BDP-2 Digital Player

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #180 on: 5 Dec 2012, 03:23 am »
I'm very interested in this player.

I've fooled around with digital music file streaming for a couple of years now. Even to Linn gear, and I've never been 100% happy. It's basically let down by 3rd party software. So I am very much interested in getting a Bryston BDP-2 for my primary listening area. At the moment all by digital files are stored in itunes on a mac. I do this simply for convenience. Even 24/192 files (that can't be played in itunes) I use this "share" for Sonos around the house and currently for a Linn DS in the primary listening area.

I'm thinking of replacing the Linn DS with the Bryston in the primary listening area :)

My questions are

1/ Could a Bryston BDP-2 with an internal SDD be used as my main digital library "share" for Sonos? For the Linn DS? (as well as being a primary music player in it's own right)

2/ Could I simply copy my entire itunes library (off my mac) and set it up on the Bryston as an itunes "server"?

3/ If i copy over my itunes library to the Bryston, how easy will it be to navigate thru the folders to find and play an album with the remote or buttons on the Bryston?

4/ What other ways could I navigate the itunes library on the Byston?


Exciting product :)


Sorry about the late posting, I thought I had already replied to this.  In short we currently don't support the BDP-2 as an iTunes server.  However as a possible alternative you could share the iTunes folder from your computer via samba (windows file sharing).

As to controlling the bdp, the front panel controls were simply designed for navigating small amount of albums.  I would highly recommend any one of several MPD clients or the integrated web apps.



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #181 on: 6 Dec 2012, 09:38 am »

Sorry about the late posting, I thought I had already replied to this.  In short we currently don't support the BDP-2 as an iTunes server.  However as a possible alternative you could share the iTunes folder from your computer via samba (windows file sharing).

As to controlling the bdp, the front panel controls were simply designed for navigating small amount of albums.  I would highly recommend any one of several MPD clients or the integrated web apps.


Chris. Thanks for the reply.

I'll tell you where I am coming from here (and it kind of relates to some of the other posts as well)

The whole point (as I see it) of the BDP-2 is to *not* use it as a "streamer" to the BDP-2. It's to play the files off the SDD. I've got a perfectly good streamer. With the Linn. Been there done that.   :roll: Disappointed ....

I'm simply over the practical network issues that ruin the listening experience of hi rez in my primary listening zone..

What I was asking was is it possible to use the BDP2 to stream files away from the BDP-2 to  other devices (like Sonos) a secondary role, in addition to using it as a primary player of a library stored on the SDD... Network streaming is OK in secondary listening areas because the listener treats it like the expect interference (read network drop-outs) etc.. in non critical areas..

The primary zone is a different matter.. There is something beautifully simple about playing digital files straight off the player (without any networking).. and *not* attaching it to noisey computer gear in the room where all ones expensive hifi gear is..

So please don't confuse the beautiful simplicity of the original BDP-1 concept..

I have absolutely no intention of streaming the other from computer to the Byrston.. via samba, network or usb.. I'm simply over all the hassles of doing this with the Linn...

Do you now get my drift? 



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #182 on: 6 Dec 2012, 09:46 am »
See above :)

So I see the unique role of the BDP-2 as *the* primary files storage location of ones digital library. On the SSD.

Locate it in your primary listening area attached to all your expensive gear and play the files off the SSD here. Kind of like a huge CD transport..

And use the music library on SSD of the BDP-2 as a network share for Sonos in all the other secondary areas.

Could this be done?


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #183 on: 7 Dec 2012, 03:58 am »

I'm hesitant to say yes as we don't have one to test with and I havn't been able o find an official list of supported protocols that the sonos supports.  So I'm not entirely sure if the sonos will read the files from the bdp-2 via its upnp or samba services.

If the sonos can see files hosted via upnp (aka dlna) then yes I don't see why it would work.  This could be tested very easily by installing ps3 media server (upnp server software for macs/windows computers).



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #184 on: 7 Dec 2012, 04:48 am »
Thanks Chris.

I think samba might be the way to go..

So the BDP-2 can act as a samba server. Correct? It runs some version of linux. It can basically serve up a music folder as an smb share?

If so we might be in luck. See:

I can test on a Dune player for you, if you like: which can also serve up folders as smb shares...


Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #185 on: 7 Dec 2012, 01:55 pm »

Are the BDP-2 shipping yet.  Any chance that i will see it by Christmas...   :)

James Tanner

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #186 on: 7 Dec 2012, 08:38 pm »

Are the BDP-2 shipping yet.  Any chance that i will see it by Christmas...   :)

Production tells me we start shipping next week.



Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #187 on: 7 Dec 2012, 09:04 pm »
Production tells me we start shipping next week.


Excellent news, Be a gent James and make sure there is one on a plane heading over to the UK asap  :wink: :thumb:


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #188 on: 8 Dec 2012, 09:38 am »
Guys. Future BDP-2 users.

You have to understand the inherent difficulties of hi-rez 24/192 streaming.

It's a nightmare. Go take a look at the Linn forum. The endless hassles and complaints..

Linn has tried for years to get this right. And still there are hiccups. Literally.

As a Linn owner I can vouch for that!

Been there. Done that.   :wink:

James and Bryston are dead right to produce this niche product. First with the BDP-1 now the 2.

The huge advantage of the 2 over the 1... is *not* the addition of upnp/ethernet from a NAS or computer and/or usb "streaming" from computer to player...

Yeh yeh , I know it's trendy and all the rage. With Jriver and whatever..

No folks.

The beauty of the Bryston concept is the ability to play files straight off a disc without moving parts... *unattached* to all the electrical noise and jitter of an attached computer.

(And un-influenced by network drop out's and all the problems inherent in moving large files around a computer network.)

Straight off a source without moving parts. And No networking. First with the BDP-1 via usb and now from a SSD with the BDP-2. That's the exciting improvement over the 1. It's the ability to add a SSD!!! (512GB are now under $500) That's a pretty sizeable library. Even of hi rez files.  :)

Any added streaming will be best done the other way. Via ethernet. From the Bryston to something else. To lesser gear. In rooms and with stuff where sound quality doesn't matter. The 16/48 files. It doesn't matter in these areas if there is network drops, interference or such stuff. Becasue these areas are *not* critical listening areas.

But with all your best gear?..

Use the Bryston's internal SSD attached to and all isolated with your expensive primary listening gear..

And stream the same library elsewhere the other way

Trust me on this folks. If you buy this product thinking the additional streaming too the player will solve all your problems..yeh you might feel hip and grovvy for a while, but I guarantee with time you will end up all frustrated, and start playing all your stuff straight off the Bryston (again). With not an an attached computer in ear shot.



Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #189 on: 8 Dec 2012, 10:55 am »
I wholeheartedly agree!
I looked at the Linn solution before getting the BDP-1 and the hoops you have to jump through to get it to work properly are an absolute joke.
To me, the Naim was poorly engineered, the company are analogue guys, not digital and don't get it.
The BDP-1 was the only solution that worked for me.
I dalied for a while with other solutions with internal drives but they were all propriortory and you're locked in to their UIs.
MPad really makes the BDP easy to use and it's one of its major strengths as well as the sound quality.
You don't have to use the Bryston UIs if you don't like them.

I've never been convinced by the Bryston amp sound (different strokes etc), I prefer Classe but for me, the BDP is a winner.
I've had it for two years and never regretted it.

I believe the only reason the streaming feature has been added is because all the magazines demanded it.
My advice, stick with an attached drive, you won't regret it.
You can still copy stuff from your PC to the attached drive (USB or eSATA) over a network. What more can you want?

--End of free Bryston promotion--  :lol:


Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #190 on: 9 Dec 2012, 03:41 pm »
Could a Bryston BDP-2 & BDA-2 play DSD files?

James Tanner

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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #191 on: 9 Dec 2012, 03:44 pm »
Could a Bryston BDP-2 & BDA-2 play DSD files?

It's the DAC that must be programmed to play DSD and the AKM chipset we are using is capable of it in the BDP2. We are considering it but looking into the legalities given Sony's patent



Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #192 on: 11 Dec 2012, 01:03 pm »

The beauty of the Bryston concept is the ability to play files straight off a disc without moving parts... *unattached* to all the electrical noise and jitter of an attached computer.

(And un-influenced by network drop out's and all the problems inherent in moving large files around a computer network.)

Straight off a source without moving parts. And No networking. First with the BDP-1 via usb and now from a SSD with the BDP-2. That's the exciting improvement over the 1. It's the ability to add a SSD!!! (512GB are now under $500) That's a pretty sizeable library. Even of hi rez files.  :)

This for me is where I find the BDP-2 really interesting, the BDP-1 sounds absolutely amazing and still has the power to surprise me and give me tingles but the thought of attaching a SSD internally can only improve the performance again, yes being able to read of a NAS is a real benefit to some, I have to admit I stream 24/192 with my Naim kit without any problems, but I can't wait to get a smallish SSD drive and fill it with some reference recordings, fit it internally to the BDP-2 and do a back to back shoot-out, the same rips read from an attached HDD, the internal SSD drive and from my NAS, from what I've experienced in the past I'll be amazed if the internal SSD doesn't offer superior performance.

As far as I'm aware there isn't any other manufacturer that offers this solution, surely there can be no better storage solution than having the storage with no moving parts attached direct to the board internally, just need prices to drop further for SSD's and it will be happy days :)


Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #193 on: 11 Dec 2012, 03:30 pm »


The ability to add an internal SSD was one of the main reasons I ordered the BDP-2.


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #194 on: 12 Dec 2012, 01:52 am »
Hi to all
I have a question. Isn't possible to attach an external SSD to the BDP-1?   If yes (I think it's possible,correct me if wrong) why is it different than an internally installed SSD in BDP-2? Also how many of us are comfortable enough to be doing internal hdd installs e.t.c.. I know I am not . I just bought the BDP-1 and having second thoughts.


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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #195 on: 12 Dec 2012, 04:12 am »
The BDP-2 simply adds additional features that potential and current customers have asked for.  So from a sound stand point it's identical.  The only three benefits I can see from using a internal SSD is the following

1. For those with the most sensitive of hearing that might hear the noise of 2.5" drive enclosed in a steel case.
2. Initial load time
3. The fact it is the system and not showing

The bandwidth needed to playback 192khz 24bit can be handled quite easily by uSB 2.0 or even 100Mb Ethernet.



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #196 on: 12 Dec 2012, 05:32 am »
 :D Hi Chris
Thank you for the response,I agree with all it makes sense,excellent points and very well thought. My personal take .
1. My hearing is average I guess ,I don't think I will be focusing on the drive and the noise from it ,I am for the music.
2. I can wait few more seconds,hey even minutes.
3. I got me the 1TB WD Passport Studio,it comes in a nice metal enclosure with anodize aluminum sides ,feels and looks good,I want to display it!

 Chris I talked to you on the phone last week regarding the HFS+ journaled format for Mac. Thank you for the email.



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #197 on: 12 Dec 2012, 07:55 am »
Hi to all
I have a question. Isn't possible to attach an external SSD to the BDP-1?   

Now there is a *very* good idea! Get a portable SSD drive load it up via your computer then plug it into the BDP-1...

Pity it can't do thunderbolt or USB3

But for simple music file playback this wouldn't be necessary..

Go for it man. Forget your "second thought's"


Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #198 on: 10 Jan 2013, 07:17 pm »
Hi James,

Had any decision on progress been made regarding adding USB outputs to the BDP2? I am in the market for the BDP2 and a DAC and some of the DACs I am looking out only have USB inputs. And in some cases those that have multiple types of inputs its been said the USB connection is superior sonically.

So it would help in my research/future purchase if I knew this was a definite direction you guys were going.



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Re: BDP-2 Digital Player
« Reply #199 on: 10 Jan 2013, 07:25 pm »
That would require an entirely different sound card...