BDP-2 Digital Player

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #780 on: 17 Sep 2014, 12:52 am »
Hi Chris,

that sounds amazing, I did not expect that USB wifi adapters would work.  :thumb:

First it seemed that SSID, password, etc was not saved because network settings did not display any of these for wlan0 in the web browser (firefox 31 on windows 7). However everything is set perfectly on the BDP-2. But wifi still does not work regardless if it is set to DHCP (result: interface down), or static IP:

Code: [Select]
bryston@bryston-bdp-2:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid Cisco50191

Any network access wants to use eth0, even if the ethernet cable is not plugged in.
This is what ifconfig displays:

Code: [Select]
bryston@bryston-bdp-2:/$ /usr/bin/inetutils-ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:2D:20:D8:52
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:50450 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:76831 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:3495586  TX bytes:13526298
          Interrupt:16 Memory:feae0000-feb00000

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:2D:20:D8:53
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0  TX bytes:0
          Interrupt:19 Memory:febe0000-fec00000

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:125993 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:125993 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:11627458  TX bytes:11627458

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1F:C6:20:C3:A4
          RX packets:1506 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:145 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:187912  TX bytes:15053

When I set static address for wlan0, it still won't connect, but there is no "Interface down" in the network settings page.
In the end I could not make the wireless adapter work... which would have been awesome.
Sorry for the long post. If this is not the right thread for discussing these issues, please let me know.


There really isn't any right thread on audiocircle, we are working to get our own forum up and running but are having difficulties with configuring the mail server portion.

Can you send me what

cat /mnt/img/network*

Returns, it'll display your wifi password; first glance though I'd say the password is incorrect or the signal isn't very strong.  Also i have found it takes about 4-5 minutes before wifi kicks in.



Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #781 on: 17 Sep 2014, 06:01 pm »
Any BDP-2 owners near Sacramento, CA? I would like to see how the unit operates and accesses data. I would especially like to see how it works with files backed up from my music server.

Thanks,  Don


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #782 on: 19 Sep 2014, 01:12 pm »
Can someone help me here, please?  I bought a BDP-2, and it's just not working.  The music loads from both a thumb drive and a USB drive and shows up via the web interface and MPAD/MPOD, but then it won't play.  I actually have gotten some songs to play (and they sound fantastic), but then it just hangs and won't play another song.  I even try the play button on the front panel, but it just won't play.  I know my connections are working, as I'll periodically get it to play, but then it just stops.  I've turned it off and on, but largely to no avail.

Thanks in advance. 


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #783 on: 19 Sep 2014, 02:50 pm »
Can someone help me here, please?  I bought a BDP-2, and it's just not working.  The music loads from both a thumb drive and a USB drive and shows up via the web interface and MPAD/MPOD, but then it won't play.  I actually have gotten some songs to play (and they sound fantastic), but then it just hangs and won't play another song.  I even try the play button on the front panel, but it just won't play.  I know my connections are working, as I'll periodically get it to play, but then it just stops.  I've turned it off and on, but largely to no avail.

Thanks in advance.

Which version of the firmware is it currently running?


James Tanner

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So There

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #785 on: 2 Oct 2014, 12:42 am »
Any BDP-2 owners near Sacramento, CA? I would like to see how the unit operates and accesses data. I would especially like to see how it works with files backed up from my music server.

Thanks,  Don

Hi, Don:

I'd hoped to reply earlier to your request, but we've been recovering from the recent Napa earthquake and our home was not in a state to invite you. I'd be happy to help you to the extent I can with the BDP-2.

I have a BDP-2 connected to a BDA-2 and then via balanced cables to an SP3. I installed a 500gb SSD in the BDP-2 and manage FLAC files from my iMac via a gigabit hardwired network. I'm not using the computer or external drive as a server; I simply copy the files to the SSD and manage them from the front panel of the BDP (quite primitive) or via Bryston's Max and Mini desktop and tablet apps. I do not yet have a sufficient number of hi-res (or even CD-res) files to warrant streaming; that's a post-earthquake recovery project.

I was thinking of getting a Mac Mini when the new model is released, and using Amarra, PureMusic, or similar software. Yet, with Bryston's apps, I'm not sure that it's going to be necessary; a couple of external drives or a NAS may suffice (and Bryston has discussed drive enclosures, a CD transport, and a power supply at the same rack height and one-third the width of the BDP/BDA).

I will tell you that the BDP/BDA combination provides the finest sound I've heard in my system by a significant margin. The resolution is excellent, without any digital edge, and the smoothness and clarity of the sound are very engaging.

If you'll PM me, let's set up a time.


Shaky Napa Valley

The means — Bryston SP3 | Bryston 6B-SST(C) - L/C/R; 4B-SST(C) - surrounds; 4B-SST(C) - rears | Bryston BDP-2 Digital Player; BDA-2 D/A Converter; Oppo BDP-105 | Paradigm Reference Signature S8 fronts; C5 center; ADP surrounds; S4 rears; two Velodyne DD15 subs | APC S20 | Pioneer Elite PRO-1130


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #786 on: 2 Oct 2014, 02:29 pm »
I have in my system both bdp-2 and bda-2.
I read in another 3D in this site that it's possible to use one of the usb connections as output.
I would like to know how it is possible to set this option, and more important of all, if there will be differences about the results vs aes/ebu.
If there may be an improvement in the sound, or if there will be a worsening.
thank you in advance.


Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #787 on: 2 Oct 2014, 03:04 pm »
I read in another 3D in this site that it's possible to use one of the usb connections as output.
I would like to know how it is possible to set this option, and more important of all, if there will be differences about the results vs aes/ebu.

Instructions to select USB output are on Page 15 (Audio Devices) of the Firmware User's Manual Manic Moose vS2.0 (and of course your BDP-2 will need to have this version of firmware installed).

Bryston recommends the AES/EBU output as the best sounding connection, but it's easy enough to try it for yourself and see.



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #788 on: 2 Oct 2014, 03:50 pm »
Instructions to select USB output are on Page 15 (Audio Devices) of the Firmware User's Manual Manic Moose vS2.0 (and of course your BDP-2 will need to have this version of firmware installed).

Bryston recommends the AES/EBU output as the best sounding connection, but it's easy enough to try it for yourself and see.


thank's a lot, dino


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #789 on: 2 Oct 2014, 06:13 pm »

This is my first post. I'm the lucky owner of new BDP-2 and BDA-2 components. When I placed my order I was expecting 2-3 weeks delivery but unfortunately  (:P) Bryston delivered them within a few days!! well before I even had a chance to get into the details of planning my setup.
Happily taking my gear home I was attempting to hook it up to my NAS (Synology) and after a few frustrating hours I did manage to get it up and running. Its still quite early in the process but the MM interface has been quite finicky and has lost my 'shares' or not populated the music in some cases. I've added shares and removed them for this reason.  Often, non of the shares show up on the home page. Maybe its the SMB vs WFS or AFP? My NAS is linux of course but I've been trying to do the setup via my Mac laptop. (not sure if this could confuse the share setup?) More on this once I get a chance to play around with it.

Getting to the point, I've been thinking of installing a SSD drive inside the BDP2. I read somewhere this could void my warranty, but I've read of a number of folks doing this on their own. Seems relatively simple to do! Considering the manual has a few examples of instructions on how to check internal cables on your own, will installing the SSD void the warranty?


James Tanner

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #790 on: 2 Oct 2014, 06:23 pm »

This is my first post. I'm the lucky owner of new BDP-2 and BDA-2 components. When I placed my order I was expecting 2-3 weeks delivery but unfortunately  (:P) Bryston delivered them within a few days!! well before I even had a chance to get into the details of planning my setup.
Happily taking my gear home I was attempting to hook it up to my NAS (Synology) and after a few frustrating hours I did manage to get it up and running. Its still quite early in the process but the MM interface has been quite finicky and has lost my 'shares' or not populated the music in some cases. I've added shares and removed them for this reason.  Often, non of the shares show up on the home page. Maybe its the SMB vs WFS or AFP? My NAS is linux of course but I've been trying to do the setup via my Mac laptop. (not sure if this could confuse the share setup?) More on this once I get a chance to play around with it.

Getting to the point, I've been thinking of installing a SSD drive inside the BDP2. I read somewhere this could void my warranty, but I've read of a number of folks doing this on their own. Seems relatively simple to do! Considering the manual has a few examples of instructions on how to check internal cables on your own, will installing the SSD void the warranty?


Hi Peter,

Installing the drive will NOT void the warranty.  It is just that we did not want to install drives at the factory but allow the customer to choose whichever drive he wanted. We did not want to be responsible for the drive.



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #791 on: 2 Oct 2014, 08:17 pm »
Hi Peter,

Installing the drive will NOT void the warranty.  It is just that we did not want to install drives at the factory but allow the customer to choose whichever drive he wanted. We did not want to be responsible for the drive.


Excellent. Thanks for the quick response James. Its a nice feature (being able to add the SSD) and the more I learn about the the components the more I want to do with them.



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #792 on: 3 Oct 2014, 05:42 am »
You might try using static IP addresses or having your router reserve a specific ip address, both for your server as well as your bdp-2. Then, instead of referring to either with an alias, use the IP address. That might solve your problems.


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #793 on: 3 Oct 2014, 11:31 am »
You might try using static IP addresses or having your router reserve a specific ip address, both for your server as well as your bdp-2. Then, instead of referring to either with an alias, use the IP address. That might solve your problems.

Grit, thanks for the suggestion - I will give that a try. I'm trying to read as many posts as I can in order to solve some of my issues. I've got the system up and running a bit more smoothly now. For example I plugged in a 16G thumb drive in the BDP2 as a scratch disk for the album art. The MM interface recognized it but didn't seem to want to set it as the scratch disk. Do I need to "Mount" it first? I attempted this but got error feedback and then I just clicked "scratch" and the feedback was "setting as scratch disk" but it seemed to stall right there with no further feedback. Overall I had a few crashes and had to reboot the BDP once or twice. In the end it seemed to be working. I'm using MPaD as the interface as well and the album artwork is extremely slow although it does seem to be populating.

I'm still contemplating installing an SSD in the BDP2 despite reading a few posts about 'noise'. I doubt I would notice the difference. Is there a particular protocol to follow for the installation?  (James?)

So, I've read so far that I should format the SSD as Fat32 or NTFS before installing and also populate with music before I install. That might be a bit tricky (not to mention a fair bit of work). I've also read that some folks use their internal SSD as a regular network drive and simply 'move over' their tunes after its been installed. Is this possible?

Lastly, I'm in a dilemma about whether to use an AES cable between the BDP2 and BDA2, or whether USB is the way to go. I've read posts where USB is great but also that Bryston recommends the AES. Good AES cables are expensive and not that easy to come by whereas i'm finding USB may be a good option in terms of cost and availability Any feedback on this point would be great.

thanks for the comments.

So There

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #794 on: 3 Oct 2014, 02:28 pm »
Congratulations on your BDP-2, Peter. It's a wonderful piece of equipment. I installed a Samsung 500gb SSD, and it went in quite easily. Chris Rice, Bryston's BDP guru, has posted a how-to video on installation. James recommended the AES/EBU connection, and I use the Bryston AES/EBU cable between the BDP-2 and BDA-2; it sounds fantastic, and the cost was reasonable.

I don't recall whether I formatted the SSD prior to installation (it may have been pre-formatted). I have the BDP connected to my hardwired gigabit network via two Cisco business class switches and CAT6 cable, and files copy and paste quickly between my iMac and the BDP. The BDP shows up as a shared device in the Finder. (the Mac version of Windows Explorer). It is very easy to manage the music with the Bryston apps (Max and Mini), though the front panel display of the BDP could be improved, as it does not scroll text, and it can be difficult to ascertain which track is playing when the title is long, such as with classical pieces.

Happy listening,

Shaky Napa Valley

The means — Bryston SP3 | Bryston 6B-SST(C) - L/C/R; 4B-SST(C) - surrounds; 4B-SST(C) - rears | Bryston BDP-2 Digital Player; BDA-2 D/A Converter; Oppo BDP-105 | Paradigm Reference Signature S8 fronts; C5 center; ADP surrounds; S4 rears; two Velodyne DD15 subs | APC S20 | Pioneer Elite PRO-1130


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #795 on: 3 Oct 2014, 03:10 pm »
Peter, see page 14 of the manual for defining a scratch drive.

James Tanner

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #796 on: 5 Oct 2014, 01:31 pm »

Re: BDA2 and BDP2 Reviews

I have owned the BDP2 for a little over a year. It was my first Bryston product. The sound quality has always been flawless. I use the DACs in my Esoteric K-03 SACD Player and the presence of the BDP-2 has left the transport of my SACD player very lonely. I added the first day the largest solid state drive I could find and I now have it loaded up with AIFF files and continue to add more regularly..

I have played around with the Aurender offerings and although the sound quality is very good, I think the Bryston is a little bit better, but it is in terms of fit and finish and the whole pride of ownership thing that the Bryston really wins versus Aurender.....Price points are pretty similar depending on configuration.....

My experience with the BDP-2 led me to consider Bryston's amplifiers. After discussing amp choices with Magnepan for my 3.7s, I decided to go with a pair of 7BSST2s and from the very first note, I heard more detail than I had with my prior Pass Labs X350.5 and I've never looked back. I had an issue with one of the amps a few days after purchase of it tripping a fuse and arcing upon power up and Bryston traded emails with me on a Sunday night and I had an RMA number Monday morning. They even fedexed a new amp to me rathern than making me wait.......they didn't have to do this let alone do it overnight but they did......I think Bryston as a company is very high on my list...... Both of the components I've purchased from them will likely remain in my system for a very very long time.....


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #797 on: 6 Oct 2014, 05:15 am »
Grit, thanks for the suggestion - I will give that a try. I'm trying to read as many posts as I can in order to solve some of my issues. I've got the system up and running a bit more smoothly now. For example I plugged in a 16G thumb drive in the BDP2 as a scratch disk for the album art. The MM interface recognized it but didn't seem to want to set it as the scratch disk. Do I need to "Mount" it first? I attempted this but got error feedback and then I just clicked "scratch" and the feedback was "setting as scratch disk" but it seemed to stall right there with no further feedback. Overall I had a few crashes and had to reboot the BDP once or twice. In the end it seemed to be working. I'm using MPaD as the interface as well and the album artwork is extremely slow although it does seem to be populating.

I'm still contemplating installing an SSD in the BDP2 despite reading a few posts about 'noise'. I doubt I would notice the difference. Is there a particular protocol to follow for the installation?  (James?)

So, I've read so far that I should format the SSD as Fat32 or NTFS before installing and also populate with music before I install. That might be a bit tricky (not to mention a fair bit of work). I've also read that some folks use their internal SSD as a regular network drive and simply 'move over' their tunes after its been installed. Is this possible?

Lastly, I'm in a dilemma about whether to use an AES cable between the BDP2 and BDA2, or whether USB is the way to go. I've read posts where USB is great but also that Bryston recommends the AES. Good AES cables are expensive and not that easy to come by whereas i'm finding USB may be a good option in terms of cost and availability Any feedback on this point would be great.

thanks for the comments.

From bottom to top:
Try both cables in your system at the same time. You can switch inputs and see what you like. I only tried optical, coax, and AES, and preferred the AES. Though in my case, the AES was substantially a better cable, so that may have had some impact. If I was in your shoes, I'd buy one each from (very inexpensive) and see which you prefer. After that, consider spending more money on a nicer cable. That way, you're putting money in the format you most prefer.

I also installed an internal drive. Mine's an SSD, so there are no mechanical moving parts. I also have my BDP connected via CAT 6 to a switch and then to my server (Windows Server 2012 R2). I copied all my music files from there to the SSD in by BDP. I also can't remember if I formatted it before or which format I used. As I tear computers apart for fun, it wasn't really a difficulty or concern for me. I do remember that I followed the YouTube video Chris Rice from Bryston put out on how to do it.

In the end, I can't hear any difference between whats on the SSD inside the BDP and what's on my server 25' away. That being said, I have had to take my server down at times. Having a local copy on the BDP means I never have to worry about being able to access my music. If I have power to my BDP, I can listen to all my music. Also, there are PLENTY of good/fast USB drives these days. You could just as easily plug one into the back of the BDP and skip the internal drive.

Also, I added the worlds smallest (in physical size) USB drive I could for my scratch drive. Plugged it into the back of the BDP, followed those directions linked above, and never looked back. I think it's just 32GB, and my library is about 2000-3000 songs (probably 200-300 CDs).

For the interface, I used to use MPDroid (Android OS app), but with Manic Moose, i usually now just use the Bryston built-in "Max" interface. I can't really comment on MPOD or other Apple stuff. Sorry. :(

I'm sure this already came up (and I've forgotten or missed it). Are you up to date with the most recent Manic Moose release?

- Garrett

James Tanner

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #798 on: 6 Oct 2014, 01:06 pm »
Hi James

 I had to stop by my brothers apartment yesterday afternoon to pick something up, where he was watching football on the big screen, through a

Shortly, we switched to the BDP, which I learned was hard-wired via AES/EBU XLR to the SP3.  I have to admit, even listening at a low SPL, maybe 75 peak, I was floored!  The noise floor just fell away, it just was inky black between quiet passages and between tracks, but even listening to a HD-track download of Dave Brubeck, Take 5, I couldn’t believe the sharpness & power of the mid-frequency detail..even at these listening levels.  I asked my brother if he noticed the change when he added the BDP-2, and his comments were that while similar, but distinctly better than the top OPPO DVD player he has, the ease of use with the paired i-pad mini, the SSD loaded with files, make for a dream combination.  I know the 9BSST 2  with the extremely low distortion levels and ability to extract the deepest bass and most articulate details combined with the almost [straight-wire] playback capabilities of the SP-3 pre-amp made for a total package.

I guess it is time to step up and get the BDP-2 ASAP!


Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #799 on: 12 Oct 2014, 09:24 am »
I cant seem to upgrade firmware.