Thoughts on the sound from those who aren't Kool-Aid drinking fanboys.

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It is unfathomable why the same few people just can't stop whining and complaining about the over the top enthusiasm shown for a product by a couple of people. Why do you continue to post the same mundane, pissy comments? We got it, you think the ncore is overhyped. Really, we understand. It's Ok, it has been noted. Go pee on someone else's parade for a while. Or get a job, kick the dog, or any other means by which you can focus your angst and surplus of free time.....

Most of the people that have actually spent the time to listen to this amp have bought one. I know of no better indicator of its quality. I would think even the most close minded of audiots would start to get it- these are amps worth listening to, and perhaps there is something to all the positive comments from those who have heard them....Now, if you just like to troll, well, there is no fix for that....

I apologize if I appeared to be mocking was simply incredulousness that someone who self-admittedly "had no idea who this amp works" could think he could improve it. But maybe you can. I hope to follow your progress.


It is unfathomable why the same few people just can't stop whining and complaining about the over the top enthusiasm shown for a product by a couple of people. Why do you continue to post the same mundane, pissy comments? We got it, you think the ncore is overhyped. Really, we understand. It's Ok, it has been noted. Go pee on someone else's parade for a while. Or get a job, kick the dog, or any other means by which you can focus your angst and surplus of free time.....

Most of the people that have actually spent the time to listen to this amp have bought one. I know of no better indicator of its quality. I would think even the most close minded of audiots would start to get it- these are amps worth listening to, and perhaps there is something to all the positive comments from those who have heard them....Now, if you just like to troll, well, there is no fix for that....

I apologize if I appeared to be mocking was simply incredulousness that someone who self-admittedly "had no idea who this amp works" could think he could improve it. But maybe you can. I hope to follow your progress.

So did you read Occam(Paul Kaplan's) comments? Paul owns the Ncores.


So did you read Occam(Paul Kaplan's) comments? Paul owns the Ncores.

Yes, what is your point?


Yes, what is your point?

Now, if you just like to troll, well, there is no fix for that....


Why do you continue to post the same mundane, pissy comments? We got it, you think the ncore is overhyped. Really, we understand. It's Ok, it has been noted. Go pee on someone else's parade for a while. Or get a job, kick the dog, or any other means by which you can focus your angst and surplus of free time.....

Now, if you just like to troll, well, there is no fix for that....

Back off cab. No need for insults like what you wrote above.

Let's permit ACers who are skeptical to provide a useful counterbalance to the enthusiasm of others. I think it is entirely reasonable to point out where the ncores may not quite equal other top-notch amps. And I don't think I know of anyone who has heard them that hasn't liked many of the amps' qualities (and this includes jackman). And let's certainly point out and make clear which comments are based on actual listneing experience and which aren't.

And let's keep AC civil.  Comments can and should be made without insults.


it was simply incredulousness that someone who self-admittedly "had no idea who this amp works" could think he could improve it.

Actually, I lied when I said that, as at that time I knew the amp had an input and an output.


It isn't about skepticism, it's about the same few people that like to jump in every chance they get and whine about the over the top comments made by a couple of people at most, but mostly one person. Why the need to repeat this ad nauseum in every thread about the ncore?

And it certainly isn't useful either. I am not talking about people that have heard the product and for whatever reason, don't like it, and have added their input. No problem with that....But what value is added by the same few people who haven't heard the product, but can't help stating over and over again how it is hyped? They are just as bad as the guy they are always whining about....

Again, no one said it is perfect, or that it is for everyone, and I certainly wouldn't expect everyone to like it.


Jeeze Cab,

I like the way you use "we" in your posts, as if you speak for other people.  Tell the truth, are you including your imaginary friends in the discussion?  You Ncore fanboys are a touchy bunch. 

We have a suggestion, and by we I mean me and all of my imaginary friends. Why don't you just sit back, put down the Koop-Aid and enjoy your system. Put on your favorite cd and chill.  Write Bruno another love letter and maybe fire off another caustic post on the "Ncore improvements" thread.  I'm sure (we are sure) you will feel better about the world.

We wish you all the best.




We wish you all the best.



Thanks, that means a lot.....


So did you read Occam(Paul Kaplan's) comments? Paul owns the Ncores.
I'm a poor choice for poster boy to promote any specific view....

Yup, I've had my Ncores for nigh on 2 months and am not totally happy with them. But that is by no means a criticism of the product, but an acknowledgement that optimizing a system is hard. It took me 3 months to truly be happy with my EAR Acute CD player. It took many iterations, a gradient search if you will, to come up with a proper combination of tubes and isolation that worked (for me) when powering my Aksa Lifeforce directly. I ended up with Siemens PCC88s with Herbies Ultrasonic SS dampers and Stillpoints for isolation. Anyone familiar with the Siemens 'sound' would opine they're anything but warm and cuddly. It also tells one that (assuming the cabling is neutral) that if my goal is neutrality (with a scootch of warmth) that the Aksa leans towards a warm sound.
Given that, it shouldn't surprise anyone that substituting an off the cuff implementation of the Ncore 400s for the Aksa Lifeforce isn't going to be optimal from my perspective. The only thing I concluded from this is that the Ncores aren't as subjectively warm as the Aksa. So I'll change out some of the internal wiring in my Ncore build and try some other tweeks. I'll try different PCC88/ECC88s and compare them with different tube dampers in the EAR cd player. I'll swap isolation devices using Stillpoints, brass cones and BDR cones.
And then I'll go about re-integrating my CAT SL-1 preamp as I miss my vinyl playback, which will be yet more grief. Frankly, if I didn't manufacture balanced interconnects, I'd wouldn't have bought the Ncore. But I do, and the Ncore is an excellent choice.

For those of you who can pick one (component, cable, etc...) from column A, one from column B and get a system that satisfies your needs, good on ya. It took me 4 months to get my Marten speakers performing the way I wanted. It certainly doesn't upset me that optimizing my system for a new amp doesn't happen instantaneously. Its never worked that way for me in the past, and I don't expect anything different in the future. YMMV


For those of you who can pick one (component, cable, etc...) from column A, one from column B and get a system that satisfies your needs, good on ya. It took me 4 months to get my Marten speakers performing the way I wanted. It certainly doesn't upset me that optimizing my system for a new amp doesn't happen instantaneously. Its never worked that way for me in the past, and I don't expect anything different in the future. YMMV

Yes, been there done that many times. This is the insanity part of being an audiophile.


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For those of you who can pick one (component, cable, etc...) from column A, one from column B and get a system that satisfies your needs, good on ya. It took me 4 months to get my Marten speakers performing the way I wanted. It certainly doesn't upset me that optimizing my system for a new amp doesn't happen instantaneously. Its never worked that way for me in the past, and I don't expect anything different in the future. YMMV

+100. Totally agree.



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Yes, been there done that many times. This is the insanity part of being an audiophile.

No, just buy the best amp evah and the best speakers evah and the best DAC evah and the best cables evah and you'll have a system that rulz!!!  And if it's all stuff you never auditioned and ordered online, even bettah!!!!


No, just buy the best amp evah and the best speakers evah and the best DAC evah and the best cables evah and you'll have a system that rulz!!!  And if it's all stuff you never auditioned and ordered online, even bettah!!!!

Or buy Bose!


No, just buy the best amp evah and the best speakers evah and the best DAC evah and the best cables evah and you'll have a system that rulz!!!

 ...Anyone disagree?

medium jim

No, just buy the best amp evah and the best speakers evah and the best DAC evah and the best cables evah and you'll have a system that rulz!!!  And if it's all stuff you never auditioned and ordered online, even bettah!!!!

Dear RClark:

The full quote makes a complete thought and statement and with the proper dose of sarcasm and humor.



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Oh, don't get me wrong, the things I'm poking fun at are the EXACT same things I have done myself, in the past.  Live and learn... :)

medium jim

Oh, don't get me wrong, the things I'm poking fun at are the EXACT same things I have done myself, in the past.  Live and learn... :)


I think we all can recount our trials and errors in the process.  I can also recall all of the times I've heard this was this or that and get all excited and then made the trek to hear something first hand and was underwhelmed.  It is all worth it when there is the unexpected that really grabs your ears and won't let go.   I'm fortunate to have been able to afford some of those "grabs your ears..." things along the way.

One thing for certain, I don't hype anything that I haven't personally auditioned and this seems to be the divide here against those who do and continue to after being called out for it. 



"Can't we all just get along?"--Rodney King


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I think we all can recount our trials and errors in the process.  I can also recall all of the times I've heard this was this or that and get all excited and then made the trek to hear something first hand and was underwhelmed.  It is all worth it when there is the unexpected that really grabs your ears and won't let go.   I'm fortunate to have been able to afford some of those "grabs your ears..." things along the way.

One thing for certain, I don't hype anything that I haven't personally auditioned and this seems to be the divide here against those who do and continue to after being called out for it. 


Yeah, but we've actually been through the process.  I think Rclark is still in the enthusiastic beginning phase.  Nothing wrong with that, I wish sometimes I could recapture that pure joy of always anticipating that next best thing.  Now I'm pretty jaded and cynical about a lot of new gear.