Your latest toys

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Your latest toys
« on: 12 Oct 2011, 01:04 am »
I've picked up a few new guitar pedals over the last month that have been a blast to mess around with.

1. Turbo Tuner ST-122a -- Excited about a tuner?  Well, yes!  It's a true strobo tuner.  This thing is SUPER accurate and SUPER fast.  The fact I set-up my own guitars makes accuracy very important. (The link is for the older model.  The "a" model is in limited production runs (or something like that) for the time being).  A big plus is it can tune ANYTHING.  Also comes with many pre-sets (including alternate guitar tunings).  You can also create  your own presets.  Here's a video: Turbo Tuner ST-122.

2.  Blackout Effectors Musket Fuzz -- A VERY versatile fuzz pedal.  Can shape the tone in so many ways, even so as to make a fuzz pedal sound decent at low volume.  Here's a video:  Musket Fuzz

3.  Now, for the most kick-ass pedal I have ever had. . .and have been wanting for quite awhile:  Empress Superdelay Vintage Modified.  Man, this thing is just awesome!  Can get great tape-delay sounds, plus everything else!  Has so many great features, including one that makes it easy to get dotted eighth note delays (like The Edge).  Here are a few videos: Superdelay 1; Superdelay 2; Superdelay 3 (a Gilmour tribute)

It has been a trifecta of awesomeness with these.  The Superdelay has already inspired ideas for a few new songs, too.

So, what's your latest acquisition? 



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Re: Your latest toys
« Reply #1 on: 12 Oct 2011, 01:20 am »
Paul do they effects pedals yet where the pedal controls a laptop app say like REASON or something where you can chain together VST instruments?? Control it all from a laptop...splice it dice it, flip it zip it, and away we go.....???

Quiet Earth

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Re: Your latest toys
« Reply #2 on: 14 Oct 2011, 05:40 pm »
Hey, that Superdelay looks really nice Paul. I bet you're having a ball with that!

As for tuners, I have fallen hard for the little Snark clip on tuner. I bought two of them for myself. I got a blue one for my acoustic guitar at home and red one for the gig bag. I bought a red (all instrument) Snark tuner for my daughter to clip on her clarinet. Her band teacher at school said that a tuner was a requirement for everyone to have in class. Awesome! These little tuners are dirt cheap from amazon and they make a great gift for your guitar playing friends too. It's also nice to have one as a spare, even if you already have a tuner. I realize that they are not as accurate as the nice tuner that you bought Paul, but they provide everyone in the band with the ability to be in tune which can sometimes be half the battle. :lol:  Highly recommended !

So, what's your latest acquisition? 

Fender American Standard Jazz Bass, Olympic White, Maple Fretboard  :D


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Re: Your latest toys
« Reply #3 on: 14 Oct 2011, 07:24 pm »
A few months ago I picked up a Dumble Overdrive Special clone and had a combo cab made for it and loaded it with an old EV 12L I had lying around. I'm slowly learning how to get the sounds I prefer out of it without it getting too thick and syrupy sounding.
I then built a tube buffered effects unit for it and picked up a TC Electronics G Major II to use in the loop. The G Major is way overkill for me but the reverbs and delays are really nice.
All in all it's a great sounding set up but I'm not really sure I prefer it over my Allen or Fender amps.


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Re: Your latest toys
« Reply #4 on: 18 Oct 2011, 02:18 am »
Thirsty- The more unique your sound, the more choices you have to use, gives you more flexibility as you get deeper into the music. What kind of music to listen to?? and like to play?? Make an effort to put the unique sound in play where you/they would least expect it and you may find out it works better than the norm.
 But hey I'm an old head, tub beater so what the hell do I know...LOL.... :duh: