Computer Speakers

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Computer Speakers
« on: 2 Aug 2011, 11:57 am »
Trying to decide on a good set of PC speakers.
As a gamer these look very good for a small investment.I would hope they make a 5.1 soon,I like to know when someone is sneaking up behind me.

Phil A

Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #1 on: 2 Aug 2011, 12:05 pm »
Not a gamer, but on my PCs, main and a couple of back-ups, I've rotated old receivers and regular speakers into the systems.  I have 4.1 on the main computer.  If you're looking for stereo only, you could even buy a new Sherwood 105WPC receiver for $80 (I have a few year old model on a back-up PC I got new for that price). Plenty of used stuff too.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #2 on: 2 Aug 2011, 12:55 pm »
Thanks Phil.......I just may look into that option.

With my love for sound as well all do here....The Gaming industry really has a lot of innovation with how they approach sound in gaming.
Between the voice acting and music to the bullets flying by your head to spatial cues it really does help create a very involving atmosphere.
The gaming industry at times has even surpassed the movie industry.

Some footage for yall'.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #3 on: 2 Aug 2011, 01:08 pm »
Some footage of what may be the greatest...(I believe so)concept for a PC game since the beginning.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #4 on: 2 Aug 2011, 01:14 pm »
You should look into these. I have them at my computer, and they are stunningly good for a cheapie satellite system. Powerful, great tone, and rocking bass. For real.


Phil A

Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #6 on: 2 Aug 2011, 02:52 pm »
On my older computer upstairs, I have the Sherwood receiver just for stereo.  On my main back-up PC in the basement, I wired for in ceiling surrounds and have an old Sony 444ES that was in the bedroom system at one point and is probably more than 10 years old.  I'm running 4.0 on that.  I run 4.1 on the main computer.  I have a Pioneer 1120 that did not work out in my secondary basement HT as the room is huge and I decided to do 8.1 too.  The Pioneer does internet radio (not that I really need it now with the computer right there) and I listen to it most often for that.  I have an old RCA 50WPC powered sub (which sits behind a printer stand) and old Radio Shack white metal speakers as surrounds.  I also have a cheapo Sony Blu-Ray player and a 25.5 inch monitor/TV and it looks and sounds really good on movies (pic of the office system below) and the Sony also passes DSD to the Pioneer receiver and sounds good on SACD.  I had powered PC speakers that were decent with a matching powered sub but I gave it away as it did not have the sound of what I have now.  For a bit on the main computer, I had the stereo receiver and then the Sony 444ES when I upgraded the bedroom system receiver.  When you're used to Bryston and other great audit stuff it is hard to listen to some stuff.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #7 on: 2 Aug 2011, 02:57 pm »
When you're used to Bryston and other great audit stuff it is hard to listen to some stuff.
Couldn't agree more Phil.
I have come to realize Bryston tells the truth,It's up to us if we can handle it or not.Some need their
sound trumped up a little and that's fine.I wouldn't want us all the same or else no one would stand out.

This is from an independent developer.Fantastic and it's not even finished yet.

Phil A

Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #8 on: 2 Aug 2011, 04:49 pm »
Maybe what we need is Bryston to make a B60C (C for computer) or a B30C.  Perhaps based on a digital amp (to keep the cost and weight down a bit) with a DAC built in (USB in too) and a subwoofer out.  The current office system I have really does sound good (Mobile Fidelity OML-1 speakers which I traded for on Audio Circle) and the Pioneer 1120 which has a digital amp.  The basement system where I had the Pioneer orginally is a huge room (around 650 square feet or a hair more) and I had an older Marantz receiver before that and the Pioneer just didn't sound good (I also have a DAC in the basement system - had an old Micromega and now have the Emotiva - don't listen to music much down there but when you go from a BDA-1 in the main system I needed something decent) with the old B&W P6s I have as mains.  I was really happy to hear it sound good in the office system.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #9 on: 2 Aug 2011, 05:04 pm »
Well, since my computer setup also somewhat doubles for a DAW/Bedroom Studio set-up I'm a little more hardcore.
I started with a some powered AR speakers from my cousin, but eventually went to a pair of Dyaudioacoustics BM15s, their Midfield monitors with 10" woofers. They're 4Ω speakers so not until I got a 4B-ST-Pro did they finally sound good (I was using two channels of my 9B-ST-THX).
But...I then got a pair of DB1Ss off Audiogon and have now gone all PMC (DAW and Home Theater). Transmission line was a revelation, now I understand 'port chuffing' even when using the foam port plugs on the BM15s.
Later I switched to a 2B-LP since the 4B-ST-Pro was way overkill for the DB1Ss. And I think I tried out some Blueroom Minipods along the way. With the DB1Ss I can wall mount them which helps clear desk space.
I recently got a pair of TB1S-AIIs that are amazing. But, since I use a BP-25 as a preamp its output is now too hot (5V) and I have to put the gains on the TB1S-AIIs to the minimum and I barely get the volume pot, on the BP-25 above 8 o'clock.

My new quest is for a DAC/pre like the Benchmark DAC-1 PRE or the Grace m903. The DACmini is intriguing, but, it only has single-ended outputs.

But, back to the thread, for simple you might try Dynaudio's Desktop systems. I think I saw a review of the small powered speakers BM15 (TAS or Stereophile), based off the BM5 pro monitors. I would think that studio monitors would be a way to go as there usually 'voiced' for close-in listening--especially if the monitors have digital/USB inputs. Maybe just a pair of classic LS3/5s? For work I have a pair of the aforementioned Minipods and us a NuForce Icon USB-DAC integrated to power them to reasonable volumes (thinking of upgrading to the Icon2) and now that iTunes lets you play music off any connected device I don't even need analog from my iPhone dock to the Icon and can just go digital to the Icon's DAC.




Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #12 on: 5 Aug 2011, 11:32 am »
Not sure who sings this......Great footage though.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #13 on: 8 Aug 2011, 06:41 pm »


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 133
Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #14 on: 9 Aug 2011, 12:02 am »
Better than the movies.......Because your in it.
This stuff is way too violent for me!!! I guess this is why the U.S. military recruits gamers to sit in a room somewhere in the U.S. & operate drones with bombs over Iraq & not feel any remorse because they think it's just another video game!!!! :nono:


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #15 on: 9 Aug 2011, 03:24 am »
This stuff is way too violent for me!!! I guess this is why the U.S. military recruits gamers to sit in a room somewhere in the U.S. & operate drones with bombs over Iraq & not feel any remorse because they think it's just another video game!!!! :nono:

Yes But I off set it with carpenters music. :green: And a banana split. :P :wink:


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #16 on: 10 Aug 2011, 03:02 pm »
Inside peek video.13 days and counting.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #17 on: 10 Aug 2011, 03:14 pm »
Sound and Music (Official Trailer)
This is one job I could and would be very pleased to do.


Re: Computer Speakers
« Reply #18 on: 11 Aug 2011, 10:37 am »
The beauty of the environments.It takes a great deal artistic ideas to make  a city so interesting to explore.
