Who else HATES Miles Davis?

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Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #20 on: 21 Jul 2013, 01:20 pm »
There are musicians I respect because of their significance even though I may not be moved by their work. I am NOT a fan of the late "fusion" work of Miles Davis, but much of his earlier work, especially "Kind of Blue", is great stuff. I guess all jazz fans, who made that album the biggest selling jazz album over a period of fifty years, must be idiots. You don't have to like it, but you should at least respect it. I guess all jazz fans, who made that album the biggest selling jazz album over a period of fifty years, must be idiots. If you don't like it, there's plenty of other music to listen to.

Intergalactic Wastebin, here we come...

... "must be idiots"????....or maybe, just maybe, those folks were simply smart enough to listen to all the other great players providing The Really Great Music on that recording.....though I think I understand the situation....Miles probably had little time for actual music ( not that he could ever play at a high level of proficiency anyway...other players btw called it mouse music...) his hands were full working around the clock trying to polish his image as the blackest , the toughest and the coolest cat in the universe....sometimes I think the phrase, " great art doesn't need to draw attention to itself " was penned with Miles in mind.....



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Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #21 on: 21 Jul 2013, 01:39 pm »
I try all kinds of music, and if I find something I don't like/get I put it in the "give it to other GAS guys" pile.  I hate Celine Dion.  Solution?  I don't listen to her or buy her stuff.   What's the big deal? :scratch:


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Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #22 on: 21 Jul 2013, 01:42 pm »
Mostly agree. Miles isn't my favorite trumpeter, but his bands were generally tha shiznit.

Also, Marsalis is not a Miles impersonator, he's a classical musician impersonating a jazz musician, who found out he could become a well-paid interpreter of what jazz "is" and "was" to non-jazz audiences, rather than keep woodshedding and improving his chops. He then started impersonating musicologists, historians, political scientists, talked more than he played, and seemed to forget to be a musician. Later, he then started impersonating Duke Ellington, writing sprawling, huge works, until he lost his recording contract.

But it's true that we are all dealing with the loss of the heart, soul, and meaning of jazz as it's been gentrified in university halls, co-opted by audiophiles (rather than music lovers), lost its fan base and therefore new talent, and mostly dropped by labels.

....actually I think Marsalis is, but in the sense that his work was also a triumph of style over substance....he like Miles were primarily stylists that appropriated and polished to death an image that had all the trapping that screamed jazz genius to the casual jazz fan but didn't actually carry jazz forward in a sustainable way ( jazz rock/funk for Miles...and museum jazz for Marsalis...both of which are dead-ends...so yeah agree whole-heartedly with both your comments and those of Richidoo...)....

....there is also the connection of Miles to the star-making machinery at Columbia that should also be considered but that is a very long and complicated story....the short version is Miles sold his soul for a huge paycheck and the music down the river chasing mainly rock oriented audiences which at the time represented the mainstream buying public ....



Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #23 on: 21 Jul 2013, 02:24 pm »
The list of highly accomplished musicians who consider their time spent playing with Miles a career highlight is a long one.
If all he ever produced was "Kind of Blue", he'd be long remembered.


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #24 on: 21 Jul 2013, 04:37 pm »
I'm thinking more about this subject, and I'm realizing MY that hating musicians is going a bit too far, unless they perpetrate some kind of crime against humanity or the planet. So I apologize for my rant against Wynton, whoever he is and whether he likes what he's created is his own problem. I don't have to like his music if it doesn't speak to me.
I'll admit that my problem is falling victim to the marketing machine's presentation of the music and possibly using controversy to kick up interest and profits. Even if the musician also decides to use extramusical means to prop up an image and make money doing so, there are plenty of other artists around that can and do speak to me.
That's all I'm going to say about hating musicians.
I would like to clarify though that the second great Davis quintet (Shorter, Carter, Hancock, Williams) was not even close to fusion. No way, no how. You may not like those albums, and in my opinion, Miles had a very hard time keeping up with his band during this era, but I'd suggest you concentrate on the band and the tunes. I think these albums are at the same high level as the "classic" quintet. Lots of great music from that band. Think of Miles as bringing some color into it, and no more.


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #25 on: 21 Jul 2013, 04:48 pm »
I suppose its a particular STYLE of jazz that I really dislike, which Miles seems to be the epitome of.  It's the "let the band play in the background, marking time, while I do my THING."

I'm trying to think of an example of Miles Davis doing this. His entire M.O. was to gather the best musicians he could find - and he found them - and let them all do their thing, take their turn blowing the doors off, which they did, just like he did when it was his turn. I think it's "Steamin" that starts off with a 3 or 4-minute drum solo by Philly Joe Jones. You think John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderley weren't given enough room to roam on Kind of Blue? How about Wayne Shorter and and Herbie Hancock, and all the compositions they churned out for Miles's band post Blackhawk in the mid-60s, with Tony Williams banging on the drums in what had to be the most unrestrained fashion in the history of jazz?

That's not an ego pushing everybody else into the background. That's an ego that's big enough to share the stage with giants that he frankly had a bit of a time keeping up with. Miles was all about making the music happen, pushing it to the next level. Not tooting his own horn, which he knew wasn't his strongest suit.

In fact, I can think of a number of other jazz greats who were far closer to the "epitome" of what you describe - Charlie Parker, Lee Morgan, Freddie Hubbard. But in those cases I could hardly complain about their hot-dogging and hogging the spotlight.

All of that said, I think there is an element of standoffishness in Miles' personality that comes through in his playing. Some may find that off-putting, though personally I find that a sentiment worth questioning. I think it's most significantly a sign of his profound expressive talent.


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #26 on: 21 Jul 2013, 05:10 pm »
My compliments to Tyson on an interesting and thought provoking thread.  I'm a Miles Davis fan but everyone is entitled to an opinion, and we all have our preferences.  Even though I am a MD fan, I wish I had started this thread because it has been entertaining.



dB Cooper

Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #27 on: 21 Jul 2013, 05:23 pm »
Miles probably had little time for actual music ( not that he could ever play at a high level of proficiency anyway...other players btw called it mouse music...)
Other musicians and/or composers who were panned by their contemporaries include Beethoven, Igor Stravinsky, and Thelonious Monk.

dB Cooper

Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #28 on: 21 Jul 2013, 05:28 pm »
I try all kinds of music, and if I find something I don't like/get I put it in the "give it to other GAS guys" pile.  I hate Celine Dion.  Solution?  I don't listen to her or buy her stuff.   What's the big deal? :scratch:
Amen. I'm getting off before this thread heads to the Wastebin.  Hate Miles? Listen to something else. Mozart, Muddy Waters, Justin Bieber, whatever floats your boat.


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Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #29 on: 21 Jul 2013, 05:50 pm »
Other musicians and/or composers who were panned by their contemporaries include Beethoven, Igor Stravinsky, and Thelonious Monk.

....and if I may add a particularly cheap putdown of the late great Eric Dolphy by an especially vainglorious contemporary.....and then of course closer to our era  there was the infamous slagging of Louis Armstrong by some latter day wanna-be....

....and btw having those other folks you mentioned take flack is understandable....they were ground breaking geniuses who challenged the status quo....and they wouldn't be doing their "job as break-thru artists" properly if they weren't taking flack....MB was nowhere close to their stature and to imply he was is verging very close to being disingenuous....



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Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #30 on: 21 Jul 2013, 07:26 pm »
You know, I've been mainly focused on the stuff he did after the quintet and quartet, so I will go back to those earlier albums.  If I get something out of those albums, then this thread will have been worth it.


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #31 on: 21 Jul 2013, 07:52 pm »
Coincidentally, yesterday I read an interview with Carlos Santana where he expressed a view about 'critics'.  It fits in this thread like a hand in glove:

"I never was really threatened by what anyone said.....I would look at those guys in the eyes and ask, "Can you play for 90 minutes and say something from your heart to captivate people?  Oh, you can't?  Than shut the fck up!  Miles gave me an incredible sense of conviction.  I'll take criticism maybe from another musician, but not from someone who can't play."

'nuff said!;)


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #32 on: 21 Jul 2013, 08:05 pm »
"His sense of space and the empty void between notes is stupendous."  Somebody is actually listening.  I think Tyson was a touch under the weather and wanted to be "startin sumthin"  Been there, done that.  There is no denying Miles' talent anymore than Michael Jackson's.  I think it's a good idea to go back to his earlier albums.  His open bell ballad playing on some of those old Prestige releases is superb.  A man with a career as long as his has to change over time and he did so more successfully than any jazz player/arranger/composer.     


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #33 on: 21 Jul 2013, 09:06 pm »
Coincidentally, yesterday I read an interview with Carlos Santana where he expressed a view about 'critics'.  It fits in this thread like a hand in glove:

"I never was really threatened by what anyone said.....I would look at those guys in the eyes and ask, "Can you play for 90 minutes and say something from your heart to captivate people?  Oh, you can't?  Than shut the fck up!  Miles gave me an incredible sense of conviction.  I'll take criticism maybe from another musician, but not from someone who can't play."

'nuff said!;)

True, except we here represent (hopefully) the intended audience for the jazz artists, and so our opinions actually do matter a bit more than critics' opinions. Unless the musician is playing for him- or herself, for other musicians, or for the critics. The only caveat is that we as an audience need to be somewhat informed on the subject, which is the gist of this thread.


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Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #34 on: 21 Jul 2013, 09:12 pm »
Miles was a genius excepting the very last period of his music.


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Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #35 on: 21 Jul 2013, 09:33 pm »
Miles was a genius excepting the very last period of his music.

Although I am not a big fan of the fusion period, (Bitches Brew and later albums), MD was a genius to the end.  He was always on the bleeding edge of jazz development, expanding the forms beyond their boundaries.  He was never satisfied with staying with a particular jazz genre, always pushing the limits.  His musical progression is worth a study on its own. IMO, it is hard to like jazz and not learn and listen to its evolution!

As an aside, I think the whole "HATES" is a bit silly.  You can respect the person, love or hate some or all of his music, but HATE..... :scratch:


dB Cooper

Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #36 on: 21 Jul 2013, 10:50 pm »
....and if I may add a particularly cheap putdown of the late great Eric Dolphy by an especially vainglorious contemporary.....and then of course closer to our era  there was the infamous slagging of Louis Armstrong by some latter day wanna-be....

....and btw having those other folks you mentioned take flack is understandable....they were ground breaking geniuses who challenged the status quo....and they wouldn't be doing their "job as break-thru artists" properly if they weren't taking flack....MB was nowhere close to their stature and to imply he was is verging very close to being disingenuous....

Really? Miles had nothing to do with Bop, nothing to do with "cool jazz".... "Birth of the Cool"? Crap. "Sketches of Spain"? Swill. "In A Silent Way"? Caca. "Kind of Blue"? Hey, that was all the other guys on the date, who somehow broke through past spotlight-hogging Miles. Whatever. Do I think Miles was as significant a figure in jazz history as Monk? Absolutely. Do I think he was a jerk? Even his friends would concede that.

I'm gonna go listen to some music. Arguing questions of taste is a waste of time. It's like arguing which is better, strawberries or blueberries. Out of here.


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #37 on: 21 Jul 2013, 11:02 pm »
I suppose its a particular STYLE of jazz that I really dislike, which Miles seems to be the epitome of.  It's the "let the band play in the background, marking time, while I do my THING."

Geez, Tyson.  Criticizing Miles for his style is a bit of a stretch.  Which style might that be, "in A Silent Way", "Miles Smiles", "Birth of the Cool", Kind of Blue", "Bitches Brew", "Star People"?  He didn't stand still long enough to get pigeon-holed like that. 


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #38 on: 21 Jul 2013, 11:16 pm »
I keep listening to all of his records, hoping, PRAYING, that, someday I will "get it".  But I never do.  I mourn the time lost on this endeavor. ....


    Funny, maybe it is time to move on don't you think? You can not force yourself or anyone for that matter to like a certain piece or type of music.

    What sound like music to you, can sound like noise to others and vice versa. :D

    BTW... I'm not deep in to jazz or was I lived through that period but I do find "Kind of Blue" "Birth of the Cool" stimulating to me and I do listen to it once in a while. :D

     Well, just listen to what you like and enjoy. :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


Re: Who else HATES Miles Davis?
« Reply #39 on: 22 Jul 2013, 12:32 pm »
You know, I've been mainly focused on the stuff he did after the quintet and quartet, so I will go back to those earlier albums.  If I get something out of those albums, then this thread will have been worth it.
Try Kind of Blue, 7 Steps to Heaven, Steamin', Cookin', there are others as well but these are some of my favorites of his.

Lee Morgan is another horn player similar music you may want to look into, Leeway or Candy albums.