Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread

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Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #20 on: 28 Aug 2011, 03:08 am »
Ooooh, you guys are warming the cockels of my blackened metal  heart!
PRELUDE, you have good taste! Or if not, you at least have the same bad taste I have.  No, I was right the first time.  You do have good taste!  :rock:  Ha! I've got that Iced Earth album on cassette, I can't remember when I got it, but I remember being in love with the triplets and the tight, compressy guitar crunch.  Pretty sure I got turned onto them thanks to Ula Gehret's zine.  I know Iced Earth has done a ton of stuff since, but my interest kinda started and ended with that album.  I guess there wasn't anything fundamentally that grabbed me.

My metal journey began with "And Justice For All".  Freshman yeart of high school.  I remember trying to wrap my head around what I was hearing - it sounded so abstract and amorphous at first.  But then a switch was thrown with "Shortest Straw" and there was no turning back.  No interest in them nowadays, and am totally at peace with that.  Okay, so maybe I did buy the Big Four DVD, but that's the last time Metallica got my cash.  Oh man, Overkill was also a HUGE favorite in those days (most killer live shows ever) along with all the '90s era standards; Pantera, Kreator, Testament, Sepultura, Morbid Angel, Pestilence, Obituary, Trouble, Candlemass (Sorry, just listing a bunch of bands to amuse myself, please stand by).

My love affair with Trouble began with the self-titled 1990 LP and then worked forward and backward.  I saw them at a little dive bar in Milwaukee once with Cathedral.  Man, that was fucking awesome.  *wavy vision transition, harp strumming* Eric Wagner was like this stoned, almost unmoving mountain of hair.  The dual Flying Vs kicking out those dry, crunchy riffs, the candles on the guitar cabs…Seeing Lee Dorrian this tiny, scrawny dude playing pinball and me too scared to talk to him.  I still get a little verklempt over Trouble's stellar cover of "Breathe…" (not that I KNEW it was Donovan at the time, but hey I didn't know or care what killer metal songs were covers or not back then.  Garage Days was just Metallica's best-sounding recording ever, to this day.  Works for me.  It's always been really hard for me to wind the clock back and appreciate NWOBHM bands in retrospect.  The wires just aren't connecting for whatever reason.


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Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #21 on: 28 Aug 2011, 04:12 am »
If you guys haven't checked out the HDTracks version of Metallica's S/T album (heresy, I know), you absolutely MUST: https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=catalogdetail&valbum_code=HD093624955764.

I know, I know-- it sure ain't And Justice For All, and it definitely isn't Reign in Blood, but it's hi-rez METAL, dammit, and that's gotta be worth something  :wink:

Now, the REAL trick is going to be my next step: taking all the badass metal vinyl I've collected (Opeth, Dillinger Escape Plan, Slayer, Mastodon, Emperor, Arsis, Animals as Leaders, etc) and converting it to hi-resolution audio files so I can enjoy metal without the compression whenever and wherever I want  :thumb:

Great thread!!! Always awesome to see fellow metalheads in the community  :rock:


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #22 on: 28 Aug 2011, 06:06 am »
Lotsa great metal reissues happening. Vinyl.
Candlemass, epicus doomicus metallicus.
Sepultura, arise.
Slayer box set for less than the price of what I paid for reign in blood...



Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #24 on: 28 Aug 2011, 12:53 pm »
Ooooh, you guys are warming the cockels of my blackened metal  heart!
PRELUDE, you have good taste! Or if not, you at least have the same bad taste I have.  No, I was right the first time.  You do have good taste!  :rock:  Ha! I've got that Iced Earth album on cassette, I can't remember when I got it, but I remember being in love with the triplets and the tight, compressy guitar crunch.  Pretty sure I got turned onto them thanks to Ula Gehret's zine.  I know Iced Earth has done a ton of stuff since, but my interest kinda started and ended with that album.  I guess there wasn't anything fundamentally that grabbed me.

My metal journey began with "And Justice For All".  Freshman yeart of high school.  I remember trying to wrap my head around what I was hearing - it sounded so abstract and amorphous at first.  But then a switch was thrown with "Shortest Straw" and there was no turning back.  No interest in them nowadays, and am totally at peace with that.  Okay, so maybe I did buy the Big Four DVD, but that's the last time Metallica got my cash.  Oh man, Overkill was also a HUGE favorite in those days (most killer live shows ever) along with all the '90s era standards; Pantera, Kreator, Testament, Sepultura, Morbid Angel, Pestilence, Obituary, Trouble, Candlemass (Sorry, just listing a bunch of bands to amuse myself, please stand by).

My love affair with Trouble began with the self-titled 1990 LP and then worked forward and backward.  I saw them at a little dive bar in Milwaukee once with Cathedral.  Man, that was fucking awesome.  *wavy vision transition, harp strumming* Eric Wagner was like this stoned, almost unmoving mountain of hair.  The dual Flying Vs kicking out those dry, crunchy riffs, the candles on the guitar cabs…Seeing Lee Dorrian this tiny, scrawny dude playing pinball and me too scared to talk to him.  I still get a little verklempt over Trouble's stellar cover of "Breathe…" (not that I KNEW it was Donovan at the time, but hey I didn't know or care what killer metal songs were covers or not back then.  Garage Days was just Metallica's best-sounding recording ever, to this day.  Works for me.  It's always been really hard for me to wind the clock back and appreciate NWOBHM bands in retrospect.  The wires just aren't connecting for whatever reason.
Your taste is just like mine. :thumb:


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #25 on: 28 Aug 2011, 01:35 pm »
This morning,I turned the computer on and see the picture of NY on the yahoo's front page.Then suddenly it reminds me the thrash masters.

Thrash masters



Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #26 on: 29 Aug 2011, 12:20 am »
I recall buying some remastered Candlemass Cds awhile back and they were not really improvements.  I get really super protective about my old metal albums now, because if the record industry decides to re-issue something you can usually count on it sounding worse.  Then if anything happens to your copy you're hosed.  The new one is probably going to be a brickwalled piece of crap. The word "remastered" makes me wince like mad.

Anacrusis did a really cool thing, though.  Well first of all you can download all their stuff for free from a website which is cool.  But for one record they re-mixed the thing to sound as they originally wanted.  It's weird though, because it's warmer and less EQ'd, but I still prefer the crispy, weird old sound.  But from a creative point of view I totally support what they did there, it's not just a mastering engineer tweaking the stereo mixdown.


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #27 on: 29 Aug 2011, 12:58 am »
Balls To The Wall can't be beat.  I don't really get into Accept as a whole, but Udo Dirkschneider cracks me up on like 3 different levels, and that song just kicks all kinds of ass.


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #28 on: 29 Aug 2011, 01:37 am »
This is the new album but U.D.O is not with them.Some people are saying that he is better then U.D.O but I do not think so.MY whole love is U.D.O
Let's vote for this folks.
Is he better or not?



Stu Pitt

Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #30 on: 29 Aug 2011, 04:12 am »
Metallica's Ride the Lightning album is what really got me hooked.  Around 7th grade or so my cousin bought Iron Maiden's Killers album.  I just couldn't get into them even though I tried pretty hard, as the T-Shirts were bad-ass.  I bought Ride the Lightning and it just kicked everything I owned's ass right from the opening track "Fight Fire With Fire."  I bought Master of Puppets and Kill 'Em All the next week with my paper route money.

Funny thing is, Ride the Lightening is still my most played album.  Maters of Puppets has better tracks, but Ride the Lightening is a far better overall album IMO, as it doesn't have a single track I've skipped in years.

The I bought Reign in Blood, which started my Slayer obsession.  I just can't get into much of their stuff after Divine Intervention.  Tom Araya just yells way too much.  His best vocals by far were Reign in Blood.  He stayed within his range, didn't really try to sing, and didn't yell the lyrics.  It sounded far more evil and bad-ass that way IMO.  There were some songs like this on World Painted Blood, and I really dug those ones.  I can't stand the songs he tries to melodically sing or scream the lyrics on.  "Read Between the Lies" form South of Heaven is one of my favorites.  My favorite non-Reign in Blood song by far is "Temptation" from Seasons in the Abyss.  It's got this straight-up evil and twisted vibe to it.

Tool has some really kick-ass songs.  They just get too Prog and douche bag-ish for me.  I just wish they'd have more actual songs on their albums, and actually made albums on a regular basis.  Then there's the singer who songs in a dark corner the entire time during concerts.  I really want to hate that band, but their songs are just too good. 

Stu Pitt

Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #31 on: 29 Aug 2011, 04:14 am »
And I really wish Rage Against the Machine would get back together.  3 studio albums wasn't anywhere near enough.  Maybe not metal in the strictest sense, but what else would you categorize them as?


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #32 on: 29 Aug 2011, 05:03 am »
Stu Pitt, I fully agree with your analysis of Slayer's progress, especially vocally.  I've bought the last few CDs out of a hope and sense of duty, but ahhhhm…it's just not that good.  Listen to them once and then forget about them.  All yelling all the time, songs with no personality, it's just like they want to be as heavy as possible but it's not working right.  New Slayer is like TYPING IN ALL CAPS whereas something like South of Heaven hAd MucH mOre chARActer to it.  Being shouted at isn't creepy and evil, it's just annoying.  That reminds me…I really wish I had Seasons In The Abyss on another format than cassette… can't listen to it in my car.  (Ironwood FTW! :rock:)

Ericus Rex

Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #33 on: 29 Aug 2011, 11:48 am »
Lots of good classic metal listed so far.  Anyone into newer stuff?  Like:





Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #34 on: 29 Aug 2011, 01:31 pm »
There is a new discovery for me called crom.
It was a b side on an agoraphobic nosebleed 7".
Speaking of agoraphobic nosebleed, I really have taken a shine to Scott Hull and pig destroyer. Takes a bit for your brain to shift gears but it starts to make sense.


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #35 on: 29 Aug 2011, 08:11 pm »
I've got a couple Akercocke albums in my collection, but not that particular one.  The production is a little bit thin-sounding and the playing a bit spazzy for me, but I'm on board for their approach to things.  Haven't heard Gojira or the Crown.

I just bought "Aesthethica" from a band called Liturgy (via The Needledrop channel on YT) which is this weird black metal thing, but like super annoying in a weird way- as if this is what your grandma hears when she listens to ANY metal.  Apparently they've got this really arty thing going on with a manifesto or something.  I dunno, not sure about that.

I also got Blood Ceremony's 2nd LP, "Living With The Ancients" which ain't too shabby.  Sounds great, nice big drums on there.


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #36 on: 29 Aug 2011, 08:41 pm »
Lots of good classic metal listed so far.  Anyone into newer stuff?  Like:



I do like The Crown and saw them twice :thumb:


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #37 on: 29 Aug 2011, 08:45 pm »
I am sure that most of you know about this site but just in case if you do not, it is a good site to get your music.


Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #38 on: 29 Aug 2011, 10:14 pm »
I"m glad you put this together  :thumb: I'm going to write some reviews here in a bit of some bands you all might not have been aware of.



Re: Everything Louder Than Everything Else!!!! The Metal Thread
« Reply #39 on: 29 Aug 2011, 10:15 pm »
I have that Gojira album. BTW, I own their other albums as well, and "From Mars to Sirius" the one you posted, is the only one worth owning.