New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)

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New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« on: 25 Jul 2019, 11:36 pm »
Our DMC•1 Digital Music Console is now getting close to production, so I thought it would be a good time to start a thread.

What is it? It’s my idea of what a digital music player should be.
There are several options on the market, but none quite like the DMC•1.

The DMC is a headless design, meaning it has no screen or controls. It has a built-in graphical user interface that can be accessed from any web browser. We call it a console as there is no music storage or CD drive, instead it uses inexpensive USB devices that can be easily removed/replaced by the customer.
It can be used stand-alone file player by creating a HotSpot, and playing audio files from a USB storage device.
It can also be connected to your local network to stream internet radio, Tidal, Qobuz, and music stored on NAS or shared drives.
4 USB ports allow direct connection of music drives, USB Dac, and even CD drive.
With addition of a USB CD drive, DMC becomes a reference quality CD player and can also save tracks in .flac format.

The internal design starts with multiple power supplies and 6 individually regulated outputs to power the quad core CPU, clocks, digital circuitry, and analog stages. There is also a dedicated 5V output port to power a CD drive.

32 bit/768k dac with dsd, single-ended and balanced outputs, ultra-low jitter femto clocks.
Introductory price will be $1595 and will have an optional matching USB CD Transport.

That’s it for now... next I’ll post some screenshots of the software on various devices.
« Last Edit: 24 Dec 2019, 04:08 pm by CIAudio »


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (media player).
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jul 2019, 11:17 am »
Dusty, can you provide more details on the software side?  Can you run Roon or Jriver?  HQPlayer?  What audio software does it comes with?


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (media player).
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jul 2019, 01:32 pm »
Software is called CI AudioFile Player and is custom to our device.
The 1st release will not have Roon but we plan add compatibility in the next release.
The hardware design is modular... the main board contains all power supply circuitry, and computer and audio circuits are modules. This allows for future internal upgrades of DAC’s and audio circuits.

Software updates are done the same as a cell phone or computer... software notifies you that a new version is available and you can choose to update or not.
Third party software like JRiver, HQPlayer are not supported.

This platform is very flexible for future updates of hardware and software as new technologies & music streaming services become available.


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (media player).
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jul 2019, 02:51 pm »
Does the player have a USB out so it can be used with another DAC?


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (media player).
« Reply #4 on: 26 Jul 2019, 03:25 pm »
yes, 4 of them


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (media player).
« Reply #5 on: 27 Jul 2019, 02:08 pm »
Here are a couple of screenshots of CI AudioFile Player from my PC to get a basic idea of the look.


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Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #6 on: 27 Jul 2019, 05:06 pm »
Anything other than USB outs? AES, toslink, coax?


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jul 2019, 05:16 pm »
No s/pdif outputs as they do not support beyond 24/192 and is a high-jitter interface.
It is primarily designed to use the internal DAC but most any USB 2.0 DAC is compatible.
The internal DAC circuit is built around the AK4493 DAC with SE and balanced outputs, and precision Crystek femto clocks.

The internal hardware is somewhat modular in design, so software & hardware are future upgradable.


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jul 2019, 03:24 pm »
And here are screenshots from an iPad


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #9 on: 29 Jul 2019, 02:53 pm »
DMC•1 can be controlled by any web browser, even the Web OS on your smart TV, no apps needed!


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Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #10 on: 29 Jul 2019, 03:03 pm »
I was wondering where I had seen that screen configuration...looks like an application of Volumio which some use on their Raspberry Pi units:




Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #11 on: 29 Jul 2019, 03:10 pm »
Yes, our software is designed by INTUITU (creators of Volumio), but is customized to our hardware and feature set.


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Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #12 on: 29 Jul 2019, 03:31 pm »
I'm very intrigued by this Dusty.  Look forward to some pictures of the hardware and some AP measurements too.   :D


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #13 on: 15 Aug 2019, 02:30 pm »
We’re also developing a matching companion CD transport for DMC•1.

The CDT•1 ($495) is a high performance slot-loading drive mechanism in a solid billet aluminum chassis with damped mounting for low mechanical noise.
Data is output through USB and clocked by precision femto oscillators in DMC. This yields reference quality playback unmatched by hi-end CD players/transports of yesteryear.

Power to CDT is provided by a dedicated power port on the rear of DMC. Use AudioFile player to play CD’s or save tracks to .flac

Front panel includes status LED and eject button (can also be ejected in AudioFile player).

Ron F.

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Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #14 on: 24 Dec 2019, 06:41 pm »
How is this coming along; any update that can be shared?


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #15 on: 24 Dec 2019, 07:23 pm »
Sorry for the looong silence on this one...

DMC•1 hardware has been completed, just working on final software integration for the AK4493 DAC to control volume, select digital filters, etc.

After the holidays, we'll be testing for a couple of weeks, and then to production!


Kurt 12

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Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #16 on: 17 Mar 2020, 12:17 am »
I was wondering, now that the AXPONA 2020 show has been moved to August, will the DMC 1 be ready to be shown at the show?  I would like to check it out there.  If you are not going, maybe a manufacturer friend can bring it to the show.


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #17 on: 17 Mar 2020, 12:56 am »
I don't know if we'll be exhibiting at Axpona, but i'm sure there will be a few DMC-1's in various rooms.

We are signed up for The SHOW in Long Beach for mid June, and will have an All-CIAudio system with DMC-1 and our new R-3 stand-mount Loudspeakers.


Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #18 on: 30 Mar 2020, 06:38 pm »
DMC•1 is going into production!

We now have final software and I'm very excited to get them in production.
This device is a swiss army knife for digital file playback, streaming TIDAL/QOBUZ/SPOTIFY/Internet Radio, CD play and rip (with optional CD Transport), and also sounds amazing!

Single-ended and balanced outputs (requires our VRX-1 cable set), Femto clocks, DSD playback, very simple to set up and can be controlled by any web browser. Can be used stand-alone without any internet connection (USB drive & CD only), or connect to your network to stream internet sources or music stored elsewhere on your network.

We will have a special pre-pay deal for those who want to get one of the first units (very limited number), and provide feedback to us.
If interested, call me for details

Dusty Vawter/CIAudio
(805) 984-8282


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Re: New DMC•1 Digital Music Console (music player)
« Reply #19 on: 30 Mar 2020, 07:27 pm »
looks great..for those who are not too technically savvy, can it be used with standalone software such as ammarra or audivarna?