:|Hi Danny, Well, reading about your mods, If I am correct, you worked on the 5.2's with a 5.5 woofer. I have the 6.2 with a 6.5 woofer. So then this needs to be looked at further. That cupped sound is probably the 750 HZ woofer resonance issue. I'm gonna figure they used the same tweeter, and the crossover might be similar. So, do I need to pull a woofer and send it to you as well as the crossover? Should I pull that wave guide off of these too? Thanks. I'll have to save up my pennies and nickels to get this mod done. $345 for a pair of $256 of speaker. hmm. I've noticed the vibration is mostly on the top and some on the sides, nut to much on the back. As for the tube connectors, I'd rather just remove the binding posts and put them in their place. There's just gotta be a better way of securing them on the cup, as opposed to drilling holes in brand new speakers. I'm not against the tube connectors mine you, just mechanically it's to bad it's not just copper tubes. If these were threaded, then I'd get some of these little cripping cylinders that you have on the valves to secure the valves to the pipe, say going up to your faucet in the bathroom or kitchen. :)So what do you think? Should I maybe do the No-res first, Or would putting that in first would get in the way of the crossover. I did listen to the section on that topic, and I wasn't to sure in the best way to install that stuff. I couldn't tell if the bottom vibrates too. I figure since the port is right there at the bottom, probably safe not to put any no-res there.