Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?

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Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #60 on: 17 Jan 2011, 01:46 am »
Bookshelf because it has to fit on a shelf? Or is it on a stand, so uses floor space? Point is what space do you have to fill, and how close to walls? Closer to walls more bass increases. Also how loud do you listen?
A lot of nice two way speakers to choose from.
Good luck, should find something to satisfy.


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Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #61 on: 17 Jan 2011, 01:50 am »
Are you stuck on bookshelf speakers? Many floorstand speakers take up the same or less real estate than monitors on stands. I have a pair of each that I switch in and out for a change every few months and the speakers on stands take up more space.
BTW I have used the Quad 12L2s and they are very nice speakers.


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Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #62 on: 17 Jan 2011, 01:54 am »
Yes, a big room requires big speakers.  If you want to stick with bookshelf speakers, then a sub is pretty much going to be a must-addition.


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Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #63 on: 17 Jan 2011, 04:17 am »
Mass Wine Guy,

Here is a post from Tone Depth on "The What is Near Field" thread (Salk Board)

Might help in your speaker evaluations and in understanding your situation:

"My understanding of near field is listening to monitors at a close distance, to minimize the effect of room reflections on the sound you are hearing.


Here's another helpful explanation:

"SteveG:- I think you'll find that 'near field' is an acoustic term, actually, and it really does have a specific meaning, and that relates to the acoustic environment. In this context the 'near field' in a room is the area (usually in front!) around a speaker where the response is not dominated by the room. This distance varies somewhat according to the size of the room and the absorption coefficient of the materials in it. In an otherwise indifferently treated room, a knowledge of this distance, and knowing what your 'near field' monitors really sound like can be extremely significant in terms of achieving a decent mix.

This is the problem that most people who do location recordings suffer from. It will also be apparent that all loudspeakers have a 'near field' - whether you can make use of it is another matter though, because the time alignment of large speakers means that it often isn't possible to listen sensibly to them at a close distance, because the drivers are too far apart. With speakers like these, the 'sweet spot' principle becomes more important.

The other thing that might be apparent from this explanation of 'near field' is why sub-bass units just don't cut it in this situation. In order to work, they have to interact with the room - this is the way they are designed. And trying to get any phase-coherent transition from the mid-range to the sub-bass is out of the question, because the positional relationship isn't fixed in space as it is in a conventional drive unit.

So a typical 'near-field' unit most certainly has to guarantee to be time aligned, and present a coherent wavefront much closer to the drive units than large 'main' monitors do. Those are the main things that will qualify a monitor as 'near-field'."

Source:  http://www.audiomastersforum.net/amforum/index.php?topic=7394.0"


Wind Chaser

Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #64 on: 17 Jan 2011, 04:42 am »
What or who is Zu?

Any opinions about the Totem Mite?

Zu is big, high sensitivity floor standing.  That's what I have now.  I previously had Totems Mites but sold them a few weeks ago.  The Mites are tiny little mini monitors much like your Silver Lines.  They’d be a lateral move at best.  From the Mites I went to bigger bookshelf speakers with 6" drivers, they were somewhat more satisfying, but ultimately left me high and dry.  That's why they followed the Mites out the door.  Big is the right answer. 


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Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #65 on: 17 Jan 2011, 02:04 pm »

Looks like you either need to add a sub (recommended) or trade the Silverlines for floorstanders (and most probably go down in sound quality unless you bump the budget up).  As mentioned below, the floorstanders may not work if they must be located close to walls (where you could get bass boom).

BTW the Tekton speakers are highly efficient, not exactly a great match to a 150 wpc solid state amp (most solid state sound best at higher volumes and its volume control could max out your ears at 9:00 on the dial).  And I agree with Wind Chaser - at best the Mites would be an even swap for your speakers (probably even less efficient) and gain you almost no bass.

You also mentioned a power conditioner.  Why do you say that?  Does your system sound better late night or on weekends?  I've heard the effect of power abberations (the technical term), but never in my apartments or houses (even though some of them were old with "scary" wiring).  And a friend brought his conditioner over (to the scary house) and it made almost no difference.  Maybe you're looking for an answer that is in search of a problem.

Do take advantage of local audiophiles (best bet is from here at AC) for advice, listening at raves, and maybe borrowing equipment.

Wind Chaser

Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #66 on: 17 Jan 2011, 02:56 pm »
If you can spare 3' between the MMG panels and the wall, that should work.  That IMO is your best bet to achieve your goal within the constraints of your budget and your amplifier.  I'm almost tempted to write you a bloody check just to make this happen.

Mass. Wine Guy

Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #67 on: 17 Jan 2011, 03:00 pm »
I'm almost tempted to write you a bloody check just to make this happen.

Now, now. Down boys. I apologize if I'm going on too much about this. I'm going to go look and listen to these speakers, and even take some photos for my wife, who has vetoed the idea.


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Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #68 on: 17 Jan 2011, 03:13 pm »
....and even take some photos for my wife, who has vetoed the idea.

Note that the MMG's can be ordered with the off white fabric and light oak side panels, which makes them much more attractive for home decor than the gloomy looking dark fabric model.


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Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #69 on: 1 Feb 2011, 05:17 am »
I second the Fritz Carbon 7 recommendation.  Fritz lets you do a home trial.  You WILL NOT need a sub with these.  Excellent underrated and under priced speaker.  So bringing this one in your home is a low gamble. Good luck with what ever direction you go. 

Mass. Wine Guy

Re: Powerful Amp Needs Higher Sensitivity Speakers?
« Reply #70 on: 1 Feb 2011, 05:59 am »
I would dearly love to buy the Fritz Carbon 7 speakers, but $1,700 is about four times my budget. Someday.