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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #40 on: 22 Aug 2015, 03:53 pm »
Anyone have any other ideas?


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #41 on: 22 Aug 2015, 04:35 pm »
Thanks Ted.  I didn't know how, so I found this:

and used this section:  How to Map a Network Drive / Server to Mac OS X

It's visible under shared in the Finder, and I even mounted them to the desktop too.  But still, iso2dsd still isn't seeing the mounted file, even when I look at the desktop.  This should be working.

Here is mine.  I've circled my mapped Synology (TedDiskStation) shared folder called Export, and a subfolder under it called ISO.

Maybe try relaunching ISO2DSD?


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #42 on: 23 Aug 2015, 03:26 pm »
I really appreciate the help Ted.  So Strange, I have my network on the Desktop, and in Shared Folders.  Rebooted the program sev. times.  But the network is still not being shown. It's not even visible under Desktop even though the Shared Folder is on the Desktop. I opened Sharing under Prefs, and turned on everything.  I had to email you the screen shot as I was unable to upload here.   


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD - truncation fix vs. Mr. Wicked's update
« Reply #43 on: 24 Aug 2015, 12:14 am »
Ted et al.,

I like ISO2DSD and its GUI. I haven’t used it since Jesus's Nov. 2014 update. I see that update "fixes a bug where a DSF export truncated sample data.”

I recently saw that Mr. Wicked’s extractor has been updated, presumably fixing the same bug (the one that causes a variety of “clicks” or “pops” depending on what data is truncated).

Can someone confirm that the current version of ISO2DSD eliminates the clicks? I was under the impression that Jesus used Mr. Wicked's code as the engine for his, but I think the ISO2DSD update was publicized before Mr. Wicked's update was--though I could be wrong about that.

I'll have a batch of ISOs to extract soon, so I want to make sure I can now extract straight to DSF without clicks. I did an exhausting number of prior batches going from ISO to DFF and then converting to DSF prior to tagging, just to avoid the clicks. Can I safely use the current ISO2DSD or should I use Mr. Wicked's unGUI?

Many thanks for shared experiences and advice on this point.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #44 on: 26 Aug 2015, 05:19 pm »
Newb issue here. Success with my first ISO to DSF conversion. But I cannot find the extracted DSF files. They did not appear in the folder with the ISO. Where did they go?  Thanks. JCR


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Ted et al.,

I like ISO2DSD and its GUI. I haven’t used it since Jesus's Nov. 2014 update. I see that update "fixes a bug where a DSF export truncated sample data.”

I recently saw that Mr. Wicked’s extractor has been updated, presumably fixing the same bug (the one that causes a variety of “clicks” or “pops” depending on what data is truncated).

Can someone confirm that the current version of ISO2DSD eliminates the clicks? I was under the impression that Jesus used Mr. Wicked's code as the engine for his, but I think the ISO2DSD update was publicized before Mr. Wicked's update was--though I could be wrong about that.

I'll have a batch of ISOs to extract soon, so I want to make sure I can now extract straight to DSF without clicks. I did an exhausting number of prior batches going from ISO to DFF and then converting to DSF prior to tagging, just to avoid the clicks. Can I safely use the current ISO2DSD or should I use Mr. Wicked's unGUI?

Many thanks for shared experiences and advice on this point.

The program that does the work is sacd_extract. This is a graphical interface for ease of use.
If the binary was replaced by version 0.3.8, it should work perfectly [ ]
Given that
*Development for this application is closed.
the only thing that changed is the binary sacd_extract (In fact, if you have the previous version, you can replace only the binary inside the folder, I did with the Linux version)


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #46 on: 1 Oct 2015, 06:42 pm »
Newb issue here. Success with my first ISO to DSF conversion. But I cannot find the extracted DSF files. They did not appear in the folder with the ISO. Where did they go?  Thanks. JCR

They are in the folder where the binary is located. The ISO2DSD folder is assumed.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #47 on: 24 Oct 2015, 02:20 pm »
First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to the development team for this wonderful app.

I have a question: Recently when I convert one of classical music SACD iso, and the program stop at processing of the 1st track (the track is about 20 mins). Then I changed to convert another pop music SACD iso, the progressing speed is super fast (no setting has been changed). I suspect that is due to the track's file name, the classical track has very long file name when I put the iso file in foobar, and the app is not able to create the file name under Windows system.

If that is the reason, is there any solution to set the file name before conversion? If not, what could be the reason? (the cue sheet is able to be created, but just stop at processing of 1st track). Or should I keep waiting for longer?

Appreciate for all kindly input, thanks!


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #48 on: 28 Oct 2015, 01:06 pm »
@DMM : can you send me email with sacd_extract compile in 32 bit for Linux ( ? This program works perfectly under a macOS 64Bits


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #49 on: 28 Oct 2015, 08:46 pm »
@DMM : can you send me email with sacd_extract compile in 32 bit for Linux ( ? This program works perfectly under a macOS 64Bits
sacd_extract 0.3.8 32bit sent


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #50 on: 29 Oct 2015, 01:00 pm »
It works on my Synology DS214play!! Great job


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD - sacd_extract 0.3.8 for linux
« Reply #51 on: 11 Nov 2015, 05:18 pm »
Version 0.3.8 for linux (x32 x64)
Compiled versions as backups for me and for those who want to use.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #52 on: 14 Nov 2015, 10:55 am »
Hi all
I have around 1'000 SACD ISOs that are causing me a lot of work with tagging, because jRiver keeps the tags only in its library and not in a sidecar file that travels with the ISO.
So now I am considering converting my ISOs to DSF and I was wondering if someone could suggest how to most efficiently do this.

My requirements for the process are:
  • Batch process that can run overnight
  • The files are in a directory structure that models the most important tags, e.g. Abbado\Beethoven - Symphony Nr 5 (1963) (classical)\Beethoven-Abbado-Symphony Nr5.iso.
    I would like to put the converted DSF files into an exact copy of the original directory structure. That will allow me to extract the most impotant tags from the directory names using jRiver.
I would appreciate some pointers how to best do this.
Thanks a lot


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #53 on: 14 Nov 2015, 12:53 pm »
Simply put ISo2DSD working folder (where app is) in same directory as your ISOs, so you won;t have huge move or copy work afterward.  Then highlight as many ISOs as you want to run that night (I would not recommend 1000 at a time :) ) and set ISO2DSD app for correct channels (dual or multichannel), Sony DSF and DST checkboxed. 

If tags are much different than the ISOs (since you have updated the ISOs), then use "paste tag" function in JRIver (just make sure track listing is same order...see my videos).  If you are extracting only stereo (for example) set a rule in your view such as  "channels equal or less than 2" to mimic the track list of the DSFs.

Fro example, below is my modified "file" view.  I highlighted only file types DSF and SACD (Jriver's name for SACD ISOs).  My ISOs are reduced to 2 channel listings only for this home office install of JRIver (since my specific home office dac connected is stereo only).  I do that with a view rule as mentioned above.

Then simply sort by album then file type then track number, highlight the ISO tracks (green), copy, highlight the DSF tracks (red) and hit "paste tag" (not paste).  Voila.  Takes 30 seconds per album.  You could knock out 100 of these a day, would take 10 days and you're done.  The DSF tags will travel with the files.

BTW, exact directory structure is irrelevant, as long as JRIver is watching them somewhere.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #54 on: 14 Nov 2015, 04:07 pm »
Thanks a lot Ted, sounds like a plan


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #55 on: 16 Nov 2015, 02:15 pm »
First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to the development team for this wonderful app.

I have a question: Recently when I convert one of classical music SACD iso, and the program stop at processing of the 1st track (the track is about 20 mins). Then I changed to convert another pop music SACD iso, the progressing speed is super fast (no setting has been changed). I suspect that is due to the track's file name, the classical track has very long file name when I put the iso file in foobar, and the app is not able to create the file name under Windows system.

If that is the reason, is there any solution to set the file name before conversion? If not, what could be the reason? (the cue sheet is able to be created, but just stop at processing of 1st track). Or should I keep waiting for longer?

Appreciate for all kindly input, thanks!

Finally I got the answer by myself, just to share with anyone is also looking for answer. The answer is convert the ISO to DSDIFF format, but not DSF format.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #56 on: 16 Nov 2015, 09:00 pm »
I have been working with ISO2DSD and sacd_extract.exe to extract DSFs from my SACD ISOs over the last days and I found a couple of (dare I call them) bugs in sacd_extract.exe that make working with the program harder than it should be.
I am aware that sonore is NOT the developer of sacd_extract.exe, but I have no way of getting in touch with Mr. Wicked, so I am posting my findings here.
Here we go:
1. When specifying an output folder that contains either a drive letter or backslashes, the program crashes. It works fine, if the output directory is specified in (down the tree) relative terms, using slashes insted of backslashes. The input file can be specified with drive letters and backslashes.
2. If an output directory is specified, the filename reflects the output directoriy names and not the trackname in the ISO. The tags for track# and track name are ok. If no output directory is specified, the filename correctly reflects the trackname and number in the ISO.
3. The behaviour of the -m and -2 switches is inconsistent. If both 2ch and mch tracks are contained in the ISO, -2 correctly extracts only the stereo tracks and -m extracts only the mch tracks. However if only stereo tracks are present, -m extracts all the stereo tracks. Logical behaviour would be for -m to not extract any tracks at all in that case.
These issues are making life hard for us as a friend of mine is working to build a set of batch files that will extract DSFs from my >1'000 ISOs and put them into a directory structure for stereo and a parallel one for mch. These bugs make this job much harder than it could be.
I would really appreciate it, if these issues could get fixed.
Thanks a lot to everyone involved.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #57 on: 16 Nov 2015, 10:20 pm »
why are you using sacd_extract command line arguments?  In what way are you "using" ISO2DSD, then?  Just use the GUI, then transfer the resultant folders from your ISO2DSD folder.  I am not understanding why you are even dealing with backslashes, etc. and having anyone build you batch files.  ISO2DSD rids you of all that.  Just highlight multliple ISOs in the GUI.  ??   I have 2800 ISOs; I would never use command lines to try and deal with them.  I'm clearly not understanding why you are reinventing this wheel, sorry.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #58 on: 17 Nov 2015, 07:52 am »
Hi Ted
The reason I am trying to do this via a batch is simple. I would like to save myself ten evenings of work.
My ISOs sit in a directory structure which reflects the tags, incl. year, genre and all that are constant for the whole ISO. Doing it with a batch would allow me to extract all ISOs overnight a directory tree. From those directory names I can recover the tags in jRiver or MP3Tag.
I started out with DSD2ISO but then saw that sacd_extract in its latest incarnation has the ability to specify an output directory, which brought up the idea of the batch.
If doing it with less work is regarded as "reinventing the wheel", I will probably have to (unhappily) comply with that view and do it the hard way.
Ted, besides this quibble, I have profited immensly from all the work you guys have been doing on SACD ISO extraction using the PS3 and I am very grateful for it. I am looking forward to Mr. Wicked's new magic box.


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Re: Sonore APPS - ISO2DSD
« Reply #59 on: 17 Nov 2015, 12:34 pm »
OK, I clearly don't understand your directory issues (JRiver and the tag sorts could care less where your music is stored), good luck and let us know how we can help.   You'll find 5%+ of the ISOs have no real metadata to pass on to the DSFs (i.e unknown album).  75% will have all the basic stuff (album, artist, track name, etc).  About 15% will have metadata that is basically album or artist, and will populate that across many fields; and some 5%-10% will have all caps (fixed in JRIver with FixCase expression language, examples in my videos).

Remember, "paste tag" and "undo" are your friends.  :)