Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour (New Tour With Speaker Cables: Page 10)

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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #180 on: 16 Feb 2014, 06:25 pm »
Sounds like fun, please add me to the 2nd Tour. How many IC's are included in the package? Not to be greedy but to get the full experience I would need 2 pair (rca): preamp to amp and DAC to preamp.

Wayne in Tucson


Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #181 on: 17 Feb 2014, 06:07 pm »
Hi Dave,

I'm interested in joining the tour. I'm in no hurry. Not sure what's in the tour package... maybe PM me?

Thanks- Doug


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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #182 on: 27 Feb 2014, 06:03 pm »
OK, 2nd package is ready to go!

lokie, I am sending out speaker cables and interconnect cables in 2 tour packages. One tour has a balanced interconnect as well as single ended, one has single ended ics only... let me know if you want an XLR cable or not.


Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #183 on: 28 Feb 2014, 12:57 am »
OK, 2nd package is ready to go!

lokie, I am sending out speaker cables and interconnect cables in 2 tour packages. One tour has a balanced interconnect as well as single ended, one has single ended ics only... let me know if you want an XLR cable or not.

I'm in NH and would also love to try your speaker cables and single ended IC's. Thanks for the opportunity!


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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #184 on: 6 Mar 2014, 06:43 pm »
Sounds good audiogoober, will do!

Update... the 2nd tour package is on it's way to teetee and RPM123 has the 1st tour package and has been burning in the XLR cables for me.

Also, I have been testing the new connectors and it's very close between the Furutech CF-102(R) and the WBT/Mundorf Nexgen RCAs. I don't like to rush to conclusions so I will just make the observation so far that the Mundorf is the more accurate RCA plug. The Furutech emphasizes the lows and highs a bit (rhodium plating) and has a bit more fullness (not necessarily a good thing, depends on the recording/system). The looks and construction of the CF-102(R) is amazing, but the WBT is no slouch... it is plastic but the design is 100x better than the Eichman RCAs. The WBTs do require solder while the Furutech has set screws, which is better, but with today's solder (mundorf silver/gold) it's not a big deal.

And more ongoing experiments to keep improving everything that remain top-secret for now...  :wink:


Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #185 on: 6 Mar 2014, 06:49 pm »
so how does this work?  if my name is on the list i just keep watching till i get close and then what?


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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #186 on: 6 Mar 2014, 07:10 pm »
Hi guf, Sorry, I've been lazy....  :icon_twisted: 

The tour list is below, if you are in Group 1 and can move to Group 2 let me know, the cables will probably get to you faster and there is NO XLR cable, so less insurance and cheaper shipping.

When it is your turn I will send you a pm to make sure you are ready and get shipping details sorted out.

Group 1 (XLR and RCA ICs, 12' SCs w/bananas and spades)

Chris Adams (will probably just send you a D3 XLR soon since you don't need the others)
Ozark Tom

Group 2 (RCA ICs and 8' SCs w/spades)

« Last Edit: 29 May 2014, 02:50 pm by DaveC113 »

Chris Adams

Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #187 on: 6 Mar 2014, 09:22 pm »
Thanks, Dave! :thumb:


Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #188 on: 6 Mar 2014, 09:38 pm »
Yeah cool, put me in group 2.


Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #189 on: 6 Mar 2014, 10:34 pm »
Thanks Dave; looking forward to it.



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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #190 on: 9 Mar 2014, 05:47 pm »
Hi Dave,

Ron from www.newrecordday.com here...  id like to review this bad boys... hit me up and lets talk shop.



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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #191 on: 10 Mar 2014, 04:57 pm »
OK, cables are going from RPM123 to maxima95 shortly.

Vedder, thanks for your interest I will contact you.

We should hear a couple reviews from last couple folks to receive the cables shortly... here are a couple comments posted in the reviews thread, that way I can keep them all in one place:

Quote from: hanguy
I had the pleasure of reviewing Dave’s cable in my system over the holiday. I focused on D2 and DD IC.

I installed the cable between my Buffalo III DAC and Van Alstine Avastar preamp. I need a 3m pair between my preamp and amp so I cannot test Dave’s IC in that location. The rest of my system consists of DIY Pass F5 AMP and GR Research Super-V speakers.

The interconnect I have been using between the DAC and preamp was a DIY cable using the very same center conductor as Dave’s D2 cable. The ground return wire is the same but without the Litz configuration and using Eichmann Gold Bullet Plugs. The D2 cable’s sonic signature is very similar to my DIY cable but has a little more heft in the bass and seems a little louder. The weak notes of music come through a little more clearly. I would consider the D2 cables are worthwhile upgrade considering the reasonable price of the D2 and the quality of material it uses.

Next up is the DD cable. This set of cable is in a totally different league. The presentation of the music is more or less the same as D2 but everything just got better. The music is more coherent and the bass is even more solid than D2. The image of everything seems to snap into focus. The image does not get larger than the D2 but it just seem more solid. For the lack of a better term, everything just got more musical. Considering the price difference between the D2 and the DD and the performance differences, the DD represents a better investment.


Quote from: rollo
I have been saying since I received the DD that they are a very special cable. Period. Duelund wire as well as their caps due to lots of dielectric take serious time to stop changing.
  Initially they sound dark in comparison to when fully broken in. Bass is there but not defined yet. the top extended but not fleshed out meaning the harmonics have yet to appear in their decay and glory.
   With 700 hundred hours on them now they stopped changing. If you own these cables you are going to be surprised as to the end result. Not warm at all. Extremely neutral but without the leanness that usually goes along with neutral. These cables have gestalt [ balls ] that most do not. nothing is highlighted or blown up.
    I am a top end freak. It better be natural and non Hi Fi sounding. These cables provide that in spades. Once you experience real like tonality and harmonics at first you may think the DD is rich. It is not it is accurate with zero HI Fi attributes. The sizzle, exaggerated sibilance brightness is MIA. Oh and did I say dead quite.
    Now saying all that remember no cable is a "BEST" cable or wire. We can say though accurate tone, harmonics and PRAT is what makes this cable assembly a must try.
    The D2 in direct comparison is different. A bit less meat on the bone detailed and a tad brighter presentation. Does that description mean not good ? Not at all just different. I cannot say that enough. We per ferred the D2 with tubed gear as opposed to SS. Especially digital source.
     Dave the DD is an excellent product. The "best" ? no such thing a "difference" yes Sir and take that to the bank. The difference is staggering Oh and if you like like them you can keep them. Period.



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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #192 on: 10 Mar 2014, 08:48 pm »
So I shipped Dave's D1, D2, and DD cables back to him recently promising to write up my impressions so here they are.  Based on what I had previously read on this thread I decided to focus on the D2 and the DD.  I started my evaluation by inserting the D2 between my Audiosector NOS dac and my Eastern Electric M88 Integrated.  My speakers are the Audiokenesis Prismas which are extremely revealing of downstream component and cable changes so I was confident that if there were differences to be heard I would hear them.  The D2 replaced a pair of MAC Palladium Sound Pipes.  I used Steely Dan's "Things I miss the most" to conduct the evaluation. 

So what did I hear?  Well to be honest, although I expected to hear significant differences between the D2 and the MAC, I didn't.  Could I detect a difference?  Yes I could.  Could I determine which was better.  Not really.  The differences were there but they were also very subtle.  I swapped the MACs back in and again no major changes.  The MAC really held its own against the D2.  I guess that isn't too surprising because the MAC was very well reviewed when it came out and listed at $429 at the time. 

OK time for the DD.  Out came the D2 in in went the DD.  Well now that was a horse of a different color!!  Absolutely no trouble discerning a difference this time or noticing which cable is better.  The DD lifted a significant veil off the sonic presentation, illuminating and giving texture to the Walter Becker's bass and giving the entire recording a more organic more musical sound.  Steely Dan music is very well recorded but it can also sound a bit clinical and sterile, lacking warmth and emotion.  The DD went a long way toward fixing that problem.  My toes were tapping and I was smiling.  I was grooving on great bass lines that were so well defined and a pleasure to focus on.  No longer did I have to strain to hear them.  They were right there.  And the lyrics?  Well let's just say that I became a lyric man instantaneously. (usually I focus almost exclusively on the music) The lyrics were coming to me instead of me having to fight to understand them if you know what I mean.  Oh he misses the Audi TT.  Of course!  Why couldn't I make that out before?  This cable was uncanny. It was able to make a clinical sounding record come off as more musical and warmer yet at the same time reduce the noise floor so that everything became much clearerand easier to discern, especially where my system had been lacking previously, the bass.  It really took me only that one song (played repeatedly in A/B style) to know that I would not be sending the DD back to Dave.  From my cold dead hands, Dave.  This cable is the real deal.  I know I am just one more affirmation of what so many others here have already said.  Like everyone else on this thread I concur.  The DD is special and represents a new reference in affordable cables.  If you have been reading this entire thread and you haven't pounced on the DD yet what are you waiting for?

Dave, you have really whetted my appetite for your products.  Let me know if I can get on any other tours would you?


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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #193 on: 14 Mar 2014, 06:04 pm »
Okay, the cables have been shipped to maxima95, have fun!

First off, I want to thank Dave for setting up the tour. Initially, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to participate since I was fairly satisfied with my current cabling, but the more I read about Dave's Cables, the more intrigued I became. I received XLR and RCA versions of the D3s and a set of 14 gauge speaker cables with jumpers.

I listen primarily to rock, followed by classical and a smattering of jazz. Overall, I prefer neutrality, since I would rather hear what's actually on the recording than have the music "smoothed over" by cabling or components. I used the following CDs for the cable evaluation: KT Tunstall - Invisible Empire, Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly, Joe Bonamasa - Live at the Vienna Opera House, Dandy Warhols - Welcome to the Monkey House, The Band - Live at the Academy of Music, Tedesci Trucks Band - Made up My Mind, Led Zep - Celebration Day, The Black Keys - Black Keys (LP), Bartok Concerto for Orchestra LP (Reiner). I also had my (very understanding) wife sit in a few times to to get her reaction.  :D

I use Cabledyne Silver Reference XLRs from a Jena Labs modified Oppo 95 to a Wyred 4 Sound STP/SE preamp, followed by Grover ZX RCA cables from the preamp to a Job 225 (outstanding amp), which drives Devore Nines from Transparent Music Wave Plus speaker cables. I also use Lectraline RCAs from a Herron Audio VTPH 2 phono stage into the preamp. Turntable is a Eurolab Premier with Moerch UP 4 arm and Lye Argo i cart. I use several power cords, including Triode Wire Labs, Core Audio Technology and Cerious Technologies. And last but not least, everything is plugged into an UberBuss. (I was unable to use Dave's cables between the preamp and amp because I need 1.5 meters and the longest Dave's IC was one meter.)

On to the review. Track 9 of KT's Invisible Empire has her vocals standing out further than the instruments on Dave's, whereas the Cabledynes had the vocals more recessed compared to the instruments. Not sure which was the more "accurate", but we preferred Dave's cables on this track, however it was largely a wash on the other tracks. Moving on to Track 4 of Mazzy Star, the vocals are waaay back in the mix on Dave's cables, while the Cabledyne's have the vocals more forward. Score one for Cabledyne. Again, it was more or less a wash with the other tracks.

Initially, it was a struggle to discern the differences between Dave's and my cables, but over time a pattern emerged.While Dave's cables are very pleasing and easy to listen to, I (we) found that they seem to obscure some detail with a smoothing affect that could lead to a certain "sameness" to recordings. They have a tendency to remove the leading edge of transients and vocals, thereby taking away from the rawness and energy of rock recordings. This was most apparent on the  Joe Bonamasa CD. His voice was quite nice using Dave's cables, but lacked the rawness using the CableDynes (BTW- my wife and I saw Joe B. live last December). I think the defining moment came when I fell asleep one afternoon while listening to the Led Zep Blu-Ray. That should not happen! After I switched back to the Cabledynes, it felt as if someone threw cold water on my face and I was suddenly back at the concert. Also, when I used Dave's from the Herron to the preamp and his speakers cables, the sound was way too soft for my tastes. My wife also found it easier to discern individual voices and instruments with my cable set up.

Dave's cables are very well made and very musical! They presented sound in a different way than my cables and initially I was quite enamored of the XLRs. However for my listening tastes and preferences I ultimately preferred my own cables. I could easily see some people preferring Dave's though, especially if they listen to primarily to jazz or classical using digital gear.

Postscript: Near the end of my listening, I purchased the "Essence of Music" CD treatment kit and wow, what an improvement it made! CDs sounded much more analogue like. It also made the cable differences more apparent.



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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #194 on: 14 Mar 2014, 10:08 pm »
Thanks RPM123!

That was the worst review I've ever got on the D3s but so be it.

The cabledyne and grover ics are known to be some of the most forward and bright cables you can get and I "voice" mine to the neutral side...  however all my cables are a custom built and I can fine tune my cables to be more or less forward if that's what someone wants.

My theory is to provide a cable that is as neutral and accurate as possible, not laid back, not forward, not bright or dark. But this isn't everyone's preference and that is ok. Also, if a system tends to lean one way then cabling that leans the other way may make for a better match than a more neutral/accurate cable.

Well at least nobody can say I'm somehow "fixing" the results!  :green:


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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #195 on: 14 Mar 2014, 10:29 pm »
"Well at least nobody can say I'm somehow "fixing" the results!"

Very true, since I asked Dave if I should provide him my listening impressions prior to posting and he said no, post it on AC! To be clear, they are excellent cables and many should find that they match quite well in their system(s).


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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #196 on: 17 Mar 2014, 07:51 pm »
If it's not too late, I'd love to be in group 2.



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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #197 on: 17 Mar 2014, 07:58 pm »
Sure... you are under 50 posts but I remember reading your posts in the Omega forum so I'm pretty sure you won't disappear with them.  :wink:

Also, cables in group 2 are moving on to WGH right now, and maxima95 should have group 1 cables or will be getting them very soon...


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Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #198 on: 17 Mar 2014, 11:47 pm »
Dave - I just checked and the scheduled delivery date is Tuesday, 3/18, at the end of the day.

It was Monday 3/17, at the end of the day; it recently changed.


Re: Dave's Cables Interconnect Cable Tour
« Reply #199 on: 18 Mar 2014, 02:28 am »

The cabledyne and grover ics are known to be some of the most forward and bright cables you can get and
Well at least nobody can say I'm somehow "fixing" the results!  :green:
Just to balance things out- I was using Grover ZX+ in my two best systems and I happily replaced them all with DD and D3s. In my systems the Grovers were drier and thinner sounding, while Dave's had more body and density of tone, as well as a more dimensional presentation. Overall, it was not close- in my system.
Cabling matchups are very system specific, of course.
« Last Edit: 18 Mar 2014, 03:47 am by jonbee »