Schiit, it's the (now defunct) Bifrost DAC tour

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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #80 on: 22 Nov 2011, 01:25 pm »
Looks like the Bifrost DAC will be the Schiitless Wonder for me.
Was and still am looking forward to this tour should it materialize.
Schiitless cause no sample and wonder what it sounds like.



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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #81 on: 23 Nov 2011, 02:36 am »
Tell me about it.  I had high hopes for the tour, but like all have been disappointed with the fulfillment from Schiit.  I thought about buying a unit or two and send one around, but Jason was so cooperative it seemed a loaner was the way to go.  Beggars can't be choosers, however I was thinking the begging was going to have faster results. 

I still see no reason to cancel the tour out of hand, its not like we spent anything but my time, and purchasing doesn't seem to speed things anyway.  Jason has been very prompt and responsive with all communications, so I can't blame them for unforeseen circumstances and demand.  Since the downside to waiting is zero, I think that's what I'll do, but completely understand those who want to opt out at any time.  It's all good.


Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #82 on: 23 Nov 2011, 03:21 am »
I'm still good. In fact, I don't mind this delay. It'll be at least 10 days before I get by amp back. It's in Frank's hands getting upgraded to a 600R. :green:

If for some reason we get our hands on one soon, I'll switch places with Phil.


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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #83 on: 27 Nov 2011, 12:36 am »
I should have read more than the first post.  I have been interested in the Bifrost and when I saw this thread I quit lurking and signed up.  Oh well.  If some ever become available I'd like to audition one to see if it's better than my current one.



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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #84 on: 27 Nov 2011, 08:04 pm »
No worries Chad we'll put you on the third tier bench and if something opens up sooner you'll move up.  And welcome aboard, there's more than just the Bifrost around here.


Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #85 on: 27 Nov 2011, 09:48 pm »

 Does "upgradeable" include battery power?


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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #86 on: 28 Nov 2011, 06:36 am »
No worries Chad we'll put you on the third tier bench and if something opens up sooner you'll move up.  And welcome aboard, there's more than just the Bifrost around here.

Thanks.  I mostly was lurking at the Apple Core but am making my way around.



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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #87 on: 14 Jan 2012, 12:31 am »
In anticipation of the tour going around, just want to note that I will be out of the country from Dec. 15 through Dec. 29.  So, should the order be rearranged, I can go before or after my absence period.  Thanks for your consideration, gang.  Anyhow, let's gauge it when the tour does start. :thumb:

Guess it didn't matter now that I'm back on U.S. soil.  We're still Schitless! :lol:  I'll hold my position!?  Is it reeeeeally that the Bitfrost is that hot they end up ignoring us (jokingly, mind you, please don't over-react please!).  I remember the time I ordered an Audio Note DAC kit, paid a down payment, and the guy didn't come through for me because suddenly he had more commercial orders he could (?) handle....  So, the little guy didn't weigh!  No harm done either, sort of, I got my refund.


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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #88 on: 24 Jan 2012, 04:34 pm »
Update #47:

From Jason at Schiit in reply to my latest email:

We've already sold out the second run and are in backorder again. Sorry I wasn't able to get one out for you out of the last run--hell, we only got two out to reviewers so far!

I will certainly get one out for you out of the third run, which begins hitting mid-February, and should alleviate the backorder problem for the foreseeable future.

All the best,
Jason Stoddard

Therefore we're still keeping the tour open for those who still wish to participate.  I'm not going to make any changes now, but if we actually do get a unit someday, we'll confirm before shipping and open up a round of voluntary drop-outs.  So please don't send any PM's or emails until then.

On a second note, I was considering buying a couple of these and sending one around on a tour.  But I have a DAC I like now and with the mixed reviews on the Bifrost, I'm holding off purchase for the time being.  Note that when I say mixed, I haven't seen any bad opinions, but definitely some lukewarm ones.  The consensus seems to be smooth and detailed, nothing to write home about, which is pretty decent for a $350-450 DAC, but I want a giant killer.  However, it's still the only inexpensive standalone that meets my other needs and is doing asynchronous USB 24/192, which I think will be important for future DACs.   


Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #89 on: 24 Jan 2012, 11:49 pm »
I'm still in. I have my hopes up in part because of the modular, upgradable nature of this DAC. I hope that if it's received well there'll someday be an Ethernet input upgrade for it.


Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #90 on: 9 Feb 2012, 11:28 pm »
I seriously considered this DAC and sent Jason an email to see if any iterations of it would have a volume control, like the CEntrance DAC. He said no. Ultimately, I ended up with a Grant Fidelity TubeDAC (it has volume control) and am happy with it so far, but would love to eventually take this Schiit out for a spin. Would gladly give my impressions of it against the GF Tube DAC. I know I'm a newbie and all, but could you put me on the list for a listen? If so, I will send you a PM with my details. Thanks.



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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #91 on: 10 Feb 2012, 02:51 am »
Hi Mick, and welcome aboard.  We have a third flight of participants sitting there with three or four folks, but honestly, it's so far in the future that it will prolly need redone by then anyway, so I'd hold off for a bit and we'll post something when that section gets closer to fruition.  You'll keep your order from you posting date here.

I'm just behind you on picking a new DAC, maybe.  Looking at TubeMagic D1 DAC, TubeMagic D2 DAC, Grant Fidelity TubeDac 11, Yulong Sabre 18, etc.  If the Bifrost has the performance I'm looking for, it's in the front running.  You can add a Warpspeed for the volume control.  But I may like getting a little tubey with the Grant or Maverick, which then have passive volume pots built in.  So I'd love to stick you in first just for my own benefit, but I have to act in the best interests of all the folks in front of you.  You can however dispose of them in some nefarious manner and I ain't seen nottin'. 


Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #92 on: 17 Feb 2012, 06:37 pm »
Hah! No plans for nefarious action on my part. At least, nothing intentional.  :icon_twisted: Yeah, that's the ticket. Seriously, though, I can wait. In the meantime will enjoy some tube rolling on the GF TubeDAC (never thought I'd be a tube guy except with my little 5 watt Marshall gee-tar amp).




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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #93 on: 9 Apr 2012, 01:46 pm »
What ever happened to this Schiit?
Never materialized?
I want to hear one.

Now Schiit is coming out with a newer one in May.


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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #94 on: 9 Apr 2012, 02:17 pm »
Good question tomy.  Actually I go so sick of emailing Jason and getting yet another excuse as to why we didn't get a unit shipped to us that I just quit doing it.  They seem like nice guys and to be fair Jason has never ignored a single email, but I can't forget that we just got dissed.  As such any Schitt product has dropped way down on my list of preferred products.  However I'll try one more time and see if we get any positive results. 

Now Schiit is coming out with a newer one in May.

Ha!  Expect delivery sometime in 2013.  Notice, to their credit, they're not taking any pre-orders.

The new DAC is the GUNGNIR (caps are Schitt's) $749/$849 with USB, so it's out of C&C price ranges.  Balanced output, two DAC's, 32 bit, and a reclocking scheme to reduce jitter.


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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #95 on: 9 Apr 2012, 02:49 pm »

Ha!  Expect delivery sometime in 2013.  Notice, to their credit, they're not taking any pre-orders.........................

All I can think of - Are they REEEEALLY selling that hot?  Can't keep up.  How long has the Schitt been around, they still haven't worked out a reasonable production routine? Hmmmmmm. May be they really take their time, 1 part at a time, hand-assembly......  Good news!?


Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #96 on: 9 Apr 2012, 03:03 pm »
Well, in Schiit's defense, like any company, they need to serve paying customers first or get their loaners out to people who have the largest audience.

And with a great 15-day return policy, it isn't like any of us won't have a chance to try before we make a final decision.

Yes, too bad that the tour didn't work out (or hasn't worked out yet). But let's still give this innovative American company that is providing solid products at excellent price points a chance.

S Clark

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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #97 on: 9 Apr 2012, 03:22 pm »
Well, in Schiit's defense....
Nope.  Too many unkept promises for me to be interested in their products.  In addition, they appear to be just another dac.


Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #98 on: 9 Apr 2012, 03:45 pm »
Fair enough. I am fine with giving a new and small company the benefit of the doubt, particularly one offering up some pretty innovative stuff in their pipeline (new DAC and amp just announced and then the promised "Statement" offerings). That is for each of us to choose.

And expecting a small audio company to be able to release their new offerings when they originally estimate they will ship seems to me like a bit of a fools errand. Yeah it sucks to wait, but, having followed a number of new companies and seeing multiple delays, I just start assuming that there will be a delay and wait patiently for the product to actually get here (hopefully with all the bugs worked out; I'd rather have a bombproof product than a buggy one rushed to market to meet an announced release date).

But again, to each their own and there are certainly many great options at most any price point these days.


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Re: Schiit, it's the Bifrost DAC tour sign up sheet
« Reply #99 on: 9 Apr 2012, 03:49 pm »
I'm very interested in the new Gungnir DAC. I've always liked most DACs using AKM chips (even the cheapie AudioEngine DAC), but no one's really done a higher end design with these chips (one chip per channel & balanced, etc.). The Gungnir seems unique in this respect. Plus the LED that lights up when jitter is too high seems like a nice feature for evaluating whether one's computer audio rig is any good.