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Hi Everyone, Posted Friday and Saturday's coverage, Sunday's coming up later today of course www.EnjoyTheMusic.com/axpona_2013/
Ryan, Pete, great dinner last night.Ted, Jack, Roscoe, etc, etc. thanks to all for stopping in. Always great to put face with a name.cheers,AJ
It was great to see some AC folks this weekend I assume the organizers had to be very happy with the result, as the attendance seemed really strong. Other than that little fire alarm issue where we evacuated the whole hotel, all went very well. The venue was excellent, with 3 close in hotels and access to good walkable restaurants.The sound in most of the rooms at this show was much, much better than any of the other shows I've attended. With a few exceptions there weren't so many totally "over the top" rooms, trying way too hard to live up to the price tags. The music choices even seemed better, with fewer old standard "audiophile voices" emanating from the rooms, very non-show like. I had to write a bunch of them down for purchase later. Several exhibiters were even getting very good sound right off the bat Friday, which has to be a challenge. There was an abundance of mostly ATS room treatments present, though sometimes they seemed to be haphazardly placed.It's hard to pick any single room out, as there were so many that were nicely set up. AJ's new speakers were silly good for the money and the Vapor Cirrus' sounded better than I've ever heard them, which is already very good. The little Rogue Hypex integrated was very nice on the Harbeth 30's too. You could build a sweet system around that little guy for sure. The new Wadia Intuition integrated/DAC with DSD, 6 digital inputs, and 2 analog inputs, was a fascinating all in one device for $7500, a stunningly beautiful physical design. I heard a RTR master tape of some local Chicago jazz on the Lamms/TAD References in the Artisen Fidelity room that totally knocked me out. I'll definitely remember that experience for a long time. Another well done room was the biamped Wisdom L75/Krell system. The gentleman there did a great job of demo'ing and though I never was particularly impressed with them before, this time they really had them dialed in nicely (with subs off!).Overall the staff and exhibitors did a great job for the return to Chicago and it was truly a lot of fun. Hopefully they're back again next year.Tom
Sorry - I'm new to AC. Who is AJ? What speakers are we talking about?