Super V sound after the build

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Danny Richie

Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #40 on: 26 Apr 2012, 02:39 pm »
Are you aiming at a performance level above the Super V?  :green:

Not necessarily with that model.


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #41 on: 26 Apr 2012, 04:42 pm »
Danny, does that mean there is a new model in the works aimed at performance levels above the Super Vs?

Danny Richie

Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #42 on: 26 Apr 2012, 05:07 pm »
Danny, does that mean there is a new model in the works aimed at performance levels above the Super Vs?

There is a new company out there that I am doing some design work for. At least three of their models will easily exceed Super-V performance levels, but they are not going to be kits and will not be in Super-V price ranges. I can't wait to share more about that, but right now I cannot.


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Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #43 on: 27 Apr 2012, 01:34 am »
There is a new company out there that I am doing some design work for. At least three of their models will easily exceed Super-V performance levels, but they are not going to be kits and will not be in Super-V price ranges. I can't wait to share more about that, but right now I cannot.

 :hyper: :drool:


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #44 on: 27 Apr 2012, 03:32 am »
.... But they are still OB?

Can you name the company?


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Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #45 on: 27 Apr 2012, 03:51 am »
Hopefully it's for someone like Nola, because their attempts at OB statement speakers have been truly awful, IMO.


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #46 on: 27 Apr 2012, 04:47 am »
Hopefully it's for someone like Nola, because their attempts at OB statement speakers have been truly awful, IMO.

Ha!  I've felt the same way each time hearing them.  This new stuff coming out with the Neo10 is right up my alley!


Danny Richie

Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #47 on: 27 Apr 2012, 02:13 pm »
New company. Three models are open baffle, and two are sealed. And they all use planar magnetic drivers down to 200Hz or less.  :D


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #48 on: 2 May 2012, 10:37 pm »
I don't know what aligned last night, the stars or the V-Caps. 205 hours. I didn't want to go to work today and Jr needed sleep last night. So the system sits silent now. But what I heard last night.... :o

and the wife was feeling it  :green:


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #49 on: 15 May 2012, 04:24 am »
Had a couple of audio guru's over the other day. They were not pleased with the highs. After some equipment swapping the system sounded good. I swapped the Torii back in with some different input tubes which they seemed to like well enough. That was that.

I listened further the next night and had to abandon the changes I most of my music to simply to abrasive to listen to. Back went in the 6N1P's.

Tonight my wife and I and Dad too sat down for a listen. The wife was not pleased.  :argue: Something is missing. Not even close to the LS6's as she was listening to her favorite cuts of Chris Spheris. "You need to build the LS9's"  :argue: Sheesh, she's worse than your typical audiophile. But I conceded, they weren't sounding to the level of the LS6's, they can't, they are not line arrays, they are open baffle hybrids. So back went in the 7DJ8 input tubes which I wasn't keen on - too harsh for my tastes, open yes, strident yes. She liked it better but still was not happy. :argue: Out went the EL34 Treasures and in went the EL34 Mesa Boogies. Now we were cooking  :dunno:  The music opened up, instruments took there own space and space went deeper. More instruments emerged which were hidden before. The wife was loving what she was hearing. "See" she told me, "This is what I like". So I went back to some cuts I played earlier and no doubt, layers of for lack of better term, noise, were gone. I still noted some stridency. Still a little hot on top., but I think even the audio guru's would have appreciated the tube changes and the sound of the Super V's. I ordered some input tubes, 6922's, which should land in the transparent category with a bit more sweetness on top. I'm only at 275 hours on the caps so they're still breaking in. I'm hopeful that they will have matured before the getogether.

 It's been an interesting ride, perhaps more so with the electronics and the interaction of gear mated with the V's. The V's seem to play well with most gear. I haven't really heard a bad setup other than perhaps a hybrid amp early on but that was "early on". These are sensitive speakers. Every change is felt.

I'm with hope I'm not building a set of LS9's.  :|


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #50 on: 15 May 2012, 03:13 pm »
Hi Michael,
    That's exactly how I felt after you two Audio Gurus came over to my house as my system was not even close to opening up!  I now have new caps in the crossover and a new 45 Tube 2 watt amp.  Still in need of bass traps though :(
    My $.02 is this:  if you are getting a glimpse of what you really enjoy right now, that sound will start to open up more and more as the caps break in. And you have to keep in mind that you are breaking in the V Caps in the Torii with the Caps in the Super V!  And guess what, buying new tubes means you will have to break them in 200-300 hours also! 
   For the caps, many gurus recommend a 4 hour cycling on/off for th amp.  Have you been doing that?   
   Cheers and be patient man!  It will come with time:).


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #51 on: 15 May 2012, 03:18 pm »
Unfortunatly It's not just like baking a cake.  You follow a recipe and voilla.  A masterpiece of sonic bliss.  One would think that should be the case.  Congradulations, you have achieved Iron Chef or would that be Glass Chef status!  I have LS6 and cables and AC issues have plagued my kitchen.  Last night was a beautiful taste of how it should be for us.  You are not alone.  The good the bad and then finally a tasty creme brule. 

Can't wait to hear your system!


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #52 on: 15 May 2012, 05:35 pm »
Hi Michael,
    That's exactly how I felt after you two Audio Gurus came over to my house as my system was not even close to opening up!  I now have new caps in the crossover and a new 45 Tube 2 watt amp.  Still in need of bass traps though :(
    My $.02 is this:  if you are getting a glimpse of what you really enjoy right now, that sound will start to open up more and more as the caps break in. And you have to keep in mind that you are breaking in the V Caps in the Torii with the Caps in the Super V!  And guess what, buying new tubes means you will have to break them in 200-300 hours also! 
   For the caps, many gurus recommend a 4 hour cycling on/off for th amp.  Have you been doing that?   
   Cheers and be patient man!  It will come with time:).

Where's your Torii? What DAC did you settle on?

I haven't been cycling the amp other than through tube and system changes. I think I'll try to do that, or at least my wife, Dad or Jr will have to perform that function... Oh, wait.. :scratch:

And how are your speakers sounding, other than the room bloat?


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #53 on: 16 May 2012, 04:43 am »
I'm still enjoying the Torii but the 2 watts from the 45 are quite addicting :thumb:

I'm still listening to the EE Dac and soon will compare it to the Tranquility SE that I still have. 

The speakers are getting better and better except for the room nodes.   I probably only have 100 hours or so on my new caps so I'm in the same position as you though I do see glimpses of great beauty from time to time.   

I also have a Dodd Battery amp that has finally been repaired and I am excited to have tubes in hand to listen to it this weekend.   I bought it a year ago as it has a semi-cult following and still have not heard it play. 

I hope you guys have a great party next weekend.   Me and Misses will be out of town, though I can't wait to come by sometime soon.  Hope your cap break in is less painful here very soon.   

S Clark

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Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #54 on: 16 May 2012, 06:46 am »
I also have a Dodd Battery amp that has finally been repaired and I am excited to have tubes in hand to listen to it this weekend.   I bought it a year ago as it has a semi-cult following and still have not heard it play.     

Down for a year! Is that the amp that Gary has had a hard time getting power supplies for?  I have sort of an early version of it that Gary put together out of two old Eico mono amps.  Using the old Eico iron has some drawbacks, and it's not battery powered, but having two integrated monoblocks creates magnificent imaging and soundstage.  The Battery amp has the same circuit as mine and has a beautifully sweet sound- when they are working properly. 


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #55 on: 16 May 2012, 02:57 pm »
Yes, I have the same battery powered amp that is now retrofitted with a huge AC Power Supply by the previous owner ( I bought the amp from him a year ago, it didn't work when I received it so I sold it back to him.  He then had it modded to accept an external AC PS and had a huge PS built for it and then sold it back to me!).  Now I'm just waiting for the tubes which should arrive in a few days.  :thumb:


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #56 on: 16 May 2012, 03:16 pm »
Since the tube change my wife as been far happier with the V's. Admittedly, I'm hearing a lot more music, more instruments, more separation, more air. But I also find myself screwing with the tonal balance, adjusting the bass and treble on the amp, the volume controls between pre and amp and of course, the well documented V-Cap break-in looking for a bit more smoothness.

Last night we sat down, my wife wanting to hear the system now with the fore-mentioned tube changes. It sounded good. A little irritating on top, a little off in tonal balance, but better. Then something occurred to me, just a thought really. I jumped up and ran to the back of the system and removed the jumpers I had built that put a sonic cap between the positive lead of the interconnect to the amp, which basically removed the low end information to the tube amp for greater clarity. It has been part of the setup since early on. I had removed it once and had found it was ruining the sound - but the cap was young so it went back in. Now it's out.

And it's staying out. We just looked at each other after I queued up another song. It was revelatory. There was an immediate ease to the music. It simply flowed with warmth and detail and spaciousness. It was addicting. The highs were transformed by not losing there occasional bite, but gaining in clarity mostly through separation of instruments. The warmth too had returned to the mids and filtered down through the bass region not of course too the region where the servo subs were playing, those are on a separate cable path. It was and is an exciting change! This change brought me to try another where I rotated the extra bass traps about 70 degrees and forward to the drivers. This seemed to increase image depth as well. It was intoxicating. I did not want to leave the room nor did Jr want to stop dancing!  :hyper:

I've got a pair of 6922's showing up today. Not sure I need them but I/we never leave well enough alone. You know the feeling. And one cannot fully assess a system after an hour after a change. But I like the change in direction.


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #57 on: 16 May 2012, 03:48 pm »
I'll never get that out of my head.

"Room Bloat"


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #58 on: 17 May 2012, 02:43 pm »
I'll never get that out of my head.

"Room Bloat"

You never had room bloat? I had to put my room on a diet. It's leaner now.  :wink:


Re: Super V sound after the build
« Reply #59 on: 17 May 2012, 04:17 pm »
Helen originally thought the Ls6 were too big for the room.  We fed them gobs of high cholesteral power with a tubed transfatty front end and they look and sound very fit now.  Good sound is the great deoderizer when it come to speaker size.  Room Bloat averted. 

We get room bloat when the speakers are put back into thier guest position close to the wall.

Buddy Guy was spinning in the living room last night.  Blues Musaaak!