Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?

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Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #240 on: 27 Mar 2019, 09:23 pm »
Yes, but each and every time you adjusted the preamp's volume control, the subwoofer's volume would remain constant and you would also have to adjust the volume control on the sub.
Yes, that is less than ideal and in fact, that's what I'm doing now. Fortunately I usually just use the same volume so it's not too annoying.  :D


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While I love my $56 Nobsound preamp, I will give this other option a try and will report back on how it sounds when it comes in.

I wanted the option on of a 2nd XLR output and wanted to try the better pot.  Also, the dual mono configuration should also improve
We will see.


While I love my $56 Nobsound preamp, I will give this other option a try and will report back on how it sounds when it comes in.

I wanted the option on of a 2nd XLR output and wanted to try the better pot.  Also, the dual mono configuration should also improve
We will see.

Nice find! That looks to be from the same seller as the other smd stepped attenuator mentioned here.


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Thanks TTT-
I figure at $200 its a no brainer.  I can also use two preamps anyways and I have a feeling this one is going to improve the system for very little capital.


And just an FYI, I had originally ordered the other attenuator from that eBay seller but things came up so I ended up cancelling it. The seller was very responsive with their communication and refunded me.


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Nice to hear. 
I asked him a lot of questions and received answers right away, so I am encouraged between my experience thus far and yours...


These passives are so cheap, nice to have a second preamp if yours need service. Right tomy2tone?


Nelson isn't fussy about non critical parts and recommends what's easily accessible to most people. The Chinese dacts are based on real DACT pots so I doubt he would recommend them for IP reasons and the real ones are very expensive. These Chinese dacts have been around for years now and used widely in diy. Diyaudio was where they were first discussed IIRC.

How is using a Vishay resistor considered IP? I don't think so.  :roll: The only "IP" that could be had is the name itself.

The SMD Dact passive is.... well, it's OK. On my system, the high end/frequencies are more forward with more clarity but ever so slightly harsher (at louder levels) than my Odyssey Tempest. But soundstage isn't as good. They make my system sound more like the music is coming from two speakers without as much depth or layers. I think (though I could be wrong?) it doesn't go as low. The overall bass is much less full across the lower frequencies though tighter (quicker/more "snap") with less wooliness than the Tempest. I think that the Odyssey also sounds smoother overall. I prefer the Odyssey with it's trade-off than with this passive.

To me this reads that there's something off in your stereo, not the volume control device. While it may not be perfect, it's better than pots you'll find in the most expensive stereos in the world. But I don't know the details of everything in your stereo so I can't comment for sure as to what's up.

The Dale Resistor unit sounds tempting. Here is one you can build.

Be careful, a lot of those switches that you can buy as attenuators with RN's on them are trash. The blue bodied ones on eBay should be tossed in the garbage bin. They make the music sound AWFUL.


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I agree w/ Folsom that the chinese dale resistor attenuators should be approached with caution. The resistors may be fake and the attenuators are clunky and potentially make a large popping sound when switching (I forget the term for it and too lazy to try and remember) IIRC. Some of them anyway.


To me this reads that there's something off in your stereo, not the volume control device. While it may not be perfect, it's better than pots you'll find in the most expensive stereos in the world. But I don't know the details of everything in your stereo so I can't comment for sure as to what's up.

You can see my system by clicking on my System link to the side. It's been a while, I could try another comparison using the digital out on my CD player/transport directly into the UltraDac - I don't remember if I compared them that way. I know I've done it with my computer>SPDiF converter> Ultra Dac>....


You can see my system by clicking on my System link to the side. It's been a while, I could try another comparison using the digital out on my CD player/transport directly into the UltraDac - I don't remember if I compared them that way. I know I've done it with my computer>SPDiF converter> Ultra Dac>....

Sent a message on my thoughts.

Stefan wood

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Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #251 on: 13 Apr 2019, 12:31 pm »
Has anyone compared the Chinese passive to a Tisbury passive?


Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #252 on: 14 Apr 2019, 03:45 pm »
Has anyone compared the Chinese passive to a Tisbury passive?

I have. Much nicer build, slightly more deatil, and about half the price than the Tisbury.


Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #253 on: 14 Apr 2019, 04:49 pm »
They use the same volume device but the Tisbury has a small circuit with some resistors and stuff.


Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #254 on: 19 Apr 2019, 01:01 am »
I received a short message last week from the designer of the HK passive
saying this unit sounds the best on tape out.

And it truly does. If you can control the volume with your Ipad or cell phone,
use it this way. It sure makes ny echo dot and Amazon music sound better.
Not as good as Tidal or Qobuz, but not too shabby.
And I am just using a cheap $5 cable on this Echo Dot.


Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #255 on: 19 Apr 2019, 03:44 pm »
I'm wondering how the Nobsound or the SMD DACT would sound with the iTube2 buffer. I think, based on my memory of when the iTube2 came to me on the tour, that it would be really nice. Anyone?


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Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #256 on: 20 Apr 2019, 06:33 pm »
While I love my $56 Nobsound preamp, I will give this other option a try and will report back on how it sounds when it comes in.

I wanted the option on of a 2nd XLR output and wanted to try the better pot.  Also, the dual mono configuration should also improve
We will see.

Well i hooked it up last night and the xlrs output did not work.
The left volume control was not working and the sound was
Always on. I used the single ended outputs and things work just fine. Still want the xlrs to work, but from a sound perspective it was much better than the nobsound.
Space around the instruments, detail, attack. More musical. A bargain for sure.
I’ll work with the guy and see if I can get the problem corrected.
Huge improvement in my system. A little spooky actually, didn’t expect this much improvement.


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Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #257 on: 20 Apr 2019, 06:59 pm »
A lot of good information was in this thread.
At the end of the day what is the best pot available
with a focus of sound regardless of the cost?


Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #258 on: 20 Apr 2019, 07:12 pm »
Well i hooked it up last night and the xlrs output did not work.
The left volume control was not working and the sound was
Always on. I used the single ended outputs and things work just fine. Still want the xlrs to work, but from a sound perspective it was much better than the nobsound.
Space around the instruments, detail, attack. More musical. A bargain for sure.
I’ll work with the guy and see if I can get the problem corrected.
Huge improvement in my system. A little spooky actually, didn’t expect this much improvement.

I wonder if there’s some type of jumper to be moved inside to allow the xlr’s to be used. Nice to hear the single ended portion is sounding great. How are the volume knobs as you turn them? Smooth or is there a click or hitch as you move them up and down?


Re: Is there a better bargain than the $56 Nobsound Passive Preamp?
« Reply #259 on: 20 Apr 2019, 07:12 pm »
A lot of good information was in this thread.
At the end of the day what is the best pot available
with a focus of sound regardless of the cost?

No pot is the best. That is why the HK passive sounds it's best on tape out. But so far, the Chinese Dact pot sounds the best I have tried. I would get more expensive, but the Dact pot sounds good enough for my ears.