The Duetta (Duet mod)

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Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #60 on: 9 Jun 2009, 05:27 pm »
Been meaning to mention this, but my mind is on the fritz........

I have a few PCBs here that have some errors on them. Easily fixed by adding some wires. Rather than pitch them, anyone want them at a decent discount?

"What is 'decent'?"

I dunno......make an offer.



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #61 on: 9 Jun 2009, 11:35 pm »
Once fixed will they represent the full functional capability of the final design?


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Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #62 on: 10 Jun 2009, 12:56 am »
Yes. Left some traces off of the supply PCB by mistake. In a hurry that day, and did not do a thorough job of checking.



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #63 on: 9 Jul 2009, 02:59 pm »
Hello Pat,

Any updates???


Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #64 on: 11 Jul 2009, 04:34 am »
I know that Pat has been busy working on my Duetta.  I am anxious to hear it but I have to figure out a number of things first; like how to connect a NAS with Squeeze Center and then how to download a program for my Pronto controller to use with the Duet.



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #65 on: 15 Jul 2009, 11:04 pm »
I spoke with Pat today and he mentioned that his computer crashed and he has lost his emails.  If you are waiting on an email reply from Pat, you might want to PM him through AudioCircle.



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Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #66 on: 16 Jul 2009, 03:32 am »
Thanks, Tom. Using another computer to post this. I won't bore y'all with the gory details, but I will 'fess up to making things worse by botching the back-up. We have a real mess on our hands.

The real problem is that the back-up for the Legato is toast. Most of the Duetta PCB files are also hosed. I estimate that it may take me 2 weeks of doing nothing but trying to remake the Legato from the one unit I have at the shop.

The one that I promised to someone...........

Please be patient.



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #67 on: 26 Aug 2009, 05:41 pm »
Review also posted in the Discless Circle...

My main rig consists of a Marantz SA8250 SACD player with it digital out connected to a Musical Fidelity quad stack (DAC, tube buffer, power supply, headphone amp), Revelation Audio Labs passage cords from MF power supply to DAC and tube buffer) using Audioquest cabling.  Amplifier used is a PrimaLuna Dialogue One with KT66 tubes.  Audioquest Diamondback interconnects were used with Reality Cables speaker wire.  My speakers are ACI Sapphire XLs and the room is about 10X18 including an open kitchen at one end.

Playing CDs sounded great on this system when everything was dialed in.  Decided to add a PC based system, and my choice was a Logitech Duet.  I'd heard it bandied about repeatedly on several forums:  Bits are bits...transports don't really upsampling DAC will attenuate any inherent jitter... the Duet receiver has low jitter anyway etc etc.  Plugged in my Duet and ran an A/B comparison with my CD player playing the same CD.  The Duet sucked in comparison...and by a large margin.  The sound was harsh in comparison and imaging suffered on my system.  Hmm, the much maligned switching power supply had to go!  I replaced the power supply with one from Channel Island Audio.  The harshness was gone, and the dimensionality returned some.  It was a significant improvement, but the Marantz used as a transport was still better.  My biggest quibble now was a lack of air and a slightly congested sound.

Enter the Duetta...OK, I'd read Pat's posts on his upcoming Duetta mods and scientifically they made sense to me.  I'm a geneticist, so scientific thought is not an entirely alien concept to me.  However, in this case, the proof would be in the pudding...or in the hearing, so I signed up to be on Pat's list.  I have to admit, the paucity of reports on what the mod sounded like bothered me a bit.  Pat steadfastly refuses to describe the changes, citing designer bias, and prefers to leave descriptions of the sound to his customers and listeners.  When one of the original Duetta testers decided to go with Pat's new USB option and offered to sell his Duetta, I was all over it.  It is important to keep in mind that the version I now own may not be the final version, since Pat has been continually refining the mod.  Also the power supply I have is Version 3, which is what the original purchaser preferred.

So how does it sound???  As Billy Crystal would say "Mahvellous".  What was instantly apparent was it seemed as if the sound was stretched towards both extremities; however, everything was still perfectly balanced.  No longer was the sound congested.  Others have commented on the 'air' and the sound 'emanating from a black background' and I heartily concur.  Subtle details were revealed and the cymbals and triangles shimmered as they should.  The bass gained gravitas and impact as well.  Most importantly, there were significant improvements to the soundstage in my set-up.  Everything was much better layered and cohesive.  I dare say the Duetta + MF stack was better than the Marantz (a Stereophile class A component in its day) directly connected to the amp using Harmonic Technology TruthLink interconnects.  Significant improvement was also seen in my less-revealing bedroom system: Logitech Duet, Cambridge Audio DACmagic,  Marantz SR8400 receiver, Morel Octave 5.2 speakers, though the magnitude of improvement was a little less dramatic.  One quick note: I have not checked to see if Internet Radio works, but if anyone wants me to check, I can do so.

So to all those who want to buy a Duet...  upgrades are available that will make them sound some cases, as with the Duetta, dramatically better!  Start saving your shekels, people; and get in line to have your Duet Receiver modded.  Of course, if you want to use the Duet's analog outs, you're going to have to look elsewhere.  For someone who already owns a DAC, or was planning to get one, this is a no-brainer!  I think I'm saving my place in line to get my second receiver modded...



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #68 on: 26 Aug 2009, 11:24 pm »
Ajay, that's a great review. Thanks for posting it. Like you I've been a little put off by the lack of user comments from the people who've been running with Pat's prototypes. In my case I was unable to take advantage of Pat's last offering of the remaining proto boards (my problem, not his) so I've been waiting to hear when he's ready to go.


Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #69 on: 26 Aug 2009, 11:33 pm »
I've had my Duetta for about a month now, but life came in the way of setting it up ....Life has a funny way of doing that.  This morning after a particularly good listening session, I felt guilted enough to post a little write-up...   
If it isn't obvious from the tone of review....I like it... I really, really like it...(with apologies to Sally Field) 


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Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #70 on: 27 Aug 2009, 03:28 am »
Tell me about life getting in the way...........

I have spent more time schlepping people to and from the hospital this last month than I have at the shop. Hope to get back to normal in a few days.



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #71 on: 27 Aug 2009, 03:35 am »
Tell me about life getting in the way...........

I have spent more time schlepping people to and from the hospital this last month than I have at the shop.

Man, I know that feeling...not fun.  Sending some positive vibes your way.



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #72 on: 29 Aug 2009, 11:06 pm »
Tell me about life getting in the way...........

I have spent more time schlepping people to and from the hospital this last month than I have at the shop. Hope to get back to normal in a few days.


Funny (or not), I just got out of the hospital a number of days ago after being taken to the ER by my wife. I'd be listening to music during my recovery if the antibiotics didn't have me all dopey.


Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #73 on: 29 Aug 2009, 11:15 pm »
I hope it wasn't kidney stones.  I was in the ER through the middle of the night on Tuesday.
Never experienced that before and hope I never do again - boy did that hurt.


Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #74 on: 30 Aug 2009, 10:55 pm »
Gallstones plus the peak of a severe intestinal infection. :o

Yeah, mine hurt too, a LOT. :)

But I'm proceeding along nicely. Hope you are as well.


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Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #75 on: 2 Sep 2009, 04:17 am »
I won't be around on Friday, as I have to take our CSB to yet another neurosurgeon-type. I have been informed that the tests they have planned will probably take longer to perform than the CAT scan and MRI combined.

You know...........the ones I had to take her to the ER in the middle of the night for.

So, yet one more trip to a hospital, and one more day away from the office.

But on a better note.............pending orders did go out today. One day later than planned, but with all that is going on, better late than never. Thanks to all of you for hanging in there with us. This past month was one series of disasters after another. September is off to a rousing start as well. But, as I see that several of you are experiencing similar difficulties, I think we can commensurate with each other.



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Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #76 on: 2 Sep 2009, 02:14 pm »
are you accepting duets for mods now?


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Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #77 on: 2 Sep 2009, 03:35 pm »
Been offering a few at a discount, as it is not the final version. I believe that I sent you a PM about this a while ago.

As for the final of the many disasters we faced was me erasing all the back-ups while trying to fix our computer problems. I blamed it on lack of sleep!

Anyway, the bottom line is that I have to re-design everything that we did this year. Slowly making progress. The Duetta may be the last one I recreate, as the hang-up all along was physical layout, and how all the cables were routed. I had to find a way that was easy to build. I was spending too much time futzing with dressing all the little coax cables to go back and forth from the PCB. I thought that I had the answer...........but, alas...........gone with the wind. Need to make a few of the hard-to-build version to refresh my train of thought.

Did I perform enough circumlocution of the issue to your satisfaction?



Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #78 on: 2 Sep 2009, 04:57 pm »
Pat, in my case this delay may turn out to be a good thing. I should be more prepared to go in for a final version of the Duetta design when you're ready to go.

Hey, anybody else with a prototype out there - please post your impressions, comparisons etc!


Re: The Duetta (Duet mod)
« Reply #79 on: 2 Sep 2009, 11:36 pm »

Need to make a few of the hard-to-build version to refresh my train of thought.


Hey Pat, need my 2nd Duet receiver as a guinea pig?  Or am I just being too greedy... :drool:

Hope all the medical and computer issues in your life get sorted out pronto!
