3D TV - NAY or YAY

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Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #20 on: 30 Nov 2011, 10:58 pm »
Being an eye glass wearer, unable to wear contacts, I have no use for it at present.  When they can deliver 3D without glasses I'll be interested.  Until then not so much.


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Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #21 on: 30 Nov 2011, 11:54 pm »
I enjoy my 3D TV experience. Mind you i spent the cash 5K to get the great picture and stuck with plasma over all the other technologies. Plasma still had the best picture that the others simply do not measure up based on the side by side comparisons i did at the dealer.
I can also convert all 2D channels to near perfect 3D. Sports na movies on regular TV events are are quite involving.
I don't know..... maybe i just got lucky - Samsung top of the line is highly recommended if you go 3D or just a great picture for that matter.
Take a look at those James.....


Phil A

Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #22 on: 1 Dec 2011, 12:16 am »
Here's a list of what is available (last edited by the poster on Nov. 15, 2011):


If I was the type to be happy with the low end in 3D projectors, it might not be a bad thing.  I'm looking for better quality than what I have in the basement system now.  Most 3D movies are a bit more too.  I'll look at the issue after I do my taxes early next and think about whether I want to go the 3D route.  I'd love to have it in one system.  I purposed grabbed the bedroom LED a year ago February not to have 3D or internet built in (I do have Google TV for almost a year but only used it for a couple of hours when I first got it) thinking I'd go that route in the basement but I'm not 100% sold at this point.


Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #23 on: 1 Dec 2011, 12:50 am »
 I know they are considering banning them for kids under 12 because it will screw up their eyes. I personally wouldn't wanna own one.

I enjoy going to the theater or the IMAX for the occaisional 3D experience, but for often or everyday use I wouldn't be comfortable using it. As long as super resolutions of 4K and above, and my audio system is up to par, I can pass on 3D. If I ever have kids, then no go for sure.

 I'd much rather be excited by 3D tv, but it's not good for you, and I don't want crossed eyes in a few years of use.
« Last Edit: 1 Dec 2011, 04:17 am by Rclark »


Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #24 on: 1 Dec 2011, 01:33 am »
I bought samsung's top of the line plasma last year(which happened to be 3D also).

I was interested in the best picture, not 3D.

I have had the TV just over a year and do not have the glasses or a 3D blu-ray player.


Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #25 on: 2 Dec 2011, 07:21 am »
Here is a link to a recent BBC Radio interview with Martin Scorsese about his latest movie "Hugo".


I found it interesting enough to make it through the entire 29 minutes. He explains why he believes 3D will be in the same category of change in the cinema as was color or talkies. If nothing else the interview put Hugo on my must see list.

I was/am an early adapter of 3D with a JVC X3 I-DLA projector and a Stewart 108 inch screen. I believe 3D is here to stay.



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Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #26 on: 2 Dec 2011, 12:00 pm »
Personally I have no interest in 3D whatsoever or at least 3D in the way it is being delivered today. I'm not sure if it's a fad or not but the way I see it is Hollywood saw attandance was down at the theaters for a number of years and had to think of something to get people back into the theaters and they turned to 3D. They used relentless marketing of 3D to the viewers and movie studios and far to many people bought into it in my opinion. I think pressure was then placed on consumer electronics companies that 3D was the next big thing and now we have 3D tvs for our home and those tvs cost more than the 2D tvs. I have seen a number of movies in 3D in the theater and none left me thinking that seeing it in 3D was the only way the movie should be seen. Even with Avatar I didn't feel it brought anything to the movie. Were the 3D effects done well, absolutely but yet there we were watching a movie with silly glasses.

I suppose if the technology could be delivered without glasses I may be a bit more open to it but if I have to sit and watch 3D content with silly glasses, no thanks.


Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #27 on: 3 Dec 2011, 04:18 am »
My friend has this camera and I seriousily considered buying it. You can get it at London drugs for 299.00 right now. Its a 3d camera and its the real deal. The lcd on the back displays real 3d. If you get a big mem card you can take 3d vid thats equally impressive from the lcd on the back of the camera. He also bought a 3d tv that he claims works real nice with the camera in displaying his 3d pics. I seen the camera and i went to London drugs and came very close to buying it.



Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #28 on: 4 Dec 2011, 04:15 am »
I just started a job for a customer that is letting me build an art deco theater/family room.  His screen will be 111"  and projector will not be 3D. 
( I plan on letting him borrow my SP-3 and sst amps to give them a try)
I have a friend that  has an audio/video store and says he sells almost no 3D setups.  I say it is a fad that will either die out or have to get much better with more movies, and a better viewing experience.  For the regular home owner, it is a bust where I live.  But then again,  I have been wrong before!   :duh:


Re: 3D TV - NAY or YAY
« Reply #29 on: 4 Dec 2011, 03:47 pm »
I purchased a 3D TV last year and it's been in heavy use [2D] to moderate [3D] use since.   There's not too much in the way of content via my cable provider but I do watch sports + movies in 3D and my kids use it for console gaming.  I'm happy with the purchase.