We gots parts!
I have NX-Studio, NX-Otica MTM, and X-LS Encore - all will be built, but none are, yet. Why, because I'm not "let's take these Duette speakers out and build these other speakers" excited about them. That's different now. This NX-Bravo speaker will be the first one I will cut wood for, because I am excited about what Hobbs did... because it's going to mean other stuff - maybe.
I want to compare this Neo 3 tweeter in a box to the soft dome Scan-Speak Revelator I love in the Duette. Then the NX-Studio with Open Baffle Tweeter will get built, then NX-Otica MTM with full OB on top end... and after I get to know all of that, a decision will be made. But then again - there will be an MTM version with this back cup / wave guide, which could be the basis for a multi-driver, floor standing, full range speaker (even if noted, correctly, the sub somewhere else is better).
I know what the best speakers are said to be, and they probably are; however, it could very be I'm a simple caveman who just plain prefers a great soft dome tweeter... even if "this other thing is better"... 9' off my wall.
I have learned very well, always deferring / chasing what others say is better and ignoring your own gut / experience, instead of sticking to what you like, is the mistake many people make for a long time, and wonder why they aren't happy (I'm not just talking about speakers).
I sure am glad this back cup finally exists! The waveguide could probably use a light sand, finish as one likes. Or, make it a "Rubicon" edition and just Duratex and leave the "3D Patina" like in the video.
Thanks for all of the hours 3D printing and making it right, Hobbs. In the brief time I spent with you, I know you're a "Thinker"... and I sure am glad you're a sponge and hardcore about this stuff.
Stay on the gas!