BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #20 on: 13 Mar 2013, 03:09 am »
Hi Chris,

Still not sure I get the the compatibility issue with the BDP-1, I thought the 2 was just a faster more powerful 1.

Don't tell me I have to buy one of those too.

what about SACD ripping with the potential of the BDA-2 playing it back.
« Last Edit: 13 Mar 2013, 09:58 am by s4s4s4 »


Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #21 on: 13 Mar 2013, 07:00 am »
Hi Chris, James

Since your talking 'ensures maximum possible growth' I take it you will provide for multichannel audio in the near future in the BOT-1. That would have consequences for the rest of the line-up, and I suppose this is one of the reasons you like to take the stereo-only soundcard out of the BDP?
Would this mean Bryston is preparing for a multichannel Dac (BDA-3) also, and where does this leave the current SP3? I thought the SP3 in the current setup had inferior dacs compared to the BDA2, which in the multichannel setup would have to be updated?

Cheers and thanks for your thoughts,

Hi All,

So compatibility with the BDP-1, ripping yes (albeit slow), just simple playback I doubt it greatly.  A BDP-1 would also be able to make use of the BOT's internal storage.  Supported media formats, audio cd's yes, audio from a DVD movie is also very likely.  DVD-A I will have to look into but could be a possibility, I'm not sure about encryption or drm.  Blu-ray audio is also a maybe, depends on what open source solutions are available really.  Using a bluray drive in the BOT just leaves more possibilities available and ensures maximum possible growth in our software, kind of like how we put a ton of processing power into the BDP-2.  The unit is over powered for the existing firmware, but it gives us tons of resources to expand the firmware (ie buffer an entire cd into main memory for a great playback experience).  As for why we don't have an output to a DAC, well the BOT one doesn't contain a processor, so you need the BDP to read the data and output it to a DAC.  No hou don't have to rip to internal storage, you cN send it right off to your NAS.  As I mentioned earlier in the year there is all lot in the works at Bryston right now.  I think I have covered everything that i can cover until I get a chance to speak with James further.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #22 on: 13 Mar 2013, 01:19 pm »
Hi All,

So compatibility with the BDP-1, ripping yes (albeit slow), just simple playback I doubt it greatly.  A BDP-1 would also be able to make use of the BOT's internal storage.  Supported media formats, audio cd's yes, audio from a DVD movie is also very likely.  DVD-A I will have to look into but could be a possibility, I'm not sure about encryption or drm.  Blu-ray audio is also a maybe, depends on what open source solutions are available really.  Using a bluray drive in the BOT just leaves more possibilities available and ensures maximum possible growth in our software, kind of like how we put a ton of processing power into the BDP-2.  The unit is over powered for the existing firmware, but it gives us tons of resources to expand the firmware (ie buffer an entire cd into main memory for a great playback experience).  As for why we don't have an output to a DAC, well the BOT one doesn't contain a processor, so you need the BDP to read the data and output it to a DAC.  No hou don't have to rip to internal storage, you cN send it right off to your NAS.  As I mentioned earlier in the year there is all lot in the works at Bryston right now.  I think I have covered everything that i can cover until I get a chance to speak with James further.


Thanks Chris, that is interesting info.  Just an observation that if this optical drive does not have a digital output to a DAC then you are eliminating all potential customers for the BOT except for those that own the BDP-2 and not all BDP-2 owners would purchase it.  I don't understand why Bryston would do that -- recipe for failure IMHO.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #23 on: 13 Mar 2013, 01:51 pm »
As a BDP-2 owner, I would not buy the BOT, based on the info provided.

I use my computer to rip my CD's to lossless flac and then network copy them to the BDP-2's internal drive.

After hearing my music this way I would never go back to listening to a "REAL" CD.

Unless, there is some other function's we haven't being told about.


I would not say that the SP3 has inferior DAC's to the BDA-2.
Just different depending on your listening pleasure.

Some people have commented that the sound stage is a little more back on the BDA-2.
 I do not like the sound stage further back, so that may be a deal breaker for me,
  even if I preferred the sound on the BDA-2 a bit more than the SP3.

So There

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #24 on: 14 Mar 2013, 12:45 am »
Halloo, fellow audio questers:

I find the BOT endeavor quite interesting. Clearly it's in the early prototype stages, but it's exciting to consider the many directions the project may take, from CD-only to an Oppo-style "I eat all shiny discs" player. Most of us likely still have substantial CD libraries, and there are fewer high-quality dedicated players available than heretofore, so CD-only makes sense to me. If the project expands to Blu-ray audio and other formats, that's fine, too. Consider the niche of high-end CD transports. Most of them are esoterica, near-stratospheric in cost. My guess is that the BOT will develop into a high-value product that will suit many audiophiles. By high-value, I don't mean inexpensive products, but pieces with quality parts, efficient and effective design, and a great deal of cogent thought behind them. In my view, Bryston products are designed not only for long-term service but for long-term satisfaction.

Certainly one can rip an entire collection to the computer, and many of us will have done so, but I still find it convenient and pleasurable to select, load, play, and enjoy a CD from the shelves of my collection. It's clear that, for most people outside our hobby, listening habits have changed, and that music has become a mere background to other activities. Those of us on this forum have likely committed the time recently to listening to . . . gasp . . . an entire album. We have so valued the music, the performer(s), and the quality of audio reproduction of that event to commit a portion of our only nonrecoverable asset (time) to achieve a pleasurable and fulfilling experience.

One of the things I admire greatly about Bryston, especially recently, is their innovation. Much like during the Steve Jobs era at Apple, their leaders build the product that they want, the product that excites their passion. It doesn't need to encompass everyone's extensive wish list, to wit the SP3. Rather, the product represents a clear commitment to a philosophy that reveres and celebrates quality sound. For me, this is an expression of integrity, and I trust that the Bryston family will develop something that many of us will enjoy. It won't be a product for everyone, and as several forum members have noted eloquently, it will not meet their interests or needs. But that's why Bryston isn't a big-box store brand. When one looks at Bryston's product range, there's enough diversity for all of us to get excited by at least some of the products, the ones that fit our circumstances. I'm sure the development of the BOT will pique our interests, and I look forward to the insights that the participants in this forum will provide.


Whiney Napa Valley

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #25 on: 14 Mar 2013, 02:15 am »
Hi Guys,

By limiting the BOT's functionality to only working in hand with a BDP we are substantially lowering the final price tag of the unit.  By not including the features as standard with the BDP-2, customers aren't spending extra money on features they don't want.  As many people have pointed out they neither want a BOT because as they use there computer for ripping, but others would like a solution that doesn't require any setup or they just want a CD player for reason "X".  By no means do we expect to sell a BOT with every BDP.  The BOT is just like the BDP, it's for people that want something that just works out of the box.  As some of you have already mentioned, they may not necessarily want it for all the same reasons.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #26 on: 14 Mar 2013, 07:27 am »
Hi Chris,

I think you have a winner at hand, I'd certainly add it to my digital music machinery, since this would make up the perfect Bryston Audiophile Musiccomputer along side the BDPx.

Speaking of it in that way, are Bryston considering to combine the two machines into one? Both machines are useless without one form or another of the other (with the sole exemption of music-downloads). Transport is needs the player, and the player needs software....
Combined into the BAM-1 you might have electronic integration profits, reduced costs and even friendlier user interface/action?


still interested in the multichannel aspects...

Hi Guys,

By limiting the BOT's functionality to only working in hand with a BDP we are substantially lowering the final price tag of the unit.  By not including the features as standard with the BDP-2, customers aren't spending extra money on features they don't want.  As many people have pointed out they neither want a BOT because as they use there computer for ripping, but others would like a solution that doesn't require any setup or they just want a CD player for reason "X".  By no means do we expect to sell a BOT with every BDP.  The BOT is just like the BDP, it's for people that want something that just works out of the box.  As some of you have already mentioned, they may not necessarily want it for all the same reasons.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #27 on: 14 Mar 2013, 12:45 pm »
If the Bot puts the cd in memory for future playback,would there be a slot or two for say installing a thumb drive.
So if your are recording the cd and you install the thumb drive you could record onto the TD also or from memory.
That would be terrific,real simple meat and potatoes type of recording.
Hopefully I've been reading the thread right,James any thoughts on this with recording onto a TD.
I'm  a simple and basic type of guy.

James Tanner

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #28 on: 14 Mar 2013, 02:00 pm »
If the Bot puts the cd in memory for future playback,would there be a slot or two for say installing a thumb drive.
So if your are recording the cd and you install the thumb drive you could record onto the TD also or from memory.
That would be terrific,real simple meat and potatoes type of recording.
Hopefully I've been reading the thread right,James any thoughts on this with recording onto a TD.
I'm  a simple and basic type of guy.

Hi Don

No need for the TD as you can install a small USB 2.5 inch drivve internally on the BOT and it will rip the CD to it.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #29 on: 14 Mar 2013, 02:26 pm »
James I like it already,I believe Incognito said that it rips a cd slow,how slow,1minuet,2,5minuets.
Can a person say pick and choose certain tracks to rip off a cd to make a play list.
If that's the case WHEN"S LAUNCH DATE,THX.

James Tanner

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #30 on: 14 Mar 2013, 02:51 pm »
James I like it already,I believe Incognito said that it rips a cd slow,how slow,1minuet,2,5minuets.
Can a person say pick and choose certain tracks to rip off a cd to make a play list.
If that's the case WHEN"S LAUNCH DATE,THX.

On the prototype tha first song is available to listen to in about 5 seconds and the rest follow - whole CD takes about 2-3 minutes to load fully in memory - usually by the time the first song is over the whole CD is loaded.  By the way the reason we went with a Tray loader is the slot loads take about 1/3rd longer.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #31 on: 14 Mar 2013, 02:57 pm »
Not long at all(to me) :lol:.
James can a person create a song list instead of recording the whole cd.
Buying cds or lps for one or two tracks creates alot of wasted space as I'm not into 16,000 songs for back ground music,thx again.

James Tanner

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #32 on: 14 Mar 2013, 03:09 pm »
Not long at all(to me) :lol:.
James can a person create a song list instead of recording the whole cd.
Buying cds or lps for one or two tracks creates alot of wasted space as I'm not into 16,000 songs for back ground music,thx again.

Not sure on that (will wait for Chris to respond) - I would assume you can edit out the songs you do not want after the CD is fully loaded.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #33 on: 14 Mar 2013, 03:15 pm »
That for me would the cat's meow.
Do we have a estimated launch date,summer or fall.
I think I'd preorder

James Tanner

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #34 on: 14 Mar 2013, 03:46 pm »
That for me would the cat's meow.
Do we have a estimated launch date,summer or fall.
I think I'd preorder

Probably summer  :thumb:



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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #35 on: 14 Mar 2013, 06:15 pm »

I really was not thinking about doing a Blu-ray player - I wanted a CD Player using the BDP-2 as the playback mate - so CD was my priority and Chris convinced me that using a Blu-Ray drive would allow for expansion in the future. 

For now though I am concentrating on playing back CD's with the option of ripping those CD's to the attached drives on the BDP-2 or the internal drives on the BOT.


Hi James,
With the unit containing a Blu-Ray DVD drive is it possible to have it transport DVD and Blu-Ray video to a pre/pro or receiver that can do all the video processing. The thought of a drive also doing video transport would make for a full audio/video unit and keeps Bryston out of the whole video processing and all the headaches and changes in technology that comes with video.
I guess what i am saying is think of a Oppo player minus all the onboard video processing and internal DAC's and just sending it to a receiver or pre/pro to handle all that. Is something like this possible?



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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #36 on: 14 Mar 2013, 06:16 pm »
Hi James,

What's the price point you're looking at for the BOT-1?

James Tanner

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #37 on: 14 Mar 2013, 06:24 pm »
Hi James,
With the unit containing a Blu-Ray DVD drive is it possible to have it transport DVD and Blu-Ray video to a pre/pro or receiver that can do all the video processing. The thought of a drive also doing video transport would make for a full audio/video unit and keeps Bryston out of the whole video processing and all the headaches and changes in technology that comes with video.
I guess what i am saying is think of a Oppo player minus all the onboard video processing and internal DAC's and just sending it to a receiver or pre/pro to handle all that. Is something like this possible?


Hi Mark,

I will let Chris answer that one.


James Tanner

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Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #38 on: 14 Mar 2013, 06:27 pm »
Hi James,

What's the price point you're looking at for the BOT-1?

I hope to have that in the next few weeks as we are still getting prices on the propriatary parts.  Hoping around $1500 list.



Re: BRYSTON BOT-1 (Bryston Optical Transport)
« Reply #39 on: 14 Mar 2013, 08:41 pm »
Hi James,
With the unit containing a Blu-Ray DVD drive is it possible to have it transport DVD and Blu-Ray video to a pre/pro or receiver that can do all the video processing. The thought of a drive also doing video transport would make for a full audio/video unit and keeps Bryston out of the whole video processing and all the headaches and changes in technology that comes with video.
I guess what i am saying is think of a Oppo player minus all the onboard video processing and internal DAC's and just sending it to a receiver or pre/pro to handle all that. Is something like this possible?


But, would it not be better to provide a Bluray player that would work with the wonderful SP3? I still feel that it is a real omission from the Bryston line-up given that all other aspects of home cinema are covered to such a great level...
