Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136

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mick wolfe

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Re: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136
« Reply #360 on: 23 Feb 2024, 04:04 pm »
I think the easiest answer to his question is ask Puritan.  I don't understand why some poeple refuse to go to the horse's mouth, don't be scared. :D

I've often wondered the same thing  :scratch:

Early B.

Re: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136
« Reply #361 on: 23 Feb 2024, 04:23 pm »
I think the easiest answer to his question is ask Puritan.

Agreed. If I ask a technical question on this audio forum, I know there are only 2 or 3 guys who can answer it. That means 99.95% of us don't know, but that doesn't preclude us from chiming in with ignorant responses. Yeah, it's best to ask Puritan, but you might get a bunch of marketing hype. But first, you gotta understand the question you're asking because it may lack relevance. 


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Re: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136
« Reply #362 on: 24 Feb 2024, 05:35 pm »
I asked Puritan and they answered-  company secerets- but essentially indicated that yes- impedance is raised by the PSM156.  I thought one of you technical people could measure this and that is why I asked.  Sorry to offend you all.

Regarding relevance, EVERYONE in the power conditioning industry AGREES that increased impedance harms sound.  The only question is if removal of EMI and other benifits outweigh the negitive....

Here is a copy of Mikes letter:

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______

Hi Steven,


The only truly relevant measurement is with the instruments each side of your head.


We do not publish detailed blueprints of measurements,  materials, methods or other design aspects. This is hard earned knowledge that we accumulate and apply towards a better sound.


The thing with conditioners is that they can do as much harm as good and balance is critical:


Anything in between the mains wall socket and the power input of the equipment is going to be bad, even a just few centimetres of cable will have a resistance to current flow and an eagerness  to act as an antennae gathering interference, both bad.


But, the state of pollution of mains electricity worldwide is awful and this is something which has crept up on us massively over the last few decades with now very often in excess of a volt, sometimes several,  of high frequency hash carried on top of the legitimate voltage waveform. And this is really, really bad for trying to resolve every subtle nuance, phasing and clue from a musical presentation.


We quickly discovered, because we listen intensively to every step we take,  that that achieving more decibels of  noise reduction for the spec sheet was very  easy but definitely not desirable:


We noted  that taking away HF hash liberated electronics. By not having signals blurred, smeared and buried and not having  processes  swamped by supersonic garbage, then being able to concentrate solely on  those signals you want;  not only source components but amps as well benefited,  greatly  increasing dynamics,  broadening and giving greater depth to the sound stage and definition…….. But go over a line and you go backwards  flattening the image and draining the life.


This circles back to my earlier comment that introducing anything in the power line introduces a restriction = bad. With power conditioning you are inserting elements to eliminate the HF noise  but which by their nature will also have a negative side.


We went to enormous lengths to correctly identify  the sweet spot of just enough cleansing but not too much,  but this was not quite so easy as the sweet spot had to hold for a host of very different loads;   sources and amps alike, amps of low power through to high power  and  Classes  A through  to D. After a very long time with hundreds of adjustments to a series of potential  prototypes in countless different audio set ups we arrived at our solution of which we are extremely proud.


The PSM156 (and PSM1512) work by having the  optimum degree of noise filtration,  also  taking care of star grounding, DC offset , surge protection and importantly isolating  each connected component from each other so that cross contamination cannot occur.  We think we nailed it.


Best wishes – Mike


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Re: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136
« Reply #363 on: 24 Feb 2024, 06:06 pm »
@rsbrsvp , while specs can help in a general way, the best way is to listen.  I believe the distributor offers a trail period.

Compare the specs of a $500 solid state amp to a tube amp, going by specs the tube amp shouldn't stand a chance, but listening to them might tell a different story.

Did you ask this question to AudioQuest and Sunyata?


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Re: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136
« Reply #364 on: 24 Feb 2024, 06:13 pm »
I bought a PSM1512.  Awaiting delivery any day.  Also- 9 ultimate cables.

I got a good deal.   But in my deal- no return.  I plan to allow two week burn in and then one to two week trial. 

If I am not happy- I'll sell.

I have done as much research as possible and I'd say roughly 80% of owners are ultra satisfied and feel their system was upgraded substantially.  Roughly another 10% felt there was little to no difference- but no decline.  Roughly 10% report thin, bright, sterile sounding results which were negitive.

I am a fan of sonic density and no report I have seen claims things sounded more tonally saturated with the PSM intact.  It seems like detail, speration, crispness, authority, soundstage, etc.--- are the improvements which are constantly reported, and altgough it all sounds good on paper- I am concerned for the 10% who say things sound thin and bright.  Specifically I have seen several posts in different forums claiming the midband is noticably thinner. Some claim a stripped sound.  I am certain all this is system and ear dependant.

I'm looking forward to hearing myself.  People hear differently and describe sound differently as well.  The postive reviews are hard to ignore and are indeed in the  majority....

Regarding those who say that a conditioner is not intended to effect the tonal balance, IMHO with my ears, EVERYTHING in a revealing system makes a difference.  I would be shocked if I was in the 10% who heard no difference.   Either it will be a big difference to my liking or not to my liking.  I did not buy this for surge protection.  That is a side benifit for me.  I want sonic difference...


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Re: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136
« Reply #365 on: 25 Feb 2024, 02:55 am »
If you decide to sell the cables, put me down for 50% off sale on one. :D


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Re: Puritan Audio Laboratories PSM 136
« Reply #366 on: 28 Feb 2024, 08:27 pm »
Looks like Puritan will have a couple of rooms at the Southwest Audio Fest.
Here is the current exhibitors' list.