Lampizator Level 3 Dac

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Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« on: 27 Jul 2011, 05:10 pm »
For about 10 days I have been listening to a Lampizator Level 3 Dac provided courtesy of Rocket Ronny, who is as I understand it considering distributing these dacs in Canada and beyond. 

The dac is a used unit - was owned previously by someone who was so impressed they have upgraded to the new level 4.  There is certainly some mystery / black arts around these dacs (reading Bernard Cornwell's Winter King this summer so Merlin on the brain) - made in Poland by Lukasz Fikus, no real information about what Dac chip gets used, a history of legendary modding of very ordinary dacs in the past (I have read about mods performed on a dacmagic in the past), and the dac being a simple looking one foot by one foot black box.  It appears the lampizator is a constant work in progress with rumours of additional levels in progress.  And yes these dacs are not cheap - I think in 4K range.

Disappointing for me was that this dac was not a usb dac and I have no usb / spdif connector (I have an order in for a John Kenny hiface) but was not able to use with my Macbook Pro and Pure Music as a source.  If I owned a Lampizator this is how I would want to use it.  Instead I used a lowly Oppo 980 as a transport.

Hooked the dac up to my office system for the first week.  Other components were Menuetto integrated amp and Audio Note HE speakers.  My usual digital source is a dacmagic with Macbook and Pure Music.  Right out of the box there was no comparison between the two sources - have a new BettySoo cd that I picked up a summer folkfest and it wasn't even worth comparing dacmagic / computer sources to Lampizator and Oppo sound.  BettySoo accompanied by Doug Cox was clean, clean, right in the rooms, 3d instruments and voice, my couch the front row seat I didn't have for her when she played at Island Musicfest.  So I just ditched my dacmagic and enjoyed the lampizator source for a week or so in my office system.....

I have been thinking a bit about 4+K digital sources.  This is a lot of money to spend on any audio gear.  My other system is built around an EMM Labs Cdsa SE sacd / cd player.  This is a wonderful unit but it lost an amazing amount of value in the year I have owned it.  With weekly announcements and reviews of new $500 to 5K dacs I have been wondering whether I would spend $4k on a new dac no matter how good it is.

I moved the Lampizator / Oppo combo to my living room system on Sunday.  Expected the Emm Labs to rule the day if for no other reason than the lowly Oppo transport.  My living room system is meant to have the Audio Note speakers but loving them in my Office setup so this system is Ellis Audio 1801 speakers with Mactone 300b amp (this is rare push pull 300b so more power - enough to easily drive the inefficient Ellis' and all fed by a Lamm preamp). 

The surprise for me is I think the Lampizator and Oppo is better than the EMM Labs.  Its in the same theatre and maybe a bit of different flavours but polish dac combo is more of a front row sound, a tad more dynamic, and still that clean clean sound that never goes near sibilance.  Bass (Patricia Barber Comapanion for example) is full and detailed - never any boom.  Guitar is gutsy (pulled out an old Jack White - White Stripes Elephant), and Cowboy Junkies Trinity Sessions just floats around the room.  It takes some serious a/bing to notice the differences ... not so much that I am going to flip my cdsa but if I could get this dac working with my macbook, pure music and the Audio Notes think this would be a setup that would have you smiling and tapping your foot for a long time.

The Lampizator goes to Penticton and Windchaser next - will likely ship out this weekend after a few more days of enjoyment.  Will be interesting to hear John's take on the black box with his Druids and 300b set.  Again might be the answer to that ever evolving question - what is the beest dac you ever heard.  Wish I could compare to some of the other state of art dacs or even the new $1K contenders (very curious about the Metrum Octave which would be a more likely office system dac). 

Thanks to Rocket Ronny Vaillant for sharing this amazing dac - the listening is very special with this one!


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jul 2011, 07:10 pm »

I was doing my daily check in on AudioCircle and see a review for a Lampizator Dac level 3.  8)

I think, wow, I have to read this, I wonder what they think of it. So it's Dave doing a review. What a surprise.  Thanks for sharing. :o  One thing you might want to do is try the dac on your highend player as a transport. Just to see.

The Lampizator is a tubed, hand built, point to point, exotic, high end Dac from Poland of all places. It is gaining a bit of a cult following already as it compares to top level dacs.

Pricing is $3500.00 U.S. for the level 3 version and $6000.00 for the level 4. Usb is an $500.00 option. While not cheap, they compare favorably to much more expensive units.

The difference between level 3 and 4 is the chip and caps used, for about a 10% difference sonically. Main difference is level 4 has blacker background, and is a bit more 3d. One can tell the difference A/B ing on the first comparison.

40% of Lampizator customers buy the level 3 and 60% buy the level 4. Jaded audiophiles who simply want the best just go for the Level 4 and call it a day.

Yes, I am a Lampizator dealer. Margins are very low so the price is the price. I brought Lampizator in for the love of audio more than any margins. It also looked to me to be a best bang for the buck in the ultra high end. Ultra for me at least.


« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2011, 02:20 pm by Rocket_Ronny »


Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jul 2011, 03:25 pm »
thanks for filling in the blanks Ronny. 

Sadly my cdsa uses an aes/ebu connector for digital out and alas no cable on hand to use the cdsa as transport only.  This cdsa has the upgraded transport so sure it would be an upgrade over the oppo as transport.

I have put the dac back in my office system for my last few days of listening - have Jackson Brown solo acoustic volume 2 spinning this morning.  Again so quiet - know what the clear glass analogy sounds like now - plus lots of detail - never used to be much of a Jackson Browne fan til these two solo acoustic cds.  Definately not "tubey" sounding. 

Will be tough to go back to the dacmagic when I send this one east.  As usual wondering how close I can get for how much... or maybe need to find room for the cdsa in my office and compromise the other system.



Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jul 2011, 03:46 pm »
This all seems very ad-like to me.


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jul 2011, 04:33 pm »
"Pricing is $3500.00 U.S. for the level 3 version and $6000.00 for the level 4. Usb is an $500.00 option"

What percentage of audiophiles are willing to spend $2500 for a 10% improvement on any piece of audio gear? apparently 60% of those who buy the Lampizator. But these are not people who have 2 kids, a mortgage and car payments.

What about those of us who live in the real world who want a first rate audio system? In my experience, technology improvements are resulting in something like a 25-50% improvement in DACs every year. Lower priced DACs are displacing the previous year's giant killers, that's how fast the technology is evolving. It's hard to justify spending much more that $1000 on a DAC unless you've got money to burn.

I''ll be next year a $3,000 DAC will be available that sounds every bit as good as the $6,000 Lampizator Level 4. And a $500 -$1000 DAC will get you 90% of that. As has been said here before, you spend a lot of money to get that last 10% audio refinement. 


Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #5 on: 28 Jul 2011, 05:01 pm »
"Pricing is $3500.00 U.S. for the level 3 version and $6000.00 for the level 4. Usb is an $500.00 option"

What percentage of audiophiles are willing to spend $2500 for a 10% improvement on any piece of audio gear? apparently 60% of those who buy the Lampizator. But these are not people who have 2 kids, a mortgage and car payments.

What about those of us who live in the real world who want a first rate audio system? In my experience, technology improvements are resulting in something like a 25-50% improvement in DACs every year. Lower priced DACs are displacing the previous year's giant killers, that's how fast the technology is evolving. It's hard to justify spending much more that $1000 on a DAC unless you've got money to burn.

I''ll be next year a $3,000 DAC will be available that sounds every bit as good as the $6,000 Lampizator Level 4. And a $500 -$1000 DAC will get you 90% of that. As has been said here before, you spend a lot of money to get that last 10% audio refinement.

Amen Bro! And hopefully I will find the seller of next year awesome 3k dac who only wants $1500 for it b/c another new 3k dac just came out :lol:


Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #6 on: 28 Jul 2011, 05:51 pm »
DavidS, thanks for your review!


Please (re)read the Critic's Circle Guidelines for details on the intent of these circles.

Ronny, as I just stated in another Critic's Circle thread, industry professionals are welcome to post here and I appreciate your input, but professionals should limit their responses to the answering of direct questions or providing objective information only.  Subjective comparisons to other products by someone that has a vested interest in selling the product tends to become problematic, even if expressed with the best of intentions.

Thank you!

Jon L

Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #7 on: 28 Jul 2011, 07:01 pm »
How about some photos of outside and (hopefully) inside?? 


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jul 2011, 07:19 pm »

This all seems very ad-like to me.

Interesting. The truth of the matter is it's not. I have never met David. He sold Windchaser some Zu Druids and cables. So I had heard of him from that. Although never met him.

Then he contacted me regarding a Dayens Minuetto and bought it. He seems very happy with it and posted a sort of review on it in the Dayens Minuetto review section. This was unsolicited and a surprise to me.

Since he purchased the Dayens I thought he would appreciate hearing the Lampizator Dac. He told me he was not really in the market for such a dac but would still like to hear it. Once he had it, he sent me an email stating it was sounding mighty fine, but those were just first impressions.

Some time passed, I have been busy, and I was thinking I should contact David to see how things are working out. Then I go on AudioCircle and see someone is doing a review of the Lampizator Dac. Wow, great. I had to see what they thought of it and I see it was David sharing this thoughts. I was taken back as I was not expecting it. It's not like I'll send you this dac to play with if you'll do a great review, etc. Completely the opposite. All I was expecting was his personal comments to me about the dac, not a review online. Like I said, I was surprised to see this review.

What I shared is what I know about the dac. It is exactly what I would have shared if I did not sell it, so that people could get a heads up on it.

I know it's a costly piece and it's not for everyone. Just like Porches are not every man's commuter, due to price. But for those with the means and interest, it's a valid option.

Hope that clears things up.

Rocket_on the straight and narrow_Ronny


Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jul 2011, 08:50 pm »
A couple of photos of the lampizator playing in my office system.  This is not my dac so not going to open it up and take photos for you...will leave this to Ronny or even Mr. Fikus who seems to have some secrecy about his dacs.  I'm just enjoying the music.


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jul 2011, 10:58 pm »

In my experience, technology improvements are resulting in something like a 25-50% improvement in DACs every year.

That's interesting observation.

I own two Metric Halo recording interfaces, the 2882 and ULN2. These are considered to be top level interfaces in pro audio circles. It was the ULN2 that went up against the Lampizator in the StereoMojo shootout.

The thing with Metric Halo is that a 10 year old unit, such as my 2882 will perform better than when new, in that they offer upgrades in both software and hardware. 10 year old Digidesign gear gets kicked to the curb by it's users while Metric Halo users enjoy a better unit than when they started.

Reason I say all this is that I contacted Metric Halo a few years ago and asked them about upgrading the converter chips. They said that the technology, or more importantly the sound, has not changed all that much since I owned it. So a 25%-50% change in sound per year seems like a lot to me.

Metric Halo has come out with new units, the ULN-8, and LIO-8, which are said to have state of the art converters inside. Some have compared them with the best in the industry to favorable results. End users who compared the new units to the older 2882 and ULN-2 said it is an improvement in clarity and musicality. But this development took quit a long time, years and years. Not 25% per year. Perhaps the pace is picking up now with today's chips. That's possible. Just saying.

How about some photos

I don't have any photos of the inside. I certainly don't mind showing them when I get them.



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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #11 on: 29 Jul 2011, 01:17 am »
Well I thought I would jump in.  My Lampizator Level 3.5 ships next Monday.  it has the 32 bit USB as well as being fully balanced, it also has AES, Tos link and RCA.  Mine has the 10 db of gain in the output stage that is remote controlled!   :o YEAH BABY, I can,t wait!

This should be the last piece to complete my system.  I will have my SATV via Tos link (only choice) and Music Vault via AES running to the Lampizator.  The Lampizator running balanced to the Spectron Monos with V caps and Bybees running to the CLS 9 speakers.  Everything connected with Anti cables.  Knocking on Heavens door baby. :thumb:


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #12 on: 29 Jul 2011, 01:48 am »


« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2011, 02:18 pm by Rocket_Ronny »


Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #13 on: 29 Jul 2011, 02:31 am »
Interesting. The truth of the matter is it's not.

The facilitator specifically stated the expectations here and you apparently didn't listen... This area is for independent user reviews; it is not a place for you to promote your product and/or influence the reviews, run a tour, etx. Please use the designated commercial areas of the site for these activities.....

Also, your avatar doesn't meet the guidelines in the Industry Participants policy. Please correct that... thanks ;)


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #14 on: 29 Jul 2011, 02:17 pm »

Hey John:

I have been on audio forums for almost 15 years now. All that time as a regular audio guy participating. Having recently gone over to the Dark side and now offering audio sales is quite a transition. To not post as my instinct tells me, from far too many years of doing this stuff, is quite a change. Have to say it's hard and I feel a bit orphaned. I will try my best to be a good boy.  :wink:



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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #15 on: 29 Jul 2011, 03:02 pm »
Hey guys, I will copy and paste my post and start a new thread in the Hi-Res circle.  I would love to hear from more LampizatOr owners.
« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2011, 04:38 pm by playntheblues »


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #16 on: 29 Jul 2011, 03:10 pm »
Well the HiReZ circle doesn't seem appropriate and I can't find a circle where we can talk about this DAC.  Any suggestions?
« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2011, 04:38 pm by playntheblues »


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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #17 on: 29 Jul 2011, 04:02 pm »

The only issue are my comments about the product. I am neutered with respect comments in this section. Anyone else, end users, etc. can share all they want. I would like to hear as well.



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Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #18 on: 29 Jul 2011, 06:41 pm »
Why don't you open a thread in the industry circle?


Re: Lampizator Level 3 Dac
« Reply #19 on: 29 Jul 2011, 08:16 pm »
Guys, you're completely free to talk about the DAC.  All we ask is that audio industry members avoid subjective commentary that compares the product they sell, manufacture or otherwise have a financial interest in against competing products.

Everyone else is free to contribute in any way they like, and we'd very much like to see your comments.  All we ask is that you keep it on topic and respectful.
