Super 7 XRS

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Re: Super 7 XRS
« Reply #40 on: 2 Apr 2014, 03:10 am »
Beowolf; thanks for the advise, im looking forward to getting longer speakercables som that I can experiment a little more, and I sure will try your suggestion. Probably I will end up with using something close to what is pictured, and with an alternative placement when able to be alone for some hours, the discs under the spikes makes the speakers easy to move around. Do not think my wife will accept the speakers to be placed in front of sofa, in everyday setup.

Hi Jorgen, I didn't mean in front of the sofa as in blocking the sofa (although that would be better for sound, but not for the wife acceptance factor :lol:) ~ I would still place them on each side of the sofa, however move them out from the back wall to where the front of the speaker baffles are a few inches further out than your sofa.  It will open up your sound stage more.


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Re: Super 7 XRS
« Reply #41 on: 2 Apr 2014, 07:07 am »
I totally understood your point, I just wasnt accurate when I wrote "in front", the problem is that my wife will not accept it.. She is moving them closer to the back wall, and Im placing them closer to how you suggest....
The good thing; she likes the sound and look of the system. So I can have it in the livingroom. (about time to start planning a system nr 2..)

Canada Rob

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Re: Super 7 XRS
« Reply #42 on: 2 Apr 2014, 07:11 pm »
Hello jorgen,

Your system and room look beautiful.  Allow me, if you don't mind, some ideas about furniture and stereo placement.  Having a system as nice as yours I would make it the focal point in the room (as it does not appear to be now visually or acoustically). 
1) If you are going to build a stand for the amp etc. I would remove the couch from between the speakers and put a low audio rack in between.  This would also give you shorter speaker wire runs.
2) Remove the plants off the window sill, as watering them could create spill problems onto the audio gear.
3) Possibly put your couch where your single chairs are, and remove the blue recliner from where it is.
4) Toe your speakers in slightly.

The above should improve your imaging considerably and give your speakers more breathing space.
Please realize I am focusing mainly on the stereo, and not wanting to create domestic disharmony. 


Re: Super 7 XRS
« Reply #43 on: 2 Apr 2014, 10:14 pm »
+1 to Canada Rob's suggestions ... although I realize living with someone creates compromises ... but at least she agreed with you to purchase them in the first place :thumb:

The speakers and amplfier are beautiful pieces of furniture in their own right. The amazing veneer choice and woodwork alone should make both of you want to put them on display and be considered a focal point of your room.  When visitors arrive they are going to comment on their beauty for sure and most likely will want to hear them ... this should make her feel more comfortable displaying them.

The first thing a visitor comments/asks is when they see my place for the first time is:

(1) What is that box with the light bulbs (tubes) sticking out of it that looks like laboratory test equipment? (Decware Tube Amp),
(2) What kind of speakers and wood is that? (Omega Dark Walnut)
(3) Is that a real working record player, I thought they didn't make those anymore? (Rega Turntable)

Then they will eventually notice the other furniture, etc. but not after asking the above first :lol:


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Re: Super 7 XRS
« Reply #44 on: 22 Apr 2014, 09:03 am »
Hello jorgen,

Your system and room look beautiful.  Allow me, if you don't mind, some ideas about furniture and stereo placement.  Having a system as nice as yours I would make it the focal point in the room (as it does not appear to be now visually or acoustically). 
1) If you are going to build a stand for the amp etc. I would remove the couch from between the speakers and put a low audio rack in between.  This would also give you shorter speaker wire runs.
2) Remove the plants off the window sill, as watering them could create spill problems onto the audio gear.
3) Possibly put your couch where your single chairs are, and remove the blue recliner from where it is.
4) Toe your speakers in slightly.

The above should improve your imaging considerably and give your speakers more breathing space.
Please realize I am focusing mainly on the stereo, and not wanting to create domestic disharmony.

Hi Robert and also Beowolf for all your suggestions, I totally understand your intentions,

I pretty much get your general ideas, but of course there are som problems going in that direction. I am very curious of the results such changes would give, so I will try them out soon. In the mean time and after I took those pictures I have been able to move the speakers further apart, and also im able to move the speakers forward a little. Also some toe-in is done. That made a pretty big change in sound, im still doing some exploring, to get the best result, both for sound and looks. If there is more/better sound to get out of this system Im really impressed, I my ears, and those who have been listening, it is really good right now, of course I am a little biased, but, it is really really nice sounding at the moment. However Im not advocating (?) that it is optimized in present placement.
 One small issue is that the sweetspot is pretty small, if we are listening together (something we actually pretty often do) my "passenger" doesnt get the nice soundstage as Im getting in my chair.

I will (one day soon) have a dedicated stand for the amp/other gear.
On the other hand The wife will not accept to move sofa and chairs, its like no chance at all. She wants symmetri and furniture pretty much as it is at the moment, and I have to say I somehow understand, and i might just be better off not fighting this battle, and be happy she went thumbs up on buying theses beutiful speakers and the amp.  (and of course move forward in a wanted direction little by little... )
Is there an sound-positive factor with shorter cables?


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Re: Super 7 XRS
« Reply #45 on: 22 Apr 2014, 04:19 pm »
jorgen, sounds good and we all understand that living room layout is a compromise, (or entirely dictated by the SO  :icon_lol:)...

For the sweet spot thing, if you really want a broad sweet spot the best answer is to get an Omega bipole speaker  :icon_twisted:.  But working with what you have you could try even more toe-in so the speakers cross a bit in front of your listening position and the left speaker would be pointed just to the right of center. But it is a fact that a conventional speaker has a fairly small sweet spot and little can be done about it.

Shorter cables are definitely better than longer cables although the difference isn't huge if you are staying with shorter lengths in general. Shorter cables definitely cost less though!  :wink: