Why are cancer pills so expensive?

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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #40 on: 23 Jan 2013, 09:52 pm »
Yes, keeping our body AKALINE is the basic way to kick out cancer from our body.
One best way to keep our body from acidic is eat LESS meat, which makes our body acidic.

No coffee, no alcohol, no pops (no SUGAR), only GREEN tea is another effective way to stop cancers from growing inside our body. That's why I only drink GREEN tea any day!

Cancer cells feed on sugars. Less pops, less sweets help bigtime in cancer immunity.

Cancer cells which always exist in our body, which grows rapidly in non-oxygen environment. So to stop them from growing simply doing exercises - Oxygen bearing exercises - best OUTdoor - like jogging, hiking & outdoor workouts which take in fresh oxgyen.

Another simple recipe to stop cancer growing in our body is - honey+cinnamon powder (per a published medical paper). I use it as my toast spread for my breakfast DAILY instead of jam which is another processed food, should be avoided as much as possible.

I can carry on & on healthy food recommendation against cancer...

I feel coffee is good in small quantities per day but I not sure.
As it let the blood alkaline by the cafeine.
I would like to clear this coffee info. :scratch:


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #41 on: 23 Jan 2013, 10:00 pm »
I think this is not fact and actually 60% is the avg for a healthy adult.

Arthur Guyton 's Textbook of Medical Physiology states that "the total amount of water in a man of average weight (70 kilograms) is approximately 40 litres, averaging 57 percent of his total body weight. In a newborn infant, this may be as high as 75 percent of the body weight, but it progressively decreases from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. Also, obesity decreases the percentage of water in the body, sometimes to as low as 45 percent".[1][2] These figures are statistical averages, so are illustrative, and like all biostatistics, will vary with things like type of population, age and number of people sampled, and methodology. So there is not, and cannot be, a figure that is exactly the same for all people, for this or any other physiological measure. For example, Jackson's (1985) Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses gives a figure of 60% for the proportion of body-weight attributable to water, which approximates Guyton's 57%.
This info I mention are new, from Dr.Lair Ribeiro in this lecture in 2010.
He also state it is a avarage(for babies and elderly) statistics.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #42 on: 24 Jan 2013, 01:11 am »
Tyson, I remember following your posts after your heart attack.  As I recall you talked about needing to go on a very strict diet.  My doctor is a big proponent of the diet set out by Dr. Esselstyn in this book and has used it with success for both his patients and himself.


Do you follow something similar? 

Yes, I tried that for the first year or so after my heart attack.  It was CERTAINLY better than the standard American diet I'd been eating before my heart attack.  My results, as measured by HbA1C (a measure of 3 month rolling blood sugar levels), HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, blood pressure, were definitely improved.  But they did not become optimal.  Particularly HbA1C and low HDL's continued to be a problem, along with high-normal blood pressure (despite being on beta blockers). 

So I tried a low carb "Paleo" diet to try to address these lingering issues.  It did the trick, my HDL went up, my blood sugar came down, and my blood pressure dropped a lot, all while continuing to have excellent triglycerides and excellent LDL.

But I gotta tell you, doing low carb all the time is freaking hard.  So this past year I added back in plant type starches in the form of potatoes, root veggies, even bananas.  But I cut out all grains and way back on the sugar after watching/reading Dr. Lusting and Dr. Davis. 

Net result?  I maintained all my previous "excellent" results without having to be low carb.  It's pretty much convinced me that "carbs" are not the problem, and they never were.  The problem is (and always has been) grains and sugar.  Ruthlessly excise them from your diet and you'll usually see the weight fall off, blood pressure drop, blood sugar drop, HDL go up, LDL go down, and triglycerides fall.  In other words, give up the grains and sugar and you more or less cure "metabolic syndrome". 

Of course, people are so addicted to grains and sugar, they cannot even fathom giving them up.  "What will I eat?" and "I will NEVER give up wheat" are 2 common responses I hear when I suggest people give it a try.  The few people I have managed to convince have all had pretty spectacular results.


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #43 on: 24 Jan 2013, 01:42 am »
Sweet potato > potato

Your health will always be better.


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #44 on: 24 Jan 2013, 02:06 am »
Tks for all these links. 
I tried to look at them. This weekend should give me time to watch and read them in their entirety.
One note. my cancer was caught in an early stage, so hopefully this is a plus.

Rob Babcock

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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #45 on: 24 Jan 2013, 03:41 am »
I lost 100 lbs on pure low carb but my research over the last couple years has caused me to pivot towards the Paleo aspect a bit more. 


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #46 on: 24 Jan 2013, 05:09 am »
I lost 100 lbs on pure low carb but my research over the last couple years has caused me to pivot towards the Paleo aspect a bit more.

Low carb doesn't designate necessity for high meat, always. In fact some proponents of this died of colon cancer (even after writing books). One size fits all is dangerous.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #47 on: 24 Jan 2013, 05:55 am »
Honey is supersaturarted with natural sugar, not those synthetic sugars used in pops & sweets.

It is probably the only food on this planet that does not go bad leaving on the shelf without refrigeration.


Peanut butter will stay "good" sans refrigeration for years.  Many food items that are very low in water content  can last for a long while at room temps.


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #48 on: 24 Jan 2013, 06:47 am »
Tyson, pardon my ignorance, but by avoiding what foods will enable you to cut down on "grains" in your diet, other than, I suppose, bread?


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Rob Babcock

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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #50 on: 24 Jan 2013, 07:48 am »
Low carb doesn't designate necessity for high meat, always. In fact some proponents of this died of colon cancer (even after writing books). One size fits all is dangerous.

People that stick to low carb eating styles (like me) probably eat two or three times the veggies that you see in the SAD.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #51 on: 24 Jan 2013, 02:29 pm »
I feel coffee is good in small quantities per day but I not sure.
As it let the blood alkaline by the cafeine.
I would like to clear this coffee info. :scratch:

Yes, one can drink one & only one cup of coffee (preferrably with skimmed milk, very little or no sugar added) a day. It can keep our heart healthier, it is so reported. That's is what my wife doing daily though I seldom touch coffee, not for health reason. I hate the roasted coffee bean taste, that's all. Likewise, I don't like whisky as I hate the taste of roasted barley. I go for grape wines instead, on occasions only.



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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #52 on: 24 Jan 2013, 02:47 pm »

People that stick to low carb eating styles (like me) probably eat two or three times the veggies that you see in the SAD.

Yes, that's what a medical journal recommended which I follow loyally.

I used to have a fresh green salad side dish once everyday in the past years. Now being so busy, I only have 2 - 3 lunches every week with green salad.

Per that medical paper, veggie releases certain enzimes that will protect our healthy cells from cancer cells invasion. It must be fresh made green salad.

I don't go for any commercial salad dressings which are NOT healthy at all, IMO. I make my own salad dressing:- half an apple, half a tomato, an inch or so carrot (NO baby carrot 'fingers', please, which are kept 'fresh looking' with chlorine treatment - toxic!!!!!!!!!!!! :nono:). Also adding a bit of walnut & almond. All blended & mashed up in a grinder to form an all natural home-made salad dressing, fresh made for every salad meal. NO oil added, please.

My annual body checkup reports come up with flying colours year after year. I think I have done something right.



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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #53 on: 24 Jan 2013, 05:26 pm »
Tyson, pardon my ignorance, but by avoiding what foods will enable you to cut down on "grains" in your diet, other than, I suppose, bread?

All types of bread - cupcakes, donuts, multigrain bagels, white bread, wheat bread, pasta, couscous, tortillas, crackers, wheat thins, croutons, soups or chili's thickened with flour (or started with a roux), gravies thickened with flour, cereal (and and all cereal), hamburger buns, hot dog buns, even soy sauce.  Once you get serious about getting rid of it, you'll be shocked how many things it's actually in.  Same with sugar - once you start cutting down on it, you'll be shocked to see how high it is in soooo many things.

Just with these two changes, you'll find that basically the entire middle portion of the grocery store is a place you never go into because it's ALL just some form of processed grains and/or sugar.  Whole wheat vs refined, brown vs white, it does not matter, it is all quite bad for you. 

As Rob noted, once you cut this stuff out, you end up eating WAY more veggies than the average American does, because that's all that's left TO eat.  Veggies and eggs.  Veggies and steak.  Veggies and chicken.  Veggies with fish.  Asparagus wrapped in bacon!  Salads with walnuts and shrimp.  Fruit and nuts.  Bunless hamburger with sweet potato oven fries.  Talapia with a creamy saffron sauce with a side of mashed potatoes.  Whole roasted chicken with a side of salted/roasted brussel sprouts.  So, not boring stuff.  Just no bread.  Or pasta. 


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #54 on: 24 Jan 2013, 05:28 pm »
I lost 100 lbs on pure low carb but my research over the last couple years has caused me to pivot towards the Paleo aspect a bit more. 

100lbs!!!!  That is Awesome man, congrats!


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #55 on: 24 Jan 2013, 05:57 pm »

Thanks to Mike G's advice/example and your comments here in the other thread, along with Dr. Davis' book, I've dropped about 60lbs since October and have never felt better.

Basically nothing derived from wheat/grains (a LOT of stuff) and refined sugars and pasta. Just a lot of meat/fish, leafy everything, nuts, berries, eggs for me. I quickly learned to shop the outside aisles of the market and the meat/fish counter. I haven't been hungry a single day like you would with various fad diets. My wife is a registered dietitian so it makes her crazy, but she's very happy just to see me lose the weight.

Labs and annual physical are in March so hopefully I'll see some improvement there too.



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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #56 on: 24 Jan 2013, 06:17 pm »
low carb is not just for losing weight.  I've always been underweight, but I went low carb 2 years ago, and sure feel a lot better.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #57 on: 24 Jan 2013, 06:44 pm »
One of the things I find interesting about "low carb" is the possible link between insulin and cancer-cell growth. I don't have a weight problem, but I do have quite a bit of cancer in my family. Anything I can do within reason to improve my chances of not developing kidney or esophageal cancer is a plus. Of course, my GP is a little concerned about my cholesterol numbers since I switched to a diet that consists mainly of lots of fat and protein. But then again, there is no heart disease among my relations.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #58 on: 24 Jan 2013, 07:33 pm »

Thanks to Mike G's advice/example and your comments here in the other thread, along with Dr. Davis' book, I've dropped about 60lbs since October and have never felt better.

Basically nothing derived from wheat/grains (a LOT of stuff) and refined sugars and pasta. Just a lot of meat/fish, leafy everything, nuts, berries, eggs for me. I quickly learned to shop the outside aisles of the market and the meat/fish counter. I haven't been hungry a single day like you would with various fad diets. My wife is a registered dietitian so it makes her crazy, but she's very happy just to see me lose the weight.

Labs and annual physical are in March so hopefully I'll see some improvement there too.


60lbs!  Between you at 60, MikeG at 105, and Rob at 100, I'm starting to feel inadequate at my piddly little 40lbs :P  But at 170lbs, I don't think there's much left I even want to lose at this point.  The cool thing (that you will discover before long), is that keeping the weight off after you've lost it is relatively easy. 

One other thing - while you are still actively losing weight, it can cause your lipid numbers to be out of whack.  The best thing to do is make sure you are weight stable for about 3 months before you take any of your cholesterol numbers seriously.  LDL in particular tends to spike during active weight loss.  Just an FYI from my own experience. 


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #59 on: 24 Jan 2013, 07:35 pm »
low carb is not just for losing weight.  I've always been underweight, but I went low carb 2 years ago, and sure feel a lot better.

It is a blessing to be underweight.  :angel: as long as one is still healthy & enegetic!

I am underweight too. Yet I still work 70 hours a week, eat healthy (zero junk food!)  & sleep well. I work out twice every week to maintain my vitality like a young man though I am not young any more.

It is a matter of mind determination to achieve what you intend to. Age is not in my equation of healthy life.
