Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers

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Peter J

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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #60 on: 28 May 2022, 01:22 am »
Oh boy, Mike, you’re rolling now. I bet you’re not gonna miss that Cottonwood, I mowed the lawn in a cottonwood snowstorm today. No love for those things.
As you know, I also bought a Shopsabre and have been pleased both with the machine and the tech help, although I haven’t used it much. Vacuum hold down is the coolest thing ever.
How big is the shop gonna be?


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #61 on: 28 May 2022, 01:41 am »
Oh boy, Mike, you’re rolling now. I bet you’re not gonna miss that Cottonwood, I mowed the lawn in a cottonwood snowstorm today. No love for those things.
As you know, I also bought a Shopsabre and have been pleased both with the machine and the tech help, although I haven’t used it much. Vacuum hold down is the coolest thing ever.
How big is the shop gonna be?

30’x30’x9’. I will also continue to use the garage but only for tasks that don’t make sawdust or fumes.

I may well be asking you questions. Unlike yours, mine will have manual tool changes. While the width of a piece is limited to 30”, by tilling the toolpaths and indexing the part the length is not restricted to 40”. It can be as long as needed. It will just require more tooling changes than if the bed was long enough to cut the part with one setup.

That was only one cottnwood. There are three more larger ones in the back yard 🙁


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #62 on: 27 Aug 2022, 01:23 am »
Has anyone heard from Mike in a while?


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #63 on: 28 Aug 2022, 12:39 am »
I’m still here. The lease 6 weeks have been real doozies. My car broke down and had to leave it in a shopping center parking lot over night. In the morning when the tow truck got there we found someone has stolen what they thought was the catalytic converter (it wasn’t) and cut through the transmission fluid lines in the process. Had to get that fixed to find out the motor was shot. The third cylinder lost compression and it was going to cost an arm and leg to fix it with no idea what to expect from the engine afterward. The car was a 2002 Mia Sportage with 250,000 miles so I sent it to the scrap yard then had to get another car

Then one of my nephews went into the hospital for a same day surgery to patch a hole in his ear and ended up in the ICU on a vent for a month. He’s in rehab now

Then we got hit by a tornado. Luckily it was only an EF1. Didn’t do any real damage to the house but made a mess out of the trees. Finally got that cleaned up.

Then I found out my lack of energy and getting easily tired wasn’t just from gagging weight and getting more out of shape during the pandemic but that I likely had a heart attack without realizing it. My wife kept after me to see a cardiologist and I finally did a couple weeks ago. They did an EGK which was abnormal so did a stress test this past Thursday. It showed diminished blood flow to part of the heart so next up is a heart cath.

I’m still working on peoples projects but haven’t kept up with email very well. Sorry about that.


Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #64 on: 28 Aug 2022, 12:44 pm »
Hi Mike,

I hope you are feeling better.  I've been down that cardio road and I'm guessing you are a candidate for bypass surgery,  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but doesn't have to be.  Follow the cardiologists instructions to the letter and after surgery you must follow through with the physical therapy.  After the whole thing is over keep going to the gym, ask me how I know.  :wink:


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #65 on: 28 Aug 2022, 02:04 pm »
« Last Edit: 30 Aug 2022, 05:36 pm by Woodsage »


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #66 on: 30 Aug 2022, 02:56 pm »
Holy cow Mike,
That sucks!  I truly hope things can start to get better and back to normal!
I’m still here. The lease 6 weeks have been real doozies. My car broke down and had to leave it in a shopping center parking lot over night. In the morning when the tow truck got there we found someone has stolen what they thought was the catalytic converter (it wasn’t) and cut through the transmission fluid lines in the process. Had to get that fixed to find out the motor was shot. The third cylinder lost compression and it was going to cost an arm and leg to fix it with no idea what to expect from the engine afterward. The car was a 2002 Mia Sportage with 250,000 miles so I sent it to the scrap yard then had to get another car

Then one of my nephews went into the hospital for a same day surgery to patch a hole in his ear and ended up in the ICU on a vent for a month. He’s in rehab now

Then we got hit by a tornado. Luckily it was only an EF1. Didn’t do any real damage to the house but made a mess out of the trees. Finally got that cleaned up.

Then I found out my lack of energy and getting easily tired wasn’t just from gagging weight and getting more out of shape during the pandemic but that I likely had a heart attack without realizing it. My wife kept after me to see a cardiologist and I finally did a couple weeks ago. They did an EGK which was abnormal so did a stress test this past Thursday. It showed diminished blood flow to part of the heart so next up is a heart cath.

I’m still working on peoples projects but haven’t kept up with email very well. Sorry about that.


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #67 on: 30 Aug 2022, 03:12 pm »
Holy cow Mike,
That sucks!  I truly hope things can start to get better and back to normal!

You and me both. On top of all that, the new shop is being held up waiting on a permit. The person who handles the permit I need is out on maternity leave and they don’t have any back up 🤷🏼‍♂️


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #68 on: 30 Aug 2022, 11:44 pm »
Hope you start feeling better, Mike.

Good luck with the new shop, too.



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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #69 on: 31 Aug 2022, 06:10 pm »
Get well soon Mike, cant wait to see your new projects🙏🙂


Danny Richie

Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #70 on: 10 Sep 2022, 10:59 pm »
Dang Mike, I hope things start turning around for you, especially your health.


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #71 on: 11 Sep 2022, 01:15 am »
Thanks everybody. I have a cardiac echo and carotid 6scheduled for Monday afternoon. Once the results from those are in they'll schedule the heart cath. Exactly what they plan to do is dependent on the results of Monday's tests.


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #72 on: 11 Sep 2022, 06:18 am »
 you will be in my prayers


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #73 on: 26 Oct 2022, 04:15 pm »
I will say one thing, Mike, if you didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all. Hope things get a LOT better


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #74 on: 26 Oct 2022, 11:50 pm »
Thanks everybody,

The tests are all complete and I've recuperated from the last of them. I haven't had an appointment with the cardiologist yet after the cath but my wife and I were briefed after the procedure on the results, though I was pretty out of it at the time. The bottom line is that apparently, all coronary arteries have some plaque build up but mos are in the 15-25% range with one at 40%. so no stents needed at this time.

On the workshop front, I have had to drop back and punt. Still have not received a permit for the building I want to put up but had to take delivery of the CNC so had to make room for it in the garage. Norman has been a big help cleaning out and rearranging the garage and two storage sheds to make room. He's also helped with receiving the CNC, getting it installed and hooked up, installing a new dust collector, and it's corresponding ductwork.

Dust collection has gone from a single stage 1-1/2HP Grizzly with a bag and bag filter that had to be individually connected to each tool for use to a 3HP Oneida V-3000 cyclone system with plumbed in metal ductwork. This will make using the cutting machines easier, though most will still have to be connected to the ductwork as needed due to space issues. However, it doesn't do a thing for being able to cut parts for one project, glue-up/veneer a different project, and finish a third project at the same time. For that, additional space is a must. I may have to resort to one or two more of the portable storage sheds, one for glue-ups and veneering and the second for finishing. I don't need a permit for those since they are not permanent structures.


Norman Tracy

Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #75 on: 15 Nov 2022, 09:58 pm »
Above Michael gives the matter of fact updates on his health issues. Presently his status remains good to go and firing on all cylinders. It was quietly tense waiting the late October 2022 procedure from which the good news came, no stents required.

What I want to share today is the concurrent story of how this workhorse of a man I proudly count as a friend didn’t miss a beat during that time. Far from it as events transpired between visits to the cardiologist, testing, and waiting the fateful morning at the cath lab Michael installed a major upgrade in his shop. I was pleased to help lift, tote, screw, and take a few pics.

Early October and that’s Michael in the rented forklift removing a Shop Saber 23 from the freight delivery truck. The forklift is not optional, shipping weight for the ’23 is 1100 pounds.

With the pallet safely on the driveway, shrink-wrap removed, and contents inspected time for Michael and Norman to get busy as riggers moving the beastie into the shop. For my fellow CNC nerds who are curious the box strapped to the machine’s bed is the dedicated PC that will send G-code to the Shop Saber 23. The black device strapped to pallet is the high power vacuum pump that powers the vacuum chuck system Michael optioned.

Off the pallet and with fork-lift and then men-push the CNC arrived at its designated location in the shop. Michael is reading up on next steps including leveling, powering (both 110 & 220 VAC required), and connection of PC to stepper motor control electronics.

This long day getting half a ton of CNC into the shop happened the day before Michael’s last pre-op visit to the cardiologist! Delivery schedules for equipment do not take health issues into account. In hindsight it is also good we forged ahead during the waning days of fall in Oklahoma. I am really glad all this work was not done in freezing winter temperatures.

Dust collection is vital for wood working shops and all the more so when a production capable CNC installation is added. Thus in parallel we worked on installing this beast.

When this photo was taken with me standing next to it for scale the work had just begun. Soon a full ducting system based on 7” feeder piping with four gated branches to tool stations arrived. All that was run across the ceiling with drops to both sides of the shop and a central multi-tool location. I am very pleased to report we got it all hung with no ladder falls, just sore muscles after a long fulfilling work day.

With CNC and dust collection in place time to calibrate and make the first cuts. At this point we split our efforts. Michael largely returned to work on the speaker build commissions queued up while I used my CNC experience to help us up the Shop Saber’s learning curve. Many ways to do CNC, for now the work flow processes CAD input using Aspire CAD to program toolpaths which are output as G-code using the Shop Saber 23 post processor. That G-code is loaded into the control program on the PC interfaced to the Shop Saber 23. Following picture is the control interface with preview/progress display showing cuts ready to go.

First cuts making some baffles. Keeping it interesting with added learning this job includes two sided machining. Getting the resulting flips synchronized between CAD, the material, and CNC was a great learning experience to get out of the way.

And the resulting parts cutting on the Shop Saber. The machine is cutting when this picture was taken. I am (pardon the pun) blown away by how effective the dust collection Michael invested in is performing. If you have been around CNC cutting wood and especially MDF you will agree to be impressed at how little sawdust remains on the work in progress.

And soon one has the parts to build a pair of speakers. This is an experiment based on the X-LS Encore platform. Details will be posted once a bit more progress is made.

I will close asking my fellow GR Research fans a simple question. No Rez, what can’t it do? Until his new shop gets past the local bureaucrats Michael’s workspace is shall we say ‘tight’. The Shop Saber 23 weighs 1,000 pounds because it is made out of solid steel. The gantry is a bump hazard in the confines of this compact shop. Bump into that and there is no give, only ouch. Solution? No Rez to the rescue!


Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #76 on: 15 Nov 2022, 11:53 pm »
Very cool! Mike built a nice set of NX-Studio cabinets for me. I look forward to seeing and hearing about his future creations using these new tools.


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #77 on: 16 Nov 2022, 12:03 am »
That’s really awesome Norman, thanks for the pics and story! Mike, I hope your recovery was smooth!



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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #78 on: 15 Feb 2023, 01:28 am »
Very cool! Mike built a nice set of NX-Studio cabinets for me. I look forward to seeing and hearing about his future creations using these new tools.

Hope to have the same done! Or maybe nx oticas


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Re: Mike Lundy for cabinets and completed speakers
« Reply #79 on: 17 Feb 2023, 01:37 pm »
 :thumb: :thumb:
Very cool! Mike built a nice set of NX-Studio cabinets for me. I look forward to seeing and hearing about his future creations using these new tools.

 :thumb: :thumb: