Rank the Top GR Research Speakers

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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #60 on: 4 Sep 2023, 04:38 am »
JCarney, funny you mentioned those LS9 that Danny had at RMAF all those years ago. They now belong to my friend/coworker Chris. He always tells me the story of everyone lugging them up/down the stairs of that hotel because the fright elevator was even too small. Ooof.  :o

I'm not going to lie. I'm glad I missed that part of it.  :icon_lol:



Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #61 on: 4 Sep 2023, 02:33 pm »
Was the LSX an open baffle design?  What is your take on the ranking of speakers?
Yes, the ones I heard at RMAF, dubbed the LSX, were an OB design.

I haven’t heard the NX-Otica/NX-Treme’s, so I can’t really comment on those or the monitors

I have heard many of the others and have to agree with the consensus about scale on them. “Big” music sounds better on the LS 9’s and to a lesser extent the LS 6’s, but it’s tough to do Intimate performances as well. It sounds very good, but not the right scale of soundstage.

The midrange purity of the Super 7’s is hard to beat. I LOVE these speakers even though my room acoustics are problematic. I doubt I will ever feel the need for a different speaker (unless I hit the Lottery, in which case  :green:)

The Super V’s are a great speaker that are missing that speed in the Mids that the Super 7’s have, but are incredibly dynamic and play a well with a variety of music styles.

The first speakers I heard were back in the AV 123 days at a GTG and I really liked the X-Statiks, but it was in a very unfamiliar setting. 

The LS X did so many things incredibly well. Very impressed with pretty much everything I heard.

I have never heard the Line Force. I hope that somebody recreates them with the New Drivers. Slightly different, but may be better if some of the comments I’ve seen about the Radian LM10n are correct. Not sure if they can be paired with the GR Research Neo 3 from a sensitivity standpoint, and they would be very pricey, but……..sigh, I can dream.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #62 on: 4 Sep 2023, 03:00 pm »
I thought the same, but then I read this below.  Perhaps I'm misreading it...

In this post, Danny was talking about adding a base with two M165/16 woofers to the bottom of the NX-Studio that would be similar to the bottom half of the X-Statik. Making the speaker a 3-way TMWW tower design.
We still have the test base that Peter made for us, it would allow the studios to get down to ~40-45Hz and we've had a few people interested in this design over the years, but haven't really pursued it.

We are also working on an Otica center that is a WWMTMWW design, we're just waiting on some stands to get finished so we can set it up and design the crossover and get everything shipped to the customer.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #63 on: 4 Sep 2023, 04:03 pm »
In this post, Danny was talking about adding a base with two M165/16 woofers to the bottom of the NX-Studio that would be similar to the bottom half of the X-Statik. Making the speaker a 3-way TMWW tower design.
We still have the test base that Peter made for us, it would allow the studios to get down to ~40-45Hz and we've had a few people interested in this design over the years, but haven't really pursued it.

That too bad. I am one of the people who wants that. Could I have a custom flatpack made?

Wayne in Oregon


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #64 on: 4 Sep 2023, 04:57 pm »
In theory, sure, but we would still have to design the crossover to work with the additional woofers down below.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #65 on: 4 Sep 2023, 11:34 pm »
In theory, sure, but we would still have to design the crossover to work with the additional woofers down below.

What's making ya'll hesitate?  As I've read thru Danny's comments on this design idea, it appears it may come down to the fact that, even with those 2 extra drivers, you're still going to need a sub with the setup for "full range"?  It appears the current X-Statik plays to "-3db down is 48Hz for an average room".  I have spoken to Danny about this Studio/Statik bottom setup and had great interest in it. When I saw that 48Hz number I was a little disappointed...


I also see the current X-Statik is 91db efficient.  THAT is of great interest to me.  86/87db is a little light, for the amplification I have and really like.  Additionally, Danny has mentioned "other advantages" to this additional woofer setup that I've never seen elaboration on.  I recently sold my Magnepan 3.7i, and if there is one thing those speakers did (among other things) was load the room with "bigness".  Wendell Diller calls it "power response".  Whatever it is, I can dig it. I suspect the additional woofers will add a sense of scale and ease to the Studio, and if they make that Studio setup at least 90db efficient... THAT is cool - to me.  Besides, even at -3db down at 48Hz, I've pretty well settled on the fact that, no matter what speakers I have, subwoofers that I can tune will always be part of the system (if they aren't built into the speaker themselves... something Danny suggested.)  If you and / or Danny can elaborate on the benefits of this Studio/X-Statik bottom end, that would be helpful. Perhaps I'm all wrong about it.

Here's another thing... understood that the crossover takes some time / effort.  So, post up how many people you need to commit with a deposit to "kickstart" this project. Maybe you'll be surprised?  One thing is for sure, you won't sell any you don't make. If the X-Statik bottom end with the Studio upper is a Fool's Errand compared to doing a quality pair of subs with a High Pass filter on the NX-Studio, perhaps make that a little clearer - if that's the thinking.  :D

PS:... I'm listening to a 2 way with a Scanspeak 8" woofer that, in my large room, makes me not worry about a sub.  I keep turning the subs on and off to see whether I miss them. Sure, it's the music I listen to and the volumes, etc, ;however, wouldn't it be something to pair a couple of 8" woofers to the Studio and make them compete (or best) something like this below? 


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #66 on: 5 Sep 2023, 12:54 am »
What's making ya'll hesitate?  As I've read thru Danny's comments on this design idea, it appears it may come down to the fact that, even with those 2 extra drivers, you're still going to need a sub with the setup for "full range"?  It appears the current X-Statik plays to "-3db down is 48Hz for an average room".  I have spoken to Danny about this Studio/Statik bottom setup and had great interest in it. When I saw that 48Hz number I was a little disappointed...


I also see the current X-Statik is 91db efficient.  THAT is of great interest to me.  86/87db is a little light, for the amplification I have and really like.  Additionally, Danny has mentioned "other advantages" to this additional woofer setup that I've never seen elaboration on.  I recently sold my Magnepan 3.7i, and if there is one thing those speakers did (among other things) was load the room with "bigness".  Wendell Diller calls it "power response".  Whatever it is, I can dig it. I suspect the additional woofers will add a sense of scale and ease to the Studio, and if they make that Studio setup at least 90db efficient... THAT is cool - to me.  Besides, even at -3db down at 48Hz, I've pretty well settled on the fact that, no matter what speakers I have, subwoofers that I can tune will always be part of the system (if they aren't built into the speaker themselves... something Danny suggested.)  If you and / or Danny can elaborate on the benefits of this Studio/X-Statik bottom end, that would be helpful. Perhaps I'm all wrong about it.

Here's another thing... understood that the crossover takes some time / effort.  So, post up how many people you need to commit with a deposit to "kickstart" this project. Maybe you'll be surprised?  One thing is for sure, you won't sell any you don't make. If the X-Statik bottom end with the Studio upper is a Fool's Errand compared to doing a quality pair of subs with a High Pass filter on the NX-Studio, perhaps make that a little clearer - if that's the thinking.  :D

PS:... I'm listening to a 2 way with a Scanspeak 8" woofer that, in my large room, makes me not worry about a sub.  I keep turning the subs on and off to see whether I miss them. Sure, it's the music I listen to and the volumes, etc, ;however, wouldn't it be something to pair a couple of 8" woofers to the Studio and make them compete (or best) something like this below? 

I believe they are working on an Ottica version as we speak which I believe is an MTM with 3 eight inch servo's below.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #67 on: 5 Sep 2023, 04:03 am »
I believe they are working on an Ottica version as we speak which I believe is an MTM with 3 eight inch servo's below.

Open baffle is great, but not for my current space.  I came across this from Hobbs.  I assume it would give a bit more slam and be a bit better for efficiency.  This with my current subs would be great.  Could even play with stand height to get them setup just right...


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #68 on: 5 Sep 2023, 03:13 pm »
I believe they are working on an Ottica version as we speak which I believe is an MTM with 3 eight inch servo's below.

I wonder if Danny is grinning about my picture / 8" woofer comments above... :). Great, now my rash is back...


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #69 on: 5 Sep 2023, 03:26 pm »
I wonder if Danny is grinning about my picture / 8" woofer comments above... :). Great, now my rash is back...

OK.  Now I see what you are saying.  Where did you find that material on those 8 inch drivers.  I remember Danny talking about some in a YouTube video but I have't seen them in print anywhere.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #70 on: 5 Sep 2023, 04:01 pm »
Open baffle is great, but not for my current space.  I came across this from Hobbs.  I assume it would give a bit more slam and be a bit better for efficiency.  This with my current subs would be great.  Could even play with stand height to get them setup just right...

The main issue with this design is that each 16-ohm NQ woofer needs about 2-3x this airspace even for a sealed box, (ideally, 5.0 cubic feet, per woofer) so in tower form, it would have to be pretty massive, and would still only have a -3dB of ~60Hz, with a roughly 94dB efficiency. (you can push the box size down a bit, ~3 cu.ft. You'll bump up around 100Hz with an little earlier roll-off.)

The better option would be a full 2-way tower with a single NQ and a 12" sub in the size and an HX310 to control the bottom.

OK.  Now I see what you are saying.  Where did you find that material on those 8 inch drivers.  I remember Danny talking about some in a YouTube video but I haven't seen them in print anywhere.
That looks like it's from Rythmik's site.
We are going using those 8" subs for the Otica with 3x subs on the bottom, we had them custom made with some slight changes to the impedance of the previous versions we used to sell.
We're currently waiting on our test cabinet for that model as well as the custom HX300 amps that will power them.

I'd imagine that a pair of DS800-6 could be run in parallel in a sealed design and work very well too.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #71 on: 5 Sep 2023, 07:21 pm »
That looks like it's from Rythmik's site.
We are going using those 8" subs for the Otica with 3x subs on the bottom, we had them custom made with some slight changes to the impedance of the previous versions we used to sell.
We're currently waiting on our test cabinet for that model as well as the custom HX300 amps that will power them.

Hobbs are you guys excited about this new version of the ottica's with the 8in Servo's?  Do you know how far down they will go and if you will need another sub with them?  I was going to get the regular version but I just think that these will be better for my space.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #72 on: 5 Sep 2023, 09:42 pm »
We are, it's just dependent on getting the things necessary to design the crossover, as well as the amps so we can test the triple servo subs. We don't really have a time frame just yet
As far as bass extension we expect they'll be able to hit 25-30Hz in most typical size rooms, with larger rooms still needing some 12" woofers to take over around 40Hz and limit the over excursion of the 8" drivers.

The 8" drivers are somewhat limited in X-Max and surface area, compared to the 12" subs, but in most moderate sized rooms they'll still have good authority to dig down deep, where the Otica +dual subs would take up too much room space for most people


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #73 on: 5 Sep 2023, 11:59 pm »
OK.  Now I see what you are saying.  Where did you find that material on those 8 inch drivers.  I remember Danny talking about some in a YouTube video but I have't seen them in print anywhere.

As Hobbs mentioned, they are on Rythmik's site.  I just happened across them...


Danny Richie

Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #74 on: 6 Sep 2023, 03:58 pm »
This is a great thread and my first thought is that I have really good customers.

Thanks guys!


Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #75 on: 6 Sep 2023, 04:26 pm »
We are going using those 8" subs for the Otica with 3x subs on the bottom, we had them custom made with some slight changes to the impedance of the previous versions we used to sell.
We're currently waiting on our test cabinet for that model as well as the custom HX300 amps that will power them.

Any chance these 8s will be offered in a stand alone OB tower sub? I need some subs but I just don't have the floor space for the 12s you offer currently.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #76 on: 7 Sep 2023, 11:06 pm »
@hobbsmeerkat Have my search tool / stalking skills found that an 8" NQ woofer exists and that it is planned to be used with a NEO 3 tweeter with a revised wave guide, i.e., an 8" woofer version of the current NX-Studio? 


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #77 on: 7 Sep 2023, 11:53 pm »
We still have a few sample 8" NQ drivers and we've played around with a custom 3" waveguide in the past that worked really well.
We're still holding off on the 8" NQs for the time being.

Currently, the 8-ohm NQ could be used in a sealed design but it would likely need to be a tower rather than a bookshelf design.
The 16 ohm versions will continue to be for OB only.

We've got other projects in the pipeline that we need to focus on for now.


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #78 on: 8 Sep 2023, 12:11 am »
We still have a few sample 8" NQ drivers and we've played around with a custom 3" waveguide in the past that worked really well.
We're still holding off on the 8" NQs for the time being.

Currently, the 8-ohm NQ could be used in a sealed design but it would likely need to be a tower rather than a bookshelf design.
The 16 ohm versions will continue to be for OB only.

We've got other projects in the pipeline that we need to focus on for now.

Let me know when you're looking for Venture Capital MDF investors to help fund further development. :thumb:


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Re: Rank the Top GR Research Speakers
« Reply #79 on: 8 Sep 2023, 02:13 am »

We've got other projects in the pipeline that we need to focus on for now.

What are these “other projects” you speak of?  And this “pipe line” where would one look to see such a thing as to determine what it may hold?  :o :scratch: