BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?

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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #20 on: 14 Sep 2011, 05:41 pm »
just to take everything step by step, and rule out the possibility of hdd or thumb drive influence in this, I removed them from the bdp1. unfortunately that did not make any difference. As soon as the bdp is switched on, I lose Airplay to the Na7004.

In the meantime I also loaded new Router firmware to the dir855, without solving the problem either....

Again, the search continues.

Might it look like a bonjour problem, maybe the router has specific problems with the way the BDP uses that? Anyone?



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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #21 on: 14 Sep 2011, 08:27 pm »
It's possible that the versions of Bonjour is vastly different between the NA7004 and BDP that is causing issues. 

Keep in mind that Bonjour is an application layer service just like HTTP, FTP, SSH, NFS, Samba, etc.  So it's highly unlikely that a router would interfere here unless it too offered those services.     You might review the bugs for the open-source version of bonjour to see if there's an compatibility issues filed.   You can use something like nessus to discover the versions i bet (perhaps there's an easier way) and then focus on the device that has an older version of the bonjour implementation.


Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #22 on: 14 Sep 2011, 08:57 pm »
This is completely new to me. Where do I find that?
open source version?

Killing the Airplay on the Na7004 has to do with the constant polling of the BDP. Even when not in use, and simply being powered on, the BDP is polling the network constantly.
As was confirmed to me by Chris in a separate mail-conversation. Thanks for that Bryston btw, great customer-service! :thumb:


You might review the bugs for the open-source version of bonjour to see if there's an compatibility issues filed.   You can use something like nessus to discover the versions i bet (perhaps there's an easier way) and then focus on the device that has an older version of the bonjour implementation.


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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #23 on: 14 Sep 2011, 10:30 pm »
This is completely new to me. Where do I find that?
open source version?

Killing the Airplay on the Na7004 has to do with the constant polling of the BDP. Even when not in use, and simply being powered on, the BDP is polling the network constantly.
As was confirmed to me by Chris in a separate mail-conversation. Thanks for that Bryston btw, great customer-service! :thumb:


So if Bryston is stating that the BDP is misconfigured with bonjour, then it is time to wait for a patch.    I'm curious if two BDPs within the same network would have the same issue as the NA7004 and the BDP.  I haven't noticed any issues with the ATV and BDP when both are on and running. 

It took a bit to wade through the issues that turned out to be a non-issue and appears it wasn't self-inflicted :)


Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #24 on: 15 Sep 2011, 05:31 am »
that's not exactly what Chris said. He did say:

"The Max interface, as well as all others (ie Mini, Minion, gmpc, etc...) are constantly polling the state of the BDP.  This is the constant network activity that you are seeing, newer versions of the firmware poll less data (version S1.xx, or newer)"

Even if Bryston would come with firmware that polls the network less, it has to be done in a way that does not interfere with the other things going on. Once can be one too many....

Chris also told me it might have to do with the device's lease time, but that is set to never expire in my router, and the Router's Dhcp lease time is set to 1440 minutes. I don't think any changes there could help.

Powercycling the Router, as suggested by Chris, does not help. I had already tried that, even power cycling all machines, including macbook, and Idevices, with the known result by now: starting ok, but after a minute or 2, the BDP kills Airplay.

Sorry for the trouble on the wading, it is indeed a bit unclear what is going on. Still, keeping my hopes up.

Thanks again,

So if Bryston is stating that the BDP is misconfigured with bonjour, then it is time to wait for a patch.    I'm curious if two BDPs within the same network would have the same issue as the NA7004 and the BDP.  I haven't noticed any issues with the ATV and BDP when both are on and running. 

It took a bit to wade through the issues that turned out to be a non-issue and appears it wasn't self-inflicted :)


Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #25 on: 15 Sep 2011, 07:22 am »
Because of what Chris said about the polling "The Max interface, as well as all others (ie Mini, Minion, gmpc, etc...) are constantly polling the state of the BDP.  This is the constant network activity that you are seeing, newer versions of the firmware poll less data (version S1.xx, or newer)"

(I have the latest firmware loaded btw:
S1.16 2011-07-15
Final Release
Build: Loony Loon
MPD: 0.15.12
Kernel: 2.6.32-5-486)

I tried to control the BDP with its front buttons and leave all other interfaces off. I even started off disconnected to the network ( ruling out any other electric problems, but they did not appear, Airplay played without a problem for over an hour). I then inserted the network cable (cat6a) and Airplay seemed to stay alive for a longer time then before. Without external interfaces going on. Unfortunately that did not stay for very long though.

Apparently it is not only the polling of external interfaces that's causing the problem, the BDP itself causes network traffic also that's in the way. Which of course is was already determined when Airplay stopped after just powering-on the BDP (that is, without playing anything)
