Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply

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Back story
This review has been a long time coming. For one, Wayne has been modding squeezeboxes since they started coming out. Time and time again he has invited me over to listen to the various players that have come and gone and each time I decided not to pursue this new fangled way of listening to music. Part of it was sheer self-inflicted ignorance on my part. I didn't want to learn about FLAC or 24/96, or media servers or any of that crap. Not because I'm a luddite, quite to the contrary I am an avid techno-dork. It was more that I was holding on to the ghosts of the past. Namely my Sony XA777ES sacd player and the wonderful music it produced over the years via DSD and redbook. The idea of parting with my relatively minuscule, though not insignificant, collection of Hi Rez was less than pleasant.

Fast forward to this summer. I'm not sure what it was that made me 'go for it' but I saw a SB touch for $200 and just decided to bite the bullet. I bought one, it shipped out, and I promptly stuffed it in my closet for several months.  :duh: I finally got around to mentioning to Wayne that I had it. He was kind enough to offer his Touch for me to use along with a Welborne power supply he happened to have on hand. UGH! Game on I suppose. As anyone who's ever moved their entire CD collection over to a server could probably tell you it was a massive pain in the ass. Tantamount to dental work. Of course after figuring out a system that worked for me using a combination of Flac and Apple Lossless I was ready to go.

Bolder modded Squeezebox Touch digital only with Deluxe Power supply with Bybee music rails and Nitro Umbilical.

The review
Finally I was ready to go. I setup Wayne's SB touch and Welborne PS. It took me about 30 minutes to realize that this combo was not just better than the Sony, it was vastly superior. I mean ridiculously better. Music that I had on SACD sounded worse on the Sony than the very same disc transferred to 16/44.1 sounded on the SB. The Sony is no slouch, as a matter of fact it is a great player. Even stock the Sony is one of the better sources I have heard and owned ever. Yet here I was trying to remember the reasons why I'd put this off for so long... The answer still eludes me.  :duh:

I lived with the Welborne for quite a while as Wayne was busy with other peoples orders and I was out of town most of the summer so I told him to take his sweet time getting it done as I was enjoying the Touch/Welborne combo very much and didn't see any reason to hurry. The Welborne is a great power supply, it's focused, it's wonderfully alive sounding and has great soundstage, though it didn't do a great job of drawing me into the music. A little hifi-ish sounding. A bit heavy handed with detail. The kind of gear that says to you 'do you hear the f#cking detail? You should be pissing your pants with joy!!!'. Not forward sounding, but trying very hard to sound great, if you know what I mean.

The power supply itself seemed to have a bit of a buzz emitting from the transformer, but from the listening position it was a moot point as no sound could be heard. The color of the thing was pretty heinous, an ugly anodized red color with a big distracting blue LED in the center, but hey, looks aren't everything.

Beginning of August Wayne let me know that my Touch and power supply were finished. I told him to hang on to it and break it in, which he happily obliged. Mid August I made the trade with him and got my new toys, broken in and ready to play. I had him do the Digital only upgrade and the power supply has music rails upgrade and Nitro umbilical. I have to say, Wayne's power supply is kinda sexy in an understated way. Just a black semi trapezoidal box. No blazing LEDs or deals stating what it is or does, just a fuse cap, IEC connector and XLR connector for the PS to the SB on the back of the unit.

I got the new SB set up. I was not expecting much, maybe a little difference between the Welborne in that this PS has the Bybee Music rails. What I got instead was absurdly better than what I expected. Waynes power supply made the Welborne unit beg for a merciful and quick death. It was laid back and oh so analog sounding (not a trait I would attribute to the Welborne supply at all, or any digital source I have ever heard before) It has the amazing ability to make mediocre recordings sound great, not just listenable, but actually great. Bjorks Vespertine which has long been an acid test for sibilance and digititis (a word I just made up for music sounding... well, digital and jittery) was no longer an acid test, but a wonderfully emotional experience which is what the album should sound like on any system, but never does.

Feists 'A Reminder' track Brandy Alexander is rich and intimately presented. Again it is so laid back and easy sounding through Bolder PS and touch mods. I love this track and it seems to be one of those that sounds great on any system, but I have never heard it sound like this.

Hi Rez
I have been purchasing a lot of Hi Rez for the SB lately and though 16/44.1 is great, Hi Rez through this setup makes me angry. It makes me wish my entire collection could sound like this. Listening to Peter Gabriel's Us in 24/96 is religious, freaking spiritual. Come Talk to Me gives such a larger than life presentation without sounding like silly international music, which it most definitely can sound like through the Welborne as it lacks the bass punch and fundamental fullness. Marvin Gaye Collection from HD tracks is awesome (get it it you haven't) and through the Bolder Touch I have never heard Marvin like this. Lush full and life like, I forgot to actually analyze while listening and just enjoyed what I was hearing in ways I'd never had before.

It's rare when I have the opportunity to do an upgrade that is in every way superior to my previous equipment. Many of my other reviews I find myself holding back on something, whether it be build quality, some nit about sound quality, or even the way a product looks. With the Bolder modded Squeezebox and power supply with music rails I can find no such nit to pick... None. It is the kind of upgrade that elevates my entire listening experience and breaths life into music that has not impressed me for years. Not to mention the ease of being able to just queue up music at a click, but that's a topic for another time. Wayne has truly outdone himself and more importantly the competition here and I recommend this product without reserve.

SB w/ the rest of my front end.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2011, 05:14 pm by Pez »


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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #1 on: 12 Sep 2011, 01:23 am »
I have the same setup and have to agree!


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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #2 on: 12 Sep 2011, 01:26 am »
Pez--Great review, very well written and fun to read!!!

Wayne threw together a modest mod to a PS he happened to have on hand when I got my touch and couldn't stand the stock supply. If he hadn't stepped in I'd of sent the stock unit back and I found all those annoyances I had at first vanished when I plugged in the freshly tweaked unit he sent to power mine. Pez its a great thing he was around for us both, you would have hated the stock Touch..thin, narrow soundstage I found for me.......he really seems to know his stuff. Enjoyed the read Pez!!! :thumb: +2

Daedalus Audio

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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #3 on: 12 Sep 2011, 02:11 am »
that he does!

Phil A

Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #4 on: 12 Sep 2011, 02:39 am »
Great review.  I have a Welbourne on mine (for now).  I have a Channel Islands power supply although I have not tried it on the Touch (using it on an HDMI audio de-embedder).  I ordered the Jerome and will send it off for mods after I get it (I have another HDMI audio de-embedder in the secondary basement system so I can always use another power supply).


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #5 on: 12 Sep 2011, 04:38 am »
Pez - Which Bolder power supply did you buy?
Are you using a dac?


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #6 on: 12 Sep 2011, 02:08 pm »
Thanks to Pez for the review.

Jason was a long time holdout against storing music on a hard drive. I am glad that he finally caught up to the rest of the world.

I would like to point out that his "reference" transport was one of Sony's best at the time. It retailed for $3,000.00. It was CD and SACD ONLY, no video circuits.

Here is the conclusion of the review from Stereophile "Conclusions:

The XA777ES is a top-class CD player whose price might be justified without regard to its SACD capabilities. Whether that's due to its multiple paralleled DACs, the use of a separate laser head for CDs, its tank-like construction, or any other attribute, is moot. This is the first SACD or DVD-Audio player in my experience to offer no performance concession to any dedicated CD player. You've got to accept the Sony's cool, clear view of the music without any coddling of harsh transients or glare, but when you do, you can also expect it to deliver great musical satisfaction when the source material is up to snuff.

As an SACD player, regardless of the number of channels in use, the SCD-XA777ES is a perceptible advance on the Philips SACD 1000. The Sony's transparency transformed my multichannel experience from one of hopeful investigation into one of thorough musical enjoyment. I wish I'd had the opportunity to compare it with the illustrious SCD-1 or its predecessor, the SCD-777ES, but so strong is my enthusiasm for this moderately priced but more capable model that I can't imagine that such comparisons could dampen my recommendation: The Sony SCD-XA777ES establishes a new standard for SACD reproduction in my experience. No baloney.

I am EXTREMELY pleased when someone with Jason's ears prefers the sound of a modded $300.00 network media player using a VERY good power supply to that of a former state of the art dedicated transport.

I do wonder sometimes when I read comments about people's music servers when they say the server comes close to their dedicated player. What Jason relates is far closer to my comparisons. The modded SB with good power supply sounds BETTER than most dedicated transports. You should also be easily be able to tell the difference between 16/44 and 24/96 source material, as Jason describes.

Jason is using the digital output of the modded Touch into a modded Behringer DCX2496 feeding his tri-amped VMPS RM-40s. His mid and high frequency amps are Simple SE tube amps that he built (with a little help  :wink: ) himself. The woofer amp is a QSC pro amp usually found in commercial movie theaters.

The power supply I built for Jason is what is currently known as the Deluxe Power Supply. It is very similar to the "Standard" power supply I build with the addition of the Bybee Music Rail. They both use Acme Audio cryo-treated IEC inlets, fuse holder and fuse. All internal wiring is my Nitro. Everything is hand built and assembled with point to point wiring. No etched circuit board paths.

The filter caps and reservoir caps are bypassed with film caps. All of this does add up to deliver the sound that Pez describes.

Thanks again for putting into words what you hear when you listen to the music instead of the gear.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2011, 03:15 pm by Wayne1 »


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #7 on: 12 Sep 2011, 05:17 pm »
Regarding the Sony it was rated Stereophile Class A+ and is the only peice of gear that I have ever owned for more than 10 years, so yes... It is a very good player, yet it was not even close to the level of the Bolder modded SB and PS.

I have added pictures. This is a superb combo.


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #8 on: 12 Sep 2011, 05:52 pm »
You mention you had the digital mods only done to the touch. Were you using the digital out with a DAC? If so, what DAC were you using?

Big Red Machine

Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #9 on: 12 Sep 2011, 06:00 pm »
Same power supply here.  No dig mod on the Touch.  So are you using an outboard dac?

I agree with Wayne; server-based shames CDP-based.  Organic and orgasmic!


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #10 on: 12 Sep 2011, 06:51 pm »
The SB is feeding directly into the DCX digital section. The DCX internal dac goes up to 24/96. No dac necessary and in fact having one would probably be detrimental due to having two DA converters in line.


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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #11 on: 12 Sep 2011, 08:07 pm »
Well, and you should point out that your DCX is NOT stock :)
I got to hear the Touch w/modded PS in my system when Jason came by a week ago - he's not kidding, it's THAT good.


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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #12 on: 12 Sep 2011, 09:14 pm »
I have to say that the break-in for the Deluxe PS is wild and wooly!  Wayne of course told me to hang on for the ride....after 300+ hours, it is so worth it.

Pez you done good by letting Wayne break it in for you!!


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #13 on: 13 Sep 2011, 08:54 pm »
Ya, I am very glad I didn't have to go through break in.  :thumb: the worst part of buying any product IMO.

The sony is going up on eBay. I would normally audiogon it, but I think I'll get more mullah with eBay.


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #14 on: 28 Oct 2011, 08:16 pm »
wow.. You should get paid to write reviews like that. Sold. As soon as I go all file based I'll go this route.


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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #15 on: 28 Oct 2011, 08:40 pm »
Thanks for the review Pez, very useful and well written.   :thumb:

I also use a modded Behringer as a DAC (but the DEQ2496 as I have single driver speakers).  Scott Endler did mine and it compared well enough to the stock Eastern Electric DAC that I sold the highly touted EE.  (I know Wayne could have improved on it, but I didn't want to invest that much into a DAC.)

I tried someone else's mods on a SB3 years ago and it (or the software at the time) produced "glitches" every couple of weeks that I could only fix by fumbling/stumbling (I'm a caveman when it comes to computers).  The glitches drove me nuts, so I dumped it and went back to CDPs.  Now my nice transport has apparently died and I'm slumming with an old Oppo (also Stereophile rated), so I'm one step closer to a music server.


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #16 on: 29 Oct 2011, 02:08 am »
Well I won't vouch for any issues you had with the software. I will say that SB server is FAR from perfect. But the convenience of the SB coupled with the fact that I have heard this player destroy some serious contenders (think AMR) forget it. It's just plain superior... We brought the SB to tyson's house and compared it to his Scott Nixon via the blue circle thingy direct from his computer which in his system has been superior to anything else. The SB trounced that as well.


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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #17 on: 29 Oct 2011, 12:24 pm »
A touch with a modded power supply like the one I got from Wayne are pretty incredible little units. I'm in the midst of some system changes (new DAC will arrive soon from Schiit) and lately have really listened to what I have and I am still hearing new things, new textures and weight within the music like I did the first week I put everything into service.

I am sort of afraid to screw around with the sound too much, I really like what I have now. A modded power supply -in my opinion- is the key piece of equipment to really bringing the SB touch alive. The software tweaks helped a lot but nothing like the PS did.  :thumb:


Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #18 on: 12 Nov 2011, 05:26 am »
Eclein do you have the Bybee Rail mod?


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Re: Squeezebox Touch- Bolder Modded Digital + Power supply
« Reply #19 on: 12 Nov 2011, 01:16 pm »
Not yet, its modded per Wayne but the Bybee's haven't been installed yet, thats my next thing I'm saving for even before I decide on what DAC now. I intend on getting the Touch Digital Mod and Bybees for the PS, at that point I think I'll be fully modded until Wayne finds another area to redesign/rebuild/modify/Waynify......

 I will be fully Waynified!!!! :thumb: :thumb: