dff files not importing into j river

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Phil A

Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #20 on: 18 Mar 2013, 09:22 pm »
Ted, what I've been doing is cleaning up the folders on the PC (vs. the music server) on the external drive and importing a single (DFF) folder in JRiver.  I enter the artist and album and right click to get cover art and 90% of the time it picks it up (and I can go to CD Universe or Album Art Exchange for the others and right click and copy the image into Paint and then get the cover art from the saved file).  I've been saving the JPEG files in the folder with the music files.  So that is what I was referring to as continuing as I guess I'm going to need that anyway.  Then when I replace the DFF files with DSF files in the folder the cover art is already there.  I just got JRiver and so I've been fumbling through it.  I noted it took me a week to finally figure out the DFF files were going to unassigned.  I'd try importing something and it would pretty much tell me it importing zero.  It gave me some error message about bad files that it had ignored and first I deleted them (since they were bad anyway) hoping that was my issue.  Then I noticed the unnassigned category.

Phil A

Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #21 on: 18 Mar 2013, 09:25 pm »
Ted, so yes, I went through that same screen and elected to have the cover art stored in the folder as the music server as a small SSD drive and I have two 3TB drives attached to its better USB ports so that I should be able to get all my hi-rez and non-hi-rez onto those and then at some point do some multi-channel on another drive (the music server has HDMI out).

Phil A

Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #22 on: 18 Mar 2013, 11:09 pm »
The ISO extracts will occur on the drive where you do the extracts.

Here is a simple primer:

1) First make a new folder close to a root drive (so the naming path doesn’t get too long..sometimes the classical ones are ridiculous).  Call it, say, ISO2DSD. 
2) Then make a subfolder in it called Programs (capital “P”). 
3) Put the SACD-extract.exe (first link below, unzip) executable in the Programs subfolder. 


4) Put the bat file (link below, unzip) in the main folder.


5) So then put any number of ISOs (rename the ISOs if their name is too long; something that will uniquely identify them but not too long) you want to extract in the main folder (the one with the bat, the one we called ISO2DSD). 
6) Click on the bat file and then each ISO will extract to DSF tracks, putting one album full of tracks in a folder each (20 ISOs, 20 new folders created).  When you do this again remove the already-extracted ISOs or they will get worked on again!  Each ISo can take 10 minutes or more, so once you have this down well do a shitload overnight.

Ted, so if I understand what you're saying and I already can extract single ISOs,

I have the following Main Folder:

and the following in the Program Folder:

Then I just need to unzip the second link in your post and put in the main folder, which will allow me to do multiple ISOs vs. a single one?



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Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #23 on: 18 Mar 2013, 11:23 pm »
No, you have it!!  The third bat down (Extract DST Stereo DSF Files).  ALL bats do multiple ISO's, all of them.  That's why they exist.  Just stick multiple ISO's in the parent folder and click the bat.  Multiple folders will be created, one at a time.  Then, when that "job" is done just cut and paste the folders to your music library, and move the ISOs out for another batch.

By the way, the MACOSX folder can go, so can sacd_extract.exe in the main folder, so can the dll in Programs, and that Guide is quite old (I'm on version 3.0 now).  And get rid of any other bat files you don't use.

Phil A

Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #24 on: 18 Mar 2013, 11:46 pm »
No, you have it!!  The third bat down (Extract DST Stereo DSF Files).  ALL bats do multiple ISO's, all of them.  That's why they exist.  Just stick multiple ISO's in the parent folder and click the bat.  Multiple folders will be created, one at a time.  Then, when that "job" is done just cut and paste the folders to your music library, and move the ISOs out for another batch.

By the way, the MACOSX folder can go, so can sacd_extract.exe in the main folder, so can the dll in Programs, and that Guide is quite old (I'm on version 3.0 now).  And get rid of any other bat files you don't use.

Ted - thanks - that is just a copy of what I just put in my documents as I had the folder under two other folders further down under documents (one folder entitled Audio and then another under it entitled SACD).  I'll probably try to do more stuff towards the weekend.   I may try a mini-batch before then.  Even doing DFF, I never realized it will do more than one.  I'll have to think about how I want to do this as the music library on the PC is just a fraction of what will go on the hard drives attached to the music server.  It may be a good place to start as I probably only have about 130 or so ISO files on it.  The PC is just easier to use for now (I don't have wireless internet at the moment and have an RBG to composite converter going to a 19 inch TV and a wireless keyboard for the music server) so it is my place to have some limited files, do ripping and learn as it is more comfortable to sit at it.  I'll figure out how I want to do it as I have one big hard drive with ISO files and perhaps it is easier to move over files in order of where they are in the folders with the DFF files so I can just replace those, won't lose track as easily as to where I am and can figure out which if any of those I may be missing an ISO file on.  Really appreciate the help (and Tyson's too) as the new house construction from 870 miles away, along with doing stuff to the present house to get it ready for sale later this year, work, etc., has really put me behind on things.  It's going to be nice to retire again (last time was almost for 6 years) and hopefully this will be the last one early next year.  I feel like I'm always a step behind.  I've been talking to Rich Hollis (HAL) of Hollis Audio Labs for a couple of years at the Capital Audiofests about doing this and I'm finally making progress.

Phil A

Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #25 on: 19 Mar 2013, 02:23 am »
Update - I just extracted 8 albums in DSF.  I copied the JPEG files I had gathered for the DFF files into the folder and then imported a single album and it was tagged, including the year and genre and then a second album with the same results.  Thanks so much.


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Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #26 on: 19 Mar 2013, 02:43 am »
Update - I just extracted 8 albums in DSF.  I copied the JPEG files I had gathered for the DFF files into the folder and then imported a single album and it was tagged, including the year and genre and then a second album with the same results.  Thanks so much.

Yes!  Great.  You are so welcome.

Phil A

Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #27 on: 19 Mar 2013, 02:49 am »
Ted, much easier.  Also the couple of hundred album covers I either got through JRiver or AlbumArtExchange or CDUniverse won't go to waste.  I'll just keep working from the order/folders I have until I've re-extracted things.  I did play a couple of cuts on the PC (though in 176.4kHz as that's how it is set-up in JRiver since I can't do DSD there) to verify it works.

Phil A

Re: dff files not importing into j river
« Reply #28 on: 19 Mar 2013, 02:56 am »
I gotta back Ted up on DSF vs. DFF.  When I extracted my multi-channel files for playback in Foobar, I started with DFF.  With no tagging and the crazy inconsistent metadata imbedded in the SACD iso, finding and playing files with apple remote was really frustrating.  I bit the bullet, reextracted all MC programs as DSF and tagged them in Jriver.  Now searching and playing the files with Foobar & Apple Remote is smooth and easy.  400+ multi-channel albums at my fingertips.


Russ - I have not gotten to it yet as I messed up Foobar on the music server trying to get DSD files to play DSD.  Could you share a screenshot of your Foobar Components folder?  When I get to it, I'll try fixing it.  I have Foobar on the PC but can't play native DSD there.  Thanks