BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?

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BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« on: 13 Sep 2011, 03:35 pm »
Hi James,

trying to figure out why my Airplay has become unreliable, I was checking my router and suddenly I see the BDP-1 listed with a reserved Ip-address. I am sure I did not change that setting, so I wondered how this happened. Does the software on the BDP do this?

If so would it hurt if I unchecked this, in trying to get my Airplay to work again?

since I am talking mac here: is the BDP Bonjour compatible? I can not see it in my Safari-Bonjour bookmarks. All Bonjour network-machines ought to be visible. If so, that would begin to be a beginning in my search.....


James Tanner

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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Sep 2011, 03:53 pm »
With IP address's eventually their leases run out so that's why it changed Just power cycle your network and it should work again.

As for Bonjour - the BDP-1 is Bonjour capable and the address is bryston-bdp-1.local



Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #2 on: 13 Sep 2011, 07:15 pm »
I understand that , but I meant that it has been marked 'reserved" without my interference in my routers configuration. How come it did that by itself?

Bryston is Bonjour capable, and works fine. But it is invisible in Safari under the Bonjour machines. It is visible in Finder though.

Question remains: can I safely uncheck the reserved for the BDP1? If only for testing purposes?

Btw: the Bryston is listed twice in the list of network attached Lan computers: once as BDP-1 and once as Bryston-BDP-1. And has 2 ip-addresses. Why is that?


With IP address's eventually their leases run out so that's why it changed Just power cycle your network and it should work again.

As for Bonjour - the BDP-1 is Bonjour capable and the address is bryston-bdp-1.local


James Tanner

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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #3 on: 13 Sep 2011, 07:45 pm »
Btw: the Bryston is listed twice in the list of network attached Lan computers: once as BDP-1 and once as Bryston-BDP-1. And has 2 ip-addresses. Why is that?

I have no idea?????? :scratch:



Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #4 on: 13 Sep 2011, 07:55 pm »
you're not being very helpful now... :cry:

the other double is an iMac with wired and wireless Mac-address, but the BDP-1 has only one i believe? It couldn't be the HDD attached to it?


Btw: the Bryston is listed twice in the list of network attached Lan computers: once as BDP-1 and once as Bryston-BDP-1. And has 2 ip-addresses. Why is that?

I have no idea?????? :scratch:


James Tanner

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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #5 on: 13 Sep 2011, 07:58 pm »
you're not being very helpful now... :cry:

the other double is an iMac with wired and wireless Mac-address, but the BDP-1 has only one i believe? It couldn't be the HDD attached to it?


Hi Marius,

You are over my head on this stuff - please email



Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #6 on: 13 Sep 2011, 08:00 pm »
Ok I will. Is that a he or a she? Just trying to be polite in my emails.

Hi Marius,

You are over my head on this stuff - please email



Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #7 on: 13 Sep 2011, 08:27 pm »
now it gets eery:

I unpowered the BDP1 and look what's in my router-settings (after having flushed its memory and rebooted it)

It's still there...!  :scratch: :scratch:

btw James, when the BDP is configured through DHCP, it shouldn't be listed under the devices with a reserved address?



Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #8 on: 13 Sep 2011, 08:36 pm »
Ha! and even more so!

I can stream Airplay again, when the BDP1 is powered-off. Apparently the Lan-connection of the BDP1 interferes with Airplay.....I'll continue this on the Apple Core Circle.

Definitely some strange BDP1 network behaviour.

But we are getting somewhere now. James, could you please take note also? I'll mail crice, as U suggested.


James Tanner

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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #9 on: 13 Sep 2011, 10:21 pm »
Ok I will. Is that a he or a she? Just trying to be polite in my emails.

He :thumb:


James Tanner

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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #10 on: 13 Sep 2011, 10:25 pm »
Ha! and even more so!

I can stream Airplay again, when the BDP1 is powered-off. Apparently the Lan-connection of the BDP1 interferes with Airplay.....I'll continue this on the Apple Core Circle.

Definitely some strange BDP1 network behaviour.

But we are getting somewhere now. James, could you please take note also? I'll mail crice, as U suggested.


Chris tells me we are up against the limitations of MPD so some of the stuff you want the BDP to do is not possible - it is a music playback system first and formost not a network device.



Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #11 on: 14 Sep 2011, 06:19 am »
?? What do you mean James? I did not ask the BDP to do anything extra? I just found out its network-properties interfered with Airplay, and asked what's happening.

To be more specific about that: I had already noticed before that the BDP is polling the network constantly, even when not in use. You can see that when Max is loaded,  it's continuously updating. Maybe that has got something to do with it.

So no misunderstanding. In fact the only thing I asked in this thread is: Is it normal behaviour BDP doing this, and if so, can it be done otherwise, so that it is not interfering with other network-protocol, to be more specific, Airplay network traffic.

Chris tells me we are up against the limitations of MPD so some of the stuff you want the BDP to do is not possible - it is a music playback system first and formost not a network device.



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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #12 on: 14 Sep 2011, 07:39 am »
Seems you have at least one self-inflicted issue here:

1) When the DHCP assigns an IP address it's leased for a duration and won't be re-assigned unless the lease expired or if the client requests to renew the lease (still might be same ip address). So as long as the lease of the IP address isn't expired, expect the reserved IP to be listed in the DHCP client list.  One gotcha with older routers, is that if the DHCP server doesn't log the assigned IP address on a reboot, you need to reboot all of the downstream devices as well. 
2) It also appears that you might be requesting the DHCP server to assign an IP address (via MAC or Hostname) and perhaps configured the BDP/Airplay device to use a static ip address within the DHCP range?  This would be a huge No-No!!!  Perhaps this is conflicting with your airplay device?  Review the settings on all the devices and make sure there's no conflicting settings with static IP assignments.  Keep your auto-assigned DHCP IP addresses separate from devices that are statically configured (i.e. DHCP disabled).


Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #13 on: 14 Sep 2011, 08:25 am »
Yes, you're completely right in the network analysis. Except for one thing: it being self inflicted. I have never enabled address reservation, and only yesterday found out the BDP1 has a reserved address. That was the source of my question and reason to start this thread. How come the BDP-1 does that and is it necessary?

The other question I had was why it was listed twice: once as BDP-1 and once as Bryston-Bdp-1 (see screen dumps). I deleted them both, rebooted the router, verified that the reserved address was not enabled and played over Airplay. No problems whatsoever.

Satisfied that worked again, I switched the BDP1 on again. Although I did not see it listed in the Router, switching it on alone frustrated the Airplay again.
Switching it off again re-enabled Airplay.

So there is definitely something wrong here.

I just wondered if the double listing might be caused by testing another BDP-1 in my place, before I got my own machine. It just might not have been re-assigned yet. Anyway I revoked the double instance, and its gone (at least for now) That did not resolve the Airplay-interference though.

reading the following quote of the DIR855 documentation it does make sense to reserve address for the BDP1? But then would it not be logical that in its own settings the BDP was given the static option, as opposed to the DHCP option that it had in my case?

Add/Edit DHCP Reservation
This option lets you reserve IP addresses, and assign the same IP address to the network device with the specified MAC address any time it requests an IP address. This is almost the same as when a device has a static IP address except that the device must still request an IP address from the D-Link router. The D-Link router will provide the device the same IP address every time. DHCP Reservations are helpful for server computers on the local network that are hosting applications such as Web and FTP. Servers on your network should either use a static IP address or use this option.
end quote

Hope to find out soon...Thanks

Seems you have at least one self-inflicted issue here:

1) When the DHCP assigns an IP address it's leased for a duration and won't be re-assigned unless the lease expired or if the client requests to renew the lease (still might be same ip address). So as long as the lease of the IP address isn't expired, expect the reserved IP to be listed in the DHCP client list.  One gotcha with older routers, is that if the DHCP server doesn't log the assigned IP address on a reboot, you need to reboot all of the downstream devices as well. 
2) It also appears that you might be requesting the DHCP server to assign an IP address (via MAC or Hostname) and perhaps configured the BDP/Airplay device to use a static ip address within the DHCP range?  This would be a huge No-No!!!  Perhaps this is conflicting with your airplay device?  Review the settings on all the devices and make sure there's no conflicting settings with static IP assignments.  Keep your auto-assigned DHCP IP addresses separate from devices that are statically configured (i.e. DHCP disabled).


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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #14 on: 14 Sep 2011, 08:40 am »
Key point.   Do not configure the BDP to use a static IP within the DHCP range. 

Some routers the reserved DHCP range is to Others it is to  This is a configurable option.        For either case the static assignments need to be outside of the DHCP range.   

DHCP addresses can have a very long lease time, something you can configure on most routers. 

Odds are, it is self-inflicted, just need to find out what is wrong.   


Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #15 on: 14 Sep 2011, 08:49 am »
Check. The bdp is configured to use DHCP. It is now and has always been (at least reading the settings in Max).
I now have no static addresses, nor have I any reserved addresses. I had never realized before those are not the same...Everything uses DHCP.

As always, odds might be right..Just where to look for it :scratch:

The search continues.....(gonna write Chris now)

Key point.   Do not configure the BDP to use a static IP within the DHCP range. 

Some routers the reserved DHCP range is to Others it is to  This is a configurable option.        For either case the static assignments need to be outside of the DHCP range.   

DHCP addresses can have a very long lease time, something you can configure on most routers. 

Odds are, it is self-inflicted, just need to find out what is wrong.


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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #16 on: 14 Sep 2011, 09:04 am »
Same with the AirPlay device?   


Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #17 on: 14 Sep 2011, 09:12 am »
you mean DHCP? yep. everything is DHCP.

to make it more complex, only wired Airplay (....) is inflicted. I can play to my Airport Express wirelessly without a problem when the BDP is on. But I want the na7004 to be reached, and it is wired. Supposed to be the save way....

Only thing that clarifies is that I don't have to look for problems in Airplay protocol I believe.

What it boils down to is that the BDP, or its network-behaviour, interferes. Switching it off solves the problem, switching it on creates it again...At least I found a replicable problem, that's a relief...


Same with the AirPlay device?


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Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #18 on: 14 Sep 2011, 09:20 am »
If the na7004 and the BDP are sharing the same ip address then have your router via DHCP reserve separate IP address for both devices.  The device that doesn't honor the new assigned ip address is the issue.  ( unless you have two DHCP servers running)


Re: BDP1 listed with reserved Ip-address?
« Reply #19 on: 14 Sep 2011, 09:58 am »
But they are not sharing the same Ip address....

there's no reservation going on anymore. Apparently there's another conflict.


If the na7004 and the BDP are sharing the same ip address then have your router via DHCP reserve separate IP address for both devices.  The device that doesn't honor the new assigned ip address is the issue.  ( unless you have two DHCP servers running)