Bryston Loudspeakers

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James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2840 on: 22 Mar 2023, 07:43 pm »

No problem - all opinions welcome.



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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2841 on: 24 Apr 2023, 10:44 pm »
What's the skinny on the T10 series specs?
If you haven't included it I would be interested in driver separation, shadow flare, diffraction, vertical directivity, overcoming the inverse square law, and how much can you blame inflation for price increases.


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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2842 on: 28 Apr 2023, 12:32 pm »
I'm absolutely an early order, if not preorder, for the new Model T 10's, when production starts to come available. Biggest decision at this point is how long to wait before putting my Model T Signature's up for sale. I can tear myself away from them for a little while before receiving replacements, but it is a calculation.

As they say, a first world problem.


James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2843 on: 28 Apr 2023, 01:17 pm »

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2844 on: 16 Jul 2023, 01:30 pm »
Sneak peak at the new Bryston Compact T10 speaker.

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2845 on: 27 Jul 2023, 05:07 pm »


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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2846 on: 30 Jul 2023, 05:36 pm »
Sneak peak at the new Bryston Compact T10 speaker.

Compact 3-way... smaller than the mini?! When will we have more information on this?

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2847 on: 30 Jul 2023, 06:51 pm »


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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2848 on: 10 Aug 2023, 08:07 pm »
That Compact T looks really promising as a partner for my soon-to-arrive B135 3.  Certainly looks like the ideal size for my den - 3.5 m x 5.5 m.  I still think in feet and inches, which is how I measured; 11’6” x 16’6”.  Speakers around the size of the Compact T have worked very well in this room, across different makes and models.  I’ll be checking in with my local retailer, to see about bringing in a pair for audition.

One question I’ll have in mind; how well do they perform at lower volume, for quiet evening listening?  Not that I never turn up the dial for some ‘60s rock, but…

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2849 on: 10 Aug 2023, 08:49 pm »
Hi Pranderso

The Compact T10 is average efficiency but 50 watts or so would be fine in your room size.



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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2850 on: 10 Aug 2023, 09:15 pm »
Acknowledged with thanks, James.  Do you mention the relative efficiency and power requirement because that correlates to a fully articulate sound at relatively quiet SPLs?  It may be so, I never made that connection, claiming no technical expertise.
  I have noticed that some speakers, such as the ATC SCM 11s must be played fairly loudly before you feel you are getting all the musical information.  Others, such as the Harbeth Compact 7, can be played quite softly, and you still feel you are still hearing all of the tone and detail.

That is what I was trying to get at with my question about the Compact Ts. You may already have addressed  that implicitly, if so, please pardon me.


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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2851 on: 10 Aug 2023, 10:25 pm »
8ohm speakers..the Mini t's are 4ohm speakers if I remember correctly having owned a pair as well as several pairs of mini A's.

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2852 on: 11 Aug 2023, 12:54 am »

Yes the Power Curve on our speakers are fairly constant so low level listening with micro dynamics is possible.
Horns are the best at this feature though.



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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2853 on: 11 Aug 2023, 02:41 am »
Ah!  Many thanks for that.

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2854 on: 2 Sep 2023, 11:43 am »
Hi Folks

Just a clarification – we are introducing a new series of Bryston speakers called the T-10 Series (10 years since we introduced our first speakers) very soon.

We will also continue with some of the previous speaker models as well and designated as the Classic Series.

The T-10 Series will have 3 new Bookshelf style speakers and 3 new Tower Speakers.

We are adding one new speaker to the Classic Series – a small 2-way bookshelf.


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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2855 on: 2 Sep 2023, 11:53 am »
I’m looking forward to the chance to hear the new releases, especially the smaller bookshelves.  That’s the format that has worked best for me so far over the years, given the size of my room, musical taste etc.

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2856 on: 16 Sep 2023, 01:52 pm »
Hi Folks

Some customers have asked about what models will be available in the new Bryston T-10 models.

Here is a picture showing the different models.

From Left to Right:
T-10, Middle T-10, Trim T-10, Tiny T-10  Wireless, Mini T-10, Compact T-10 and the Tiny T-10.


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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2857 on: 16 Sep 2023, 04:10 pm »
Tempted to order a pair of each; let the most suitable prevail.  Only insufficient funds and space hold me back…Well, and my wife might have something to say…


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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2858 on: 17 Sep 2023, 03:33 pm »
Mr. Tanner, what are the dimensions of the coming Trim T-10?  How do the sizes of the drivers compare to those of the Mini T?

James Tanner

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Re: Bryston Loudspeakers
« Reply #2859 on: 17 Sep 2023, 03:57 pm »
Hi Pranderso

Here are the specs on both speakers.
The Trim T-10 has double the driver compliment relative to the Mini T-10.