Schumann Resonance Generator SW1

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Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« on: 23 Mar 2012, 04:47 pm »
*** Warning-Please put your aluminum foil hats on before reading this!***
One of my audio friends bought one of these units a few months ago and enthused about it. I heard it in his system and that of another, and decided to try it out.
Several companies make and sell these devices, with different features. I bought a used unit of the cheaper "SW1" model, originally sold on A-gon by a Taiwanese vendor.
There have been several discussions here about Schumann Resonance Generators and their effects, etc. I have read about their supposed properties and theories about how they work, but I don't believe anything I've read satisfies my intellectual side. Whatever health effects and cosmic properties these have are outside the scope of this discussion.
That said, I'll report what I hear on 2 of my systems- my office system is in a 10x12 room. I sit 5 feet away from a pair of very high-rez Volent VL-2 monitors, driven by a Magnum Dynalab (Simaudio) receiver. Front end is a Sony 999 feeding an Aune DAC. Cabling is Zu Mission and Libtec.
My main system is also very high-rez Selah Audio Tempestas, with a James EMB-1000 sub x'd over at 40 hz. Amp is a Cullen modded PS Audio GCC-500 (icepower), front end is a Modded Oppo BDP83 feeding a tweaked Eastern Electric DAC Plus. Power conditioning is PS Audio power plant premier, speaker cables are Acoustic Zen Satori shotgun, ICs are Zu Event, power cords Zu Mother, Mission, and Mojo Cross Helix.
I know the sound of both my main rigs very well.
First I listened to Beatles Love on my office system. These are rewritten Beatles compositions, using the original Beatles master tapes as sources. They sound pretty good, but kind of flat and 2-d compared to good modern recordings. Installing the SW1 on top of one of the speakers and switching it on changed the spatial representation of these recordings. 2-d became much more 3-d, with clean open space between all the instruments, and more depth contrast where there was little before. Tonality, harmonics, dynamics, etc. seemed unchanged.
Moving it to my main system in a larger, noisier room had the same effect, but a little less quantitatively. Familiar recordings all sounded largely unchanged musically, but the illusion of performers in space rather than inhabiting a more 2-d canvas is enhanced in an enjoyable way.
I've been listening carefully for any changes in tonality. The only things I can note are that the bottom end seems to have slightly less weight and body, but with enhanced dimensionality. Also, ambient information on "wet" recordings seems less noticeable in the fabric of the recording, seemingly replaced to some degree by the enhanced 3-d acoustic. All in all, these changes are pretty small in context.
In audiophile terms, I'd say these dimensional effects are moderately apparent. Non-'philes may not detect them easily, but most philes should be able to hear them in high-rez systems. YMMV, of course.
I have a mixed opinion about whether this device will be a permanent feature of my systems. So far, I like what it does for the sound, but I'm a bit unsettled about the lack of good info on these. There is talk about their health effects, but I'd like more real information on the health downsides of spraying unknown amounts of this EMF around the room.
So- these seem to work as many (but certainly not all!) users have described, and the mechanism is totally unknown. My own speculation is that the EM energy is somehow acting as a dithering signal in our personal aural processing chain (nerves and brain?), but this is pure speculation. A locus of effect in the individual aural circuitry could help account for individual differences in audibility.
*** Remove hats now ***

Big Red Machine

Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #1 on: 23 Mar 2012, 06:08 pm »
The lunatics, er, respected audiophiles, who have experienced positive effects have caused me to have great jealousy.  I tried the SW1 unit and could not detect anything.  Then someone offered I should try a more reknowned unit, but I did not do so.

I'm thinking with my SS8's and the open back design I won't need any additional openness.   :scratch:


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Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #2 on: 23 Mar 2012, 08:53 pm »
While I don't know anything about Schumann Resonance,  when I look at these devices they look a lot like an AM band radio receiver.  I would think that a machine that generates 7 to 8Hz wave would be huge.  It would probably need all the AC current available at your house.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #3 on: 23 Mar 2012, 09:23 pm »
  I would think that a machine that generates 7 to 8Hz wave would be huge.
It creates an EM wave, not an acoustic wave. For an acoustic wave, yes, it would have to be huge, but there is no need of a physical analog transducer for EM waves. The power needed to produce an EM wave of this magnitude in such a small space as a room would be a few milliwatts.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #4 on: 23 Mar 2012, 09:28 pm »
The lunatics, er, respected audiophiles, who have experienced positive effects have caused me to have great jealousy.  I tried the SW1 unit and could not detect anything.  Then someone offered I should try a more reknowned unit, but I did not do so.

I'm thinking with my SS8's and the open back design I won't need any additional openness.   :scratch:
My speakers are both forward radiators. The effect is not unlike the dipole effect, though, but not as pronounced, so if you tried it with dipoles I think the effect might be swamped by the rear radiation of the speaker- or something.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #5 on: 23 Mar 2012, 11:31 pm »
I too have recently purchased the SW-1 generator from the Taiwanese vendor on Audiogon. Too my ears/brain, I'd rate the affect on sound reproduction as more than subtle.  All the usual reports; expansion of soundstage, ambience, etc. is readily heard. I noted no change in tonal characteristics from my dynamic cone speakers. I have removed my Room Lenses from the sides of my speakers for the first time in years, so that's a nice aesthetic contribution. However, as BigRedMachine notes, not every one seems to hear improvements.  :dunno: Like Jonbee, I do wonder about the emf radiation this thing emits. At least the Schumann resonance is a natural phenomena we're evolved to live with. I just turn it on when listening and off when not. This thing really intrigues me because it obviously has an affect on audio, but the means of doing so is not so obvious. I like Jonebee's "dithering" reference, that's as good a supposition as any. A pointed reminder than not all things that affect sound reproduction have been quantified and measured.


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Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #6 on: 24 Mar 2012, 03:02 am »
It creates an EM wave, not an acoustic wave. For an acoustic wave, yes, it would have to be huge, but there is no need of a physical analog transducer for EM waves. The power needed to produce an EM wave of this magnitude in such a small space as a room would be a few milliwatts.
I think that you have "EM wave" and "acoustic wave" sizes (and ideas) backwards.  An "EM wave" antenna is not a transducer!  The antennas on these toys look much like the antennas on AM radio receivers of 1/2 century ago.  A transmitting antenna needs to be a significant fraction of a wave-length to work. That antenna would be measured in miles.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #7 on: 24 Mar 2012, 04:18 am »
I think that you have "EM wave" and "acoustic wave" sizes (and ideas) backwards.  An "EM wave" antenna is not a transducer!  The antennas on these toys look much like the antennas on AM radio receivers of 1/2 century ago.  A transmitting antenna needs to be a significant fraction of a wave-length to work. That antenna would be measured in miles.
I'm not privy to the circuitry used (nor are you!), but there are other many ways to produce an output of EM energy.
Nor do I care. Period. This post makes no claim about any causative factors, only the audibility of the result. And it is clearly audible in the 4 systems I've now heard it in, by me and the members of our audio listening group.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #8 on: 24 Mar 2012, 07:03 am »
Guys, please keep the conversation open and productive.  I see nothing wrong in attempting to understand how a device works (subject to valid intellectual property restrictions).  Understanding the basic concepts governing how a device works can only help us use it more effectively.

Thank you.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #9 on: 24 Mar 2012, 02:41 pm »
OK. Here's a thread here regarding the circuitry of the RR-77, and DIYers who have built their own Schumann devices:

A reasearch pdf describing a possible transmission link for the effects:
« Last Edit: 24 Mar 2012, 04:00 pm by jonbee »


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Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #10 on: 11 Apr 2012, 12:34 pm »
I've spent some time evaluating these types of devices (Schumann resonance generators, scalar devices, crystals) and presently use the the Earthcalm scalar device.  I came with a skeptical mind, but experience leads me to think these things work in some measure. I started with a Quantum Symphony Pro about 10 years ago. It was a no-brainer improvement to my perception of the sound. Interestingly, my wife, who didn't know I had installed the device, commented on how the room felt different- as in more relaxed/less tension in the air.

I believe that these instruments probably affect the listener or maybe even the atmosphere rather than the electronics. I will likely purchase a Quantum QX4 when the funds become available.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #11 on: 11 Apr 2012, 02:07 pm »
Quite intriguing...
There's also someone on ebay selling them:

Question is, where would I get an enclosure for this as well as a psu? Even with the additional components, should still come in under the price of the one on Audiogon.


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Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #12 on: 11 Apr 2012, 02:32 pm »
Alexdad54.  The innerds you show on the Ebay listing resemble the inside of the Acoustic Revive RR77 Schumann device which sells for ~$500.00.   It doesn't necessarily need a case.


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #13 on: 11 Apr 2012, 02:50 pm »
Thanks Mike82, I was thinking of using a case more for cosmetic reasons.....


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Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #14 on: 11 Apr 2012, 03:09 pm »
As I've posted here (AC) elsewhere I LOVE my RR-77 and would never do without it.  I have owned it for a couple years now and it never ceases to amaze me. 

How?  Well, first off, when I first brought it in and plugged it in my long-time audio buddy, Rob (questfortone), visited and asked what i had done to the room (which he visits almost weekly) to make the sound more relaxed and musical.  He said he noticed it as soon as he walked in the room.  It's as if the listening space takes on an ease and a less cluttered feel.

How?  Also, there have been two instances where I struggled with an overnight loss of soundstage depth and tonality, wondering what happened to my great sound...both times to find I had accidentally unplugged the RR-77....i.e it's one of those devices that shows itself best in its absence.

FYI, when i ordered the RR-77 it was quoted as 4 weeks so in my excitement I tried an available  smaller, less-expensive Schumann generator box from a medical company.  When I told them my rooms dimensions they said they were skeptical it would "activate" that size room.  Sure enough, nothing!  I began to get suspicious of the whole idea when they told me I could return it risk-free, or better yet try it for a few more weeks under a bed...for better sleep.  At the time my middle son (age 18 at the time) was struggling with some insomnia so I secretly placed it there.  It's been there ever since, and his sleep patterns are much better.  God's honest truth!

Net/net, the weaker smaller boxes won't work if your room is bigger than 8x12.  Mine is 23 x 15 x 10 so it was a no-brainer to wait for the RR-77.  I've been happy ever since. 

Caveat:  I am in the school of belief that people are affected differently by this and other effects (like absolute phase inversion, etc).  I would never buy a device like this if I didn't have a risk-free exit strategy.

Edit:  I also added a Kingrex power supply ($99) to the RRR-77 setup, which ensured the output would be enough for my room.  I'm not sure I documented any a/b with/without the Kingrex though.

Pete, I've never been called a lunatic..but I like the moniker, thanks.  :)  By the way, it's not openness (too much air, etc) per se, it's a relaxed uncluttered feeling.  But the unit needs to be sized right, and you need to be a lunatic. 


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Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #15 on: 11 Apr 2012, 03:12 pm »
  For your info the device sold in Taiwan is the same circuit board as the Acoustic Revive as the vendor built them for AR. They had a fallout and he his selling them with a different enclosure, thats it.



Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #16 on: 29 Apr 2012, 05:42 pm »
So any longer term impressions of these?

And can someone PM me the contact info of the seller? There is no longer an Audiogon listing for these.

Charles Xavier

Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #17 on: 30 Apr 2012, 04:32 pm »
Just do a search for SW1 on Agon


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #18 on: 30 Apr 2012, 04:56 pm »
Yup, ad just popped back up. Thanks for the heads-up. And in the meantime an ACer offered to loan me his RR-77 to try out before I pull the trigger. What a fabulous community AC can be.  Let's keep paying if forward and helping other folks here out on their audio journeys. :D :D :D :D :D


Re: Schumann Resonance Generator SW1
« Reply #19 on: 30 Apr 2012, 11:05 pm »
I thought I'd post a little follow up on my continued use of the SW1 Schumann generator. About a month ago, I made a major upgrade in speakers and installed a pair of Tidal Piano Ceras in my listening area. The Tidals have all Accuton ceramic drivers and have a more revealing, less laid back character than the ACI Talisman SEs that I used before. Perhaps because the Tidals have greater inherent treble extension and resolution, the SW1 generator doesn't seem to affect soundstaging, ambient nuance recovery, and general sense of "ease" to the degree that I heard with the ACIs. I'd like to try a better power supply now and see how that affects things with the new speakers.