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« on: 6 May 2012, 08:00 pm »
Great movie. About as good as you can get with that cast. More character development in it that all the other Marvel movies, except maybe Iron Man. Ruffalo is the best Banner yet, though I liked Eric Bana alot. Kind of film anyone can enjoy. Congrats to Joss Whedon for finally getting the big film success he deserves, because there is no way, NO WAY this film would have been as good without him writing and directing. Everyone gets their moment to shine in this film - the big winners being Black Widow (hey someone actually made ScarJo ACT, she hasn't done that in a while) and Captain America. I never would have thought Chris Evans would have the chops to pull off a role like Captain America, but now I can't see anyone else doing it. Downey of course was born to play Stark, Hemsworth's hokeyness balances the fact he plays a demigod and has one of the funniest lines in the film. Speaking of which, there are some GREAT lines in this film that will make for repeat watching. And the end scene after the credits is HILARIOUS and the PERFECT way to wrap up the Marvel series so far. Again, no one but Whedon would have done that, would have looked at the big picture of all the previous end scenes and found the perfect 'ending'. I really have to respect how good he is at character dynamics, including how to just let people 'have a moment'.

A great film for everyone, including little kids (no gore). BE SURE TO STAY THROUGH ALL THE CREDITS, not just the initial teaser, but all the credits.

4/5 stars or whatever

That said, I am superheroed out. I am not a comic book geek. I know a lot of fanboys feel like their time has come, but for the rest of us I think it's time for some good old-fashioned real world adults action - thank god Expendables 2 is coming  :icon_twisted:


Re: Avengers
« Reply #1 on: 6 May 2012, 08:15 pm »
I feel pretty much exactly as you do, and 4/5 is a spot-on rating. I saw it at a 2am showing, which was really cool since the midnight shows had sold out and I got to see it with just the right amount of people. Had plenty of room to stretch out, but still enough other folks there that we could share in the crowd reaction. There were only a couple parts when I thought the film was slowing down just a bit, but before I could even get that thought into my head, Whedon had something else going on that allowed me to quickly forget the notion. I agree that the casting is just perfect for these characters. I've always been a fan of ruffalo, and as much as I liked both Bana and Ed Norton, Ruffalo was perfect for the Avengers version of the Hulk.

The movie made over 80 million in day one here in the states, but has surpassed over 300 million worldwide...that's pretty amazing. I'd say it's a sure bet we'll have a sequel :) 

Marvel has quite the cash cow with this group...in addition to this Avengers film, they have plans to continue the Iron Man, Captain America and Thor franchises, and I believe they are also planning films for Black Widow, as well. DC has Superman coming out next year, and of course the third Nolan Batman film this summer...but I don't know what else they have beyond that. Comic book fans (which I'm not) should be pretty psyched.

You also mentioned the Expendables 2 trailer....how great was that to see everyone in the fold again? Arnie's back...Van Damme is on board...Norris...Sly...Statham...etc, etc. I can't wait!


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #2 on: 7 May 2012, 04:11 pm »
$200 million US domestic on opening weekend alone- think Joss will have any trouble with financing for his next couple of projects?   (Serenity trilogy, please,  haven't had a good Morena fix since "V")

with all the big 'uns scheduled I'd be surprised if box office doesn't exceed $5 billion by labor day


Re: Avengers
« Reply #3 on: 7 May 2012, 11:51 pm »
Chrisby: funny you mentioend Serenity...I wished for the same thing on my Buffalo Bills message board...it's not like Serenity lost money...it didn't...it turned a small profit actually, it just wasn't a box office "hit". So I'd love to see Whedon find a way to get the gang back together...

And that's a big +1 on the Morena fix  :thumb:


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #4 on: 8 May 2012, 12:52 am »
I hope to catch this in the next week or two with my kids.  They have watched the individually Marvel hero movies and generally enjoyed them (as did I).  While I haven't read all of the comics, I have a pretty good understanding of the Marvel universe and their main characters.

I have always liked Joss Whedon (I am a big Buffy and Firefly fan) and I am glad that he got another shot at the big screen.  With the success of Avengers, I am sure he will get more opportunities.



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Re: Avengers
« Reply #5 on: 8 May 2012, 01:44 am »
Favreau was an exec producer for this film I noticed. Avengers was great considering how hard it is to get movies with so many great characters right. Think x men and spiderman three. Awful movies IMHO.

I think Ruffalo was okay for Hulk in this movie but I wouldn't want to see him in a starring role without the other actors, he lacks likability. I liked that there were a lot of punch lines and that the characters played off each other really well. Chris Evans sort of felt a little weak in the role IMHO but I enjoyed him in the solo captain america film. Downey Jr is too perfect for his role and even though marvel re wrote nick fury in the image of Samuel l jackson, I have to say he's pretty cool in his part.

They did all the side storylines well which was a surprise and I'll probably see it again just because I've waited for the days of good movies based on marvel comics.

This is going to be the last batman film in that series, coming up. I liked the first one a lot and love the different perspective compared to the 90s versions. Not sure what to think of this new spider man film, seems a little Twilight-y to me.


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #6 on: 12 May 2012, 12:27 am »
I would watch it again. Hulk vs loki scene was my Fav  :D


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #7 on: 12 May 2012, 02:05 am »
And thanks to all of you for no spoilers.  My GF is on a cruise in Alaska so I am sworn to wait until she gets back next week to go see this.   :evil: 

Yes, another Serenity movie please and thank you. 


Re: Avengers
« Reply #8 on: 12 May 2012, 04:19 am »
You also mentioned the Expendables 2 trailer....how great was that to see everyone in the fold again? Arnie's back...Van Damme is on board...Norris...Sly...Statham...etc, etc. I can't wait!

I am so psyched now that JCVD is in it. I love that the trailer opens with obligatory overturned jeep crash and explosion in random east asian country - pure. 80s. action.


Re: Avengers
« Reply #9 on: 12 May 2012, 04:34 am »
I am so psyched now that JCVD is in it. I love that the trailer opens with obligatory overturned jeep crash and explosion in random east asian country - pure. 80s. action.

Same here...and the shot where he and Stallone are going at it really had me geeking out. I grew up on 80s flicks so Arnie, Sly, and JCVD will always be among my favorite actors regardless of how crappy the films are/were. I was watching Commando the other night with Arnie...forgot how much I loved that flick  :thumb:

Cant wait to see Expendables 2!!


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #10 on: 14 May 2012, 07:05 pm »
Saw the movie yesterday with my oldest son (almost 11) and thought it was excellent and engaging.  Definitely worthy of the universally positive reviews.   :thumb:

Given the large number of characters, I thought Joss did a good job balancing some level of character development with the mandatory action scenes.  It should be very interesting to see how each of the solo movies do as we wait for the next installment of the Avengers franchise.

At the end of the Expendables 2 trailer my son turned to me and said "Dad, that movie is going to kick butt - I have to see it!"  Not really appropriate for his age, but I understand why it got him going.



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Re: Avengers
« Reply #11 on: 14 May 2012, 08:22 pm »
Saw it yesterday in IMAX 3d.  My first 3d movie in quite a while.  I think 3d still kinda suck because it is still not well done enough and is distracting.

Otherwise, I though the movie was great!  Loved Josh's ability to do things on a grand scale, and then undercut that grandeur in brutally funny ways.  Shakespeare in the Park!  :P  I was kind of hoping that Captain America would get killed, but alas no.


Re: Avengers
« Reply #12 on: 15 May 2012, 07:08 am »
Saw it yesterday in IMAX 3d.  My first 3d movie in quite a while.  I think 3d still kinda suck because it is still not well done enough and is distracting.

Otherwise, I though the movie was great!  Loved Josh's ability to do things on a grand scale, and then undercut that grandeur in brutally funny ways.  Shakespeare in the Park!  :P  I was kind of hoping that Captain America would get killed, but alas no.

I love having a 3D projector at home, but I've pretty much given up on theater 3D. It's just not worth the extra money with most films. So far the one film that completely blew me away with 3D was the Final Destination film...that was fantastic. I saw that at home and loved it, along with much of the DirecTV 3D programming...but in the theater? Nah...I'm happy with regular ol' 2D.


Re: Avengers
« Reply #13 on: 16 May 2012, 07:58 am »
3D craze is a scam. A very expensive scam. The second I realized you had to STILL use cheap@ss plastic glasses I knew I had been had. At the very least develop better glasses that encompass vision properly, sit better, and don't make you feel just like your parents felt back in the day - like a real dork. Same with the 240hz or whatever it is now for TVs, where movies look like soap operas.


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #14 on: 17 May 2012, 05:50 pm »
Just saw it last night... really enjoyed Avengers though I also wish I had gone to the 2D theater.  3D is distracting and just gives me a headache after about 40 minutes. The humorous adds were great and in just the right amount.  Good job Joss Whedon

I was a huge Marvel comics fan as a kid (and well beyond :oops:), but mostly followed the less mainstream characters with Adam Warlock being my favorite.  So I can't tell you how excited I was when the post-credit sequel teaser came on screen... I damn near jumped out of my seat and yelled "That's $&@#%!" (Hidden to not spoil for others).  Good thing there were only about five people in the theater.  This character's creator, Jim Starlin, was my favorite writer and I collected anything and everything with his name on the cover.  Now I just have to wait for the follow-up movie.

« Last Edit: 18 May 2012, 12:13 am by krikor »


Re: Avengers
« Reply #15 on: 17 May 2012, 11:34 pm »
I want to thank you guys for your favorable reviews of this movie.  I have wanted to go to see it but have been unable to due to my schedule.  Hopefully, Saturday afternoon. :thumb:


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #16 on: 18 May 2012, 12:12 am »
I want to thank you guys for your favorable reviews of this movie.  I have wanted to go to see it but have been unable to due to my schedule.  Hopefully, Saturday afternoon. :thumb:

As mentioned in the first post, make sure you stay all the way to the very end of the credits. We left after the fisrst part of the credits and missed the added final scene. Oh well, will just have to see it again.


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Re: Avengers
« Reply #17 on: 18 May 2012, 12:54 am »
Yeah, there are 2 added scenes at the end - one after the main credits, the 2nd after the full credits.

Rob Babcock

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Re: Avengers
« Reply #18 on: 18 May 2012, 01:26 am »
Drats!  Was gonna catch it after class tonite but the only late showings are 3D! :evil: :duh:

Rob Babcock

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Re: Avengers
« Reply #19 on: 18 May 2012, 01:26 am »
Of course, I've also been meaning to see The Hunger Games.  That one has a 10:30 showing in glorious 2D! :thumb: