  :)