What amp for your Salk Speakers?

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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #160 on: 9 Jan 2016, 12:52 am »
I must agree, I just replaced a VAC 160i SE with the Majestic and teamed with the Lampizator Lite 7 I think the sound is at least equal. It's not so much what a piece costs it's how good does it sound. The way the Majestic sounds I'd have to say it qualifies as a serious bargain.


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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #161 on: 18 Jan 2016, 08:00 pm »
Hi all,

I'm hoping you can help me pick an amplifier for my Salk HT2-TL's (w/ RAAL). Since purchasing these speakers I've replaced my DAC/pre-amp with a Chord Hugo TT, and now I'm ready to move on to a power amplifier to replace my Cambridge Audio 840A V2.

To give some helpful notes to help your guidance, I can tell you:

  • I am interested in spending somewhere around $3k-$5k on the amplifier (new or used).
  • I would like to take advantage of the balanced output of the TT.
  • I listen to audio and home theater, weighted towards audio, with volume levels at low (30%), medium (60%), and high (10%).
  • My components generally stay on for four to six hours a day.
  • I'm interested, but not sold on, making my way in to tube territory.

I've done a ton of research on this and other sites, but I haven't been able to find what amplifier will give me the best performance in my price range with the features I'm looking for. So far I'm currently leaning towards the Mcintosh MC275 VI, but I'm still relatively clueless on where to go.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #162 on: 18 Jan 2016, 11:05 pm »
Definitely look at Wells Audio Majestic int. amp ($3499 new and has XLR input) or Akasha amp ($5000 new).  You will be very happy with either and not have to worry about tubes.  I leave mine on 24/7 and it is cool to the touch.
AC member dcurtis53 will tell you the same thing.  He replaced a VAC tube amp ($14K) with the Majestic and hasn't looked back.
Vinh Vu
Gingko Audio/Danacable


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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #163 on: 20 Jan 2016, 01:33 am »
I'll be a bit heretical here and recommend the Crown XLS2500 amps for Salk speakers.  I use two of them in bridge mode (1550W/ch at 8Ohms) and they are bizarrely good.  I use them to power some 84dB sensitive Salks and, for low sensitivity speakers, they are better (by a significant margin) than any of the "audiophile" gear I've had in my house.  It's just raw, clean and abundant power.  I find myself listening to music much louder than normal because the amps power the speakers to "Loud" instead of "Irritating".  I've got 9 Salk speakers in my house (plus two subs) and I'm giving serious consideration to replacing all my amps with Crown XLS2500s.


Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #164 on: 20 Jan 2016, 03:07 pm »
I support your decision for a Mcintosh MC275 VI.  :thumb:
It will work fantastic with your speakers.



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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #165 on: 21 Jan 2016, 05:50 am »
Thanks everyone for the suggestions!! Here's some updates...

• Wells Audio is located five miles from me, and Jeff is a hell of a guy. Unfortunately, the power amplifiers are an inch too deep for my equipment cabinet  :cry:

• My wife and I checked out the MC275, but she doesn't like the look of it. That won't totally stop me, but I do need to come to her with other suggestions.

• I had a solid offer on my old gear from http://higherfi.com, but I don't know if they have any used amps that are worth considering.

If anyone has any thoughts on the gear at HigherFi or anything else in the $3-5k range, I'll take anything you can throw at me!


Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #166 on: 21 Jan 2016, 07:31 am »

Why not change your equipment rack and purchase one with larger dimensions?  Alternatively, make sure you hear the amplifier in your system before purchasing.  I've been caught before purchasing equipment without listening to it and then later regretted buying it.

Cheers Rod


Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #167 on: 21 Jan 2016, 07:38 am »
i have used a couple of amps with my Salk and Bryston speakers, having been very happy with both.

Maker Audio G9 - a little out of your $ range new.
AVA Fet Valve - a goto brand for synergy with Salk and for good reason :)

the Maker runs very cool. detail and clarity (not brightness) are fantastic. if you listen deep into the music, like me, you'll like it. can really push the current without blinking.
the AVA delivers a little less detail but has a wonderful warm sound that i really enjoy. very tube like without the hassle.


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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #168 on: 21 Jan 2016, 01:03 pm »
My song towers sing with Rogue 99 pre amp, Rogue stereo 100 power amp. prior to that Anthem and Krell solid state integrated amps, I did not find as musical.
i would consider Rogue, AVa, Primaluna, Line Magnetic..  Reasonably priced tube gear with slam and control like the Rogues.
for a budget Hybrid integrated, the Rogie Sphinx is hard to beat.

Kenneth Patchen

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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #169 on: 21 Jan 2016, 02:09 pm »
What, no love for the Klaus-man?

I use Odyssey Kismet/Khartagos with a Rogue Perseus pre or a Cary SLP 98 F1 to drive my Salk HT2-TLs, and I like them just fine. And I just made arrangements to buy DW's AVA Fet Valve 550 Ultra but don't know what pre I'll use yet so I guess I'll be contacting Frank.

I wish you guys would have mentioned your preamplifiers but I guess that's a separate thread.

Cheers and best wishes,


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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #170 on: 22 Jan 2016, 01:18 am »
Hi all,

Thanks a ton for your responses and guidance. Right now I'm looking at the Rogue Stereo 100 Power Amp, and the Wells Audio Majestic. I'm going to do a ton of research and I'll keep sharing with the group!


Big Red Machine

Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #171 on: 22 Jan 2016, 02:22 am »
Wells = musical.


Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #172 on: 22 Jan 2016, 02:54 am »
Wells = musical.

Enough watts for HT3's?


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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #173 on: 22 Jan 2016, 02:39 pm »
Hi all,

Right now I'm looking at the Rogue Stereo 100 Power Amp, and the Wells Audio Majestic.

I don't know the Wells, but Stereo 100 is a big bad beast. I love it.


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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #174 on: 22 Jan 2016, 08:38 pm »
I absolutely love my newly acquired Fet Valve 400R with my Veracity STs!  Smooth and musical with great detail and emotion!


Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #175 on: 24 Jan 2016, 08:51 pm »
SS8's with Primaluna Dialogue Premium High Power mono-block amplifiers, Tung Sol KT120 tubes (8 per channel).  Really awesome combination.

Kenneth Patchen

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Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #176 on: 25 Jan 2016, 12:37 am »
SS8's with Primaluna Dialogue Premium High Power mono-block amplifiers, Tung Sol KT120 tubes (8 per channel).  Really awesome combination.

... damn, Kwebb!


Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #177 on: 29 Jan 2016, 08:59 pm »
Has anyone used Red Dragon S500 amp with their Salks? I'm using an upgraded Odyssey Khartago and think it sounds great, but have always wanted to try the current generation of class D.

Big Red Machine

Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #178 on: 29 Jan 2016, 09:06 pm »


Re: What amp for your Salk Speakers?
« Reply #179 on: 29 Jan 2016, 09:26 pm »

I'll be a bit heretical here and recommend the Crown XLS2500 amps for Salk speakers.  I use two of them in bridge mode (1550W/ch at 8Ohms) and they are bizarrely good.  I use them to power some 84dB sensitive Salks and, for low sensitivity speakers, they are better (by a significant margin) than any of the "audiophile" gear I've had in my house.  It's just raw, clean and abundant power.  I find myself listening to music much louder than normal because the amps power the speakers to "Loud" instead of "Irritating".  I've got 9 Salk speakers in my house (plus two subs) and I'm giving serious consideration to replacing all my amps with Crown XLS2500s.

I second this endorsement on the Crown XLS2500, which I bought to re-power my sub.  It's presently hooked up to my HE-6 HiFiman headphones as a test and I think the sound is really fine, especially for a $365 amp (Amazon).