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Last night I weathered the hurricane by listening to a great 3 hour blues program on my newly refurbbed Harman Kardon F50x tuner through my Stax Sigma headphones driven by an old Harman Kardon integrated amp which I moved into the upstairs bedroom. I FINALLY have a good system for my bed which I've been trying to accomplish for the past year. Life is good but the Sigmas sound like crap with NO highs whatsoever. After around six hours of use they came back to life and the highs returned. Weird. I guess they didn't appreciate being left unused for a decade. I fall asleep a happy camper as the storm raged past.
I don't know but I was sure they were toast so I was really dejected. Right now I'm seeing if I can get them upgraded to 404 drivers and possibly a better cable. I think this is going to lead to them being shipped overseas. If you've never heard a set, they are THE most relaxing headphones ever made. Not the best headphones but there's no listening fatigue and the sound comes from in front of your ears not like headphones but like, well, planar speakers!They're also the goofiest looking things you'll ever own.