Walker SST

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Walker SST
« on: 10 Jun 2004, 09:37 pm »
FYI - I tried the Walker SST contact enhancer product a few days ago on my Jolida JD-100 CDP: IEC connector, ICs (Gronebergs), Chris VenHaus cryoed Flavor 1 PC (male plug), Sylvania Gold Label Sylvania JHS 5751WAs triple mica blackplates. Listened and loved what I heard.  (I note I had already used Caig Deoxit and Caig ProGold on all my equipment: IEC and RCA connectors; power cord plugs; speaker connectors; and tube pins.)

Then I put it on the speaker end of my Groneberg speaker cable banana plugs. Listened some more and loved what I heard even more.  

Then I put it on my Odyssey Tempest's IEC, and the Chris VenHaus cryoed Flavor 2 PC (male end). Listened some more and loved it even more.

Then put it on the ends of the speaker cable that go to my Odyssey Stratos amp. Even more amazing changes!

Then I put it on the wall socket end of  the Chris VenHaus cryoed Flavor 2 PC that feeds my Odyssey Stratos. Even more of an upgrade!

Impressions - it seems the comments about this product are not hype, but the real deal. My system, I felt, had very good detail, bass, highs, soundstage depth and width before application. Now they are noticeably improved and the sound is even more realistic, which blows me away. I think the 6moons review says what this product does way better than I can, so I'll let those who write for a living make my points http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/walker3/SST.html.

I'll admit the SST seems somewhat expensive @ $70/small jar, and you have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in applying it (I'm 48, and it was a visual pain and strain to do the close work, esp. on the tubes.) You need a steady hand throughout the entire process; it reminded me of the careful tedium of college P Chem classes, and model building in my early years. Regardless, for me and my system, it was/is well worth it, a no-brainer.

I thought I was going to wait to put it on the rest of my gear - give what's on now a couple weeks, so I could get used to the sound and see if I'm still overjoyed and impressed. However, I doubt if I can wait that long. Right now I am 100% blown away, and have no problem heartily giving 2 thumbs up to this product (would give more thumbs up if I had them!).   :mrgreen:   :mrgreen:  

I recommend that if you have audio enthusiast friends nearby, split the cost of a jar between yourselves. The amount the SST jar contains initially doesn't look like much, but I used hardly any so far and won't have to use very much at all to do the remaining connectors, IECs, etc. I applied a very, very, very slight coating to each piece I treated. I dabbed lightly off a very small amount of the product that was stuck to the underside of the lid, and hardly made a dent in what was there. You could probably treat a few hundred systems with what you're provided by Walker!

I also recommend that before you upgrade your equipment, make sure you've used this product, so you have a much better idea of what your equipment is capable of reproducing.

I also note I haven't used the Mapleshade product, so I can't offer you any comparison with it and the SST.

If there is anyone nearby me in Northwood, NH, I'd be happy to discuss swapping out a gob of this amazing product.  :singing:


Walker SST
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jun 2004, 10:17 pm »
Thanks for the review... I moved it to the Critic's Circle though... since it's a review.... and a very good one at that! :)

Captain Humble

Walker SST
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jun 2004, 10:44 pm »
Where do you get that stuff.


Where to get Walker SST
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jun 2004, 11:04 pm »
Captain Humble,

I purchased my jar of SST from http://www.cryotweaks.com/index.shtml. The Walker site http://www.walkeraudio.com/ has a dealer link http://www.walkeraudio.com/dealers.htm. Note that I'm in NH and purchased it from a CA company; they have free shipping on purchases over $50.

I hpe the above information helps you and others who are interested.

Happy listening!

John Casler

Walker SST
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jun 2004, 11:15 pm »
Join the Club.  I reported a few weeks ago of similar sonic gains with a similar product from Mapleshade.

It is surprising that one can hear differences in the sonic tapestry from such a seemingly simple product but it sure seems to work :thumb: on my system

Mad DOg

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« Reply #5 on: 11 Jun 2004, 12:22 am »
dis chit's the bomb!!!

I got some of the Walker SST stuff from CryoTweaks and I found that my system improved in leaps and bounds with each subsequent application to additional component just as you have described!

as i'll finally be getting all my stuff back from storage next Tuesday, i'll be able to see if the Mapleshade stuff I got from John Casler works just as well! can't wait...


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Walker SST
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jun 2004, 10:31 am »
Other good places to try SST

If you have dedicated line (s) running to your audio gear - go out to your breaker box (be careful) apply SST to wire ends at breaker & breaker contacts with the main board.

I have also applied it to all fuses in my gear.

Kim S.

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Walker SST
« Reply #7 on: 11 Jun 2004, 10:43 am »
I tried the Walker SST treatment on my interconnects and power cords and noticed only a slight improvement.  Definately worth doing but not as dramatic as others have reported.  I did put put it on the antenna leads of my shortwave radio and reception improved alot.  I also put some on the top of the sparkplug of my 30 year old 5hp outboard motor.  It starts much easier now!


Walker SST
« Reply #8 on: 11 Jun 2004, 02:50 pm »
Quote from: StevenACNJ
Other good places to try SST

If you have dedicated line (s) running to your audio gear - go out to your breaker box (be careful) apply SST to wire ends at breaker & breaker contacts with the main board.

I have also applied it to all fuses in my gear.

I found good improvements on application of the Mapleshade stuff (which, tho I have no absolutely proof, is probably the same stuff.  I mean, Mapleshade and Dr. Walker already work on the Omega Mikro cables together - how much of a stretch to think that they would work together on silver laden grease for audio, too?) on all cables/connectors.

However, the best and most remarkable change was on the fuse in my amp...crazy better treble detail was the result.  Most of the other fuses in my components require opening lids, but I'm pumped to get at it shortly.


Jon L

Walker SST
« Reply #9 on: 11 Jun 2004, 07:19 pm »
IRS messed up with my tax refund so I'm feeling a bit cheap this week.

Anyone have "used" SST they want to sell me:) or trade with some good tubes, etc


SST and Mapleshade
« Reply #10 on: 11 Jun 2004, 09:43 pm »
It would be an interesting discussion if the two products were the same but branded differently. However, I'm not quite sure they are indeed the same product.  :?:

If there is a source within either company that can provide a definitive answer, or if someone else can, I'm sure followers of this thread would be interested.

John Casler

Re: SST and Mapleshade
« Reply #11 on: 12 Jun 2004, 02:23 am »
Quote from: djbnh
It would be an interesting discussion if the two products were the same but branded differently. However, I'm not quite sure they are indeed the same product.  :?:

If there is a source within either company that can provide a definitive answer, or if someone else can, I'm sure followers of this thread would be interested.

I have heard both products on (in) my system and since you cannot fully remove one to A/B them I can't say if one is superior or not.

What I can say is each made a "noticable" change to the sonics.

It should also be mentioned that the improvement might be greater or less depending on the current condition of the system.

The more compression or friction connections you treat the greater the potential.  I recently changed out a small circuit board in one of my CDPs and took the opportunity to treat only 3 connections internally to the CDP.

The difference was "not small", but I cannot attribute it directly to the "Silver Treatment" since I also changed a whole circuit board, but I am a "very" happy camper.

Kim S.

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Walker SST
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jun 2004, 10:53 am »
One non audio use of the Walker SST treatment I tried is interresting.  I treated the outside connections of my Dish TV satellite dish.  There is a meter accessed thru your tv screen to mearsure signal strength.  After I applied the treatment, the signal had increased by 4%.  I though this was neat because most tweak results are subjective," more dynamic, wider sound stage,ect."  Here was objective proof that the product made a difference.

Unfortunately I had to remove the treatment.  We have had alot of rain this spring.  Water got into the connections and with the SST shorted them out cutting the signal completely.  After I removed the SST there was no problem.

nature boy

Walker SST
« Reply #13 on: 4 Sep 2004, 12:21 pm »
Well count me as one happy customer of the Walker SST.  I treated by sytem fully, except tube pins last evening.  Power cords, inteconnects, RCA inputs & output, and speaker connections.  

Best damn tweak I have every used - period!  Initial reviewers comments were spot on. This product gets the Nature Boy's highest review rank five thumbs up. :thumb:  :thumb:  :thumb:  :thumb:  :thumb:

I am going to treat my tube pins and HT system today.  Looking forward to a very blissful Labor Day weekend.  At $70 it is a bit pricey but the results are FANTASTIC.  I encourage all AC members to try for yourself.



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Walker SST
« Reply #14 on: 4 Sep 2004, 01:11 pm »
Quote from: nature boy
 I am going to treat my tube pins and HT system today
Fellow member Gordy had sent me a sample of the Mapleshade product. The first place I tried it was on my preamp's tubes and power cord. Wow !  This stuff works :D ....and a little goes a long way. I'd like to see someone compare the two products ..... :)


Walker SST
« Reply #15 on: 4 Sep 2004, 02:29 pm »
An ever so slight correction LW, that was Walker's SST purchased from our own Cryotweaks during his intro sale a while back :D .  Wonderful stuff, I've yet to apply it to my power cords though...


Walker SST
« Reply #16 on: 4 Sep 2004, 04:16 pm »
Quote from: Kim S.
Water got into the connections and with the SST shorted them out cutting the signal completely. After I removed the SST there was no problem.  

Yeah, this is why I am not rushing to try SST.  All the reported sonic gains are tempting.  But the fact is, it can, and does cause problems.  There's a guy up the road who caught one of his Piega Limiteds on FIRE after an SST application.  Whether that was his fault for not applying it correctly, I don't know, and am not willing to guess.


Walker SST
« Reply #17 on: 4 Sep 2004, 04:20 pm »
Were the Piega's in the rain?  :lol:


Walker SST
« Reply #18 on: 5 Sep 2004, 12:03 pm »
Quote from: Hantra
Quote from: Kim S.
Water got into the connections and with the SST shorted them out cutting the signal completely. After I removed the SST there was no problem.  

Yeah, this is why I am not rushing to try SST.  All the reported sonic gains are tempting.  But the fact is, it can, and does cause problems.  There's a guy up the road who caught one of his Piega Limiteds on FIRE after an SST application.  Whether that was his fault for not applying it correctly, I don't know, and am not willing to guess.

Walker spells out a number of times to be extremely careful applying the product, and to do it in the prescribed manner as per the product's directions. Reinforcement of the idea that SST is not a "slap it on and go" product bears merit, and the directions that accompany the SST make this point a number of times.

When I started this thread, I stated,

...you have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in applying it (I'm 48, and it was a visual pain and strain to do the close work, esp. on the tubes.) You need a steady hand throughout the entire process; it reminded me of the careful tedium of college P Chem classes, and model building in my early years.

For me, the hardest part was applying the SST as per the directions to 5751 tube pins (too much on the pins and you can short out the tube base). Also, the product directions pointedly remark NOT to apply it into the female RCA hole, or else the electrical component will short out. Should one overapply or misapply, the directions tell the consumer how to remove the SST - do the clean-up it before plugging your component back in. I'm getting ready to change phono cartridges, and right now I don't think I would apply the SST to the cartridge pins with such close working quarters. But who knows, with a jeweler's loupe and a coffee-free morning... :D


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Walker SST
« Reply #19 on: 5 Sep 2004, 12:09 pm »
Quote from: Gordy
An ever so slight correction LW, that was Walker's SST purchased from our own Cryotweaks during his intro sale a while back :D .  Wonderful stuff, I've yet to apply it to my power cords though...
I stand corrected....thanks Gordy !!
    The stuff really works !!! :thumb: [/list:u]