Online DVD Rentals

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Online DVD Rentals
« on: 16 Apr 2004, 05:31 pm »
I used Netflix for quite some time to get my DVD rentals. I really enjoyed it when they opened a distribution center in the Denver surburbs. I was able to get titles within 1-2 days. Unfortunately, most of the titles I wanted to watch had very long waits or Netflix just didn't offer.

I have switched to a different vendor for the last couple of months.


They are out of San Francisco and tend to offer more independent films than Netflix.

The biggest attraction for me is that they seem to offer just about everything ever made in Anime. Netflix is seriously lacking in this regard.

If you like Anime, this place is worth checking out. They have a great members forum area with suggestions and reviews of various titles. It has certainly increased my viewing pleasure.


Online DVD Rentals
« Reply #1 on: 17 Apr 2004, 04:58 am »
Have you ever had any problems w/GreenCine?

I had use of a roommates Netflix account last week, and decided I'd try the first few discs of Andromeda as I'd been told a few times that it was a series that was definitely worth watching. So I ordered Season 1 Vol. 1 Disc 1 & Season 1 Vol. 1 Disc 2. Got 'em both and threw in disc 1.

Watched both episodes and found them to be very odd. They didn't explain anything at all. Not what I'd think you'd have for your first two episodes of a TV series.

When I pulled the disc out, it definitely said disc 1. But it looked like it had episodes 11 & 12 on it. :scratch:

Looked online, and finally found out that episodes 11 & 12 were on Season 1 Vol. 3 Disc 1! Have no idea how a disc from Vol. 3 got into a sleeve from Vol. 1. :shake:

Anyway, I didn't bother to watch Vol. 1 Disc 2 as I still wouldn't really know what was going on. Figured I'd just buy the damn Season 1 box set so that I could at least watch them in order starting from the beginning.

I certainly won't bother to use Netflix on my own.

But I honestly don't rent much. I just buy discs. Saves returning them, and I'm not rushed to watch them.

Rob Babcock

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Online DVD Rentals
« Reply #2 on: 17 Apr 2004, 05:12 am »
I definately give Andromeda the thumbs up- well worth buying.

Netflix and the like are probably good deals for some people, but I've never rented so much as a single movie.  I just buy 'em; anything I don't like usually fetches about 2/3 of the retail when I sell them.  That's very close to what a rental costs, and if I was to rent something and like it enough to buy it then I'd essentially be paying for it twice.  

Plus I guess I just dig having a nice collection.


Online DVD Rentals
« Reply #3 on: 17 Apr 2004, 05:30 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
I definately give Andromeda the thumbs up- well worth buying.

That's the whole reason I tried watching it. 'cause you've been telling me for a long, long time I should be watching it. But not knowing a damn thing about it, and then watching episodes 11 & 12 to begin with was a bit frustrating... :evil:

Anyways, the stuff that I rent (on the rare occasion that I rent something) is nothing that would be carried by any online rental outfit. Because the only stuff I ever rent is import DVD's. And that's just if I'm not sure about a particular foriegn film and don't feel like dropping $40+ to import a copy for myself. Because that can get expensive if you don't care for a movie. It usually costs a lot more for a disc from Japan or the UK (did spend $150 for a Japanese movie once after only having seen a few minutes of it, glad I liked it after I bought it...), and you can't just sell them at the local used disc shop as US decks can't play import discs.

Hell, the only way I've actually ever gotten rid of any of the DVD's I've imported was selling them to someone in the country I originally got them from. Not always easy to do... :(


Online DVD Rentals
« Reply #4 on: 17 Apr 2004, 03:09 pm »
The customer service at GreenCine is very good.

I am currently working my way through Noir, a 7 disc anime series. I received an e-mail last week asking me to check to make sure the sleeve labeled disc 4 really contained disc 4. It didn't. It had disc 3. They apologized, sent me out a new disc 4 over night and credited me $5.00.

I personally rarely choose to watch a movie more than once. Renting makes the most sense for me. I do own some Anime series, and it does makes more sense to buy, then to work your way through the 98 episodes of Ruroni Kenshin, say.

Renting through GreenCine does help me decide if I do want to actually buy a series. Like Bubba, I may rent the first disc in a series and if I like it, I'll buy it.